25 of 1935 - Approving provisions of the initiating ordinance for the formation of a Metropolitan Water District 'Rec. 105 ROLL,. CALL • MAY1 1!)35 VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City :Utah, 193 noggin I move that the ordinance be passmil----) Keyser Knight Lee VIr. Chairman - I AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PROVISIONS OF THE INITIATING ORDINANCE FOR THE FORMATION OF A METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF SALT LAKE CITY; DESIGNATING THAT SALT LAKE CITY IS THE CITY IN WHICH AN ELECTION IS TO BE HELD FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT SAID DISTRICT IS TO BE INCORPORATED; DESIGNATING THE DATE OF THE HOLDING OF SAID ELECTION; FIXING THE TIME FOR THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE POLLS; DESIGNATING THE FORM OF BALLOT TO BE USED; DESIGNATING THE ELECTION DISTRICTS AND FIXING POLLING PLACES WITHIN THE CITY AND NAMING THE PERSONS WHO SHALL ACT AS THE OFFICERS OF SUCH ELECTION DISTRICTS FOR SAID ELECTION. THAT WHEREAS, Salt Lake City has heretofore enacted an ordinance for the purpose of initiating a Metropolitan Water Dis- trict to comprise the territory within the corporate boundaries of daid city, it is hereby declared to be the purpose of this ordinance to approve said initiating ordinance and to enact herein the neces- sary provisions for the holding of the election provided for in the Metropolitan Water District Act of the State of Utah, at which election the qualified voters residing within the boundaries of said. city are to vote upon the question of whether or not a Mbtro- politan Water District shall be formed of the territory within the boundaries of said city. NOW THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Salt Lake City approve the ordinance which is designated, liAn Ordinance initiating the Metropolitan Water Dis- trict of Salt Lake City,Il heretofore enacted by said city, and which became effective on April 4, 1935. SECTION 2. That Salt Lake City iS the •city in which an election shall be held for the purase of determining whether or -2- not said Metropolitan Dater District shall be incorporated. SECTION 3. That said election shall be held on Tuesday, th 18th day of June, 1935, pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the State of Utah governing such matters, and particular- ly the Metropolitan Water District Act. SECTION 4. That the polls for said election shall open EEI at 7 o'clock A. M. and shall close at 7 o'clock P. M. SECTION 5. That the ballot used at such election shall contain the words, "Shall the territory embraced within the cor- porate boundaries of Salt Lake City become a part of the Metropoli- tan Water District of Salt Lake City?" and the words, "Yes" and "Nog, accompanied by voting squares set opposite thereto so that any elector may record his vote either for or against the proposi- tion. The voter shall indicate his vote for or against the propo- sition by placing el. cross in the square opposite the word."Yes" or "No." SECTION 6. The election districts shall be thirty in number and shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts in Salt Lake City now set up by the Board of County Commissioners by a resolution adopted by them on May 8, 1929, and more particularly described, together with the number of each, as follows, to-wit: District No. 1 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. E District No. 2 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. District No. 3 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26 and. 27. District No. 4 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31. District No. 5 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 28, 29 ,,,nd 35. • District No. 6 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 32, 33, 34 and 36. f 3 � _3_ i District No. 7 shall be made up of a consolidation of the s regular election districts Nos. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56. f 5 District No. 8 shall be made up of a consolidation of th . regular election districts Nos. 57, 58, 59 and 60. District No. 9 shall be made up of a consolidation of th4 ] regular election districts Nos. 61, 62, 63, 64, 69 and 70. District No. 10 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 65, 66,67, and 68. District No. 11 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 101, 102, 103, 113 and. 114. ;i District No.12 shall be made up of a consolidation of i the regular election districts Nos. 104, 105, 106, 11]. and 112. fDistrict No. 13 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 107, 108, 109 and. 110. J District No. 14 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 115, 116, 119, 120 and 121. )p District No. 15 shall be made up of a consolidation of f the regular election districts Nos. 117, 118 add 122. !! District No. 16 shall be made up of a consolidation of P the regular election districts Nos. 141, 143 and 144. i District No. 17 shall be made up of a consolidation of i 1 the regular election districts Nos. 142, 149 and 150. District No. 18 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 145, 146, 147 and 148. i District No. 19 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 151, 152, 153 and 154. District No. 20 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 155, 156 and. 157. --1 District No. 21 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 171, 172 and 173. I District No. 22 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 174, 175, 176, 177, 178 and I 179. District No. 23 shall be made up of a consolidation of 1 the regular election districts Nos. 180, 181, 187 and 188. District No. 24 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 182, 183, 184, 185 and 186. District No. 25 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 189, 190, 191, 192 and 193. District No. 26 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 221, 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 234, 235 and 236. District No. 27 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 224, 225, 226, 230, 231, 232 and 233. District NI. 28 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 237, 238, 239, 244 and 245. District No. 29 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 240, 241, 242, 243 and 247. District No. 30 shall be made up of a consolidation of the regular election districts Nos. 246, 248, 249, 250 and 251. SECTION 7. That the following places within the said cit are designated as polling places for each of said election dis- tricts: DISTRICT NO. ADDRESS. 1. 349 2. 9th South 2. 1411 Blair Street 3. 1409 South 9th East A. 728 So. 10th East 5. 1327 Roosevelt Ave. 6. 1588 Princeton Ave. 7. 1722 So. 3rd East 8. 2340 So. 7th East 9. 1934 So• 10th East 10. 1260 Stratford Ave. 11. 110 West 3rd So. 12. 138 Rest 7th So. 13. 1464 South West Temple 14. 932 West 2nd South 15. Cor. 7th South & 9th 'West -5- DISTLICT NO. ADDRESS. 16. 664 West 4th North 17. 326 Reed Ave. 18. 1st North bet. 6th & 7th West 19. 139 West 1st North. h0 3rd North & Columbus 21. 126 Kimball Apts. 150 No. Main 29 129 - let Ave. 23 473 - 7th Ave. 24. Cor. 'G' & 2nd Ave. 25. 813 - let Ave. 26. 105 South State 27. Room 101, City & County Bldg. 28. 753 East 2nd South 29. 722 East 4th South 30. 71 - 12th East The following named persons shall act as the officers of such election at the polling places for the 4lection districts set opposite their names: DIS:ikICy_ . NAMES. 1. Mrs. Laverne Kenner Mrs. Alfreda Covey Mrs. Idale Walker 2. Mrs. Clara Carlquist Mrs. Geo. D. ulaughan Mrs. Florence Krause 3. Flora Severn Mrs. Eliza T. Fiksta.dt Mrs. Geo. Trayner 4. Mrs. Julia A. Lewis Mrs. Edith Keddinfton. Rachel E. Watts 5. Mrs. Jessie Smith Mrs. H. R. Jensen Lucy B. Seely G. Helen I. Cowan Mrs. Flora Large Mary S. Cram 7. Mrs. Elijah Cutler Ida Gimpeler Mrs. Geo. H. Burgess 8. Mrs. M.L. Chamberlain Mrs. Dee Gray Mrs. Nellie Christopherson II -6- DISTRICT N0. NAMES. 9. Beth Snow Hazel E. Chapman Mrs. Wm. T. Bailey 10. Mrs. L. E. Kroll Mrs. Pearl Fisher Ella Mounteer 11. Mrs. Erma Fight Mrs. Lily K. Homer Steve ivialoney 12. Mrs. Edith Greer Mrs. Pearl Baldwin Mrs. Jessie Smith 13. Mable Hogenson Mrs. Bertha. 