24 of 1930 - Amending Chapter 33, relating to license on auto tourist parks ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, , 193 VOTING AYE NAY Vr I move that the ordinance be passed. Burton Fehr v�o Finch Lake Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XXXIII, devised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to licenses, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1351 relating to auto tourist parks. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter XXXIII, Ilevised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1351, which shall read as follows: SEC. 1351. AUTO TOURIST PARKS. It shall be unlawful to keep, operate or maintain an automobile or tourist park for '`);:; hire or otherwise without first making an aptication to the Li— cense Assessor and Collector and obtaining a license so to do. For the purposes of this ordinance an automobile or tourist park shall be defined as a camping ground or space set apart for camping, sleeping or lodging either in tents, cabins, huts or other structures and where the automobiles of the guests or tenants may be parked or stored in connection therewith. Every tourist park applicant shall with his application for aicense make a statement under oath, showing the location of the park or place, the number of all rooms contained therein, and the number of rooms and their equivalent in tents or otherwise. s -2- rented or to be rented for lodging or sleeping purposes. The application for such license and said statement shall be file with the city recorder of Salt Lake City, and be presented to the board of commissioners of Salt Lake City at its next regu lar meeting. Such application shall by said board be referred to the chief of police, who shall within five days after such reference, report to said board the general reputation of said park." or place, and the general reputation and character of th person who proposes to carry on said business, and as to the general reputation and character of the persons lodging or en- tertained at said place, and whether any law of the state or ordinance of the city is being or has been violated by the per- son proposing to carry on said business, and if so, in what respect or respects, and whether any spiritous, vinous, fer- mented or malt liquor is or has been sold or kept for sale in said park or place, or any place connected therewith by the person proposing to carry on said business, or any person lodging at or connected with said park or place, and whether said park or place is or has been conducted in a quiet, lawful and peaceable manner, and any other matters in regard to which said board should be informed, with the recommendation of said chief of police as to granting or denying said Application. Upon the receipt of said application and report from the chief of police, said board shall act on such application in regard to granting or denying the same as it shall deem just and pro- per. It is also hereby made the duty of the chief of police, after a license has been granted to keep an auto tourist park, to investigate and examine any place licensed as an auto tour- ist park in regard to the matters hereinafter stated, and if i, shall appear from such investigation and examination that the general reputation and character of the person to whom such li- cense has been granted, or that the general reputation and character of the persons lodging or entertained at the pi.ace licensed is bad, or that any law of the state or ordinance of t -3- of the city has been violated since the granting of such li- cense, or if any spiritous, vinous, fermented or malt liquor has been sold or kept for sale in said park or place, or any pace connected with it, by any person, since the granting of such license, or if said park or place has not been conducted in a :quiet, lawful and peaceable manner, the chief of police shall at once report the particular facts in regard to such matters, or any of them, or any other matter in regard to which said board should be advised, to the hoard of commis- sioners with his recommendation in regard to revoking such license, which board shall take such action in regard to the revocation of such license as it may deem just and right. Every tourist park keeper shall keep a daily regis- ter of all guests or tenants which shall be available at all times for one year for inspection by tPe chief of police, or his representatives, and a true copy of all entries thereon shall be forwarded daily to the Chief of Police upon blanks furnished by him, and said register and true copies furnished the chief of police shall contain the following information: Date and time of arrival, name, home address, town or city and State and next destination of all guests or tenants; ff guests or tenants bring a motor vehicle to said park the name, make and state license number of said'motor vehicle. The yearly license fee for said parks shall be the sum of fifty cents for each sleeping room or equivalent available and provided by the licensee; provided, however, �2s that no license shall be issued for less than ° .00 per year or fraction thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners It is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect at once uporl"} rr• -4- publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 15th day of July , A. D. 1930. •••• *Tor. -at C ty ecorder1 • . . . . 