25 of 1934 - Amending Article 5 of Chapter VII, Revised Ordinances of 1934, relating to the Division of Dairy and •
Rec.108 ., •
VOTING AYE INAY Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 20 193 4
Goggin >t ' I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lee ! j/
Mr. Chairman - -
division of dairy and milk inspection of the board of Health by
amending Section 255, and by adding in and to said Chanter nine
new Sections to be known as Sections 256, 257, 258, 259, 259X,
259X1, 259X2, 259X3 and 259X4, relating to Ice Cream, Ice Cream
Mix and other frozen. milk and. cream products.
Be it ordained by the $gard of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 255 of Article 5 of Chapter VII,
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating
to the standards of Ice Cream be and the same is hereby amended
to read at; follows:
SECTION 255. It shall be unlawful for any person
to manufacture for sale within the limits of Salt Lake City,
or to bring into or receive therein for sale therein or to
sell or have on hand for sale therein any Ice Cream, Ice Cream
Mix or other frozen milk or cream product herein defined un-
less such person shall be the holder of or the same shall
have been manufactured by the holder of a permit therefor
issued bt the health commissioner of Salt Lake City or his
authorized re-oresento.tive.
TECTION 2. That Article 5 of Chapter VII, of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, be and the same is hereby
amended by adding in. and to said. Chapter nine new Sections to be
known as Sections 256, 257, 258, 259, 259X, 259X1, 259X2, 253X3,
and 259X4:, relating to Ice Cream, Frozen Milk and Cream Products,
which shall read. as follows:, 25
C CCTIO5 256. It shall be unls.wvful, except herein-
after specifically provided, to manufacture for sale within the
limits of Salt Lake City or to bring into or receive therein
for sale therein or to sell or have on hand for sale therein.
any Ice Cream, Ice Cream Mix or other frozen milk or cream pu0-
duct herein defined. which shall be adulterated or misbranded,
or the ;Wilk ingredient of which shall not be or which shall
not have been produced in compliance with the terms of Chapter
7, A rticle 5, Devised Ordinances ofhalt Lake City, Utah,
1934, and received from the holder of a permit thereunder for
the sale infelt Lake City of Grade !a, B or C ,milk or cream
as therein. defined. Provided, however, that the hoard of Hea'tth,
during such periods of emergency as in its opinion the public
interest shall require it, may permit the manufacture and sale
in Malt Lake City of Ice Cream or Ice Cream Mix or other
frozen milk and cream products or a.11 of them from milk or
cream of a different grade, quality or standard. than is re-
quired by this section and in. that event and during the period
of such emergency only the Board of Health shall prescribe the
rules and. regulations and the terms and conditions upon which
and for what purposes and to what extent milk or cream of a
different grade, duality or stonderd may be used.
Ice Cream. Ice Cream is a frozen product made with,
pure, sweet mile', cream, skim mile, condensed milk, condensed'
skim milk, dried mink_, dried skim milk, wholesome sweet cream!
butter, cure milk fat, egg yolk, or an American made egg yolk;
powder acceeta.ble to the health department, or any combinatloi
of such products, with or without sweetening, ,and with or with-
out the use of harmless flavoring and coloring:, eonta.inins noit
less than twelve (12) percent by weight of milk fat, end_ not
I less than twenty-eight (28) percent by weight of 'total solids,
nor more than five-tenths of one percent of pore, harmless,is edible vegetable gum or gelatine. In no case shall any ice '
crown contain less than one and. six-tenths pound_! of total
food solids per gallon.
Fruit Ice Cream. bruit Ice Cream is ice cream which con-
tains not less than nine percent by weight or milk fat and not
less than twenty-six percent by weight of total solids, nor
less than three percent by weight, of clean, mature, sound fruit
or the juice thereof, with or without the use of harmless flavor-
ing and coloring and containing not more than five-tenths of
one percent of pure harmless edible vegetable gum or gelatine.:
Nut Ice Cream. Nut Ice Cream is ice cream which donta.ins
not less then nine percent by weight of silk fat and not less
than twenty-six percent by weight of total solids, nor less; than
one :percent by weight of sound, non-rancid nut meats, with or
lid I
without the use of harmless flavoring and coloring and contain
into not more than five-tenths of one percent of pure harmless
edible vegetable gum or gelatine.
