23 of 1963 - Amending Chapter 4 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances, relating to signs and structures. ROLL 'CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, April 9 196 3 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison . . Romney . . ✓ Smart . . . Mr. Chairman . ,'` i AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . 700.'' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 4 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to signs and structures. Be it ordained by the Board,of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 4 of- Title:`41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to signs and structures, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "CHAPTER 4. SIGNS AND STRUCTURES. "Sec. 41-4-1. Permission required. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or construct any sign, sign post, sign board, wood or metal awning, permanent advertisement arch or any other structure, excepting nameplates, property signs and service signs, as defined in Section 51-1-5, without first obtaining permission so to do from the board of commissioners. Application for such permission shall be in writing, and shall contain the name of the person for whose benefit the same is made, the place where such structure is to be erected or con- structed, the dimensions thereof, the material of which the same is to be composed, and the manner of construction; which application shall be accompanied by a print or draw- ing or tracing of such proposed sign or other structure, and showing location of same by plot plan. "Sec. 41-4-2. Standards of construction. All signs hereafter erected in Salt Lake City shall comply with the standards of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or other qualified testing laboratories, and must be constructed of either metal materials or approved combustible materials of a combination of both within the limitations and require- ments of the following tables: (a) When supporting frame is of metal structure: If all parts of the sign other than the letters and decorations are made of metal the area of the display surface or total face of any sign which may be occupied or covered by letters and decorations made from or faced with approved combustible materials shall not exceed a total area calculated on the following basis: Via. • - 2 - FLAT SIGNS AND WALL SIGNS Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of area which can be Surface of Sign Occupied or Covered by Approved Combustible Materials 100 sq. feet or less Not to exceed 100% of display surface area Over 100 sq. feet but not to Not to exceed 100 sq. feet plus exceed 1500 sq. feet 50% of the difference between 100 sq. feet and the total area of the display surface Over 1500 sq. feet Not to exceed 850 sq. feet of the total display surface area ROOF SIGNS, PROJECTING SIGNS, AND MARQUEE SIGNS Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of area which can be Surface of Sign Occupied or Covered by Approved Combustible Materials 100 sq. feet or less Not to exceed 100% of the display surface area Over 100 sq. feet but not to Not to exceed 100 sq. feet plus exceed 2000 sq. feet 25% of the difference between 100 sq. feet and the total area of the display surface Over 2000 sq. feet Not to exceed 500 sq. feet of the total display surface area (b) When outline frame is of metal structure: The facings of flat signs, roof signs, wall signs, marquee signs, and projecting signs for which a permit is required may be constructed of approved combustible materials provided that the structure and structural trim of the sign is made of metals and provided that the total surface area of the face of each sign is not in excess of 100 square feet. The letters and decorations mounted upon the face may be made of approved com- bustible materials. (c) When outline frame is of combustible material: If approved combustible materials are used in the structure or structural trim, such materials shall be reinforced with metal trim and the area of the display surface or facing which may be occupied or covered by letters and decorations made from or faced with approved combustible materials shall not exceed a total area of the display surface or face of any sign calculated on the basis established in the following table: fl+) - 3 - FLAT SIGNS AND WALL SIGNS Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of area which can