24 of 1962 - Levying a tax and providing fror the assessment of property in Lighting District No. S-2 (Installati HPrit 3 G V/ ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Harrison . . . Smart. Romney . . . Mr. Chairman AN 0 INAN Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Lighting District No. S-2, for the purpose of providing for the installation of 70 steel standards with 3 flourescent luminaires and with convenience outlets, per pole. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No. S-2, for the purpose of providing for the installation of said 70 steel poles, to-wit: Lots 1 and 8, Block 76; Lots 1 , 6, 7 and 8, Block 69; Lots 1 and 8, Block 58; Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, Block 51; Lots 1 and 8, Block 40; Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 75; Lots 4 and 5, Block 70; Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 57; Lots 4 and 5, Block 52; Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 39; all in Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on the following streets, to-wit: Main Street from South Temple Street to 5th South Street In Salt Lake City, Utah. This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the installation of 70 steel poles with 3 flourescent luminaires and with con- venience outlets, said lamps to be illuminated by electric current; the circuits for the operation of said system to be underground and the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Ninety Nine Thousand One Hundred Four and 12/100 Dollars ($99,104.12) or $16.258678 per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 6,095.46 feet abutting said portion of said improvement and the cost of which installation and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said 24 -2- district, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Wasatch Electric Company, dated June 6, 1961, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned; FRONTING ON THE WEST SIDE OF MAIN STREET All of Lot 1 , of Block 40, Plat A; the south 110.22 feet of Lot 8, of Block 40, Plat A; the north 156.24 feet of Lot 8, of Block 40, Plat A; all of Lot 6, of Block 51, Plat A; the north 132 feet of Lot 7, of Block 51, Plat A; all of Lots 1 and 8, of Block 58, Plat A; all of Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, of Block 69, Plat A; all of Lots 1 and 8, of Block 76, Plat A. FRONTING ON THE EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET All of Lots 2 to 5 incl ., of Block 39, Plat A; the south 179 feet of Lot 4, of Block 52, Plat A; the north 85 feet of Lot 4, of Block 52, Plat A; all of Lot 5, of Block 52, Plat A; all of Lots 2 to 5 incl ., of Block 57, Plat A; all of Lots 4 and 5, of Block 70, Plat A; all of Lots 2, 4 and 5, of Block 75, Plat A; the north 153 feet of Lot 3, of Block 75, Plat A. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance in Light- ing District No. S-2 of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of providing for 70 the installation of/steel poles with 3 flourescent luminaires, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in three (3) equal yearly installments, as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. in the event any installment or the interest aforesaid Is not paid on the day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are due shall become due and payable and shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first publication. 2 -3- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd day of April , 1962. 7 Mayor ��• � *rear (S E A L) BILL NO. 24 of 1962 Published April l,, 1962 AN ORDtRANCE AN ORDINAN10E LEVYING pl pr000ntc dlnio L19M1t1p�ypp�D etn,ot 1 No. aand thferinst ellallelt dt pe steel stand and with with 3nvlen e incenl loutlets, per e pale.. B-e•if tare y 511i. Beard of CommLissioners k City. (,MIElTre ti I;Odf"3tit tk:17 r�Yr •Dinh doef hereby IevY, tax Affidavit of Publication Y1qR tp� 1pe dssarsmepf�r'�ie i NPve�ipe'tt le ty aere fit described l.issllne D1Ctdln. p,,,. S e lntr).ilt ttonrof et of ptomaine ed,,. the itit 1 l)}flap ofssd'd 70 steel pales,,r o wit:' • Lots 1 8nd 0, Block.76: Laois i.; d 1 antl BI