Ice Milk. Ice bilk is a frozen product containing less
milk fat than ice cream and made from sure milk and spgar, with
or without harmless flavoring and containing not less than .four
percent of milk fat nor less than fifteen -percent by weight of !
total solids, and not more than five-tenths of one percent of
pare, harmless, edible vegetrable gum or. gelatine. In no case
shall Ice Nilk contain less than one and three-tenths pounds
of total food solids per gallon. All containers of Ice fills
shall be conspicuously labelled, and vehicles conveying Ice Ailk,
and places where ice Milk is sold in bulk_ shall display a con-
spicuous sign containing the words, "Ice Milk Sold Here," in
letters not less than six inches high, and no person shall use
the name Ice Cream in connection therewith either orally or
ice Cream, brick or Package. Ice Crown, brick or Package,
shall be composed of any one or more of the Ice Cream mixes
sereinbefore defined ns Ice Cream, fruit Ice Cream, Nut Ice
Cream or ice bilk and may contain water, ice or sherbet, in
proportions of not more than one half ear. tar, ice or sherbet,
to one bolt Ice Cream.
Ice CreaN,_. ozen Custard. Shall be manufactured and furJ-
nieshed under the above general specifications for ice: Cream and.
shall have added not less than tom percent of fresh erg yolks,'
or not leas than four ;ercent of fresh whole es-c, err-, yolk or1
an rmrerican ode egg yolk powder acceptable Co the health de-
Ice or Ice Sherbet. Ice or Ice Sherbet is a pure clean 'rO-
zen oronuct made from milk products, water and super, with har:i-
I less fruJ t or fruit juice flavoring, and. with or without '_cerin-
I less coloring, with not less than zero point three rive of one
percent of acid as de ,rained by titratin , with. standard lks
1i, and. expressed as lactic acid, and- with or without added
stabilizer composed of wholesome edible material. It contains:
not less than four percent by: weight of solids.
Ice Cream ilix. Ice Cream Mix is the unfrozen rriiKture from
which Ice Cream or any other frozen. :milk or cream orod_uet is mode.
No Ice Cream Mix shall contain any boricic or salicylic
l acid, formaldehyde or other chemical or preservative of any
'1 pathogenic bacteria or more than 50,000 living bacteria. per
cubic centimeter after pasteurization, if not conta.inine fruitr
or nuts, or more than 500,000 urine bacteria. per cubic cc:nti-1
meter with fruits or nuts added. It must be pasteurized by the!
method prescribed by t>ect ion 252 (i) 1,evised Ordinances of Salt
Take City, Utah, 1934, and. must at all tines be tree:ported end-
handled under such temperature and conditions as to check sac-!I
'curial growth and prevent contamination.
SECTION 258. USE OF BU[Ti n_ No ice Cream, Ice Croon i:di;;
or other frozen milk or cream product shall be manufactured in
whole or part from any rancid, rcnovatuna, processed or neutral.-
i_zed mutter or any fat or oil other than milk fat and. rut or oil
of contained eggs end nuts or that used for flavoring encores
'LCTION 259. SkNITA 'IOU. Plants including cabinet and. coui-
tar freezing; plants nufa.¢turinpr Ice Cream, Ice Cream Mix or
any other frozen milk or cream products sha.i.l. comply with the I
-5- .
stLndards of sanitation for milk -plants prescribed by items 1,i
1,3, ' , 5, 6, 7, 3,2, 10,11, 12, 15, 14, 16, 17, 19, 2, 25 and.
