24 of 1956 - Relating to zoning adding Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, northwest, east and northeast sections of Salt Lake C -�-�-• �+ Salt Lake City,U4,'1 Iliu.�u 195 VOTING Aye i'.y Burbidge I move that the ordinance be passed. ' Christensen . . . Nicholes Romney . Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result i. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to zoning, boundaries of Use Districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Urdinances of. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding in and to said section five (5) new paragraphs to be known as Items 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, which items shall read as follows: "ITEM 3. The following described real property in Residential +Ci R-6, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Business 7\./ "B-3" district classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: "Commencing at a point 66 feet north of the northwest corner of 1st West and 9th South Street, thence west 132 feet, thence north 33 feet, thence east 132 feet, thence south 33 feet to the point of beginning, being more particularly described as all of Lot 39, Block 1, Walker Subdivision." That said Use District Mao is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Business "B-3" District Classification. "ITEM 4. The following described real property in Residential R-6 District, as shown on the Use District lIap, is hereby changed to Commercial "C-3" district classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: "All of Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, Block 4, Fairmont Springs Subdivision." That said Use District i•iap is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Commercial "C-3" District Classification. "IT.RI3 5. The following described real property in Residential R-7 District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Commercial "C-1" district claXssification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: 24 -2- nCommenci_ng at the northwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and North Temple Street, thence west along the north line of North Temple Street 792 feet to the northwest corner of West Temple and North Temple Streets, thence south 297 feet to a point on the west line of West Temple Street 165 feet south of the south line of North Temple Street, thence west 495 feet, thence north 165 feet to the south line of North Temple Street, thence west 462 feet; thence south 165 feet, thence west 330 feet, thence. north 627 feet to a point 330 feet north of the north line of • North Temple Street, thence east 495 feet to the west line of let. West Street, thence south 165 feet, thence east 1554 feet to the west line of itain Street, thence south 165 feet to the place of beginning." That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land as part of Commercial "C-1" District 'Classification. "ITEM 6. The following described real property in Business 13-3 District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Commercial "C-1" district classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: "Commencing at the southwest corner of North Temple and let West Streets, thence west 165 feet, thence south 330 feet, thence east 165 feet, thence north 105 feet, thence east 297 feet, thence. north 165 feet, thence west 297 feet to the place of beginning. • Said property being a part of Blocks 85, 86, 94, 95 and 96 in Plat, A, Salt Lake City Survey." That said Use District lisp is hereby changed and altered to show, the above described tract of land as part of Commercial "C-1" District Classification. "I'TEM 7. The following described real property in Residential R-6 District, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed, to Residential "R-7" district classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly: "Commencing at a point on the west line of 6th East Stteet, 165 feet south of the south line of South Temple Street, thence south 2046 feet to a point 165 feet north of the north line of 4th South Street, thence west 465 feet, thence north 1564 feet to a point 165 feet north of the north line of 2nd South Street, thence west 957 feet to the east line of 4th East Street, thence north 1122 feet to the boundary of the existing "B-3" zone, said boundary being 165 feet south of the south line of South Temple Street, thence east 1452 feet _ to the