'lingey Mrs. Pose Lewis 14. Mrs. Leona Bohling Mrs. Pauline Peterson Mrs. Viola Crowton 15. Mrs. Clara Morgan Mrs. Ellen Pickle Mrs. Irene Blundell 16. Mrs. Martha Catmull Mrs. Emma Williams Alex Edgar 17. Mrs. Nellie A. Harter Mrs. Nora M. McDonald Ida E. Holmes 18. Mrs. Eliza C. Harrison Mrs. May Grockett Theres Cowburn 19. Mrs. N. Martinson Mrs. Anna Doyle Fannie Daly 20. Loretta Epperson Mrs. Claire Foulger Lona Nelson 21. Annie Lotz Mr s. Golda S.i chard s Mrs. Mable J. Paul 22. Mrs. Bertha Gray evelyn Manning M.Maude Woodbury 23. Mrs. Elsie Bailey Mrs. Bean Neslen Mrs. Leah G. Nicholes 24. Inga H. Wells Mrs. Sena D. Beer Annie Higham 25. Ida C. Higham Agnes Mounteer Mrs. Atliesa Scott 26. Clarence Lee Claudia Morris Ada J. Murphy -7- DISTRICT NO. NAMES. 27 Beatrice Halverson Mrs. Mary Beift Mrs. E. S. Becker 28 Edna Hopfenbeck Lilly Knight Mattie Edwards 29 E. K. Bassett Carrie braby Mrs. Alice English 30 Hannah G. Hegstead Mrs. Eva Taylor Hazel R. Reiser Provided there shall be three officers or Judges at each polling place, one of whom shall act as clerk. Said officers shall be qualified electors in the election district in which they serve and shall constitute a Board of Election for such polling place or election district. SECTION 8. It shall be the duty of the City Recorder to cause to be printed the ballots herein provided for, and she shall cause the same to be authenticated with facsimilies of her signat e. She shall deliver to the officers of the various election districts sufficient ballots and other election supplies to meet the require ments of the said districts, and shall do all other things to carr out said election required of her by the election laws of Utah and the Metropolitan Water District Act and the ordinances of Salt Lal City relating to elections, not inconsistent with this ordinance. 1 SECTION 9. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants '! of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective im;nediateli. SECTION 10. This ordinance is to take effect upon its first publication, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Cityl Recorder of Salt Lake City, and said Recorder is hereby instfiucte , authorized and ordered to publish said ordinance for the purpose • of giving notice of said election once at least ten (10) days be- j fore the date of the election provided four herein, in a newspaper ! of general circulation printed and published in Salt Lake City. • Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake CI•ty, -a- , ! Utah, this 1st day of -- May -, . . 1935. N Mayor. City Llecorder. „ • , . •! 1 . • • . , , .7 .4 wiry. rr7•?; •,rV..; rt,5' •rr" tut 7"I, . , • v•-, , g zrie.r" rr'lr 1 .1 — , , . „ . . . , , ' ..... .. , ,.„ . ..., , . , .. , . T. ._, , iii. -1 , 1- - 5 .,. tr tit ...c..,:-..,. - -,. 7 4, 3, V7 0- ,.... 4- s- o • --- ...x. — es ,s:,,, Nn' ,to.> Prii • 71 1 Ars 0 .11 i'ttD 4 ,., .• Z 7; 'CO > •I (T g 0 Z ... = _... 0 a. , ., In Vo . c1/4 % Ihk\ I Proof of 1ubItratinn TIti'trl frottdeo of America STATE OF UTAH • SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ..tti0'. AN ORDINANCE of a consolidation of the regular place,one of whom shall act as ' An ordinance approving the pro• election districts Nos.180,.I81,187 clerk. Said officers shall be quel- 1 visia of:the initiating ordinance and 188. ified electors in the election dis- c for th-formation of a metropoli- District No. 24 shall be made trill in which they serve and shall tan Water district within the boun- up of a consolidation of the regu- constitute a Board of Election for daries of Salt Lake City;designat- lar election districts Nos.182,183, such polling place or,election cis- - '4n t Salt Lake city is the city 484,185 and 186. trict. .3 in�etr:election is to be held'"""^;District No.25 shall be made up SECTION 8. It shall be the for the purpose of determining of a consolidation of the regular duty of the City Recorder to cause rincipal Clerk 'whether or not said district is to be election districts Nos.189,190,191, to be printed the ballots herein ;;Inoorgorated;designating the date 192 and 193. provided for,and she shall cause df f4,ie holding of said election; District No. 26 shall be made the same to be authenticated with ,f ,the time for the opening up of a consolidation of the rag- facsimiles of her signature. She published in 'i,Qafng,of the polls;designat- ular election districts Nos. 221, shall deliver to the officers of the leg'the form of ballot to be used; 