14- of section 215 .11, 2evied Ordinances of Colt Lake City,Utah,
1354- !:,11 ice cream nlants slfucted by this auction shall be i4-
soected by the Health Deportment at least once in each month. 1.
2ECTIO8 252X. The word " milk" as used In cdctions 2521X18
252x10, 252x20 and 252x24, Levised Ordinances of Colt Cohn Cif*,
Utah, 1934, shall be construed and taken to mean and include
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Tix and other frozen milk and cream aro-
ducts heroin defined end refer-gad to.
HECT1ON 2591a. ADULIDEATIOh. kny Ice Cream, Ice Cream Mix-.1
or other frozen ,:iall,c or cream product herein defined shall be 1
deemed adulterated if it contains any added doisonous or dele-
terious ingredients which may be injurious to health, or any
rancid or renovated or processed or neutralized butter, or any
1 fat or oil other than milk fat or the fat or oil of contained i
eggs or nuts or the substances used for flavorin durposes.
6ECTION 25912. TTINDbANUING. my Ice Cream, Ice Cream -Vlipc
or other frozen milk or cream products herein defined_ shall. be1
1 I
1 deemed misbranded if the label, brand, tag or notice under 1
1 which it is sold or offered for sale, is false or misleading
in any particular, as to the kind, grade or quality or composi«-
tion or if it is sold or offered for sale, as the product of
one manufacturer and in fact is the product of another, or if
on the label, brand, tag, or notice under which it is sold or I
offered for sale, there is any false statement concerning the
1 sanitation conditions, the grade dr quality thereof.
SECTION 259)(3. CABINET FREEZING. No Cabinet Free zing or
Counter Freezing or the manufacturing of Cream Whip, Nome Dairy
Spread, HOMfa 1,7ade Ice Cream, or other dairy products shall be 1
permitted unless all euipment therefor shall be in croon
with a water tight floor and in which na other then ice cream,
milk, or cream euipment shall be used. Efficient and aaprovedj
methods of sterilization hhall at all times be utilized.
SECTION 259X4. FLE__ _11 manufacturers of Ice Green or
other frozen mill or c eam products herein. defined shall_ )ay
to the -,oard of Health on or before the 10th day of each -north
for the calendar month preceding for deposit with the freezurnr
of Salt Lake City the foll_o,=int fees:
enufecturers +:ho, during:: the previous calendar year,
have produced 10,000 pall one or leas, the sum of "Cb.00 par
Mpnufacturers rrhu, during, the previous calendar,year,
have produced free 10,000 to 30,000 gallons
' the sari*
per 'month;
;1 r_ufacturers who, Idurinr the previous alendar year,
have produced from E0,000to 75,000 go.lpens,, the :sum of Y,+10.0t
per month;
7;1anufacturers who, during, the previous calendar-year,
have produced over 75,000 gallons, the sum of $10.00 per month.
1..11 fees so collected and paid shall be credited to the ,
Food and Dairy Inspection Fund.
SEC'.PION 3. Any person violating any provision of this i,
ordinance shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exceec:in;p two
hundred ninety-nine (t299.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the
city jail not longer than six months, or by both fine and imprison-
SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Poard of Commissioners
it is necessery to the health, neace and safety of the inhabitontsI,
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect i.rriedintely.
ECTIOP 5. This ord.inanca shall lHke effect u,'on. its fi.rTt
publication. �� J��
p. 'od the r e C2L.J.H iol-en of SaJ , rke City,
City I.ecorc''-cr S---e'er
a S.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
relaating SALT
the diLAKE
- Lea._H.._.-Young
ection of
the°BoarfdotHealth bY
k e nalag'Sec- --
tlon 255. d by adding Inman d to said
Chapter nine new se°nena to be known. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis•
sections I 257, 268, 259, 26SX,
'169X1,,249X2, 259X3 and 268X4, relat-
oth m ma Cream, ma cream
Mix and
ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in
other t ordained
Ilk t '� Pro
Be 1t ordained by the Hoard Utah:
Salt Lake Cition 11at
mePSCf Chapter
I.That Section 266 is AOr- /+
le 6 of Chapter VII,e[the y Revised 34, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah.
