24 of 1932 - Regulating the production and distribution of Milk. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City Utah Aug 23 193 2 VOTING AYE NAY C Finch V Keyser y In the matter of Bill #24 for an ordinance regulating the production and distribution Knight of milk, said ordinance having been presented to Lake the Board of Commissioners Aug 9, 1932, hearing set and held Aug 17, 1932, I move that the Mr Chairman ordinance be filed and that accompanyiig ordinances, as prepared oy the City Attorney, be taken up for Result consideration Chairman Committee of the Whole Passed by the Board of Commissioners pt Salt Lake City Utah AUG 23 1917 City Rec der Mayor ROL.. CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah Aug. 9O, 1932 Finch I move that the ordinance be passed 7�, Keyser ` Knight Lake V17 Mr Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDIN/NCL RLCUL;TING, licensing and governing the pro- duction, handling and di^trioution of milk, milk products, cott e cheese, fro4tn confections, icc cream and butter Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of halt Lake C3 ty, Utah ��,_ �y Be it ordained- by the Board of Co Lissioners of the City of Salt Lale as follows SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and the enforcement of this ordinance - (A) MILK Milk is hereby defined to be the lacteal secretion ob- tained by the complete iailki,g of one or more healthy cows, exclud- ing that obtained within fifteen days before and five days after calving, or such lcnger period as nay be necessary to render the rails- practically colostrum free, which contains not less than twelve per cent (1P%) of -rilk solids and not less than three and tag tenths per cent (3.2jo) of silk fat. (B) IfILK FAT OR BUTTER FAT idilk fat or butter fat is the fat of milk (C) CREAM Cream is a portion of milk which contains not less than eighteen per cent (18%) milk fat, and the acidity of which is not more than 0.20%, expressed as lact c acid (D) SKIMUED MILK Skimmed milk is milk from which a sufficient por- tion of milk fat has been renovea to reduce its milk fat percentage to less than 3.2% (E) CHOCOLATE MILK Chocolate milk is milk to rhich has been added in a sanitarr manner a chocolate syrup composed of wholesome in- gredients (F) BUTTERMILK. Buttermilk is the product which remains when fat is removed from milk or cream in +he process of churning It con- tains not less than eiq'hr and five-tenths per cent (8 5%) of milk solids not fat (G) CULTURED BUTTERIaLK Cultured buttermilk is the product result- ing from the sourini or treatment, by a lactic acid culture, of milk or milk products It contains not less than 8.5% (eight and five- tenths per cent) of tilk ,,olids not fat, and shall be pasteurized before adding the culture (H) MILK PRODUCTS kilk products shall be taken to mean and include cream, skimmed milk, chocolate milk, buttermilk, and cultured butter- milk (I) PASTEURIZATION The terms "pasteurization", "pasteurised", and similar terms shad be taken to icier to the process of heating ev- ery particle of milk or milk products to a temperature of not less than 142°F , and holding at such temperature for not less than 30 minutes in pasteurization apparatus approved by the health officer, provided that approval shall be limited to apparatus which requires a combined holder and indicating thermometer te :perature tolerance of lot more than 1*°F , as shown by official tests with suitable testing eouipment, and provided that such apparatus shall be operated as directed by the health officer and so that the indicating ther- �P mometers and the recording thermometer charts both indicate a tem- perature of not loss than 1431-°F., continousl" throughout the hold- ing period, provided that nothing contained in this definition shall be construed as disbarring any other process thick has been demon- strated as of at least ecual efficiency and is approved by the state health authority (J) ADULTERATED MILK AND ruILY PRODUCTS Anj substance elai ed to be any milk or milk product defined in tnis ordirance, bat not conform- ing with its definition as given in this ordinance shall be deemed adulterated and misbranded (k) KILI F ODUCER A milk producer is any person who owns or con- trols one or more cows, a part or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold and delivered to another person (L) ILK DISyRIBUTOR A milk distributor is ansr person who has in possession, offers for sale, sells or delivers to another any mill or mill products fei consumption or manufacturing purposes (i,r) DAIRY OR DAIRI FaRIo A dair,r or dairy farm is any place or premises shore one or core cows are kept, a part or all of the milk or milk products from which in sql and delivered to ins person (id) IMILKPPLANT A milk plant is any nor place, or premises, or estab- liahment where milk or milk products