24 of 1904 - Ordinance 24 of 1904 – Providing for appointment of additional mounted policemen, detectives and p AN 0 P D I N A N C E.
An ordinance providinA for the appointment: of additional nount.cd
polioenen, city detectives and patrolmen, and fixin; the compensation therefor.
se it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That in addition to the members of the police force now
provided for by ordinance, the Chief of police, t:y and with the advice and consent
of the City Council and the approval of the Nayor, may appoint one (1) courted
policeman at. a salary of ninety-five (191.00) dollars per month, and two (2) city
det.ectives, who shall rot wear uniform, at a salary of one hundred and five
(T10E,.00) dollars each per nonth, end two oatroliren at a salary of eifhty-five
(lar 2C) dollars etch per month.
The powers and authority cf said policemen, detectives and patrolmen
shall be the sane as :is conferred by las and ordinance upon other police
officers cf this City.
SHlll&N 2. All ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewitt: are
horeby repealed to the extant of such conflict..
ShoilON 0.. This ordinance stall take effect upon approval.
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