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 234, 235 various election districts sufficient 'designating'tete election districts and 236.: ballots and other election supplies and fitting"polling places within District No. 27 shall be made to meet the requirements of the. , the city and-naming the persons up of a consolidation of the regu- said districts,and shall do all ath- 4H •"�hlhall act as the officers of •lar election districts Nos.224,225, er things to carry out said election '°election districts for said 226,230,-231,232 and 233., required of her by the election aR. District No. 28 shall be made laws of Utah•and the Metropolitan • THAT'WHEREAS, Salt Lake up of a consolidation of the regu• Water District Act and the or- City has heretofore enacted an lar election districts Nos.237,238, dinances of Salt Lake City relit.;` or inane for the purpose of in- :79,244 and 245. ing to elections,not inconsistent a Metropolitan.Water Dis• District No.29 shall be made up ,with this ordinance: • t' comprise the territory of a consolidation of the regular SECTION 9. In the opinion of '3:within the corporate boundaries election districts Nos. 240, 241, 1 the Board of Commissioners it is of said city,it is hereby declared- 242,243 and 247. , necessary to the peace,health and':; JION.. to be the purpose of this ordinance District No. 30 shall be made safety of the inhabitants of Salt td„approve said initiating ordi. up of a consolidation of the regu- Lake City that this ordinance be -Vif., Owe and to enact herein the nec- ler election districts Nos.246,248, come effective immediately. • II 'easany;provisions for the holding 249,250 and 251. SECTION 10. This ordinance Is of the election provided for in SECTION 7. That the following to take effect upon its first publh ,;the Metropolitan'Water District. places within the said city are des- cation,and thereupon it shall;be, 'In Said news- ";Aolof,the Slate'of Utah,at which "ignated,as polling places for each the duty of the City Recorder of • election the qualified voters re- of said election districts: ' Salt Lake City,and said Recorder •siding;within. .the boundaries o1 District No. 1-349 East Ninth is thereby instructed, authorized •'said City are to vote upon the ques- South street. and ordered to publish said,ote ,lion of Whether or not a Metropol- •District No.`—1411 Blair"street dinance for the purpose of giving' hair Water District shall "be District No.3-1409:South Ninth notice of said election once at least ,'or ned.of the territory.Within the East'street. ten (10)days before the date of 'bo caries of said city.' District No.4-728 South Tenth •the election provided for herein, , 193---5., NOW,THEREFORE, Be it or• Best street. in a newspaper of general tirsula- •dafned by the Board of Commis- ' District No. 5-1327 Roosevelt Lion printed and published is Salt eloners of Salt Lake City,Utah: avenue. - Lake City. .. Wepaper, on SECTION 1. That Salt Lake District No.8-1588 Princeton Passed by the•Board of Commis- -City approve the ordinance,which avenue. . sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, is designated,"An Ordinance:in- District Na.7-1722 South Third this 1st day of May,A.0."1935.. Meting the Metropolitan Water East street. - LOUIS MARCUS, District of Salt Lake City,"here- District No.8-2340 South Sav- ' Mayor. tolere-enaoted by said city, and enth East street (Seal) ETHEL MACDONALD, which became effective on April District No. 9—19`34'+'o'sth City Recorter,-- 4; 935. Tenth East street. - Bill No. 25 SECTION Z. 'That Salt.Lake • District No. 10-1260 StSffatbsett Published May 3,�'1'935. -City is the city in;which en elec. .avenue, tion shell be held for the purpose District No 11.--110'west'nurdiblication thereof of determining whether or not • South street; - said Metropolitan Water.District District No. 12-138'West Sev' -span-be incorporated. 'enth South street. d the 3rd day of SECTION 3, That said election District No. 13-1464 South shall se held on-Tuesday,the 18th West Temple street. '-day of June,1935,pursuant to the District_No,14-932 West.See- provis ionsof the laws of the Stateand South street ,A.D.193.5..-. of Utah governing such matters, •District No.15—Corner Seventh ;and particularly the Metropolitan Soath and Ninth.West streets. Water•District Act District No.18--654 West Fourth ,fl7.