•delatine C Salt Lake ds o,Utah,Cream.
yf y�
relating tQ the standards Y Ice Cream
re and fthe oibeame is hereby amended[o
read as Polio 26 shall be unlawful That the advertisement...Qrdinano e...131.11 NO. 25
• SECTIONperson
266. It
for any person to an nta Lae for City. or
with or
to beln ing the limits
orm of
recelve Salt
therekin for ato
•therein or to sell or have on hand for Salt-.Lake-..City--.Re.cordex,...g.e_rt.ai i.ng
•sale therein any Ice Cream,Ice Cream
Mix or
or cream other frozen milk' pro-
duct herein defined unless such per-
sett shah be the bolder of or.the tams tQ-.-J,C.6._.Ci.re.afCl
shall have been manufactured
tbyh the -issued byr f mh Dnrnrs-
sioneroofSalLake City the health
IIf tat:ve.
fof Char-
ter V I.of the hRevised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah.ed b be d the waspublished in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
e as City,
a, 19 by be e
and to said Chaptea' nine new Sections
•to be known as Sections 256, a,i
• aseil46sxiauna t 2lce CreamX3Frozen 24.th.day of September A.D. 19 34
.Milk and Cream Products,which shall
read as follows:
SECTION 250...It shalt be unlawful,
except hereinafter s emficany Pro- and was published one. :Lime
vd.to manufacturers for sale within
use nmtte of Salt Lake City or to bring
Into or receive therein for ale therein
to s o have on hand for ale
any ICe Cream,Ice Cream We
the last publication thereof being in the issue;dated the
other frozen milk or creampro-
adult atednord fined misbranded,or shathe 11 be
ingredient f which shall not be day of A.D.19
hick shall not have been produced
In Lakeale It the terms o4 Chaps-
Res I. Article 6, Revised Ordinances f
Salt Clay.de Utah,per4 thereunder received
for rho holder al 'pee Ci fae J
foe the sale in Salt Lake ash of Grade /'�
,fi B.d,or oC id, r cream a therein de-
fined, erasing Cie.
of H Provided,however,that the Donrf
! Health, during such periods a4
s In its opinion the permit
thterma shalt rand s it, may permit
the manufacture Ice
o e 1 Salt Lake
City of I i (. M y nr
d creatneiZlk
0 9 J
l du e >dtB fore me this 26 th day of
.:�e4ga or e Ii the'rules r qaBB`r A.D. 1934- -
esltk hall prescribe thd cevrid
Donsntions and uDon w hkB Ii f what Dnr-
poaes and io wi r extent mdk or er6am
04`s diC4erent B'rade, Qua11tY or stead- //'�
ars used..DEFINITIONS AbtF. Y//�
SECTICT1 ONN A64. 1 F f".. Vlh_ 4
I¢e,Cr'enau. Ice cream is a frozen brae Notay�''�uUDiC.
ducemade with pure,sweet Milk.
ndreaee� /
skim ilk, pondensed o
shim milk,dried milk,dried skim mU14
wholesome sweet cream, butter, r pUre
n ilk fat,egg Yolk,e•an American made
egg yolk powder acceptable to the health
aeartnient,or any combination n of e such
Sroducis, withou s ing.
and With or with or
the ateon harnee
less flavoring and coloring, containing
not less than twelve a(12)leer incent
e then
Weight C Ilk fat, wsteht"oC
twenty-eight(28)Per cent
an Pive_[enths
total solids,no more
o{ a per'ant of pure,harmless,edible
vegetable stim lx-tenors of eelae. In es titan
:hallions and e ice cream contain leas C total feed
;sills par.gallon.