are collected, handled, pro- cessed, storelibottledl_pasteurized, or prepared for distribution.. authority of the City of Salt Lake or nis eut,ne114cµ _ (P) AVERAGE BACTERIAL COUNT Average bacterial count shall be taken to mean the average of the bacterial counts of all samples taken during the grading period, including at least four samples taken up- on separate days. Bacterial count may be made by direct count or plate count. (Q) GRADING PERIOD The grading period shall he such period of time as the health officer may designate, within which grades shall be determined for all milk, cream, buttermilk and cultured buttermilk supplies. (R) BACTERICIDE The term bactericide shall be taken to mean any bactericidal substance or process approved by the health officer (S) PERSON The word "person" as used in this Ordinance, shall mean "person, firm, corporation or association" SECTION 2. THE SALE OF ADULTERATED OR MISBRANDED MILK OR MILK PRO- DUCTS PROHIBITED. No person shall within the City of Salt Lake, or its police jurisdiction, produce, sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent to sell, any milk or milk product which is adulterated or misbranded SECTION 3. PERMITS It shall be unlawful for any person to bring into or receive into the City of Salt Lake or its police jurisdiction, for sale, or to sell, or to offer for sale therein, or to have on hand, any milk or milk product defined in this ordinance, who does not possess a permit from the health officer of the City of Salt Lake, and on whose vehicle there does not appear in a conspicuous place the permit num- ber in figures at least three inches high and one and one-half in- ches wide Such a permit may be revoked by the health officer upon the violation by the holder of any of the terms of this ordinance or in any emergency when in the judgement of the health officer the milk supply in question has become a public health menace, _i SECTION 4. LABELING AND PLACARDING All bottles, cans, packages, and other containers enclosing milk or any milk product defined in this ordinance shall be plainly labeled or marked with (1) the name of the contents as given in the definitions in this ordinance, (2) the grade of the contents if said contents are graded under the provisions of this ordinance, (3) the word "pasteurized" if the contents have been pasteurized, (4) the word "raw" if the contents are raw, (5) the name of the producer or distributor The label or mark shall be in letters of a size, kind and color approved by the health officer and shall contain no marks or words not approved by the health officer Every restaurant, cafe, soda fountain, or other establishment selling or serving milk shall display at all times, in a place des- ignated by the health officer, a notice approved by the health of- ficer, stating the grade of the milk at the tine when delivered and whether same is raw or pasteurized. SECTION 5. INSPECTION OF DAIRY FARIaS AND MILK PL NTS FOR THE PUR- POSE OF GRADING OP REGRADING. At least once during each grading period the health officer shall inspect all dairy farms and all milk plants whose milk or cream is intended for consumption rithin the City of Salt Lake or its police jurisdiction. In case the health officer discovers the violation of any item of sanitation, he shall make a second inspec- tion after a lapse of such time as he deems necessary for the de- fect to be remedied but not before the lapse of three days, and the second inspection shall be used in determining the grade of milk or cream Two violations of this ordinance on separate inspections within any one grading period shall call for immediate de-grading One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by me aed1 ll officer in`^a conspicuous place upon an inside wall of one of the dairy farm or milk -1„nu ouildings, and said inspection report shall not be removed by err person except the health officer. Another copy of the inspection revolt shall be filed pith the records of the health department. SECTION 6. TIfE TESTING OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS During oecn grading period at least four samples of milk or cream from ouch dairy fan and each milk plant shall be taken on separate dvzrs and tested by the health officer Samples of iilk and cream from stores, cafes, soda fountains, restaurants, and other places where milk products are sold shall be tested as often as the health officer may* require. Bacterial counts shall be made in con- formity with the standard methods iecommended by the American Pub- lic Health Association Tests nay include such other chemical and phvsicial deteimin tions as the health officer moy deem necessary for the detection of adulteration, these tests to be made in ac- cordance with lhe latest standard methods of the American Public Health Association and the .ssoci tion of Official