same place of beginning; "Also commencing at the southwest corner of the intersection of 5th South Street and 6th East Street, thence west 165 feet, thence- south 165 feet, thence west 1914 feet to a point 165 feet east of the east line of 3rd East Street,/thence north 627 feet, thence east 250 feet, thence north 165 feet, thence east 377 feet to the east line of 4th East Street, thence south 35 feet more or less to a point on the boundary of the present C-1 district, thence east 790 feet to_ the east line of 5th East Street, thence south 50 feet, thence east 215 feet to Hazel Court, thence north 75 feet, thence east 445 feet to the west line of 6th East Street, thence south 627 feet to the• place of beginning. Said property being all or part of Blocks 22,. 23, 24, 33, 34, 35, 38, 47, 51, 52, 61 and 62, Plat "B", Salt Lake Survey. -3- Except that the following described property at the Four . Corners of 5th South and 5th East Streets are excluded from this change and are to remain "B-3% "Commencing at the Northeast corner of the intersection, thence north 90 feet, thence east 80 feet, thence south 90 feet, thence west 80 feet to the place of beginning. Also commencing , at the southeast corner of the intersection, thence east 80 feet - thence south 100 feet, thence west 80 feet, thence north 100 feet - to the place of beginning. "Also commencing at the southwest corner of the intersection thence south 95 feet, thence west 110 feet; thence north 95 feet, thence east 110 feet to the place of beginning. "Also commencing at the northwest corner of the intersection, thence Vest 80 feet, thence north 80 feet, thence east 80 feet, thence south .80 feet to the place of beginning. SECTION` 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it, is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance:become effective immediately. SECTION' 3. This° ordinance shall take effect upon its first- publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this loth day of April, 1956. ja - - ___ ( ) / ' ' a y r — City Recorder ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 24 of 1956 Published April 13th, 1956 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver- tising clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news- 1 paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 24 of 1956 AN ORDINANCE amending Sed 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1455, relating to zoning. was published in said newspaper on April 13, 1956. o Advertising Clerk / Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of April A.D.19 56 Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov. 25 1957 • -- —. �: -T1 t: d use Dsstr rt Map is hcnbr AN OROINANCt cha g d d altered[o show the shove AN ORDINANCE AMENDING--SEC- TION described t act 0f land as part of Cotit 51-11-2 of the Revised=Ordinari0 s tnercial 'C-1"District Classification. of Salt Lake City, 195,5;_.Cl i,trleS. ITEM 7. The fo➢owtnc described e Inc, boundaries f Use Dlatriel4. real n opc tY in Residential R-6 Di.v- • e IIe IC ordained by the Beardf Cep,- trice as Shown n the Use District ' this of Salt Lake City,Utah: Map,Sa hereby Ohan9ed to Resklenlivl SECTION 1. That Section 51-11.2 E 1Re7Mdlpstri0t i1Q[eyyCcationndetl thtl the Revised Ordinences of d the Lake City, chansea accordingly; ace an (;ILY,Utah,amen5.ded and in andt0 "(%pmmertcing t e point the. _ hereby,o amended by S Ne line OF eth East Street,Ito to t card section five(5)newparagraphs to nth 00 1Re 4tlt line Sonllf� be known As]tams 3,L 5, fi a d.✓� Temple S«cel,thets0e s uLIt 2,05ti Feet wN ch ltenrsshxll redd Ct Evl;ows', y a fv a i t 163 Seet or!h ox the nortL STEM 3. The fella ng describe! : line of 4th South Street thence we teal property Residential R.ep, as 965 Sect, thence north 1,684 fee[ to. ▪hewn n the Ilse- stSe Dlstrfct.Ma s P. p0't 165 feet north of the north hereby changed to Vastness"B-3"dis- line f Ira South Street thencetech trio lasslflcxtsir a d-the U;e Map j, 957 feet to Lhe a 't letrio f 4th East is hereby amended id uhanRed at. Street thence north 1,122 feel;o the cording]Y: Bnurttlary,of the existing ➢3"'roue; • north m£the"Commenting Ehwy t_earn of Tat ( aid boundary being l85 feet.s Gh o West and Oth Souls-Sheet,';thence j the south Sine f Soutlt TempleoStreet, st 132 feet t�taTFgii._@%qe eL3,Ecet,,1 tlrence e 4 1,452 4eeC to the same ;banes st 1Q2, %4'tlT e�ttth 33 Place of beSinninE: Sect