23 of 1958 - Annexation, Extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, annexing property known as Mellen Subdivision a ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utahl.? - t!�U , 195 VOTING AYe NaY I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge ) Christensen y / �� _ Geurts . . . te` Romney . . . _ r' - AN O DINANCE Mr.Chairman . Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on the 17th day of December, 1957, there was filed with nthe City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 636 of 1957, by John O M. Massey et al., being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract herein described, requesting that said tract of -land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an 1,3 accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor ,4;and approved by the City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder. WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, " c and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of said city; and o " � •� WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after ,'" examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and con- oc• o�sidering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all , c members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake a aai oCity and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said 1-1 to.oterritory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accord- a• ingly. • o NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Nw • o Salt Lake City, Utah: ▪ o SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same a are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described :rJ N tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Lot 12, Block 5, Five Acre Plat "B", Big Field Survey, and running thence North 89° 44' 35" East along South line of 13th South Street 798.28 feet; thence North 89° 48' 42" East along South line of 13th South Street 784.52 feet to the Northeast Corner of Lot 11, Block 6, Five Acre Plat "B", Big Field Survey and running thence South 0° 04' 42" West 2871.00 feet to the 2c, -2- Southeast Corner of Lot 2 of said Block 6; thence South 890 48' 48" West along North line of 17th South Street 762.62 feet to the Southwest Corner of said Lot 2; thence North 0° 10' 28" East along East line of 6th West Street 1656.01 feet; thence South 89° 44' 35" West 66.00 feet to the East line of Lot 16 Block 5, Five Acre Plat "B", Big Field Survey; thence North 00 10' 28" East 927.95 feet to the Southeast Corner of Lot 12 of aforesaid Block 5; thence South 89° 44' 35" West 759.00 feet; thence North 0° 10' 28" East 287.1 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 57.11 Acres. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that that portion of the above described real property, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of 6th West and 13th South, thence east 751.52 feet, more or less, along the south line of 13th South to the present Salt Lake City limit line; thence south 2871 feet, more or less, to the north line of 17th South; thence west 762.62 feet, more or less, along the north line of 17th South to the east line of 6th West; thence north 2871 feet, more or less, along the east line of 6th West to the point of beginning, being all of Lots 2-1l inclusive, Block 6, Five Acre Plat "B", Big Field Survey; be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial "M-I" District. And that that portion of the first above described real property, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of 7th West and 13th South, thence east 726 feet, more or less, along the south line of 13th South to the west line of 6th West; thencensouthc 287.1 feet; thence west 726 feet, more or less, to the east line of 7th West; thence north 287.1 feet to the point of beginning, being all of Lot 12, Block 5, Five Acre Plat "B", Big Field Survey; be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Residential "R-4" District. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tracts of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and the portions thereof as above described, zoned as Industrial "M-1" District and Residential "R-4" District, respectively, as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent the tg,/said;lihdt/CkXk/CJ >y/ tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder -3- of Salt Lake City shall file and he is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat aobve mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9th day of April , 1958. emporary h irman C ty ( S E A L ) (-/ BILL NO. 23 0 1958 Published April 11th, 1958 STATE OF UTAH, .ss. City and County of Salt Lake, Bessie N. Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 9th, 1958 max as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of 16th April, 1958 said City, this day offx (SEAL) (7 y Z BILL NO. 23 of=19,58. '. Deput UCity Recorder ISiikk1Th ed: �`RPril llthalcasat 1938 .f'(, '//O / syt 1587124 Recorded APR 1(i_�. --at ' m' J. Request of 1l,rill_]_n CS I Ci Fee Paid. `i,.';el Taggart Chase, i%,',1�' Recorder, Sal La1 y, Utah r 8 92. _ � eputy CCU1497 r 213 Ref. = 6. yo C 3 a- /4-%3"m t^a a-„ad& tz 7 Commencing of 6th West athelath South AN ORDINANCE thence east 751.52 feet, m AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING less, long the south line more 13th THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE South to the present oalt Lake C1'1'Y. Ctt limit ime:thence ulh2671 Re WHEREAS the 17th dad f fee2v,more or less,[.the north tin December.L1957. there wasfiled f 17th South thence [762.62 - a4i de 'i, Recorder f Salt feet, less,along the th Luxe e`tiy YenUos No. 3ab'o[laa,, 17 f 17th Southt e east tine aY aohni fvf.Mas ey et 1., be a8 f 6th West; thencet 2871 or'ty of the of less, ong the t prop erty situated in theetract here. lineof more West so tohe point f b tlmoues..that said beginning.being 11 a Lots 2-t1 tract of land be ten within e ]u tve,Block 8,FIv Acre Plat limits of Salt tLake City,and also be,'a dgth eta Suhe ybYzoned Bed an c to map r la to Industrials"MS"District.aAnd Relent s ane eel115 nd to by Vac' that that portion n of n the first above hee<:Ity surveyor ngineer to beftiled w h described real Property.described the City Recorder Commencing follows: rrn g at tde touth, WHE contiguous the sold tract of ce of 7l fe and elf South. land a tics is soo Salt Lae then ast 726 feet. less, sony.w dtt h noam re a. to the so tit line f lath or and should not ge annexed to the wet line of Bth W t: to and made a part 1 Sato duY: who song 287.a feet: thence 1 an t 726 feet, r o less.to the / WHEREAS, the Board f Cont. t line f 7th W t;or north rnlsoiilncrs off Salt Lake City,after 287.1 feet to the point of ehi- o vn slog 'id uetit;on of said Ing.Doing 11 feLot 12,rl k e- Y said tract of hand via Felve Ac a Ylat°B,"Blg Fie ock 5' considering the of'cumstances v; r J therreof,voted by o a ba.Randdlhilbl Lnft-IrrSbA.ctzoned 9 members f said eoare land i annexing said tract if AND HE IT FURTHER hen land to Salt Lake laity and directed DASHED and declared that when that ate Ordinance should be pas-ed this ordinance takes effect the said n ing saki territory atd the tracts of land above described scar- xterLac l the ci y mRr of thenceforth be within the ear: • 3a1t Lake City a cordingly. aerate limits of Sa Lake City and e tions thereof as above de- NOW. THEREFORE, beit r- scribed.zoned Industrial 50l M-1" damned la [he Hoartl E ommi- District and Residential R4"t f Salt Lake Cetr,Utah: tract,respectively.as in the ordi- s artLaDIS- SECTION 1 That ta th limits nonce provided. and all ordl- atShe Lake Cetr be and te sam is urisdictionp lei and are t ComncIFitaed i enlarged notices, art f ertalenEng to so Cot lade the followng de- s id Salt Lake Cfty a extended CoAped tract f]antl 1n Salt Lake er d de old able and lie, unty,to-wit: tlnent to the s id tractof land Beginning at the Northwest Cor- and the streets.blocks, ers and f Lot 12,Block 5 Ffve Acre a s of Id tract hall be c Pta B," Big Field Survey, d Waco any s and ids abys the ordf- running thence North 89 deg.44 r.les d all, and [ Ein. 5 c. t long th ees' sand chi, n that behalf. tl eer t13th orth Street 4828 feet monuments f the City Ensine hane¢North 89 deg. 98 m'n 42 shall thi,inforth be taken thns s d So.East along South line f 13th the standards of locations and uth Street 789052 feet to the as Northeast Corne- f .9't 1L Black SRCTION 2. Upon the assa 6 lylry Acre Plal'8 t'Reg Field oe th le d minim the City Record- Sou a nd r g t�ience South of hereby Lake a tr hall file'' d 0 deg.04 min.42 sec.West 2871.00 her hereby directed to file 1th feet of the Southeast Corner f the is County p3,of the of n o Lake Lot 2 