Agricultural Chem- ists Bactcri-1 count result., sh-ll be given to the producer or distributor co„corned as soon as determined. Samples iiay be taken by the hcnitn officei tt any time prior to the final delivery of the milk or milk products 111 s'-oros, cafos, restaurants, soda founteii, end othei sifilar .,hall furnish the health officer, upon his request, ti !th the n me of the milk distributor from whom their milk is obtained SECTION 7 PRE GRADING OF 'ILLY ND CREAK At least once every six (6) ronths the health officer shall announce the grades of all mill , buttermilk, cultured buttermilk, and cream supplies delivered oy all eroaucers or distributors and ultimately consumed rishin the City cf Salt Lake or its police jur- isdiction Said grades shall be o..sed upon the folio ring standards, the grading of cream, button ilk and cultured buttermilk being iden- tical with the grading of milk, e' eept t at the bacterial standard shall be doubled in the case of clam, and omitted in the case of buttermilk and cultured buttermilk. CERTIFIED MILK Certified milk is mill, thich conforms with the current require- ments of the American association of Medical Milk Commissions, and is produced under the supervision of the Medical Milk Commission of the Medical Society of Salt Lye County, and of the State Board of Health or of the City. ana County Health Officer of Salt Lake City GRADE "A" RA'/ MILK Grade "'" Raw Milk is mill the average 'sectorial count of which as determined undo3 Section 6 of this ordinance doe, not exceed 50,000 per cubic centimeter, and rnicn is produced upon dairy farms conforming with all of the follo ring items of sanitation ITal 1 COWS - TUB RCTJLOSIS `uTD 0 LO R DISEASES r, nhr*sicial examination and tuberculin test of all herds and additions thereto shall be made before an, milk therefiom is sold, end at 1< 1strace every twelve months thereafter bar a licensed voterineri n pniov.,d b* the Debar-Lent of Public Health of Salt L,I-e CitY Effective ninety (90) aa, s after passage, all herds e d additions thereto shall be tested for Bang's abortion disease bar the agglutination test by a licensed veterinarian approved by the Department of Public Health of Salt Lc c City. certificate signed by the veterinarian or attested to by the health officer, and filed nth the health officer, shall be the only valid evidence of the above tests Raw milk shell be sold only iron cows free from infection. ITEM 2. DAIRY BARN - LIGHTING P dairy or milking barn shall be required, and such sections thereof where cots are kept or mils-ed sh'•11 hove at least three square feet of winder area for each stanchion, or shall be provided with adequate supplementary artificial lighting, reasonablw evenly distributed ITEM 2. *D. IRY Br,RN - ,IR bP CE .ND VENTIL2 TION Such sections cf all dairy barns whore cons are kept shall have at least four hundred (400) cubic feet of air space per stanchion, and shall be well ventilated ITEM 4 D,IRY BR,PN FLOORS The floors and gutters of such parts of ell dairy barns in which cows are kept or milked shall be constructed of concrete or other impervious and cosily cleaned material approved b,; tho health officer and shall be graded to drain properly, end shall be kept clean and in good repair No horses, pigs, fowl, etc , shall be per- matted in carts of the barn used for dairy purposes. ITEE 5 DL.IRY B1,11N, N2,LLS „ND CEILINGS Tho walls and ceilings of all dairy burns shall be whitewashed once each year of p-inted once every tie roars, or oftener if nec- essarY, or fine-had in < manner approved by the health officer, and shall be kepi clean and in „ooc. repair In case there is a second story above ch-t port of the barn in rhich cows ore milked, the ceiling shall be tight ITEM 6 D IRi B,JN, COS+ YI,RD 2,11 co; cards shell be graded and drained es well -s practicable Ind kcpt c1c,n. ITEM 7. Sb NUKE DISPO82,L .11 m nure shall be removed ana stored or disposed of in such manner as best, to prevent the breedong of flies therein, or the ac- cess of cows to piles thereof ITEM 8. MILK HOUSE OR ROOM, CONI.CRUCTION There shall be provided a seiarate milk house or mil'c room for the handling and storage of u.,lk and the washing anu bactericidal • treatment of Wilk apparatus and utensils, provided iith a tight floor constructed of concrete or other iapervious material and graded to provide proper drainage The walls and ceilings of the milk house or room shall be of such construction as to permit easy clean- ing, and shall be painted at least once each iear, or finisned in a manner approved by the health officer. The milk house or room shall be well lighted and ventilated and all openings effectively screened to prevent the entrance of flies, end shall be usea for no other purpose than the hindLing and storage of Hill. or Wilk products and other operations incident thereto The