1 ! ' • C J- ). ffiI F • ..; ' CD VI i -....,Cs- �'�Ci Proof of Publication 1111111111111111 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, is. County of Salt Lake. 1 ''a after license h r an to 1, Xi 10. v.el eAgl� being first duly r keep an: ut tourist park. to levea- Royle•ia Aida o'".f.01 L ,CftY Clgate•and examine any place li ended Ftah,19 1 tt, .0 z 0.18e and As an'autotourist park f r e rd to sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE the.came ie ttie mattershereinafter stated, and 4ke ;b 411d1ng if it shall appear from such Investiga• to and.to setd C '6r a eV/Section tion and_examination that the general to be-knew - yd y' al which. to Wh tlo and'character of the person TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day • shall dead" 1 I to whom" u h license ba ben gr tit• Imo, 18 61 � 1 re that to gene rs ➢utatlo and d1F Aeep,overate h r t th p placen scene d ie at Salt Lake City, State of Utah, It,shall Ile Uni 4i1,�y�:eep,'operateentertained t theI or mafor Ti ail e7 e.,f ljlie or;tourist bad, or that any la v of th state park for flue or lee without ordinanceof the city 1 been violated first making nti ted IDSVOh to the LI slime the granting of such license, r cense A es or 4d•Cb1 ctor.and ob If any pf It s, in fermented or (� UTd a Q C 0• lull f� 24• twanga 11 ne e'to QQ$$00"", malt liquorhas been sold .kept for That the notice 4n ri For the ,R.thµt 0rir nce gale in aid park pl o or any an cotom bale o nn lid.}lark shall place connected with it,by y.person, he defined' asa o" g,ground. CrMime the granting t such license,dr Spade t apart fors Ifllt eleeping If idpark or p] h s-not een r lodging slater in todts Oe tb,hUte Conducted in a quiet. lawful and or other sltruoturee"and Where the au- peaceable manner, the chief of,po. tonnobiles of the guests Or,tenants line shall t once report the partied,. May be parkedlor eioreciA,06nection tar facts In regard to such matters, therewith 2 or any of them or any otter matter it ry.to rlati phtla .than 1 Beard t hlhh said board should With calla a Haat ,dgrur,r,,,ma e beadvised, t the board of ommis- a statement Mid,t' eh sing'the 'Stoners with his recommendation 1n location of the [It r pl , the retard t0 revoking such license,which number of all rd 1 -r , )hoard hall take such action in r— f "' their• . gad to therevocation of' such license a"I Ise rented as it may deem just and right. • 11 be Out, gang sleeping Every touriat park keeper sh�l keep pu5Dosea The •ph a flie i.uon a dells register f n guests r ten- of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- flo q o his ba• sta t,e ante'whl 1shall"b available at all filed with tiecity, ,r1 ,gp,1t tithes fer year for inspection by I,aka,City and he.; `� d the the chief of P011ce, hispresents. boal9t of co mJasl '� ;Og-$1 t Lake dves. ro t bogy f all tries in its issue dated the a.6th• dayof July 1y• 30 City.at It.next ragfart.Sµch thereon 16Ra1/ b f914a p d daily rtopaper application shall ard be thechief-of pogo an saki reek!? .Nr- referred to the yhpe .who etched'by lint and geld eek!?and shall withtil Beadle aLL]h�refec true spies fm•nished thechief of po- epa,report to sat py,rttte. enefad See copies n contain-.the following-In- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on reputation of sold"' rk Or'plebe t and'format] .the general repute n and'O recta Date and times-of arrival, name, ,Of the person who rhea parry home add esa town or city and state ,K**** , oh Bald buelnees,-ah o,2he theta' and next destination of all guest.or ^'* '�'�'** for reputation and ch e rite: the per. tenants;- i guests or tenants bring a cislodging or e efitslned at-said motor vehicle to said park,the name, place, .and whethena Noy law.of the make and state license number of said: state or-ordinance o%1Re ettyy le beingn for v hi I or haw'beta carry �0015 Masse The a ly Ilse se fee forcoaparks thereafter, the full period of .,..One.Sri6ert,1,011, and n'oposing to entry q'��id btlalness Shalt be.thesumof fifty cents for a if so ;Abet epeet,vinous ef,- each leaping,mothor equivalent anfl Wheth y'.D11ht0us inous;gr., available and provided y the peens., m need orp malt'nQ11•op f or him been'provided however. that o license mold or kept for salt'. ale park,.or.shall be issued for leas than $26,000 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..16th..... plane, or any place, ed;tifa}'b. Per year fraction thereof. With by the*anion Beerro eirry SECTION 2-In the opinion of the in said business,or,`any a l6dg. Board of Commissioners It is neces- n-...t es 000tt ote: .paJU•1 A. D. 19.43.1. whe park oast to thepeace, f al and safety day of .V park a that the inhabitants of Salt take City . be arse Its a that this-o din-ce shall tflk effect 'n f •y///J r mR t� tryD gner Imm elately '!�� ..••(/••� � • -:.l... n ra((ard to SECTION S. This shall AN Ok 01 b6'.1nid cilia d take elf et at e p opubloM , .. , O DIN A N C D -v is Ina of said chief Pnrs by the Hoard t C h, this Ie a 0 to"gra Ing or deny] sinners of ball Lake['its, Utah, this r' MIL RBVIs�nbhc09}safe kip➢Ifca:' t U rAOpipt qS,'! •, say t-July,,.A. !• La ie City,Utah,',-$2,re.sting Maid appildati n hti. !!gm th ,tOHN F. BOWMAN tones,by adding In and to said oblef of Done eau, • a"e,.il set Mayor, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..$let• day of t on i new el tit6nag to known as on eor .41 tl... , .. ETHEL MCCD Record an 1f101,relating toB auto.tourist 3 deem or 1 City Recorder. Parke. - deem 1U�. B11t'No.24. Be It ordained by the Beard Of Com- by road: Published July 16th,1930` _e .. JuJ,y �'Notary Public. ( --- Nov. 25, 1933. My commission expires Advertising fee, $ 1