25 of 1908 - Ordinance 25 of 1908 – Relating to granting, refusing & revoking licenses to restaurants. . ' \ I ' l & . ... , 1 A if OR'DINANCE . . . An ordinance in relation to grant:1r,, ref;;Jink-, ai,1 cvokiaa ii* ceases to -.--o..tnarl, ts. .4' 11 ' 1 Be it ordained by the City Uo..1noil of salt Lake Ci%, Utah: .„... SECTICE 1. Whenever application shall be made to the Lieenoe! ',_ ieesspr,for a restaurant, lioonseeforla granting such license the ' 1 A - ni 4,, , Is d cpnoe AssessOr, ror.tiE, depttiorl'assLitant, shall inspect and ------,,, n , .4 .,• 1 )'lleE4014e the place wOre:EaUch restal4anttfess is proposod to be and nOLsuth4.1cenSe s1Oillbe-ILE416ad if).t shall aipear ,'. pom 4uch inspecti9nand:examin004r01-thet 140 pl4ohas within it, "Er, ...E,TE - ..' , E•E • W-:).'i':'', .f.. 1 .,1 or in'E;anj mannerconneeted with 4:',,gni wiz/ft:a.Ooln„.'pTc Cara TO,Ols; Qr 1 E. E: ani-rOoth or other encloacraAor D.;AO,..r10174,or liOen, with 40ors, , --, attains or screena of aiy kind 1,e4eretc, or=ifthreis any!Aaoh wine -1 . , k.'4m or cord room or anibooth or enclpSsure, rocrForplrce, :ifofed or E Eopen, with doors, curtains or soreens of any kinekcheretoctowhiph 4'7 access is or can kw lin any way or lu ,..1..1r be hod from said proposed place of business. SECTION 2. Any and every restaurant license shall be tdC3nOW revoked tosczt=ziziwaramowikePwena=rn .:" aft--.- t7_,E= A:--1- ...:1 :T.:...t, 1. he - pors-,, flp..1. Jr corp:r,..:-In.1 t„ 3,-- ,1 t%s -_!'W1G 11- 3.raated, or any othor j person, firm or corporation, Nith the knowledge, consrut or acquiesto cense of the licensee shall open, place, .wApta:n or .Auct within the place where said restaurant is licensed to be oqrri.-.7 ,;„ or in any building or place connected therewith, or it :_,-...4 boili,-.3- or placc. to which access is or can in any way or menA^r Le had fro-n call res- taurax.:t, &ny win room or card room, or any booth or root or pl,-,Jo, r,o"'-sa or open, Al+h door:" ePt' i..s, or s..;e:-en...1 of . any '.u.i.1-7, ',1,areto. SECTILT 3. This orfluanoe .3";.:11 t -..!... .27.1.:t i4.1) 1 ' i 14'1' 25 .. \ 1 - I J i g =p) 0. 4 �� g S 1 ;a ,. fit off\ ' : 4 5- 1 E I ,. tiJtt 4, i I , It lik• b E, 5 fitors._. 1' - - --•�_' _ -_..- - _ - ___—- _