be Surface of Sign Occupied or Covered by Approved Combustible Materials 300 sq. feet but not to exceed Not to exceed 50% of display 2000 sq. feet surface area Over 300 sq. feet but not to Not to exceed 100 sq. feet plus exceed 2000 sq. feet 25% of the difference between 100 sq. feet and the total area of the display surface Over 2000 sq. feet Not to exceed 500 sq. feet of the total display surface area ROOF SIGNS, PROJECTING SIGNS, AND MARQUEE SIGNS Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of area which can be Surface of Sign Occupied or Covered by Approved Combustible Materials 1000 sq. feet or less Not to exceed 25% of display surface area Over 1000 sq. feet but not to Not to exceed 250 sq. feet plus exceed 2000 sq. feet 10% of the difference between 1000 sq. feet and the total area of the display surface Over 2000 sq. feet Not to exceed 350 sq. feet of the total display surface area "Sec. 41-4-3. Definitions. The term "approved combustible materials" as used herein shall be defined as those materials which, when tested in accordance with the American Standards Association tests for plastics or materials over 0.050 inches in thickness, burn no faster than 2.5 inches per minute in sheets of 0.060 inches thickness. "Sec. 41-4-4. Signs to be illuminated. All signs projecting beyond the property line a distance of more than 2 feet shall be electrically illuminated or shall be taken down. "Sec. 41-4-5. Installation. Every sign hereafter erected shall be placed not less than 10 feet above the surface of the part of the public way which any such sign overhangs, and the portion of any such sign nearest the building against which it is placed shall not be of greater distance than 2 feet from such building and no sign hereafter erected shall be permitted to project more than 10 feet beyond the property line, and all additional provisions required by the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinances shall be complied with. "Sec. 41-4-6. Fees. The owner of person having charge or control of any sign, awning or shade, as described and authorized by the ordinances of Salt Lake City, shall pay the City a fee for such sign, awning or shade; the amount of such fee to be computed by the following classification schedule: c]'D �.;ab - 4 - (a) Fee schedule. Applicant shall pay a permit fee of $12.00 for each projection structure to be erected within 10 feet of city property. For each such structure a fee shall be paid to the city on the basis of 15e per each square foot of face area for the first 50 square feet and 12e per square foot for each additional square foot of surface. Each side of a projection sign or structure shall be considered as a separate sign or structure in computing the above fees. (b) Metal awnings. The fee on all metal awnings as described and defined herein shall be $12.00 each. (c) Billboards. The construction permit fee for bill- boards shall be $12.00 for the erection permit which shall be obtained and paid for before construction work is commenced. Also a fee shall be paid at the time of obtaining said permit on the basis of 3e per square foot for the total face area of such bill- board. (d) Flat signs. Flat signs and projecting structures less than 2 feet from the building shall require a permit fee to erect in the amount of $12.00 each. A fee of 12e per square foot of the total face area shall be paid to the city at the time of erection. (e) Minimum fees. No fee on any sign or projection structure of any nature shall be less than $12.00 at the time of erection. "Sec. 41-4-7. Duty of sign inspectors. If any sign, pro- jection structure or advertising display is found by the inspector of signs to be unsafe or dangerous, or in violation of the Zoning Ordinances of the city, the person having charge or control or benefit of such sign, projection structure or advertising display shall be notified immediately to forthwith repair or render safe or make conforming such sign, projection structure or advertising display, and if such sign, projection structure or advertising display is not repaired or made safe or made conforming within five (5) days after giving said notice, the sign inspector shall at once abate and remove said sign, projection structure or advertising display, and the person having charge, control or benefit of any such sign, projection structure or advertising display shall pay to Salt Lake City within five (5) days