24 of 1968 - Annexation, Annexing certain property, known as Bock Annex, in the vicinity of Riverside Plat, being ROLL CALL VO G Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 5 ,196 8 Barker . . . I move that the Ordinance be ioassed. 7 Catmu I . / T Harris n r Mr. C airman . J AN ORDINANCE Result . . . I AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. 1 WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake nty, Petition No. 258 of 1967, by Bertha Bock, et al., requesting that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of $alt Lake City; and i, WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by the owners of the real roperty and the owners in value of all the real property, as shown by he last assessment rolls, situated in the tract herein described; and WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the existing boundaries .f Salt Lake City; and 1 WHEREAS, the said petitioners have caused an accurate plat or map o be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the ity Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin- ng said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering he circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of , ad.d Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and irected that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and he extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same eteby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described rdct of land in Salt Lake County known as Bock Annex containing Beyles iverside Plot, Jordan Green Sub. and parts of Lincoln Village, Lincoln Park Plat "A" and Chamberlains Choice, all in Sec. 14, T1S, R1W, SLB&M., o--wit: 24 -2- Beginning at a point on the South line of 17th South Street, said point being 1944.32 feet West and 33.30 feet South of the Monument in the intersection of 8th West Street and 17th South Street, thence along the South side of 17th South Street, east 1078.79 feet to the East line of 1000 West Street, thence South along the east line of 1000 West Street 721.36 feet to the South line of Lucky Street; thence West along the South line of Lucky Street 271.50 feet to the East line of 1045 West Street; thence South along the East line of 1045 West Street 119.62 feet; thence East 442.50 feet; thence South 152.32 feet to the South line of Margaret Avenue; thence West along the South line of Margaret Avenue 300.0 feet; thence South 105.25 feet; thence West 27.0 feet; thence South 155.95 feet to the North line of Colmar Avenue; thence East along the North line of Colmar Avenue 278.71 feet; thence South 221.95 feet; thence East 137.50 feet; thence South 373.90 feet; thence East 14.50 feet; thence South 678.79 feet; thence East 357.40 feet; thence South 206.27 feet; to the North line of 21st South Street; thence S84° 43' East 168.61 feet to the Northwest corner of the intersection of 8th West Street and 21st South Street; thence South 100.44 feet to the South line of 21st South Street; thence Westerly along the South line of 21st South Street to a point 65.0 feet more or less North of the existing City Boundary and the West Bank of the Jordan River; thence South 65.0 feet to the West Bank of the Jordan River, said point being 783.00 feet East and 103.00 feet south and 10,747.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of Sec. 16, T1S, R1W, S.L.B &m.; thence Northerly along the West Bank of the Jordan River to the point of beginning. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial M-1A. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and which tract of land shall be zoned as Industrial M-1A District, as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thence forth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with 24 -3- the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective 'immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 5th this day of. March, 1968. MAYOR CITYt. 