cleaning and other operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination to the milk or to cleaned equip tent The milk room shall not open directly into o stable or Tito any room used for domestic purposes. ITL1, 9. MILK I OUS-, OR ROOM, CLE.i SINES., ND FLIES The floors, r lls, ceilings and equip, ont of the silknouse or room shell be rapt clan at all ti cso ,11 ,'.carts necessai ,r for the elitiinotion of flies shell be usea ITEM 10 TOILET. Every dairy farm shall be provided vith a sonitari, toilet con- structed ind operited in accordance nth the orc_inances of the City of Salt Lol e, and the recor ,oneoticns of the State Board of health ITEII 11 I TER SUPPLY The eater supply shell be easilf accessible, cecueto, tnd of - safe, s initory quali t ITEM 12. UTENSILS - CONSTRUCTION 11 containers or utensils used in the handling or storage of milk or 14i11, products usu bo _ado of non-absorbent material and of such construction as to be cosily cleaned, and lust be in good re- pair Joints ane sco s shall be soldered flush All ,ilk p-ils shall be of a smell outh design approved by the health officer ITEM 13 UTENSILS - CLe J TITIG ,1l containers and other utensils used in the handling, stor- age, or transportation of ill -id iiJlJ products Lust be thoroughly cleaned after e-ch usage. ITEM 14 UTENSIL - B CTERICID.L TRE,TI=NT 011 containers and other utensils used in the handling, storage or transportation of milk or rilk ,roducts shell between each usage be treated with stea , hot rater, or chlorine in a manner approved by the health officer ITEBI 15 UTENSILS - STOR.,GL l,ll containers and other utensils used in the handling, storage, or transportation of calk or milk products shall b e stored so as not to become contil mated before again being used ITEM 16 UTENSILS - Ii,NDLING ifter bactericidal treat'ent no container or other rilk or milk product utensil shall be handled in such canner as to pert it any part of the person or clothing to core in contact with any surface with which milk or milk products co e in contact. ITEM 17 MILKING. UDDERS .ND TEATS The udders and teats of all milking cows shall be clean at the ti,a of rilking. ITEM 18. MILKING FLLNIKS The flanks, bellies and tails of all milking cows shall be free from visibly dirt at the time of milking ITEM 19 MILEMRS' HINDS Milkers' hands shall be clean, rinsed with a bactericidal so- lution, and dried with a clean to,rel immediately before milking Should the rilking operation be interrupted, the milkers' hands must be again rinsed in the solution Wet hand milking is prohibited Convenient facilities shell be provided for the washing of milkers' hends ITEM 20 CLE S1 CLOTHING Milkers and silk handlers shall wear clean outer garments o'hile ti orking ITEM 21 MILK STOOLS Milk stools shall be kept clean ITEM 22 REI OV,L OF MILK Each ,ail or can of milk shall be removed imediately to the milk house or straining room. No il} shall be strained in the dairy barn ITEM 25. COOLING. Milk must be cooled within one hour after milking to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, or less, and maintained at or below that temperature un- til delivery, unless it is delivered to a milk plant for pasteuriza- tion or separation, in which case it must be cooled or pasteurized within two hours of the ti: e of production. ITEM 24. BATTING IND C.,PPING• 1,11 Grade "A." Raw Milk for bottling shall be bottled on the fern where it is produced end delivered to the consumer within for- ty (4O) hours after eroduction IIilk shall be bottled from a con- tainer with a raadily cleanable valve, or by Means of a bottling ma- chine approved by the health officer. Bottles Shall be capped by Machine, The ,Machine shall be cleaned end subjected to bactericidal treatr ent before each usage Caps shall be purchased in sanitary containers and kept therein until used. ITEM 25. PE $FTEL EiE LTH CERTIFIC TES, Every person connected with e dairy or milk plant whose work brings hire in contact with the production, handling, storage, or transportation of milk, milk products, containers or equipment, shall have within twelve ronths or leas, is required pv the he-1th of- ficer, passed a {edical examination made by the health officer or by a licensed physician approved by the health officer, and shall subrit such specimens of bodily discharges as the health officer may require, - I ITEM eb. 1VU1 lt'1Ul.Iioa yr Notice shall be sent to the health officer ie ediately by any rilk producer or distributor upon whose dairy farm or in whose milk plant any case of sickness or any infectious, contagious or corr- runicable disease occurs GR'DE "B" R,W MILK Grade "B" Rat, Milk is milk the average bacterial count of ,hich at no tire prior to rleliverl exceeds 200,000 rer cubic dentiaetara and which is produced upon dairy farms conforming with 211 the items of sanitation ioquired