Ck v Blockn5h 20{p'.jt get'16 kd 4o;.:8L Ik ,H, 5 _L(«i�YYall`tl9 ij,.]1s3 Lof 4o d S9. BIx(L'J A 6Pe s L,sear ) B, d k 39 11 )ke Plaf'A ITTTT[,�ke C,v survey, n abofHnetn SthetlRkowing s tnr lie JeE!n Ban'—n stIf:t to street from south Temple reet to Sin South street In seyyt VP, ` Lake CV,..Ul Rfq This. �IS ldd fo eeh;V' xPn"cr Of py fo µthe Inilhl1//e. lion f u k Ps I it 9 fob . )ascent lu t i htl with Beingfirst duly eand n id lamps to he u y sworn, deposes says that he is legal advertising c circuits britrO0t electric °`e''said clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- fs the adoration of s d c stem live reground a d sfie Properly r er Id +reete an ehe hn GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- after de fibed toe be and ly eln- efiteddthereby to be lull ai ly bent of the lax hereby levied, ana said lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in aarce/s land a nereby a seed Salt Lake City, Salt LakeCount in the State of Utah. f d a l d uniform ale i ) y, e fraccordance with h linear foot ontane upon and 16 the entire therefrom the ewaeediners330 fee ad tha ,ax her lavled a d ,o That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto lass¢d upon old parcels of lane is Ninety Nine 'thousand One Hundred Four 6,29 aiNeo rD Fill. d�'C11n2,nce (r9°lineara)fool- t ebatting pproperly, there being e,o95.16 feet abutting Said portion of Sala inrorovemenf and the coot of which Installation and the P"Drafty benefited Mere, the dbounderlesd of utine nlo,sll blocks dnd of teats nonen antloned In said istrict,which is the 0101 abutters' cost and cost p r front footthe of said Improvement a ording to c trod entered into far the performance of said work and making said PrOVemenf with Wasatch Eleclria Fire'lvv Treasudien linen eb,ebv Ss shoe teed and directed to lasses in cord- ance with the P of this or. inamtioned for thev'ls urppse herein OF M FRONTING AINSTREET ON THE WEST SIDE "( +hellolihP110.421fe(eI ofdLutle,Ai was published in said newspaper on.. . Gipril. ` 1962 Block do, Plot A; the nor h 156.3d feet of Lot B i Sock aU,Plat A;all et Let 6,feet Black 51, Plat A; the north 13e feet of Lot 1,of eiock 51, Plat A. all f Lots 1 and 0, , (lack 50, Plot A;all of Lore 1,6, 1 and 0,en(lock 69,Plat A;all of Lots I d eCl(lock 76,Plaf A. FRONTING ON THE EAST SIDE OF All I L MAIN ots C STREET ,0 5 Incl.,of Block 39, Plot A; the oth 1J9 lee, t Lof 4,Block 51, Plal A; the a rin /. 05 feel 1 Lot d,of Block 52,Piet ,�I7�G.Q�I,� A;-all of Les 5,of Black 52, lock Leg"(iL Advertising Clerk A,all I Lots 4 to s Inc L,of Brock g s1.PIaI A;all of Lols t and 5,of erdck Jo, rout A;all of the c d and 5,of Block 75,rat A;the north 153 feel of Lal J, of Block J5. Plat A. t list made toy the h That' Treasurer corrected , utinptadeBod of Egalizaio n Review of the property described Section I of this Ordinapnce Llghl- Inn Dfofrict No. pot f Salt Lake fort, tar the ption of PYOVpeo n9 t°; the installation I feel lea to before me this �` day of i.h 3 oetirescedl of metres, l rnents nereby Co armed, a d rod a33055d completed add and turned In rt of m Btaari lists, end the report f A.D. 19 52 Re- of Self ine Boa E ofne Tgegroner t1 Salt Lake C n a e hereby rati • ied, v d d oaf tall b SECn th] Sald feu Hall nl pay able e,three (0e geual led • . ordinance, as e by law e �� ordinance,le sum waninteresth on the hole sum paid pr alma rate r � -r_,_, riL .41-F/ five per cent pet , payable eat and d,hBrae each installment one re ore Notary Public provided, fo such however, that one o r paid bl without the Interelslill tax fib teen (151 days tram the dale this ordinance becomes effective. In the event any installment oe the inter- t seltl Han paid lea holerha unto of the speces tl lad tax unpaid tat the timevsold ldn installment res 'fiteresfdat Pihe bleteaan ton�pperdra f 5 propedrN ua sill,th¢ ale f Cthe SECTIONSS5,This ordinance shall take effect one day after Its first publication. Passetl by the Board of Commis• 3rd de of Salt Lake CifY,Utah,this 3rtl la'a of April,C962. J BRACKEN L.EE, HERMAN J. HOGENSEN. lSEALI City Recorder BILL NO,MatAto,A262. Published April 71 1962. (B-tn) g)