�..— SECTION 4. That the,polls for North street. said .election shall open- at 7 District No. 17-328 Reed.ave• Ij 'o clock a. m and shall close at nue • 7 g C ock p." m. District No 18—First North be- SECTION 5 That the ballot tween Sixth and Seventh West. 3rd day of used at such election shall'con• District Na,1.6-139 West First J` 'tale the words,"Shall the terra- --North street _ •hraged wjtbuiR•the corner. i Dt .k .S0-"Third North and ndaries of Salt Lake City Oulu us streets. - become a part of le Metropoli• District No 21 .126 Kimball. /,� tan Water District ofSalt Lake apartments;150 North Main street. 7 C yY',end the wards,"Yes and-' District No 22-129-First aVe• . < <aseompanied by voting Mae, o 23-473 Seventh ave. h 11111 ants‘aete ootiomta thcord hiss nue '' _ I Notary Public. l ;tete.any gleforF or against, stree J pro either for Drags r ,the d.Seconda.24-uCorner.G- tole hIs'v The•rioter:All' the, atD strict 2 —813 .- ;;;,hate his v6te fir',qr against Dietrich'"25-813 First avenue. proposition by pied-a cross in District No 26-105 South State ."the*Wee,oppoi a the ward• stree, • "Yes"' No ,,. District�No 27—Room 101,city • ,f,. N:.6 ,The election di,' and county butldtng be thirty'in number Dltriet No 28-753 East Sec- - 5y a sip of a can- 'end'South:street 'solfddtion of t�'gussi'.election b'nrot-.0 722,,East Fourth districts in Salt Lake City now set r 7` :,up by the Board of County Corn- Distr " tvneis by a•.resolution,nedapt6{fl� s1r�e,,gt•, bf •em oil May 8,1929,andmor5 The.following named"piers 4 iF, r xl d;' 4 a ,. t i the elerition dls0r b ppoalte, 1 shell be-made up tlteirmame • fid.mgao)s n of the re 3.r•Mrap el 1 ,It d'9> Nr12 1'"2 10 ?J re '` rs Altreda Covey A Wailcen DiatrictNO 2ahall'be made up I)Rtr1ot-No-2-Mrs-Clara'Carl' -Of a-consolidation of the regular gglst,Mrs. George D. Maugitan, •el cllon districts Nos.."3,4,5,6, Mars.Floren 'Krause. ,;_ i! °7 8 and 9. District o. 3-,Flora Several District.Nb 3 s all be;made up Mrs:EIlza .Fikatadt,-Mrs.Ge6 ep a oansolIdatt ai!of the regular Trayeen. ' etOr District Act. North sage.. s sEcTION:4.'That the,polls for ;said election eha11'.-open. at 7 .District Np- 17-326 Reed..ave-. ,oclock a.m and shall close at -nue,. 7 o'clock'p,en. District No.19-First North be, 3rd 1 SECTION 5. That the ballot "tween.Sixth and Seventh West.t day of ' tit'suchelection shall con District No 19 139 West First, the Words "Shall the terra .North street. , i t No 20-Third North and tofy euibtac d w he co r District No.21. 126 Kimbaill ---�� ,� `a pptt o t of; ettiol7o11• apartments,160 North am street Water District Salt Lake pa ::City?'and the words,"Yee"and District No. 22-129'First ave.' i '.No ,accompanied by voting .tine" •squares sct opposite thereto an District'No.23-473 Seventh ave - t that any. elector may:record his nue• "--- Notary Public. ' ' 'vote'either for or.against 'the ,District No..24--Corner G street '�--_J proposition. The voter:shall indt- and Second avenue. Cate his vote for;or against the District'25-813 First avenue. proposition-by placing a cross in 'DistrictNo,28-105 South State, the square' opposite. the word• street. "Yes"or"No." "District No.27-Room 101,city', SECTION 6. The election disc and county building. tricts shall be thirty In nuns er Dfatrict No.20-763 E S rest SeN .and shall be,made.up of a con. end South street. • <"eolidationaol the regular election District.No 29-722.East i�,'otuth 1 districts in Salt Lpke•Oit So4tth street. 71 Tvtelith Eaal ��.up by the Beard of`' oil e -3. :k• ��'t snasionersb aa'esolution adop044 i1• by them on May 8,1929,and mq The•' j- �wnsesra4�ta 111 'yartieUlarly described,. tardier•3-s all tot as aoftivots of•5dt11 ...