after written notice mailed to such person the costs incurred in such removal. "Sec. 41-4-8. Installations in fire zones 1 and 2. All electric signs installed in fire zones 1 and 2 and in other zones, as permitted by Zoning Ordinances, including fixtures designed for illumination and operating in excess of 600 volts, open circuit voltage, shall be classified as cold cathode, high voltage equip- ment. All such signs and fixtures shall be installed so that persons passing thereby cannot come in contact therewith. All signs, fixtures and equipment operating at 1000 volts, or more shall be labeled "CAUTION (add voltage here) VOLTS." Such label shall be clearly and distinctly legible in letters of not less than 1/4 of an inch high and visible when equipment is in operation. Signs, fixtures and equipment operating in excess of 600 volts shall be located not less than 8 feet vertical or 5 feet horizontal from any grounded objects and under no conditions shall they be within 10 feet of passages or walkways which may be intended for or used by other than electrical personnel. - 5 - (a) Materials used in the construction of high voltage cold cathode signs, fixtures and equipment shall conform to the ordinances of Salt Lake City and meet the standards of a qualified testing laboratory. If approved combustible materials are used the same must be identified by the manufacturer's name or with the accepted name of the approved combustible materials. (b) No sign, fixture or device involving electrical wiring or connections shall be erected or installed in Salt Lake City except by a licensed and bonded sign person. Firms making such installations will comply with Title 10 of Salt Lake City ordinances before making installation or erection of equipment described in this section. "Sec. 41-4-9. Penalty. Any person who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or pay the permit fee or fees as herein provided for at the time said permit fee or fees is to be paid shall upon conviction thereof be punished,by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $299.00 for each offense and in default of the payment thereof by imprisonment in the city jail for not less than ten (10) days nor more than six (6) months." Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this Ninth day of April, ;1963. f, 7 vl� ZZ /� MAYOR ✓j/ krIN015A4IPYR D E R (S E A L) BILL NO. 23 of 1963 Published April 16, 1963 {,v 1� woM38A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, as. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 23 of 1963. An Ordinance relating to signs and structures. was published in said newspaper on April 16, 1963. legal Advertising Cler Subscribed and sworn to before ins this 18th day of April A.D. 19 63 Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov---25-,---1-965. . ,+tlbefs - """"`iAN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 4 of Title 41 0the Revised Ordinances Of'GAIW lake Clay,Utah,1955,relating to sons d structures. 1 Be It dAltted 0yy``the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTIACN�lhie.Th6r,Chapter 4 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordlnantea of Salt Lake'City :Utme 1955a.relating to signs and structures,be,and the same hereby its,amended Ce read as follows: "CHAPTER 4 (el Nee scneouie A till ant shall pay a permitfee of a12;00 .4 SIGNS AND STRUCTURES. for each protection structure to be erected within 10 feet of city "Sec. 41-4.1. Permission required. It shall he unlawful for a properly.rly.For such structure a fee shall be paid to the cilv on to erect or conitruct any sign,sign post,sign board,wood or theper tbasis of 15 cents etch square foot of fare area for the first person permanent advertisement arch orany other structure, 50 square feet and 12 cells per square foot for each additional 000eptltwnia ebialea, r prone signs and service Signs, defined in square < n foot of sar,a .Each side of a rOlecllon slo structure Sects 51.1-5, without first obtaining permission so to d0 from the shall be considered as a separate sign Or structure in computing hoard or Commissioners.Application for rsu1D such permission had be n the above lees. Writing.and shall contain then a of the person for whose shad the lb)Metal awnings.The fee all metal awnings as described 0e,the place where asi;h structure is to be erected or cam and defined herein shall be S12.00 each. same is the dimensions thereof,the material