25 of 1940 - Amending Section 530, Revised Ordinance 1934, salaries in Fire Department ROLL,CALL MAY 28 1940 , 193
VOTING AYE NAY 1.1 Salt Lake City,Utah,
Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed.
-C. 4-1
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - -
AN OFDlinAU(s AMIADIhC ShCTION 57,0 of the levi.sed Ordinances
of Lalt Lake City, OtaX, i9 /1, as emended ty an orcinnuee nesse,. by
the hoard. of Commissioners on January l' , 19;',E, as Amended ly an oe:t-
nance passed By the hoar,' of commissioners on P, LW), reletinp
to the fire Department.
Be it ordained by the roar,: of Commissioners of Salt fah?
City, Utah:
CTTOU 1. That Section f)7,0 of the hevisea Ordinances of
Salt hake City, Utah, LUnd, as hmendeci By au orhinance 7E); P: 17 tne
loard of Commissioners on Jannrry PHE, as amendeo by an orainance
passed by the hoard of Commissioners on fly P, 10'0, refatife to the
tire iepartment, be and the same is herely amenoen to rearrue or ro.lows:
SEC. h0.0FIGANTATEOU Ah SALAFIFS. The lire ,edart-
ment of Salt La,ce City shall consist of the tol_inng oiJicers,
whose salaries shall to as fixed by the boarh of Commissioners,
within the limits snecified as follows:
hot to exceed
Chief of oepartment
V Assistant Chiefs . '700.00
fattalion cniefs 02 .00
Superintendent of lire and --m-)lice alarm . . SLC0.'10
Captains . . .
Lieutenants 1C0.00
Secretary '100.0C
firemen of flrst grape 19E0.00
liremen of second eraue 1010.n1
Firemen of third graCe 17:O.00
; Lam onerators, first grade (900 (0
Alarm onerators, second Fs-ate LPCn.W,
Alarm ocerntors, third ereae L72=0.00
One of the assistant chiefs shall to assinne- 10 the office of
Fire Marshal. Insnectors, oenuty lire f9arsnels, master mechanic
ana firemen mechanics shall be prece1 as ceothins, jeutenants
or firemen of the first, second an a third conic.
aCTEON V. In the oninton of the Foerm of Commissioners,
. ,
It is neceshery to the Pfr-ce, aceLth rn seieiy h- the iiiihlithrta
of i.att nake city thht this orhinance Ifreerr e:) ,rth.r. ' i.c,Iistrly:,
SKJUOU ii,. -hih or-Jinence sahL, thi-r r , Yet :.nni-L its
Lirst aubLiention.
7? I
Pasheu 1,, the Loayi, si.,: ucrnmihrioners cy ,Salt brl. .c city,
Utah, tots ZS ''ciey of , ,' , L.,,,. 1940.
•,.. ' , ,• ,
or ,e,
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ten?mray Chii-m
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P141140111 Bind d lkondosioneS
MAY 2 814340
First Mil-cation in
MAY A?1940
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notice Leo FI,___Yorwig
Alg ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
.530 of•the Roviged Ordinances of Salt
Lake City,Utah.1934,es amended by an
ordinance'passed by the 13oard of Com- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
missioners on January 12,1038,an amend.
ed by an OrdiPllitee named by the Board.
of Commissioners on May 8,1940,relating published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
to'the Fire Department. •
Re it ordained by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: of Utah.
,.SECTION 1.'Chat Section'530 of the
•Recised Ordinaneee of Salt Lake City.
Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance
Sc by the Board a Commissioners on
.Jiinuary 12.1038,119 amended by an ordi- That the advertisement....OrdirInce..131.11.1110....23...,_..
nance passed by the,Roard of Commis.
sionere on May 8, 1940, relating to the
Fire Department. be and the same il3
hereby amended to read TION as follows:SAL-
...Relating__to_.the..Fire.Depe,rtraent set
ARIES.The Fire Department of Salt Lake
City shall consist of the following °ni-
eces, whose salaries shalt be as fixed by
the Beard of Commissioners, within the ..aalt_.LEtIce--Cityr-aorp.----CiV—Reoorder
-*mite specified as follows:
Not to exceed
.Chiel of Department 53800.00-
2 Assistaist Chiefs 278000
Sc Battalion Chlein • 2580.00
Superintendent of lira and police
alarm 2460.00
°anteing 2280.00 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
SeCretaL.uten.nt., 2160.01)
rY . ' 2160.00
• -Firenten of first grade 198000
Fickmen 'of'snd grade •1880.00 2.9th-- day of may A. D. /9.40....
Fireme0 of third grade 1740.00'
Alarm operators, first grade 1880.00
Alarm operatore,second grade 1880.00
Alarm operators, third grade .., 1740.09 and was published 1.tima
One of the agsistant chiefs shell be a,
signed to the°Mee of Fire Marshal. I,
miecters,deputy fire marshals.. master me.
chanic and firemen mechanics shall mbe the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
graded as nantaine,lieutenents or fireen
of the filet,second end third grede.
SECTION 2. n, the opinion ot• the
Board of Commiggioners; it'hi.necommy
to the peace,health and safety of the in• day of A.D. 19
habitants of Salt Lake City that threat' ...„..,2
dinette, become effective'immediately. .,., ,-- . ,...
SECTION 3. This ordinance.shall take
effect upon As Boat PUbliCRLOn. ..„,......e,-,:,-, ,
...Passed by the Board of Commissioners
;of Salt Lake CIL,Utah,this 28th day of Adv.eitising Clerk. ,--).
-May, A. D. 1940.
Temporary Chairman.
(SEAL) City Recorder.
:SILO, NO. 25. .
: Published May 20th, 1940 ;
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of
June A.D.
Notary Public.
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