24 of 1939 - Vacating alley in Block 1, Douglas Park, North East 1/4, Section 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Block 16 and 1 ROLL CALL C- (,/ Salt Lake City,Utah, JUN 115 1939 , 193
Goggin Y I move that the ordinance be p ssed.
i (
Keyser r` `, ,�,:� f [
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - i AN ORDINANCE
°y in the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,Salt Lake
_..;TclBase and Meridian, and alleys in Blocks 16 and 17 of Douglas Park,
, 1 ti and in Blocks 12 and 13 of Sunnyside Park, in Block 27, Five Acre
Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That alley in Block 1, Douglas Park, in the
o-d Northeast Quarter of Section 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Salt Lake Base and
Meridian, and alleys in Blocks 16 and 17 of Douglas Park, and in
Blocks 12 and 13 of Sunnyside Park, in Block 27, Five Acre Plat "C",
Big Field Survey, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 1, Douglas Park
in the N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.,
thence west 631.06 ft., thence south 14.0 ft., thence east
631.05 ft., thence north 14.0 ft. to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 16, Douglas
Park in Bik. .27, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, thence
west 630.77 ft., thence south 14.0 ft., thence east 630.76
ft., thence north 14.0 ft. to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the S.E.Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 17, Douglas
Park in Blk. 27, Five Acre Plat "Cu, Big Field Survey, thence
west 630.50 ft., thence south 14.0 ft., thence east 630.48
ft., thence north 14.0 ft. to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the N.W.Cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 12, Sunnyside
Park in Blk. 27, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, thence
west 10.0 ft., thence south 314.0 ft., thence east 10.0 ft.,
thence north 314.0 ft. to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the N.W.Cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 13, Sunnyside
Park in Blk. 27, Five Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, thence
west 10 ft., thence south 232.95 ft., thence east 10.0 ft.,
thence north 232.95 ft. to the place of beginning.
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public
property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of
way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Moun-
N; 24
tain State Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under franchises I
from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the elec•r
trio transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits
lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the neces-
sary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed there-
to for the support of said electric telephone and telegraph lines,
wires and distribution circuits as now erected and maintained upon
or across the portion of said strewsor alleys to be closed, dur-
ing the life of the franchises held'by said ctlpt ra' ies, %gr any ex-
tensions thereof •
Also subject to pe"(petual easementLak . City for
the construction, maintenance;: repair, or reply eme t of aTiy water
mains, sewers or extensions..thereof.
SECTION 2. In the ,Opinion of the Board 4t Commissioners,
it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. /
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /ffa day of , A.D. 1939.
/J� Mayor.
\Z4CCtl y1 ecorder.
. .
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
-- ' I N fine,--
Leo H.Young
INR131,,opIC 1N DNCgglaa•Park PLTO h'j
lest Q to Y B Lion 9,71.1 t3,a E.,1 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
a7t Lake Bfl i d,?.xue arid allege
i Bidbkc.'16 3 an : Dof V a. Park,' vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
and 1 Blocks 1 i 33•re l a "C,"
By k y 7 F1VU Ape Plet 'C,"
mI!e it dra nerf by'the'Board f Com•
BECTi0No 1 B Th ea oli trOtBa"ieck 1 1 published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
• Do ei :Park 1 the•Northeast Quarter- o1
.Section 2, 'ie. 1 5., H..1 E., Salt Lake Of Utah.
..Baps d,'Meridian.and alley,.in Blocks'
10 anti 17 of.Douglas Park and in Block..12 :
27, d 13.o,Plat.9bma 1Bhrx, 1n.Block
rvey. Ordinance Bill Noe 24
'inn a pa Apra Plat described
sl•t sieia.Bnr7ey. That the advertisement',more particularly at:th tlS.m lbCtl.of Lot a:
_Beginning, t th S.E,C E.
04 So
1 1-D g7 e.ya in.•the N.E. of44-' Soh
g at Si t.E-'hence F &M.,ohence
treat 831I 0 11 menee oath rth 4. relating to vacating.alley Douglas Park (Salt Lake
•it. ea e31e6 ft.,to a,north'1s.b
it to the D.Ca of begg:q ot,,
Beginning t ilk.'do;0ggr of'Lot'1,',
:Elk. le DO ad/in Blk:.27, Five. City Corporation)
nova Pik c, .,meld sSurvey,4 thence
maces eaat3'30.76t It.,dthe,,00hnorth 14.0'
-UP -'the.place of beginning.
'Beginning et{the O..E.'Cor..as.Lot I,Elk.
l7;Douglas Park In MR 27, Five Acre
Plat 'O,',Rig.Field Survey;-thence west:
.030.50 It.,.thence south 14.0 It..then*east
'830,48 ft., .tkrnee.north 14.0 ft'to 'the' was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
of I beehf i g • '4
Deb g t the N. W. Cot. of Lot
I fv L;Pi i or PR; sloig.gam. 16th June A.D. 1939
Yhet Vest 10e It.;.the tth31,4.0' day of
ft.,thence.cI,,30.0 St„thence'north 314.0
It:'to the place of beginning:
E'ecihning at the-N.W.Cot.of Lot 3, 1 time
Blk. 13, Bunnr4tdp.park in alk.27, Five and was published
Acre Pain "0,".,E.12;Field Survey, thence
e t'10'it then**nth 232.95 ft, thence
t',10.0 It.,.thence,north'232.9A ft. to
the plate of hoginning, the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
b nd.the l ape herein seated aqa
JeeY ed-no 1 to be public'property /t
7d- u as t t veh e, lle9,P i Pe' A.D. 17
deer ay day of
Said vacation ie ad Xp.Bela-;subject
int the- ightq of And cabs eats f
the lit h rain• ¢ Tel Co parr and
the M ta1 States. d-under a Tale-
gr8aph c It LakeanY
Qit d u dar f It to ea ..rising Cler
Worm.halt L ke 0 LY 't mal taln, re-•
• .
fiisei ;depirlbut onlaof tleegt'vh and ale.
!A td comps,.es,i together`wires
poles of
p to arr..
Y stope . d otherfor;
ght Ch.eon r afle 01{hereto f the
• pn t ,:s id leotUdtad b ,end tale
graph 1' 1 ee a d dktntle err•
pt u a 1io l dad p1 1 t re.upon
*err i. pe LGi,or said' tr9ets or
'MRyA t ebb 169etl twill .the es,of the 218t
f n1 t'aadeol.aid co ppujes,or.any Ito before me this day °f
Also ubj t•t nominal ea ant 3n
Belt L I G IY for the,con tc etl n,main- �t'39
taps ee,'rep 1 placement of In wa- A.D. lass.---..
11,0q .or xte 41on thereof,
SECTION 0..It<rho °ppillion'cif.the
`Board'Jot Cpmmie.lnnere, n le neceaeary
to,the heallb P d afety f-the
bit nt., i Salt-Lake City that this _
' Irk thence be m Iffecptid�V1e�immedlately-
�• ¢`pN.3 "1'lIt ,d cu nf4 Labe
eY p 4 to flref D Of Com ---
d +,; theD t Commissioners
E,Baer. Ni ary Public.
f Ba14 Lake,Cit$,Ptah;'4111 15th:'hey,of
l EALI City Rep rdera:
Ikb NO,24
1I lI II JUAa,.I*ji1h,_1539 .sees,s.+#.,„.;.
Yy- E.