+ rbc;,�rr,at.tjle polling places der loves,to•*Vlt: a e Widn districts,get opposite District No.1 shall be made up: their names - 1 :of a consolidation of the seeder isttdpt.Nocwl` - election:districts Nos,-f;2,10,Il, Kanner,Mrs Alfred6'Cbve,: ss 12,13 and 14. Hale Walker. . • District No.2 shall be made sup' District No.2-.Mrs.Clara"Carl of,a consolidation of the regular gliist, Mrs. George D.Maughan i election'districts Nos..3, 4,5, 6, Mrs.Florence Krause. - fff 7.8 and 9. District No. 3-Flora Severn; District No,'3 shall be,made up Mrs:Slim T.Flkstadt,Mrs.Ge6: j .of a consolidation;of the regular Trayner. I election district,/Nos. 15, 18, 17, , District- No. 4-Mrs. Julia A. Hi, 18,19, ,21,26 and 27.. Lewis,,Mrs Edith Keddington, i •� District No.4 shall be made up' Rachel E.Watts. of a consolidation of the regular District- No. 5 Mrs. Jessie election•districts Nos. 22, 23, 24, Smith, Mrs. H. R. Jensen,.Lucy '25,30 sod 31. B.Seely. District No.5 shall be made up District.No.6-,-Helen I.Cowan, 'of a consolidation of the regular Mrs.Flora i,srge,'Mary S.Cram. election districts Nos.28,29 and 35. Dtstrict I•to.7-Mrs.Elijah Cut- District No.6 shall be made up ler,:Ida Giinpeler, Mrs. Geo.11. --of a consolidation of the regular Burgess. l election districts Nos. 32, 33, 34 District No.&-Mrs,M.L.Cham- and 36. - . berlain,Mrs.,Dee Gray,Mrs.Nel- 1 "District No. 7 shall be made lie Christopherson. i up of a consolidation of the reg. District No.9-Beth'Snow,•Mao- ularr election district;Nos.51,52i el E. Chapmbn,Mrs. Wm. T.' ' .53,54,55 and 56. Bailey. District No.9 shall be made up District No.10-Mrs.L.E.Kroll, of a consolidation of the regularMrs.Pearl Fisher,Ella Mounteer. election districts.Noe. 67, 58, 59 District No. II-Mrs. Erma . and 60. , Might.Mrs,Lily K.Homer,Steve' • District No.9 shall be made up Moloney. ' of a consolidation of the regular District No: 12-Mrs, Edith, .election-districts Nos. 61,82,63, Greer,Mrs.Pearl Baldwin,.Mrs. .64,89-and 70. Jessie Smith, I .District No.10 shall be made up District No. 18-Mable Hogan. , of a'consolidation of:the regular son, Mrs.Bertha- Tingey, Mrs. election districts Noe.-65, 68, 67 Rose Lewis. { and 66. - District No. 14-Mrs. Leona District No.11 shall be made up Bohling, Mrs. Pauline Peterson,, of aconsolidation of the regular 'Mrs.Viola Crowton.. election districts•Nos. 101, 102, District No.15.-Mre.Clara Mon •103,113 and.114. - gan,Mrs.Ellen Pickle,Ptrs.Dine District No.12 shall be made up -Blundell. of a consolidation of the regular District No. 16-Mrs.' Martha election'districts'Nos. 104, 106, :Cetmull, :Mrs.Emma Williams, 108, 11 end 112.. yDistrrict,No. 17-Mrs,Nellie A. District No. 78 gum be snide pp of a consolidation of the rejymu. Harter,Mta,Nora M.McDonald, i lar'eleetion dietrieta Nos 107,flag E.Holmes. d 110. " „ ,District No 18-Mrs. Eliza C. - n, Mrs. May Irorloett,;. 2 b 1e,118, .ThDe tin. `��lar election districts Nos.115,118, 119,120 and 121. son,Mrs. Anna Doyle, Fannie. District No.16 shall be made up Dale. of a consolidation of the regular District No.20-Loretta Epper-, election districts.Nos.-117,118 and eon,' Dark.Claire Foulger, Lona'I ! 122. Nelson, District No,16 shall be made up ' District No.21-Annie Lotz, of a consolidation of the regular Mrs.Golds Richards,Mrs.Mable 'election districts Nes,141,143 and J.Paul. - ; 144. District No. 22-Mrs. Bertha' District No.'17 shall be made Gray,Evelyn Manning,M.Maude ± up of a consolidation of the repo Woodbury,. lar election districts Nos.143,149 District No.23-Mrs,Elsie Bat- and 150. ley,Mrs.Geen Neale.,Mrs.Leah P District No.18 shall be made up C. Nicholea, of a consolidation of' the,regular District No.24-Inga H.Wells, 11 election districts Nos.145,146,147 -Mrs.Sena D.Beer,Annie'Higham. and 148. ' District No,25-Ida C.Higham, District No,19 shall be made up Agnes Mounteer, Mrs. Atliasa of a`censolidation of the regular Scott election districts Nos,151,153,153 District No. 26-Clarence Lee, and 154. ,Claudia-Morris,Ada J.Murphy. District No.20shall be made up District No. 27-Beatrice Hal- of a consolidation of the regular verson,Mrs.Mary$Witt,Mrs.E. election districts Nos.I55,158 and- S.Becker. 157. District 28--Edna S. Hopfen• District No. 21 shall be made beck,Lilly Knight, Mottle Ed- up of a consolidation of the reel- wards, lar election districts.Nos.171,172 District No.29-t, K.-Bassett, and 173. Carrie Draby,Mrs.Alice English" District No.22 shall be made up District No.30-Hannah G.Meg. of a consolidation of the regular stead,Mrs.Eva Taylor,Basel R. election districts Nee.174,176r I76i Reiser, 177,178 and 179. Provided there shall be tore District No.23 shall be made up officers or,judges.at each poll',, 'a