of which Ilse same is tel Billboards.The construction permit fee for billboards hall I o be composed,and the m of construction; which application he 512.00 for the erection permit which hall be obtained d peld for shall he accompanied by a print or r drawing or tracing of such Pro. before c n tructson awork scommenced.Also a fee shell be paid at Posed sign or otherstructure,and showing location of same by plot Ilse time of obtaining said permit On the basis of 3 cents per square ' plan, foot for the total face area of such billboard. "Sec.41-4-2.Standards O construction.All igns hereafter erected (d) Flat signs.Flat signs and projecting structures less than Sall Lake City shall comply with the standards of Underwriters' 2 feet from the building shall require a permit fee to erect In the Laboratories, Inc.,or other us lified testing laboratories, and must mount of$12.00 each.A foe of 12 cents per square loot of the total be constructed of ether metalor materials approved combustible face a shall be paid to te city at the time of erection. materials or combination 0f both within the limitations and require- (e)Minimum lees.No fee y sign orprotection structure menu f the following tables: of any n turn hall be less than S12.00 the time of erection. (a)When supporting frame is t metal structure- "Sec.dl-d 7.Duly of seen inspectors.If a v sign,p o octl0n struc- ture If all Parts of the sign a Other than theletters and decorations ture oradvortising display is found Cu the Inspector of signs to be i are adC i metal the area not the display surface or total face of sot o'dangerous,0 ill violation of the Zoning Ordinances of the sign which may he accunled or covered Co tette's and decorations city.the person or or caner,or benellt I such sign,pre-<Y any from or feted writ e h Ofo following isaterlals shah not Inchon forthwith repai or render ate si, ail be notified m di sign, exceed a totl a c I diedSee NO I L bl NSis: a leoloon s repair reeler sae pl make conforming sprit protection area FLATr SIGNS AND WALL SIGNS role Iran structure ert ort advertisingispla display,and trade s orle Cade Area of Total Fa<ina or Display Limitation of area which can ed confor i or advertising display lad is net repaired or nodrs,then made SUNoee 01 Sign Cambusti le Covered by Approved 000tor t l at o five at dads after g sad protection uc In. Combustible Materials oreacu Shan al once a bad:and removesaidt5 p,o cantro structure t 100 sp,fl.or less N'cf0 exceed lOC".o of display silt. oradvertising such display.rot the person c re o charges control or atoll fi of any s h sign,prithin five r01 structure oradvertising once ailed Over 100 5 feet but not to exceed Not to exceedfarea difference Inc on.feet plus SOY. pas to Salt Lake ei 1Y within rye(it such rem alitten notice mailed 1500 sq.it. of the and ither total oresbetween the d s' to such Sec person the costs ti incurred t such removal. 1. area o -re zones In fire nz i 1 and s Alls permit signs play sexcee. Zoning fire z0 es l dad 2 and cones leer s, permitted hied by Over 1500 sp.refit Not to exceed utf sq. rear of the zoning Ordinances,H 000d oil rper cicuita volt voltage, as jou illumination and total 140 E S ling t of 6vo dons,o voltage shall be classified Yea excesscircuit ROOF SIGNS,PROJECTING SIGNS,tioQ MARQUEE SIGNSichshell lettalle,high voltage tare< pmenl.All such cannot and fixtures on- A a of Totalo Facing or DIsDIdY Limitation of area which can be shall be installed so hat person d o chant operating c tt01 come i s- 5UYlaee f Slan Combusti re ateria by APprOyetl t l tore w0h.AI'a- s,fixAUTION equip meta peref 1000 VOLTS.' Such Combustible Materials Cr m shoe c.labeled'CAUTION eq b donate ers o Vtt less Shan 100 sq,feet or lass N01 to exceed ICO o of the display label o00, be .eariv a he legible in Ir In of not less than Of a nun hlgn and tvisit,e y equipment i. Callon.Signs, Over 1sq sq.feet hilt rot to exceed Not to surface teed I s feet plus 25q. fixtures andequipment operating in excess of 600 volts oshall be located 2000 sq.feet I}hexdifference hIot sq. of 1e0 V. 1 not loss:hailna r n vcondil or 5 ale1 horizontal from and grounded Peel and the IOfal area of the tlia• ' 000no and w under n conditions s snarl they for or used 10 other of U of Play surface gas Or walkways which may be intended foY of used by other than Over 2000 on.feet Not totexceed Soo sq. feet or the electrical personnel. toms al trY surface area (e) Materials used in e the construction shall 00 or high voltage cold When outline frame t of metal lsignstructure. cathode signs,City d and I l equipment shall of a qu to the testing The tab- facings of flat ins,too signs,wall signs, ercons sicced of Salt Lake a pru and meal the m standardsl o urn Iflh testing must and oproyeprotesting.signs for which a Permit required may be cstructure and den If approved ed combustible materials a used the same of Apure 1 co or lid 5 materials f provided th of the sded the a be identified the manufacturer's ors name or with the accepted name total ur area of ri sign Is made i metals end excess of that are of the approved combustible umaterials. feel.surface ere of the taco 01 each sign Is oil see of 100 square cti No Si I ee ore device dninl ding elect l cal wiring f feel.The lettersc005u and ibe aons mounted upon the aface smay be made connections she;ob erectedg 0installed In Sallmob Lake Con st at by of approved en outline materials. llicensed and bonded sign a Firms making such hell,a aklra ap)When 001bue frame of co are u ea af s nsl os 00 wish Title 10 of Sall Lake est etli In tti ouli making If approved uc lbtateri materials am used In the structure Installation c.41- r erection of eau not o shalt dt In this ply . the area trim,such ay SUrto shall be reinforced s man Pal trimoccupied and 'Sec.vision. Ot this Any person who shall fail t0 or ply h a ny the re a of the display ecorati or lacing from o may be occupied o of the nroforeo of this achapter or pay the orrtyp fee of fees as herein sall covered by letters a d shall not made from or faced with approved provides for at the time said permit fee fine feof is to l be paid shall su1005 r toof materials sign not red a total Is of the in the nor conviction tlon Is f be punished fe boo a fine of nor less than went combustible face d table: of and sign calculated on the basis Ceslablished in the nor mo than.iso n e for each offense and in less of'hanmays following fable: foetal`by imprisonment in the city rah for not lass than ten fI01y dads FLAT SIGNS AND WALL SIGNS hoex Bo6.ard month.. Area of Total Facing or Display Limitation of red which can be o record than the 05.months. Commissioners of Sall Lake City, Utah,ihif Surface of Sign COOcupiedbo Materials by Approved ninth day of April, i963. J.BRACKEN LEE 300 sq f fe el but not to exceed Nor to exceed 50999 Of display surface Mayor 000 HERMAN J.HOGENSEN Over 30D sq.lest but not to exceed Nolreo exceed 100 so.feel plus 25°h City Pdcorder 2000 sq.Ieet of the difference between 100 sq. (SPAL) f dal and toe total area of the 0is. BILL NO 13 of 1963 play surface Published April 16,1963 (A'46) Over 2000 us.feet Not i stolaY suo 00 000 aq.feet of the total ROOF SIGNS,PROJECTING SIGNS,AND MARQUEE SIGNS Area of Total Facing or Display Ltmileflens of area which can he Surface of Sign Combustible M cereals by APPros•ed 1000 sq.feet or less Not to exceed 25%of display surface area Over 1000 sq.feel but not to exceed Not to exceed 250 sq.feet plus 109e 2000 sq.feel of the difference between 1000 sq. feet and the total area on the oils. Over 2000 no.feet NoOlaf, alto Surface exceed350 sq.feel of the total d,puro esurface bustlete materials' 'Sec.tosln.halo ins de ned form ed as used herein shall merle as those materials wont is for towed in materials with the American s ind t is Association tests ter fan 2.5 or sper over n.050 inches. chinches,burn ns. faster roan 2.5"Sec. per mimic sheets of 0nato Inches i p thickness.ding beyond "Sec.41-1.4.in Signs to be s`.Ivmegated. All signs the properly line a be take I more than 2 feet shalLlbe electrically Illuminated h hall to taken a Ever "Sec. 4ess. Installation.lot Every sign hereafter the erected shall be way Which not less than 10 feel above the surface of the Part of the public which Y such s and the portion of v such seen nearest the but feet against nuccl lah1ld is placed shell not be of greater shall be than 2 feet from such build ina and o sign hereafter erected line, e permitted to protest more than b feel all La the pr corrtY ona line,and allt additional complied sire fired by the Sall Lake CNY 2oninq Drdi"Sece4 tan hee c Pred wowner or p an havino charge er, enrol of "Sec. I.d.d.Fees.The ow or n s a acing '+ado, nardezcrihted antl uth0nized bv<Ihe ordl- on; g„1 de; he a CoVn,Of sJ Ile Iry zmputedt by pm followingIng o ode;chi, 1 of ch fee to be co classlficallon sctOtlulO: Z3