24 of 1910 - Ordinance 24 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 225, Third Partial Estimate. AN ORDINANCE . it li In ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein-1 � after described in the territory included between South Temple Street and the north line of Third North Street, and from Second West Street to the Main Interoepting Sewer, in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, for the construction of sewers. Ee it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization andl iReview, heretofore duly appointed by the City Counoil,.for that par- , pese of the property in Lots 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 14; 5, 6, 7 and $, Block 73, Plat "0"; 5 and 6, Block 117; .1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 118, Plat "A"; 1 and 2, Block $4, Plat "C"; 1, 2, '3, 4, 5 and 8, Block 100, Plat "A"; 1, 6, 7 and 8, Block 72; and 1 and 8, Block 71, Plat "C". Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on the south side of Third North Street between Fourth West and Seventh West Streets; on the north side of Third North Street between Fourth West and Sixth West Streets ;ion the north side of First North Street between Fourth West and Fifth West Streets; on the west side of Fourth West Street between 'first 'Maxima Borth and Second North Streets; on both sides of Fifth West !Street between First North and Second North Streets; and on the west aide of Sixth West Street between First North and Third North Streets !in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sewers upon said portions of said streets, is hereby oonfirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. jiSewcr Extension No. 225. Third Partial Estimate. a�i& � _ _�__. —_ s ,.10 r -,te.-;•;'' --,- . J. "f+ .4.,;..- —• ;,..''''", ;„ - . rIC.i1/1"‘ AM' no4.1 ,trttitur sees erf,t , ain-f-..,171-1:-,:.) n'kroe aeerled 1.4.haledi vxad-.1--rie ee.t zi bocfl-reeek, -ferl : ;::-e•A-C.,' ::-• r-,'. .1,11005V, 11 nri,e „ter-rtE ri:3-roZ i•-firf",' lo *All iiI-fort ft.C: tap. •J:o`..t ,T1 ::::12 I .2o7., ii/r.s,.E.Ttel(1 -lerviSE al ,-fewe4.' naitciecaental: al:-....: f,!---.:- c•-: . . ewee lo ito.i;t01.1:taa , ...- .1! __%. )....,-,,;:•1 e-:-L-3,-;. ii1Fc I..-:z;:;1.o9 i, •n ...:"..-itl beril-•.',;Tc, d'l 5*..r,,..s - t •-r/ - ( s . i.1,.1 'en -r 6 1,.":; 1-,S 2- i..f-1: LI-45, r. tr `.' .!_,' -,,-„c; b st eh-ilit.., ioevol-:_(......e• .bf4oea c •.s.. ' - cz.• c.,,,• -7.., , ,a;t1.1 imiiii ,a 'ITS;11 ID" *3•1,. ,CT :40015 .6 " t.,! ... • • ? tr i . . ; •'0" --;,1";:. ,IV /:pola I.E.,' bag I brtit ;ST AcelE. .6 bait l' , - .1. ;".. '' J-4. .....s I . ,•-j-C:j= 73 sT.•.ta sf3.uolit *Ai' mo uzittada .1{,evige xti:: e:-; 3L'. .ft e: : -.:(. .at-,o..1:J-Z tzione ft:travel,' tow tile'," e.t.rifcT' ar•-•-. ±e.cf :,--,,r,•.,:2-..;.• • J-. c• c .;. -- -7:1--i as?. i.t.P7 rit•ri;es: treewted" d.e.....rd• iftro',.,. L-f7.' ",..) er.1 • ; J ;',' 7.'ir 1•-.17:, 1 . •"" ...,:t-fs.c..07, nec,r `rid ,tepli.P rrt-ro!! .15, ' ef'..t.e. `11-EC qeE, -.'11C t:','•3.-:;:L.: •,''. 9;" Ilt-s t;c75: le etie :,-.A.vi *A* ao .taztes-_;.fi ri.lod ...IC) ; '...-i.. :'.:"..: :.,1 Laot-,,L ;Jar it-ToI.-'- i,noosi. 1,r-it r:t•x:;',1 d',...ri'ti" aee tecl tsf,-..ii., .i.•..ts•!,--..-.1-r. 1.:±... '-- 5--:J.-7 l .,-, 1--,7 d'JJ-1.1.6* cref, -`",)(i -,tf4-ri-Z., tenr.' ri:I-2-1{ ) e',:; -70'l ,N,-;-.;:D e:If-,:r ..j,-;C; 7 c,, ,::: 5r1P: I .ao7 el-el...fit-a:CT --f”---eil al ,..:-.1..t-c,: ti-ia. now; wiewee 3altesrtIanot, ''...ro -r. betelcimoo Li-kli2. al- bei-lx.,-ton baz ehrl-.! z.:taf.irl-ic“.leci-le ,,31:3. Lra IL--. ="J .Ler...-fielcsoe xcie.v...ri -.,,-,.i.! oi.c.1.1:1 .1 ...17-vo.1,•:..-,(..., it.-iiii J-0Z.-:'.:.... e.,i,?. . e':.11_,iii.L'rr) .C.".: a,..1-•:,,o;b:;. •:: .• ..:, ....:•twril,P ;:: 1-..1.1.1: .. :-..-.-.....-.6T •