said n 40 8e thence South County a P of the an m ]ate 89 deg 98 mt 48 West long above mentioned duly Lifted North hne t 17th South Street and acknowledged.as certified n 7e2.02 teat to the Southwest Cor- h ca s.together svifh a certi f Id Lot 2: the ce North Eled v f this ordinance. • 0 sal.e0 it 29 a eeet long SECTION 3 In the opinion E East line thence 6So West Street o win the Boardyof the ne ce.h art 'at id 35 sec. Wes South a deg.94 necessary to � health and 3's West 88.00 feet to the Ens[ fety f the habit ai is of Salt line of Lot 16 Hlock 5.Five Acre Lake City that this ordinance shall Nlat"B"e.k'feld Surve He thence he SEC ffectl"e eel dlatety. North d deg.10 min.28 East SECTION 4.This ordinance shall 927.805 feet to the Southeast Cor- take effect anon its first ublica thr f Lot 12 of aforesaid Block 5; ton. ence South 89 deg.49 .35 Passed by the Hoard of Com- 0 West 759.00 feet;;thence North Issioners of Sait Leke Cif .Utah. deg. 30 n.28 East 287.1 this 9lh daY of April.]P58. feet to the int of begtnnenC. Temporary Chairman Contains 57.URTHes' Herman J. L. Romney BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED City Recorder. that fleet a lion Of the above F•p I,i described realr properly,described BITS.NO.23 f 1958 s [oelows: Published April Iilh.1258.to-181 a3 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UT.AH, ss. I T.rake 'Legal Notices 1 D M Ockey AN AAOIORD LIAN 1 ()RIIIC1A1V(:L tX'I'1:N1ANfi' 'P:i.: LIMIT'S Oi 9AL'1' LAKE'h l 1 ]� Itl L AS, h.1'11 l,. of Ilo'a u ,l l '1 a g ir-t duly swam, rlepos<-and sn)� that he is legal wirierh'sing L k Iti,fo tIo No_o-eo ROYof , clerI' of the 1)1 LRET NLV`i',S ANI) SAI,T 1,i1KI LhI,T L Jn- M.➢1 t -I: In It ` ' CR 1N1, a oily (ca.ept Sunrlrly) rrnu�snaper l�rinhorl in thf, l ng- t-t 1 I"1' lh IolI t toil t l k Ill n°I lIsl language nnlh cieneral circulation vl Riot. and puhlishert in. linnets d f Salt l Cit d tl so I Solt Lale City Soft Lake C o[niy. in thn:Stoic of LIt,Ii. n tents+ v�m tu'd I li th C1, Ig d htlU lF.. WHEREAS, the -.I l t t That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto a u o t,; =',i ifs fonts l y it should not br 'Cd 1. ,, 11,1 Salt Lake City Till No 23 of 1958 J fLRPS, P �))Y - -- - -- t$-t' '(.illy`t� Ilt t° in An Ordinance extending the limits of 1 f ''+ h tf Salt Lake City, Ih tan mAin:n e tome dcl .1 -- ------------_-. ate„xpa 5:dd lcrr;rorr 'i'.,io' --- --- Fn the limits n SnIt11Lalct�Cilr:, Yn It1� tI ecat[ daNOdt.try`lee einni A' no it o;_ 11 S. l:,Icr o'i Ut.nl'�I, 51 Sglt 4iN 1 ',11 tht•_cI) I,,,,,i oC Salt Lakc Lit:,Iro.In 'Ihe.c,,,, .,te horebn wiinclnll ,;,��,'I;I:..`,T:l I ..__ It b t 1p seise f f " April 11, 1958 the n t else pltbliShed in said nnu)spaper on ah1 f n-I ti o n - -- Ih` FN It/SU <,I, 'Al t 1 II tlf'J I N 7 S I 'X e111 fth 11.)1 t lI O;6 l 1 of 1'tol St T h (- P9 t h tI, Ci AV.",�� 1 11 HIDeed i 0 U1�t t If IW,A S Ilh ________ ________ ___________ •!� -______ -..---.-.--- ,btl ul / ,_'-l( ILO J 6 4N L' L.11 ,h I L• C-C nlol.)1 I. of 6 ,Eyl II 1 Legal ( T C ` I 111 1 S 'e' 'l y Legal AdOci'tising ('lore f -'d 1 2 fl s.N 1 IFU`,,r,P,,l'rf.[h,,.171,'-i't1G';l(I,Jl Ij ao e:,r.hVW,oun P d,'' a,,o I p P I R[ Via, i htA 'i, North fl tier:�l0 lrl _Z„� ll J,.:,=:!t n 9l'1.,y..Ccol n Ili,'';,;ii.i.: i 6Vt.- t I WI ' ' ].Ll.th 10° A'-'- ui as 1:;i�v°: , (, t t '111 A ` 1 ` 'Jrn to before me this - ___ day o} NI, Il• PURlllllll ORDAINED tl t that h. .I v 111E -I I.:cl,'d: A I). 1958 (Gtl t l 1 - ll >I' l -- h_ II 1 -f I of �NIJ I 11 1. R�II I S tl t f :out lkel iAWPI) I� flftl t '1 City I � I ti trl tl �l l 1 4 -" / � oi 1'It 1Add,'f1 R 2f,' 11 'tl pl% 611 �I _-! _., i fine ofl tl 1 : n I lof fP h West; elf 2 9'I 1 U. ll 1 e. t hl 1 I"I I f!Ili 5 t '1, `1 ri l n1 t tt 1,l ,I33. -1 R 9 n,;.•I Notary Pablic 1i 1 I1. I. I I.'2-11 I `II A P I 1 .f i' blId II 1 l . 4 111 S If l !n thI U t AI 1 J I L And 1 `I .2t I td ��A th t f' f h ' :,I n�'r _,t [ 1 I:n,,. a b l t t I. sal h ` ° , II l ? l 11 1 1 i tl i 11 1 toeol ul,ho-Youensth`sOt]xpire/G 1 t.. Ith 7 G f 191 .;'ole r l hn,4 r l M1r �d ` ' " 2ii 11 t 4'h 1 ih'1 Cln� U tl 1 'I f c.t a _. .'I A; .,. 1.1:1 ; h tIl7r ,c 1I l II l 1 ,t^I VT(� I h n, t f. [ tl h n 1....h a Ir ff ) h _t f , b r l i n i Cce0'lrfrrh i i o iril vMill t�i�n� � 'te�Ill�st Unuhl'c 111,'.�Ofh l,ly VU S1 I Ip.7 .iA.U.7'' Yr I:I111.,Nt. 1 II ^,rhlixhrA�Att�ilrlIth 1922 /A.IRr