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24 of 1923 - Relating to scaffold, etc. over sidewalk E • jai ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY;v"' Salt Lake City,Utah, Tue....1.5.., ,1923, Barnes Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Green d� Stewart Mr. Chairman — Result AN ORDINANCE 3d ORWI'PA TCL ;1;i';JIlti i CH YT31t LVII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, by adding in and to said Chapter a new :section to be =norm as section 1790,41, relating to streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake _City, Utah: S:c,CTIO1 I. That Chapter LVII, Revised Ordinances of aalt Lake city, Utah, 1920, be and the sate is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be Lsio:m as Section 1790,4,1, relating to streets, to read as follows: a&c. 1790R1. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, build, maintain, swing or Use any scaffold, ladder or staging over or upon any street or sidewalk for the pur- pose of cleaning, painting, re--pairing or reriodeling any build- ing or other structure, ::r for the purpose of erecting, -joint- ing, cleaning, re0,airing or servicing of any awning, canopy, or sign, or for any other purpose, without first obtaining and Irrigation from the eupeevi`r of .streets/a permit for uhe occupation and use of said street or sidewalk- for such purpose, end for such. periods of time and under such limitations and reEalations as may be required by ,rdinanoe or promulgated by the supervisor and Irrigation of utreetq/ rrovided, that such :oerwit may be revoked by the and Irrigation upervisor of ,. troetsjvhen the L r thereof fails to comply with. any ordinance, rule _2 regulation under which it is grant- and Irrigation ed, or when in the opinion of the ,supervisor of street public t1' ,_,. coiivoiLieikce a,ul safetyrec�;��r'a such revocation. iruvided, fur- ICI ' and Irrigation ther, that when in the opinion of the oupervisor ,3 treats] the welfare and convenience of the public mill be best served, a contiauin.; permit, revocable as here5naefore ,iro- \sided, may be issued for the sole purpose of cleanin« and servicing awnings and simis. no permit shall be granted until the applicant thereof shall have fivon a continuing; bond in the sum of not less than ,;5,000•00, to be approved by-the bo-rd of Commissioners; said bond to run to Salt Lake City 'antf'to any person injured or damaged by reason o 'the failure- of the principal to exercise due care or to comply with the provisions of the city ordinances. For the issuance of a permit provided for in this and Irrigation section, the Supervisor of otreets/shall collect a fee Of One Dollar (`>1.00) ; provided, v-rhere a fee is reuuired for a permit for the erection of any sign, no additional fee shall be collected for the permit rewired in this section. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the 3oard of Commissioners,: it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of .Dalt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect udon its publication. Passed by the board of Commissioners of Salt take City, Utah, this "1-.1 day of "+L , s1.:). 1923. ,'.TayOr. Cit 2,e corder. -2- J p�yly • • . . b I/ 1,