60 ER (S E A L) BILL NO, 24 of 1968 Published March 8, 1968 al EN32643 PAa374 III AN ORDINANCE Avenue; t h e n c e East along AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING thence South 473.98 feet; thence THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY, East 14.50 feet;thence South 678.79 Whereas,there has been tiled with leer; thence East 357.40 feet; the City Recorder of Sall Lake City, thence South 206.27 feet; to the Petition No.258 ofG 1967, by Bertha North line Of 21st South Street; Bock, et al., requesting that the thence 584 deg,43'East 168.61 feet tract landv hereinafter described la the Northwestcornerof the be taken rin the limits of ball intersection t Oth et reet and Lake City;and21st South Street; thence Sou WHARvAS, said be t i t ion 100.44 feet to the South line of gist signed by he oers of the real South Street; thence Westerly Properly and the owners in o,ue ot long the South line f 21st South all the real Property, as shown by Street to a point 65.0 Net more r the taut assessment rolls,situated in less North mandf thee Westt Bank lot the tract ere sr., 00 tract d the Jordan River; thence South n Y uous o. e e tract f land is 65.0 Net to the West Bank t the g;La o the existing of Jordan River, id point of or JHII Lake Cthe and 783.00 feel East and 103.00 feet have REAS ins c Id petitionerspaor south and 10,741,00 feet East of the Imaap to a caused ve accurate r d�,e a Southwest corner f Sec. 16,T1S, a cam ucront surrveyor card flapproved R1W,S.L. &m.;of Northerly by the City Engineer and to be tiled along the West Bank at the Jordan with'he City Recorder;and River to the inc f beginning WHEREAS,the Board of Commis AND BE IT FURTHER OR- r Salt Lake City, a DAINED AND DECLARED that the nice said petition of said hole of the above described prone,1stoners of aid tract of lard, a tS be,and the same hereby is,zoned owners the circumstances there- Industrial M-1A, of,voted by unanimous vote or ail AND BE IT FURTHER OR- embers of id Board in favor 09 DAINED AND DECLARED that m said tractof land o Salt when this Ordinance takes effect the Lakex City d directed that an ordl- id tract of land above escribed not should be passedshall thenceforth be within the car- said annexing borate limitsof Salt Lake City and eity limits of the extension eCIAf which tract Of and shall be zoned the illy limits of Salt Lae City ac Idustrial M-IA District, the NOW,Y. ordinance provided,and allsordlnam THEREFORE, D IT OR- iedlcttons, rules and blige- DAINED BY THE BOARD OF LAKE bans l of or pertaining to Salt Lake CITY,UTAH OF SALT City areextended overand made CITY, ION 1. pplicable and pertinent f0 the said SECTION i That the dity themss e jrare of lan,a the streets,blocks, Salt Lake are, City be, and alleys and of said tract shall hereby o enlarged and extended de- e controlled and governed by the to In lSt Me inllSaing Lake ordinances, rules and V regulations f scribed craw a landSalt i - iin that behalf, and the County known asBock Annex min cents of the City ngineer coining Bevies Riverside Plot, Jon monuments don Green Sub.and parts Of Lincand shalletondardce orth of be kons therein d dIss Village,Lincoln e,all 'A" d , Chamberlains Choice,all In Sec.14, .a SECTION 2. Upon the Passage of T 1e,reinR1W at aBM i to-on this ordinance,the City Recorder of linelor ng c pour the South Sall Lake City shall tile,and he is bee of 944.7th South Street,said point hereby directed cO filo, with the being South oo2 feet West and 3e Count Recorder of Salt Lake Coon- intersection South o the M oest Street the copy of the men or plat above 1uhf eth hWesc along and mentioned, duly certified an Sh South St rye 1,thence Meng e mentioned, as provided in uch east ,7 of 1oh South Street, cases,together wi a certified such af 1West feet et the East line Of of tis ordinance. lon West ant tin thence South SECTION 3. In the opinion of the tree 721.36 21 1 line i rad West Board f Commissioners of Salt oStreet Lucky 7y1.In feel ht Ice South oline Lake City it Is n story to the f Street;thence West along peace,health and eltare o'the'n • Ins 0 feet o t o Lucky Street habitants of Sr It Lake City that this West0 Streets IIhen eat Southl of Ong ordinance become effective immedt- the East line t 1045 West Street afily. 119.62 feet; thence East 442.50 SE eT10N 4. This ordinance -hall feet; thence South 152.32 feet to take (feet upon its first dpublication. the South line t Margaret Ave, Passed by the Board f Co/hunts. thence West along the Southf Salt Lake City,Utah,this line of Margaret Avenue 300.0 feet; 5th day of March.1968. thence South 105.25 feet; thence J.BRACKEN LEE West 27.0 feet;thence South 155.95 HERMAN J.HOGENSEN Mayor feet to the North line of Colmar City Rp<ortler the North line of Calmar Avenue (SEAL) 27871 teen; thence South 2feet; BILL ND.24 of 7968 feet; thence East 137,50 feet; Published March 8,1968 (8-69) . s , t 02y L• Notices • ANC OR DI ISANCE N'ORpI OF SA' LAKENDINCl T k LIMItS OF SALT LAKE CITY. heraas,there has been filetl Ilh' We Cit Recortl¢r of Self Lake CiIY, 60 k,''PtNo,l YSOe°uelefing O ha1erthpa Ee ak t ford herolnefter desfelbed ' La e C lo,and° Ine limits a bit' sip M 9�,:;[..sgwnerse L'ine°r II p _lAp ^6° Affidavit of Publication p�t retll."P,ropertYe esl shown by F attd3d3 eihre'f Po Is,slluantl In' Mtelmaq�scrloed;antl 41• EA6, tram o°' a s' Rio n iyud o Yhel exlsnne ..ries! r cake Irv;asa hasaHE EAm the a5cuiate atlilo'or,' °ol`` and eerbiied fd oy H 1l bVc he 4T.v EnginoYUf and°lo berthed' ' ' SS. WW r'g s�ECIY" e dwerr d al y, omm i1-Ike exa in,r' .said petition of Said g"iddt•ribbng nT c'irr'`. 