Fruit Ire Foreign.bruit Ice Cream Ls Ice
which contains not less than nine
Jim.cent by weight of milk Cat and not
ofe than twenty-six bier cent by night
total solids,nor lees than three per
ant by weight,of clean,mature,sand SECTION 250X3,Cream other
fruit r she,Juice thereof,with or with. froz
Any Ice Crean,Ica Mix or outer
our.the use of harmless flavoring Anil froze shall be milk or cream
enruedprod adulterated product
coloring and one
py containing not more than
inter ne an ,t Ct a
five-tenths of one per cent of pure harm-
lone In Poisonous or dele(¢r-
1¢ss edible to gum or gelatine. grad,:,„ arch may be Worth.va
Nut]ce Cream. Nut Ice errant is lee processed healed,or ra e d a no red y
hick contains not less than nine fator Inner milkil butter, or per cent by weight of milk fat and net or oil oat oil nth�i than fat t tire'fee
less than twenty-six per cent by weight substances ousedn for ed chat lvoringuts rp the
of total solids, or ed, thnoon one per HECT 69:C2. MISS purposes.
cent byweight of sound,non-rancid nut 'Any I::::::::::!;t3e2
Ice Cyr%m .1N1 DING,
meats,with or without the use pf harm. tier 11k gn
less flavoring and coloring and contain• hereinshall rbe rdeemefl od to
lag not more than five-tenths of one
brande label, brand, tag roe per cent of pure harmless edible vege. once hich It le.sold o stable:gums or gelatine. faredfe false r lel¢adln�Ise Mk.. Ice Milk Is a frozen Pie- In any particular,a to the bind,grade
duct containing less milk fat than lc• or Quality or composition or If it da sold
sugarland made from.pure milk and or offered for sale, the ➢roduct f
, ith or without harmless flavor- manufacturer and 4n ,Pant Is the
ing and containing not less than four product of another, or if on the label.
cent of milk fat nor,less than fir. brand, Lego er tlr near which It
per teen per cent by weight of total sonde. is sold or [fared fore le,there is v
and not more than five-tenths of one per false statement c rning the aanita-
e t of pure,' harmless, edible a Conondltlons,. the ogrnde or Quality
table gum or gelatine. Inn case shad hheeNer
Ice{Milk contain leas than one d 'SECTION 259X2. CABINET EZtEH'L-
tlrree-tenths pounds of total food solids I;Freezing Cabinet Freezing or Cou ter
gallon. All containers"o1 Ice MII Cmt\ r the Dairy
set' ''Cream Ice
Cr Bone Dnlry Spread,Home
hall bIc conspicuously ilk','a, and v s Made Ice be permitted
en firer dairy Dend-
Whlre I Milk iveying Ice Milk',-and places note shall to pshml be unless MI room
Ire Milk la sold inconbult ing die- ant eresigh shall O In a ino way a Ice'Slii conspicuous sign re," ini le [he a Ot water than
floor and In whl�rc words "Ice'Milk Sold Beteig in and
tie ethic than cal mills or
net less than six inches high, sad n &Qrn000dt shall be a cream,
Efficient sail
person nec shall use then either
Ice Cream op ➢Droved methods i sterilisation shall
connection therewith either orally or
at all times be utliized.
Ire Creans Brink or ruched°. Ice [acturere re Ice Cream ether frozen
Cream,-Brick'or Package,shall be corm ilk or cram precincts herein defined
Dosed-of any one or more o1 the ice s'nall pay to the Board of Health o
Cream mixes hrereinberore defined as cos beforeor the loth eat p1 eaedi g for
r Ice Met, and muy contain water.le� .City atueo[olllosvin Treasurer
rer o1 Salt Lake
u or sherbet,le water,
teas of not r bfanufaetvfers who. Burin See-
than one-half water,ice or sherbet,more
'ou calendar yppr, have the
-half Ice Cream, I10,000 gallons or.lase,the sum pit dead
Cream,Frozen Custard,. Shed]bl per month.
