24 of 1946 - Amending Section 6714 relating to Zoning VOTING _ AYE NAY ^ r'•."-."A 194' Salt Lake City,Utah, , 194 Affleek t y.� I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . AN 0 NANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING S' ' ' ON 6714 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, April 17, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, and March 28, 1946, relating to zoning. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945, April 17, 1945, August 17, 1945, December 18, 1945, and March 28, 1946, relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said section two new paragraphs to be known as Item 9 and item 10, which shall read as follows: "ITEM 9. The following described real property in Resi- dential 'B-2', as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Commercial classification and the Use District lap is hereby amended and changed accordingly: Both sides of 7th and 8th South St. from 2nd East St. west to present Commercial boundary and the nest side of 2nd East St. from 165 ft. south of 5th South St. to 66 ft. south of 6th South St., being the north one-half of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 2, Plat 'A'; all of Lot 1, and the east one-half of Lot 6, Block 17, Plat ,Al; the south 99 ft. of Lot l,and the north 66 ft. of Lot 8, Block 20, Plat 'At; and the east 165 ft. of Lots 1, 7 and 8, Block 35, Plat 'A'; all in Salt Lake City Survey. �4N_ That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered24 to show the above described tract of land as part of Commercial District." "ITEM 10. The following described real property in Resi- dential 'B-2', as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Residential 'B-3' classification and the Use Dis- -2- trict Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: The west side of 2nd East St. from 66 ft. south of 6th South St. to 99 ft. north of 7th South St. and from 165 ft. south of 7th South St. to 165 ft. north of 8th South St., being the east one-half of Lots 7 and 8, Block 17, Plat tA', and the north 231 ft. pf Lot 1, and the south 26,E ft. of Lot 8, Block 20, Plat IAI; all of Salt Lake City Survey. That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Residen- tial tB-31 District.+ SECTION,.2. In the ppinion of the Board of Commissioners, • it is necessary to the peaofe, health and safety of the inhabitahts of Salt Lake City,th t,thiaordinanc.e.become effective immediately. SECTION'3.-T$Ts.1i4dinance shall take effect upon its first publication i a ' i Passed by the Board of o -ssioners of Salt Lake City, y Utah, this /i day of i/, / , A.D. 692,frnoti-e" ,„ City recorder. �r R r)i/i' 24 E 14-44(--4e0sut. 0 51- Presantod to tho Board of Commonors AND PASSED APR 4 1946 ;Mita, We.4 First Pubikatisn in _hiLapiA ki AAJ-(1 edigAit -IQ V4 C, f4>Z0 OITY RECOMNA Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF UTAII, ss County of Salt Lake Legal Notices D N Cekey AN ORDINANCE • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION'6714,of'[h'Revised OrdA 1 /thine a Balltt Lake Okay,�U,p h,MI, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- .21, 1049, April 17,1846,EA/.ite ' vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Suet.17,'1946, December 1R 1945. and•Nareh 99, 1948, relating to minin`'t ordained by t e Hnarq of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Commlxlgmrn of Salt Lake It,, U SECTION',I.That Section 9714 of o1{ Utah. the Revleod Ordlnanee0 of Salt Leka'. city,Utah.1944,lie amended by o diaannoe passed by the Board of ru Commissioners on Pebary 211 tall, 0That the advertisement AAOKI 17 1846:August 17,1If, De. elacemting er lt0 arming,be end they same ' 1n hereby amended by adding in end . .. Ordinance Bill No 24 to said section 'two new pare• graphs to be known as Item 9 and Item 10, which shell read as fol. Mire: I.The,following described Salt Lake City Corporation real property In Rseidentlel B-I,' ethewn o the Use Dletrl0[Map, hereby nbendod ta,Oommeretal Map is amended end M Um imedrict dine y:', Both1dee of 7th d 661t South `.AL from 2ndBast St. ea{to Ores. was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the Buts CommorM61 boundary-end the astatine Ai,goo Each,R..00 ;96. '`'sntth"hi lio Seat`et.,Mangy the day of A.D.19 north one-hdll '''Lote 6,o'Tie i 6, the a st one'A';all'of Lot 1 sod ' 17,Plait'A'°teeheleolithl90 ftt.of Lot April 6 1946 • 'I.and the north 66 ft.of Lot 9 and was published Block 90„Plat'A';and the that 185 ft. f Lola 1,7 and 9, Block J6. Plat'A':all In Ba Luke Clty Mid. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the fiat said Use District Sn, le hereby cha°t'od and altered td oho. the above described tract of land as A.D.19 part of COMmerelal District`' day of ITEM'10.The folluwlne deser d real property In Residential B.,,' shown o the Dee DlON.Map 1a.creby hanged to Reeldentla� p.0' laseillcatott and fed Use Dis- trict Map le hereby amended end f changed mi°rdinglyi The ei Aide of and East St.' ' from 9 ft.moth ol Sth South n ot. • to II ft.north of 7111 South St and from 106 1t. eolith of Tilt South KSt. lA6 It,00l 0 of 9th South .bolos the east, Pi tli o, 0000 t and h 91 It 17 Lottt 'A,'enand the north y91 ft.o{ 1.end the 8.Bloc 0. y7,, Pla`th'A'l all et Ball°Lake:C tykSur ,to before me this_...St'h day of Ye,That d Use District Map'le hereby and hanged and altered to ' 46 A.D.19 allow the above descrbed tract of. and part of Residential ' .I'Dietrich' SECTION 9.In the opinion of the - ` Board of Oom nIselonere It Is moths. taro ho hba .0 e1[, ti prWh lit' 4 - L ..... �1 that ordinance rlyncebating ef.' Moive'immediatelf SECTION ordinance ihell Notaryc take effect ie en Al brat Willa- . Sion. Passed by the Heard of Commis• of Salt Lake City Utah, this°r eth day of April, Adl, 1946, EARL'J.GLADE, , IRMA P,BIt'NER, City Recorder. (SEAL) SILL No, 94 1 Published April 61h,1949, • 14..a 4)N Id.1 I,(% ••...6. •d • 10,3 a r- i a 0 k‘i ...., 1 f•-t) '11 'T ik s', 0 = C\ n = = , 1'.•\