24 of 1980 - Adding sections 42-7-5(7) and (8) requiring a protection strip on any new subdivisions. ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 42-7-5 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating
to streets, by ADDING subparagraph 7 and subparagraph 8 thereto
relating to subdivisions.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 42-7-5 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to streets, be, and the same
hereby is, amended by ADDING subparagraph 7 and subparagraph 8
relating to subdivisions to read as follows:
Sec. 42-7-5. * * *
(1) * * *
* * *
(6) * * *
(7) Where subdivision streets parallel contiguous pro-
perty of other owners, the subdivision may upon approval of
the Planning Commission retain a protection strip not less
than one (1) foot in width between said street and adjacent
property, provided that an agreement approved by the City
Attorney has been made by the subdivider, contracting to
deed to the then owners of the contiguous property the
one (1) foot or larger protection strip for a consideration
named in the agreement such consideration to be not more
than the cost of street improvements properly charged to
the contiguous property as determined by the City Engineer
in his estimate of cost of improvements for the subdivision.
One copy of this agreement shall be submitted by the City
Attorney to the Planning Commission prior to the approval
of the final plat. Protection strips shall not be permitted
at the end of or within the boundaries of a public street
or proposed street or within the boundaries of a public
street or within an area or abutting an area intended for
future public use.
(8) Whenever a proposed subdivision has a street which
terminates against private property of an individual other
than the subdivider, a strip of land at least one (I) foot
wide across the entire end of the subdivider's property
must be platted as a lot and said lot shall be deeded to
Salt Lake City as a lot in the proposed subdivision for
future street purposes.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30)
days after date of first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
1st day of April , 1980.
Transmitted to the Mayor on April 1, 1980
Mayor's action
BILL NO. 24 of 1980
Published - April 8, 1980
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN O,2D AMENDING Section 421/-5 of the Re- Shona D. COnaty
tl ool of E.O cl Salt Lako City,Utah,MS ❑.
Ihaatinof h I ADDING I o,11 J a h t,
r aim 13.t t d l a by If 1 Copilot t Salt l k.
f SEC"?Lake
I That 15f n IY s ltt a;lu fR t- Ito 1 Beingg first dulysworn,deposes and saysthat he is legal
me.,.d tho sa hereby is,,mnnae❑by ADDING of..'d.rash) P g
snot s„h.„. row,ftIsia,'Ilnntosuh❑ifhsonstorea❑.swllows, advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
(except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
language with general circulation in Utah, and
(11 they n:owners
the r xlreMs Rart,ty anniiappro al of the
1 other oConn;then retain
Pro neon approval n of the
Plonain.,Conn; trait.,Protection strip l Ie=� published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
than (n roar ill avian,t o 000n Sala 1 oo,aan❑atiiv t o State of Utah.
vrt we llo Cro ions that a by the❑1 eider.contract,
i.iry al eel I it l neon mate by th subdivider.comrad-
th9 tt❑t%d to PoC then owners of the cantiaoous pyoper'rY
e a(Ic Iool or lereli er that,n slriR fora o ,no
rtn' ,d�nmo,artamens�ehet taeratltn tort.,not That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto
titer, tilt c st o sonar in,nroYem`,.= r p ry g
City ea rt re h estas ror rev s vim r improvements ma nt the
CityEngineer,isioin his n:r:mafe i cost of improvements for
the oaths/by than.ity ttor of this s htsacnr shall be sulf
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(R)wh,:nover:,rcl allow suhrlivIsiy,i bar.
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Soil I,ke Otto a lot in men posed sub❑,Yisiml for tog.
woe sh eetlo,i0a ,o
S air GN Thol publication.l span take effect thirty 110,
/. after dale of hOs
,Y ofApr1 by Me Oily Council of 5,11 l eke City,Utah,this lit
❑..Y of April,1'/80.
M If't RECO HIGV M waspublished in said newspaper on...iay-cil...B.,...Jr980
Tran:mif;cA to rho Mayor an April I.19e0
MAYOR ` ..
nil uRi-ov rucllnM �'I� C-A JO, 0 t ��.) X'� '✓
CI Y -•:)G2D,.r: Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of
April A.D. 19.84.,..
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Feb. 11, 1982