to'the l:i f ct1"min Hf Irit(.:I rAlso.cmnmenatn8 t the fewest mOre eeetteo1ely described. _all oft.] n of the interseetimr of SLh South as -all • 39,Block 1,Wylkef Subdlvislmt" • SGe¢eC and bth East 9treef,thence west That said Dse DlstYlct'adau.41s hereby y x 5£eaC,thence s uth 165 fet.Lhencc changed and tidied land a,the Abovop west tthe feet ne point 165 feet described tract of land d'Vali t"' en• of the a t It ter t,the East Street, Susiness "B-3 district Cla{Ifl0atl_n.. thence 0rEe 627 feel,thence e t;,::0::e '1TEM11 4. The teinddnti dR-6 Dad ; feet, thence north 185 feet, the e 1 property to n'thential R-6 Dist ast 377 feet to the east line ofh ilia, a shpyti andedl USe District EastStreet,thence so th 35feetmMap,is hereby chOnGi'.d.to Commercial .lessto a point O She boundarCam" disU'ICC laetch'dtlte dud'the the r se t C11 distrlot,thence Use Mae hereby dme;rded and 790 feetto theeaC]ct, ffifechncedaes dinRlr: -i Street, thenceso a 50 feet, thAllofots15,16,'_1ne�18,19,2A east 215fees to Nn el Court,thend 21, Block 4, Fairmont Springs. north 75eet thencea tt l Subdivision: to nee west line of fith East Street That said Use Dlstrlet Map is hereby thence south 627 feet to the place changed and altered t0 show the above pbert et c. Said,Il.3CY being II described tract of land as part of Cam. Cror part Of Blocks 22a 23,29,33,34.35. Lie"ITEM s 3"The following Classification,edescribed 28,47,51,52,81 and 62,Plat "B", ITEM 5- The Residential described i Salt Lake Survey. tx1 D eta esry to Residential Di Dist Except that fife following described ract, shown en Inc Ilse Commercial mistcial property t the Four Corners of 5th "tap,. isrict changed to ne South anda5th East Streets are excluded C 1".district classification and tar from this change and are to renlam Use Map 1s hereby ended and B.3". changed accordingly: ash Or a of the cut at the Northeast co "Comore.intersection al the northwest a nor of the intersection,thence north' Mt f North Temple Temrlec Stree,then Street '', 90 feet, thence oast 80 feet, thence and Nt a Trah le Street,thence a west• south 90 feet,thence writ 80 feet to a • tree the north]the of North Temnee the mare o r enath'e Aiso co e Street ee feet le the u ONorlhstTcmnle then tntereectiot,thonceastxAc 80erfeet £ West Temple o thence south 100 feet,thence west 80 Streets, thence south,297 feet to a ' U point tono the west she f West rote feel., thence north 100 Scot to the le Street nth feet south Street,re the once Plac`ls f ebeginning. line. f Ntort,Temple te thence tt ttheenein6tereetch&es so uthence west 495 feet,thence+north 165 Sect rn to the south line;of North Temple f0hence 95-Sect thence vest 1ef Scat: Street,thence St 462 feet; thence thence n re 85 feat,then Ce east 130 wept oath 165 feet.•thence west 330 feet, rSect to fire mace of beginning. thence r rth 627 feet to a.n t 330 "Also co m e,tr t the northwest feet nerdy of the north line of North ee f the intersection,thenct west Temple Street;thence east 405 feet ecel• rL,t thence north 80 tact thence to the west line of 1st West Street, east Ie feel,thence n, 80 feet W thence south 165 feet, thence cast the lace et beginning. 1,564 feet-to the west line of Mahr SEd el C 2. e0 the o iio of tlae Street,thence sout 65 fee to the Board of ereeee,h ssionera,it is necessary Place of beginning" to the Peace,health and [sty o[the That said Use District Map. hereby Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that ale hanged and altered ed to show the above ordinance become effective inmtediatelr.' aoeredescribed trac[of land part of Com SECTION 3.This.Oublinre shall take) tnerclal"C-1"District Classification, et[ect u n'ate firs:publication. / "ITEM 6. The tollowind described Paelf by the Board o£Commissioners real property in Businesst11.3 D atriet of Salt Lake City,Utah.this 10fR day a shown on the Us ty'Dfstetct atop,is of April ke hereby changed to l.emtnertial.:'C1" (SEAL, district classification anda the Use Map ADIEL F.STELVART, is hereby amended ;aid changed ac Mayor. gly, • 1RM1]A F.BITNER, Se...tingly, "Commencing t the sat fliwest'00t' (SEAL) y Recorttet, Streets,thence Welt ICS feet,th North Temple and let ence Published ADrilest BILL NO.24 f Cu13th,1958. oath one feet, thence)east 165feel, U-Su) Thence north 165 feel,thence east Ian feet thence inorth 165 eet, eerr Saidt 2 o'etyobh laa aft iees 95,go. 94,90 and 96 in Plat A,Salt torte City Survey." 02y