25 of 1922 - Section 1871, parking of automobiles -+-*----'"•-••-..-- . • Fl T. • --7. ---,..---. , www .',...' '-... ROLL CALL VOTING AYE. 14, AY Barnes V Salt Lake City,Utah, ].. ..roch hi, ,I922• —7, Burton 1 I move that the ordinance be passed. Green --)V Stewart -------) / Mr. Chairman I ..'. .1 C/ ' Result AN ORDINANCE LH' macjoE Y::., ---Inc Lairafia,-: lO71 of the hevised Ord'- , nancos oh Salt Lahti http, 1120, as :amended by an orhinonce passed by the board oh COmmissionbrs oh b1t bare •J-it , ':.ccember 22, 1020, relatirvs to trar:fic. he it ordained by the cart or Commissioners of halt hake Jity, htah: V.ECIO'n. I. that Oection 1211 of the aevised Ordinances oh Salt La]:e City-, 1020, as :oaended Op an ordinance pasr_oh by the hoard Of 0OMPliOiler2; of bail hai=e :alty, hecemocr Sb,, 1920, relat- larp to trahfic be and the same is herelry arlended to read an follows: SEC. 1011. r'very person in chore oh a vehicle shall, in the congested district, in ar :ia1 arch vehicle, anproach the curb et an an:':le of a; deTarees and in such a ihsnler that the front rihht bond wheel oh cneh vehicle shall, alien said vehicle iD stoyped, he appreximstely i'ifteen inches frop•.r the curb, and no part oh silch vehicle 1 cci. than three feet Iron the nearest part el any other vehicle stsaidin t the cnIrb, nrovidod it shall be unlmt'ail to -j..,171:. au",:' car on any street less than foul rods in width or on a/IL, street c,Itoide oh the coincested district eucopt parallel with the earl.). It shall be uniswful to har an:: vehi- cle with nap wheel oh thc same in any or IECOIOII II. In t ..c, opinion oh VE) Ooard of .:Paimisaichers, it is necessary to tho ' eace, loenitSi J.:11:3. safety oil the inhsbitants of ialt Labe City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SE(T.fIN- III. this ordinance shll tare chrect upon its 25 l • • . 11i :4) .,..v 1,, • . publication. Paw ea' by the ] o,.•c a:: Corulissioners oP ,2,L1.Lt _...-Ice iiirp, `�, /ll of slviavv,/L J)..1922 Ti J,i,ecQr..ei. —2— a1 I HI 1 4i L V a .. i , L ‘,L,,,f _,,f270, ti . *..... ' 1 a od1' jJL! 1L : tbp") r &, a, , .0-06 I ',7:1' : 1 P:1 " pl '1; 1 1 ,:g--) I c-)( '-'' LI e - • ? e ir iT- 1