for graAe "k" rae milk, except that the cooling terperature shall be changed to 70°F Grade"B" Ray Milk shall be pasteurized before bottling Blood test for Bang's Disease not con pulsory GRADE "C" R.ld MILK Grade "C" Raw Milk is milk the average bacterial count of which at no time prior to delivery exceeds 1,000,000 per cubic centimeter, and which is produced on dairy fares conforming with all the items of sanitation required for Grade "B" Raw Milk. Grade "C" Raw Milk shall be pasteurized Blood test for Bang's Disease not compulsory GRADE "A" PASTEURIZED MILK Grade "rs" Pasteurized Mill- is Grade "A" or Grade "B" Raw Milk which has been pasteurized, cooled and bottled in a milk plant con- forming with all of the folloeing items of sanitation and the aver- age bacterial count of which at no tine after pasteurization and un- til delivery exceeds 20,000 per cubic centimeter Grade "I" Cream not more than 40,000 per cubic centimeter ITEM 1 FLOORS The floors f all rooms in which silk or croon is handled shall be constructed of concrete or other equally impervious and easily cleaned material and shall be smooth, ,roperly drained and provided with trapood drains, end kept clean ITEM 2. 'P.LLS ,ND CEILINGS Walls and ceilings of room in ahich milk or cream is handled or stored shall have smooth, washaolc, light colored surface and be kept clean ITEM 3 DOORS ND IAINDOdS .11 openings into the outer air shall be effectively screened to prevent the access of flies Doors shall be self-closing. ITEM 4. LIGHTING .ND VENTIL TION All rooms shall be well lighted and ventilated ITEM 5. PROTECTION FROM CONT lIINATION AND FLIES The various milk-plant operations shall be so located and con- ducted as to prevent any conterination to the rilk or to the cleaned equipment All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall be used Tris require^ ent shall be interpreted to include separate rooms for (a) t e pasteurizing, cooling and bottling operations, (b) the washing and bactericidal tree-Lent of containers and equipment Cans of raw milk shall not be unloaded directly into the pasteurizing room. Pasteurized milk shall not be per itted to code into contact with equipment with which unpasteurized milk has been in contact Boons in which milk or cremr.r or cleaned utensils or containers are handled or stored shall not open directly into any stable or living quarters ITEM 6 TOILET Fr CILITIES Every rilk plant shell be provided 'ith toilet facilities con- foriing with tho ordinances of the City of Salt Lake There shall be at least one room or vestibule not usbd for rilk purposes be- tween the toilet room end any room in rhich milk or milk products are h-nuled or stored Thu doors of all toilet rooms shall be self- closing Toilet roors shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, and yell ventilates In case privies or earth closets are per itted and used, they shall be separate from the building and I shall be of a sanitary; type constructed and operated in conformity ! with the �Srdinances of the City of Salt Lake, and,the reconr enda- tions of the State Board of Health ITEM 7. WLIZR SUPPLY The water supply shall be easily accessible, adequate, and of a safe, sanitary quality. ITEM 8. W BHING F4CILITIES Washing facilities shall be provided, including hot running water, soap, and sanitary towels of A tyre approved by the health officer The use of a common towel is prohibited ITEM 9. MILK PIPING Only "Sanitary Milk Piping" of a type which cm be easily cleaned with a brush shall be used. ITEM 10. CONSTRUCTION OF EQUIPMENT All equipment Pith which milk cones in contact shall be con- structed in such nenner as to be easily cleaned. ITEM 11. DISPOSIL OF W..STES All wastes shall be disposed of in conformity with the re- cuirenents of the health officer ITEM 12. CLE.qING 1 ND BI CTURICID'L TRE,`DM IT OF CONT INLRS ND APP.R.TUB All milk containers and milk apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned after each usage and subjected to a bactericidal treat- ment approved by the health officer immediately before each usage ITEM 13. STORA.GE OF CONTAINERS. after bactericidal treatrent all bottles, cons, and other con- tainers shall be stored in such manner as to be protected from con- +alu i^tion ITEM 14. HANDLING OF CONT..INERS ,ND SP..R1 TUS Between bactericidal treatrent and usage containers and apN paratus shall not be handled in such manner es to permit any part of the person or clothing from coring in contact with any surface with which milk or silk products cone in contact. ITEM 15. STORIGE OF C:PS Milk-bottle cops shall be purchased and stored only in sanitary tubes and shall be ke)t therein until used ITEM 16 P.STEURIZ.TION. Pasteurization shall be perfor ed -s described in Section 1-I of this ordinance The time ^nd terperature record charts shall be dated -Pad preserved for a