o $ 00
manufactured Mud furnished under the I V1 Manufacturers who, during the pre-
above Specificationsgeneral for Ice calendar year, have produced
added and shall have added got less I from 10,000:to 30,000 gallons, the e
than two per cent of fresh egg yolks,or of 57.00 per montk, um
riot lass than four per leant o[ fresh ,bran ufacturere who, during the pre-
whole.eggs, egg yolk o an AmericaA u
rue alentlar Ycaq have' rrodubed
made egg yolk powder acceptable to the
(from 80,000 to 76,000 gallons,the a
health department, i of 510.00 per month, m
lee or Ice Sherbet.Ice or Ice Sherbet • Manufacturers who, during the over
is a pure clean frozen product made fvlous calendar year,have produced
from ilk products, water and sugar, m,0'Oh saltine, the e m of $10.Gd Jf¢g
with harmless fruit or fruit Juice flay- u
All fees so collected and pant shall
oring,and with or without harmless col•
ing, with not less than zero s oink be credited to the Food and Dairy In.
three five of one per cent of ackl a de- apectlon Fund.
tarmined by titrating,with standard al- SECTION 3.Any person violating y
keil, andwithout
expressed lactic acid, add Provision P this ordinance shalt Fbe
with orwithout added stabilizer orb- coed!Punished by a Plne n any au ninety-nine
Posed of wholesome edible material. It ding two hundred Imprisonment
contains not less-than fourcent by the n Doan r by Im D rlsonm ant
1 t of solids. per c in the city Jail t longer than pia
Ice Cream biz.Ice Cream Mix Is the
months, or by both fine and tmprlsOn•
unfrozen mixture from which Ice Cream nBECTION 9. In Ohs opinion of
or other frozen milk or cream prod. Hoard P Commleslonere It Isheresnlry
not ismade. to the health, peace and C
No Ice Cream Mix hall cOntaic any inhabitants f Salt bke Ottyottltat this
bored or salicylic acid,formaldehyde or ordinance take effect Immediately.
other chemical or preservative of any100 re SECTION 5. This ordinance shall
pathogenic bacteria or more than 50,5.00 ter Mke effect upon Its first publication,
living bacteria per cubic centimeter after era
by the'Hoard of Commission.
pasteurization, if no containing fruits da o2 Salt Lake City, Utah, file 20t�
or nuts,or more than 500,000 living bac- Y of Septomb¢r, A.B. 1934.
feria per cubic centimeter with fruits,or
is added.-It must be pasteurized by Mayor.
the method prescribed by Section 252 0) "l'HE[. MAO31ONAI.D,
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Cti Ree¢rdor.
Utah, 1934, and must at all times be (Seal) •
transported and handled under such tem- B111 No. 25. ,e
E4fbN9L•6 eDtemb9t Afz lY,i{,
pasture and nnditions a to heck bac-
terial growth and I prevent contamination.
Ice Cream,Ice Cream Mix or other frozen
milk o im
product ball be am-
fartured in whole or part from ny ran-
cid.cid. r C
vated, p ssed orneutralized
butter or any fat rol5oil other than rank
fat and fat or oil of contained eggs and
nuts or that used for flavoring purposes
including cabinet and-counter freezing
plants manufacturing Ice Cream,
ice Cream Mix or any other frozen milk o
cream products shall comply with the
standards of sanitation for milk plants
prescribed by Items 1,2.3,4,6,6.7,8.
24 of Section 2 52XII,Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934. All Ice
cream plants affected by this Section
shall be inspected by the Health Depart-
nt at least o each month,
SECTION 259XC The word "milk"a
used In Sections 262X18, 262X19
252X20 and 252%24,Reviseoibedod Ordinancee
,of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1934,shall the
Iconstrued and taken to mean
and nti
I ether Ice Cream, Ice Cream Mix and
other frozen milk and cream products
herein defined and referred r to-