0 1°nu,theaae li M Ockey rn ; oY ie°uo',°,ve ahp1ia or of I said.tract land,o all kgLak.51Ciiys T yenfetl that an tli' ,territory be passed annex ins said ;er"11i'mit and the ¢lenslon n Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- co E D his of Sall Lake Iry ao N ,[THEREFORE. SE IT OR. using clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) gr,,S413,s T"OEFEOSgOT0F Oo e. newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- ar .uTAN: sE TION I.Thar ma clly umifa of culation in Utah, and published in. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Sall Lakr Cen be, an the s bor`yl„m enlarged 1„I'°wrl„n0la° County, in the State of Utah. 'Gcur y I ow of l Bo in Pau Cake ¢�n o Bo n erSi Annex cr Ean lrR Bevies as iversitle Plol. Jor. unlace, ,$;d °K aP„1°!,undo' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Cha bar,li s Choice,all In Sec. i< n s,-PI'aL ea M.,;p.w Salt ;Jake Uity Bill No 24 of 1968 An Ordinance line f I/0ih Scufl"Streell:land peuah hero 19;n.31 feet Wes( and 3l leer Pout of Ine Monument i the ii¢r otee I em wns,s,ony a Extending the limits of Salt Lake City +h o m siree�.men°e;.�onu ine sour ,de or I]In South street, ' a ,IOJS,)91eet to Ih¢Easl lire of eon wesr sheer, none¢ spmh Ion tha121 a I line a moo West Ofrne 111i St feet the South thf L ul Pir'ye thence West long e $$o tl{ Ilne pi Lurk;. Sfr¢ct e0, feet to the Easf Tine cl 111415 weel�so-eea woncn spmh reef the asl illne i (OAS Wesl Sir¢et feet6l the err Soufh°15/.31 feet,to the Sou h Fine i ong=het Ave ihen�e West along the Sou1n WI tie f Mifryarel Avenue 3e0.0 loot; ea South 1p5.15 iV, hence wall 1LOItt e thence South 155.95 March 8 1968 Aver 1 North Ilse of c47 was published in said newspaper on Avn I1I( enc'Col Easl loon 78. otee Iln t of Co Sour Av¢nue 19811 en thence South 1f et', feat; thence East Iel; feet; thence So41h Sz3.90 tool; thence East hl feet;(hence South 695.99 leer;' iheltnr Easf feet; tech; thence Sou,h fi6.1z leer; the North line,of o.11s1 So Ih S1r¢.el; tnf h SNorthwest E I r6%;'thee` 7'f. ne LL 100 S thl tion of IAMth (tit Street a too ea t f m rn u" i 11si /���C �'z�—.z=----- Slate io5t fn ----- --- Ih II 'N., ly pomt 65.0(¢cairn s Ih Legal Advertising Clerk less rNOrlls i the xisting�i1y bounda� Intl 1he.Wes1 Bonk 1 the Jnorilanl Riv¢r; tnonc¢ Souin . , t fo'the west lank o4}^e Jordan I Rider, -Id point R1W,South 1 Easf ee Ear' feet urn a 1�q.00 fee,Easf or the r nrner l sec. 16,ns llth R1 W,S,L.B&m;thence Northerly �r loon tH W�sf Bnnk of the Jar,'" daJ of Ayer I ° wg,nn,n, sworn to before me. this ANO 9E IT 1 LARED I Ohe DAINED AN DECLARED that the ahn'e cl he bove tlescriyctl eroeut be,an toqq s e hereby is,zoned A.D. 19 68 Intlust ial M-IA. AND 18E II IT FURTVIER OR DAINFpI qND DECIARED (hat rten,el ord nance takes fit• the me ;, tth el f Ianb above dC crlbed -4,'. oral thenceforth fC b Lake the rh I - "U ��-- hrclt`i ti h ilr d ball be got¢e and �/ 5��—C�y l ntlesf_I M iA p'sir C, s in I�p �—�-f��� s lna .ed et Xnd"yh a an vd nan Notary Public Pions di eriaihinn a tl b�'nn. city a e^fehtled oveto and rn,ke applicable lnd,al Pertinent eteets,nloeX;d boae1el cnro°edd lgd ac sh cld .y ,nf)hat hl l,otta alodre iM1 halMenae f7Ah be 1¢kl¢n t Engineer ine standdrds:of locations en)i his lances Expires fh sEC dloace,(the°Clive Recorder°f herebvakdi eetep'shl it file,w�h hehhe D9 County Recorder of Salt Lake Coum rye npv r he m ola^ bove knovilerosO he °ovl0ed Ina such loge hersWllft a<ertiried copy of this 'ranee. SECTrON 3, Inthe opinion or rye eoartl f C issione s of Salt peakre,M1leallli �(((jd Ifa�y rY{f habltdnts ,s: Lake CIIy°fhat°th o ordinahce°h co effucle Immedl. ,ah.efec, a 'his erdlnanc¢ .hall Affect first 'bncaflon.' .Pessetl b lheil Boer,-of Commis SihEel aav°o P of Ltek< u"K INc' ohq', / J.BRACKEN I-EE NERMa.N - -...�N Mason,.' City Racor Rubhshed M rch'lp,-1969 ,e 24