period of 3 months for the information of the health officer ITEM 17. COOLING. All milk not pasteurized within two hours after it is received at the plant shall then be immediately cooled to a terperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or less and maintained thereat until pasteurized, and all pasteurized milk shall be immediately cooled to a tempera- ture of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or lees and maintained thereat until delivery ITEM 18. BOTTLING Bottling shall be done et the place of pasteurization in automatic machinery approved by the health officer in such manner as to prevent any part of the person or clothing fror coning in contact with any surface with which milk or .silk products come in contact. ITEM 19. OVERFLOW MILK. Overflow Milk shall not be sold for human consumption. 11111 -a-` ! 1 ITEM 20. CAPPING Capping shall be done by machinery approved by the health of- ficer Hand capping is prohibited ITE4 21 TIME OF DELIVERY Milk to be consu ed in the form of whole milk shall be deliver- ed to the final consul or within 60 hours of the tine of pasteuriza- tion ITEM 22 HEALTH CERTIFIC,.TES Every person connected with a rilk plant whose work bringshirr in contact with the handling, storage or transportation of milk, milk products, containers or equipment, shall have within twelve months or less as required by the health officer passed e medical examina- tion -lade by the health officer or by a licensed physician approved by the health officer, and shell submit such specinons of bodily discharges as the health officer nay require ITEM 23 NOTIFIC TION OF DISE.SE Notice shell be sent to the health officer immediately by any milk distributor in whose mill: plant any case of sickness or any in- fectious, contagious or conrunicable disease occurs ITEM 24 PERSONNEL - CLE,OILINESS ill persons coning in contact with milk or milk products con- tainers or equipment shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hends clean at all tires while thus engaged GR/DE "B" P.STEURIZED MILK Grade "B" Pasteurized Milk is Grade "C" Raw Milk which has been pasteurized, cooled, and bottled in a milk plant conforming with all of the requirements for Grade "A" Pasteurized Lilk and which shall be plainly labeled "cooking only". Provided, however, that Grade "B" Pasteurized Milk may be dis- tributed in bulk to rlaces where in the opinion of the health officer it will be used only for purposes of cooking and baking. SECTION 8 GRADES OF ND CREAM WHICH MAY BE SOLD From the date on which this Ordinance taYes effect no milk or cream shall be sold to the final consumer, or to restaurants, soda fountains, giocery stores, or similar establishments, except Grades and B Pasteurized, Certified and Grade e. Raw" SECTION 9 SUPPLEMENT.RY REGRADING «t any tine between regular announcerents of milk grades any producer or distributor may eke application for regrading his pro- duct Upon the receipt of a satisfactory eprmlication, the health of- ficer shall, in case the applicant's existing low gredo is due to failure to meet the bacteriological or terperature requirements, lake at least four examinatinns upon sarples collected by the health officer of the applicant's output ,within a ;period of not loss then two weeks and not lore than three weeks of the date of the applica- tion The health officer shall award a higher grade immediately in case the said four analysos indicate the necessary quality. In case the applicant's existing low grade is due to a viola- tion of an item of sanitation other than bacterial count or temper- ature, said epulication must be loco p^nied by a statement to the ef- fect tint the violated item of sanitation has been conformed with. Within tuuo weeks of the receipt of such an application the health of- ficer shall make a reinspection of the applicant's establishment and, in case the findings justify, shall award a regrade At any ti e between regular announcelents of milk grades the health officer shall lower the grade of any milk producer or distri- butor if, as a result of inspections or ' ilk analysis, a lower grade shall be justified in accordance with the terrs of this ordinance SECTION 10 TRANSFER'3IT`IG OP DIPPING , ILK, SALE OF I ORE THAN ONE GRADE, DELIVERY OF IIILK T QU1.R,1TTINED RESIDENCES No m] producer or distributor mall transfer uilk or milk products from one container to another upon the street or in any vehicle or store, or in any place except a bottling or milk room es- pecially used for that purpne. The sale of dip milk is hereby ox- Drossly prohibited ill e'asteurized milk shall be placed in its final delivery contaxrvff in the plant in which it is pasteurized It shall be unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, restaurants, and similar establismuients to sell or serve any milk except in the ori- ginal container