24 of 1907 - Ordinance 24 of 1907 – Creating Board of Park Commissioners. 1 , An ordinenco creatitv. 0 7eree rTC Co boom for 1n1t ke City, and ereoceibint ene defninre its powers and eettios, and 3 :providiner for the omployteeet leteeeld Board of a Sueerieteneent of 4 :Parke, a Park-keeper, and er eeeietent eloriet nnd other employeee, 5 and providing for their cnmpenseteen. 6 Co it ordained by-the City Ceeecil of Unit 7;eke City, Uteat 7 ',',7CTION 1. There shell. be, enl there in hereby created for d :Belt beko City, a Board of 'etrk ,lomeiesioners, to consint ol five 9 'membere, residents and heeeeholeern of the City, who shble eerve 10 ttrithout componsetie , and -he et-71 be eppointed by the " :'or, by i 11 'end with the advice and onneent of tee Council, to serve 8erire the t 12 term of office of the Mayor appointinm them, and until their eloces- 13 :sore ehall be appointed end eeelifir3i, provided that not mere than 14 three members of such Porre ehell te of the name politicel perty. 16 M?CT10,7 2. It STIF1li 1)0 -ety of sold "eoterd of Pere.. ,ennis- I , I 16 :sicrere Co regulate the plentine of trees, shrubs cod pleete in the 17 public perks, streets, eijterele, rennuee en1 public eTeenle in !telt 18 bake City, end in order thet a net form system of planting be enrried 19 on, they shall determine the clene of tree° to be used in tree plenie- 2e Inc end parking districts, which may hereafter be entnbliebed by the 21 City Council. Whenever any enrt of tie City hen been net apart an n 22 .tree-planting or parking Rietrict, it o the duty ofethe Board teeadereeiZeii.Lee,t, eIt 23 of 2nyk Commissioners /e- ce-eeeeetete;-(1_, 24 26 The Board of 9ark Commiseierers shall have the power to condemn 26 nd onune to be removed all deed, decoyed, unsightly or diseased 27 treed at the expenee of abutts proeerty orators. 28 sncTior 3. Whenever the City Council crenten a tree-plenting 1 : 29 and parking district, the eere of , ek Commisnionere, shell, eithin 3 . drays submit to tee eouncil eeecificatione reletAnt 31 -t , the planting and pnrkiee of eueh district, and, eccomeany the/ 32 /same with art estimate of the cost cC planting end perkine. !ezol /diatriqi 24 1 :1 and the City Council may approve the same in whole or is )art, end 2 shell eauao a tax to be levimd for the purpose of do:frt.:yin,' the ex- • person of such planttn7 a' P The levy and collnotien or the 4 1 tax obeli be made in the eeire ,Inrner as the levy und colloeilen of 51 other special taxes of to C.!ty. 4 6 30TIC)K 4. As soon na the 1::ity Uoenotl shall have levied a 7 tax as provided in the lest precedirr: section, it nholl be to duty • of the 2ark CommiEnAcners to °vane to be served upon the owners of 91 the property abutting on the tree-planting and parking dintrict a 101 notice of such tax, givinr: in brief n descrion of the .:?roderty 111 taxed, together with the n,,ourt of such tax and the time and place 12 of payment. 13 SFICTFlN 5. The seid ,.ronrd hill have power to employ a uper- 14 intendent of 7arks, who abell he 9 competent and exiJeriencod land- 151 scope gardener, at a com2erention not to exceed one hundred end 1611 txenty-five ( 125. 1,) dollars par a'onth, to be paid menthlI, whose' 171 duty it shall be to supervise, undo the said Board, nod conformably ' 'al to euoh rules and regulations ' ' arid Board may from time to time 19 proscribe, the 'perk of the care, maintonance, improvement, nnd 20 beautifying of unld nubile perhe, benlevards, streets, end public 21 grounds mentioned in 3ectier Ton of this ordinance. 11 And said Board shall have power also, to employ a 2trIn-keeper, 231Lwhe shall be a competent flerint, et a compensation not to exeeed 41, 241 eighty-three and thirty-t4w,400.414r dredVna ( 1f,1,5) doll.are per 251 month, to be )mid monthly, nnd a shall reside at Tdbort, :1nrk in rrid nty, in a house provi th,o fitl. 27 And said hoard shall hnve .:e-nr also to employ nn Ausletant 28 'florist, at a compenanticn rot te exceed sovonty-fivo ( 70. 29 dollars per month, to be )aid monthly, and said Board shall have 3iiil authority at any time in its discretion to discharge either orll • of said employees, and to c,npley other persons in their stead,,,,,,prp'r 1 vided notl}inE; heroin oontr:i.ned shell he construed to chan :n or. £ abridge the powers and de.tiase of the City Sexton, except tort the Z beautifying of the City Cemetery ,hall be under the suporvioi.on o" 4 the said Board of Park Commioederera as herein provided; end provided 5 i their, that said Boe.rd:eha11;hrve^ ;;o•er, when necessary, to tempo- , 6' 'rcr.'lly employ other worimen, for ,l reeSonable eompenaraticn, beei.des 7 the erialoy'eoa r,oreinboforc c�peoii`ioa. 0 Si3U IOfs 6. The said oard Shall:elect one of their reembers Ro 9 Chairmin of said Board, Who shell priside at ell meotinCo thereof, 10i' nne,:th0, City Recorder shs?ll be oi-ot'fioi_o Clerk of the Beer( os 11 ark Commissioners. r 1.2 S 0TIZ 7. This oral .hence eh pi,1 take effect u mil. /11.?nese& by the City Council of Salt Jake City, Jul; 29. 1907, and referred to the Mayor for his ap v 4 r y Reco er. Approved 'his (2Q--fay of July, 1907. 6/7/61. layer. j ail I Ij ti 'i'ese;itl to the City Cot!spi,6 ,dya> :ite the Ceeon.!uuiu� G - 1-47 GMAY e.t9}7 ® / ....II Rceth4 e j enters to the t•ix 47411 tc+ : . 'JL9n 190 m j "a ... 1n ente2 ? N ( ! ,il,r First Publication it ;o ' 1907 r .4(4ditreirg,uu ,j9.07 . R. IiOR Toll's ',!I anted to the, it Coua ii, 1 APR 2 2.1907., { P ented 'to the City:, r s � APR 291907