25 of 1929 - Amedning Section 1427 relating to boundaries of 5th Municipal Ward __.,e,,.. - — ---- , - : __..- , .
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,-Utah, ;lily 11, , 192 2.
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr.Chairman - - - -
.514 ORDINANCL AMENDING USOTION 1<17, devised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, re].rtinr to municipal wards.
Re it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, titan:
SECTION I. That Section 1CR?, Revised. Ordinances of 'Aalt
Lake City, Utah, 1 ,. relstinf;; to municipol wards, be end the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 1z5.7. FIFTH flUNIC11., ';:iddi). Ill that portion
of the city lyin;; east of the center line of Rein Street,south
of the followinF, described line: beyinnino; at the intersection
of Rain Street with South Temple Street and runnins thence east
alonp; the center line of South Temple Stret to the United States
Military Reservation, runnin thence north along the Va line
of the UniteP States Military _Reservation, thence east, thence
north, thence east, thence north, thence west, thence north,
thence east, folloin7 the west and north boundary line of the
United States Military Reservation to the east boundary line of
the city, and north of the folloAing described line: beinninF;
at the intersection of Main Street and - South Strc.ct and
runnin- thence east along the center line of Sixth South Street •
to the west boundary of Mt. Olivet Cemetery, thence south to the
center line of Sunnyside Avenue, thence east on Sunnyside Avenue
to the city limits, said fifth municipal ward to include the
v.,nole of the United States Military ervation.
SACTION 2. In the opinion of the T.',oare. of Commissioners,
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it is necearY to the aeace, healtA an, safety of the inhahibLnts .
W" lt La'se City thee this orcim.nce, -Jeco,pc effective im-le,,,:_, tely.1
ICTION :3. this orcinance shall ta*,-e effect soon its
first aublication.
1 Passe( by the -13oarOof Colpois4onerwAf Salt Lake Cfity,
Utl,b, this ) '-',:, a4ir of
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Proof of 4lixbiLdtioht
Iuded*fates uflAmertra
n8 Beetle*1421
'lit-bat foga City
Municipal Wards
_led tie Board of coin HARRY WOLFF
On A&Tt atre UnS utah
F"Ore't a6 lien i'tl Iteviead
ith�° o t a clt®vtah 1>uo
s l efehy WI read asas sot being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
h. tiSd 1i07 Vet Munfoipai Ward
Nt b'rt4 slit thty 3yfn8 eaas4t
a r a 50 Main etrget eoutii
t e f towipg described line Begin of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
IF at e'r5M 1 lion tf Moir st}eat so 14te ion o lino Stre tce . t;al y the center line of
44 ���iSpt1ggll� ttT�aaae@ to the vnitad Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
08 3dyftaTt aeaoryatlon rw otng
the eel thiWo 4114ewget lane of the
thence east thence nbrth therm OM
thence nosh thence west thence north; That the NoticeAN ORD INANC7hs BILL NO. 25.
gate east following the welt and'
�rah hotlndafy line of the united 8tetea
Mllatary Beoervatton to the t noun SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION
daty line of the city and no of the
.followingg described line Bag fleeing et
the lntetaectlbn of Maln Street and
totetri south street reed ron{tistq aliens OltFICLf OF THE C ITY R1hCORDER.
alto the the center line boundary f tt Oouth
Vppemetto nee esht of Mt Olivet
Cemetery Of By thence south to the center
r it of 6u ayade Avenue thence east
bh,sf Wnpe�do Avenge to the cute de t e
sT}fifth ov on 1pat tale to intluye the
9144t.tb4 onto,.States Military Bee
0ttht 8 tfi the opinion of the Board of which a copy�i a health it as necessary to the is hereto attached was first published in said news
dtale health and safety of the Soh►hl
INS Of pelt hake City that this Ors 19th
nonce l3ebtme orriilve immediately
sectl'on s t.fa stgitlies of{au talcs paper in its issue dated the
6fPO open th;flotr 1VOf omn
�TT�i4ta�4nyy,e.d t1y Ella nodrd of Comthfeaton
it+Y4Srvb tyL A 0 1tg8BDtph thle 18th
Ga thA$ft�daJOVddHN 1' BOWMAN Mayor day of July 192 9
Y-�Fgg; W�i7atrkaO enmitdh CAlet Deputy
21t1 tO 15Juiy 18 1820 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
July I.9thtor
1 thereafter the full period of One insert ion.
the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the 19th day of
July . 92 9
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of
July AD1929 a
Notary Public
Advertising fee
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