en which it was received from the producer or dis- tributor, 'rovided that this requirement shall not apply to nixed milk drinks If rote than one grade of milk is sold by any distributor sep- arate receiving, pasteurizing, cooling, and bottling equiprent shall be prove fed for each grade and the equiprent for each grade shell be loca,,ed in separate buildings or in separate rooms of the Sang buildseg The delivery of milk to and the collection of 'ilk containers fror quarantined residences shall be subject to the special require- .tents of the health officer SF'CTION 11 MILK ND CTAFLM FROM POINTS BEYOND THE LIMITS OF INSPEC- TTON OF THE CITY OF SALT L. KE luilk and cream from points beyond the l L1its of inspection of the city of Salt Lake raj not be sold in the City of Salt Lake or its police jurisdiction unless produced and pasteurized under grad- ing provisions identical ' ith those of this ordinance and approved ' by the health officer SECTION 12 SPITTING No person shall spit in any part of any roof, vehicle, or other place used for the sale, storage, handling or transportation of milk SECTION 13. VEHICLES All vehicles used for delivery of milk in the City of Selt Lake or its police jurisdiction, shall be so constructed es to protect the milk from the sun and fror contamination Such vehicles shall be kept clean while used in transporting milk or milk products No substance capable of contaminating uilk or milk products shall be transported with silk or milk products in such manner as to permit contamination SECTION 14. DENT TURING LISBR,NDED PRODUCTS The health officer ray denature with rennet or some harmless natter any silk or milk products found misbranded with respect to grading or sold without a perrit, provided that if the conditions warrant the milk or eilk products ay be destroyed SECTION 15 REPISTEURIZ,TION PROrHIBITED No silk or talk products shall be pasteurized pore than once, except es nay be specially periitted by the health officer SECTION 16 FUTURE DAIRIES -ND MILK PL NTS All dairies end milk plants fror which ilk is supplied to the City of Salt Lake which ere hereafter constructed, shall conform in their construction to the requirements of the health officer, which shall not be less than the Grade ":" requirements of this ordinance SECTION 17 :PPLICi TION FOR PERI:ITS Application for permits required in Section 3 of this ordinance shall be trade in writing on blanks furnished by the Departrent of Health SECTION 18 FEES All milk produced to be sold in the City of Selt Lake as market vzlk or market crea, shall be subject to a fee of one-eighth of a cent per gallon if roducod within fifty riles of the City and County Building, of the City of S It Lake, by the nearest direct route and e fee of one-fourth of a cent per gallon if produced at a greater distance Said fee shall be payable on or before the twentieth day of each calendar month covering the arount of r111' de- • .10•. livered by each producer during the month preceding. Said fees shall be collected by the distributor of such nalk or cream end paid to the Salt Lake Health Depart _ent, for deposit with the treasurer of the City of Salt Lake, fees so collected shall be credited to the Food -nd Dairy Inspection Fund SECTION 19. FEES Before a per it is issuec to operate a pasteurizing plant the health department will deterninetbat proper sanitary safeguards are established bf ins-Dcction and the pl^nt will pay ono-ei.hth of c cent per gallan fox -11 rilk handled and/or bottled Such fee shol1 boco,e due, and payable on or before the fifth day ore-lath succeeding txonth to the Selt La'e City Health Doaart ,ant, for deposit with the tru^surer of Salt L.ke City FGeS.so collected shall be credited to the Food and'Dairy Tnsy etion Fund SECTION 20 RULES 'LD REGUL TIONS. The Board of Health is directed and authorized to 1 ^ke rules and regulations to ,overn the production, handling end distribution of i ilk, iiilk pr .i.ncts, cottage cheese, ice crear ,, frozen confections ^nu butter. SEOTIDN 21 PEN LTY ',my person ).ho gleai1.'violato ari provision of this ordinance shall be fined not lore than one huncirad collars 4100.00), at the azsoretion of the court. Each and every violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance Shall constitute a scyarate offense. SECTION 22 RLPE4 L ND Df!'E OF EFFECT, 411 ordinances and 4rts of ordinances in conflict with this orcinance are hereby repealed, anc this ordinance shell be in full force and effect i)a ediatoly upon its adoption and its publication, as )rovided by law SECTION 23 UNCONSTITUTION.LITY CL USE Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clQuse, or phrase of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or inv"lid for any rea- son, the reminder of said ordinance shall not be affected thereby. 4 )1 r 114'"vVOt// aL Gt ' 2 VV —U 41i "(T : , ' t:Et