25 of 1941 - Amending Paragrah (c) of Section 1609,--smoke control. ROLL CALL
VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah, � `31941 194
Goggin - - V I move that the ordinance be passed.
xeEae - V %!)
Matheson - _ V /
Mr.Chairman - - `' AN ORDINANCE
Result - - -
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Paragraph (c) of Section 1609;
Sections 1610 and 1611; second paragraph of Section 1618; first
paragraph of Item 4 of Section 1625; and paragraph (b) of Item
6 of Section 1631; in Chapter LXX, Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 14, 1941, and designated
as bill No. 21, relating to the regulation and control of smoke
nuisances in Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That paragraph (c) of Section 1609 in Chapter
LXX, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on May
14, 1941, and designated as bill No. 21, relating to the regulation
and control of smoke nuisances in Salt Lake City, be and the same is
hereby amended tt read as follows:
(c) PILOT LIGHTS. Burners must be equipped with con-
tinuous burning pilot lights, of sufficient size and number,
either of the raw gas type or of the mixed gas and air type to
assure positive ignition of the gas from the main burner at
all times. Such pilot lights shall be fed from a separate line
leading from the fuel supply on the meter side of the shut-off
valve, and shall be fixed to the burner in such a way as to
provide a rigid relative position between the pilot tip and the
ports of the burners. Where two or more pilots are required,raw
or mixed gas and air pilots shall be installed irrespective of
the type and kind of safety pilots used. All such pilot lights
shall be of the approved type.
SECTION 2. That Sections 1610 and 1611 of Chapter LXX,
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, of an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
May 14, 1941, and designated as bill No. 21, relating to the regu-
lation and control of smoke nuisances in Salt Lake City, be and the
same are hereby amended to read as follows:
gas appliance shall be installed or any gas appliance replaced
unless the room or place where such a gas appliance is located
is ventilated so as to properly support combustion, and liber-
ate all products of combustion to the outside or the atmos-
(b) No gas appliance shall be installed or housed in
any compartment, attic or closet that is not wholly protected
by approved type of fire resisting material.
(c) Then air is supplied to the furnace-room from
other parts of the house, a permanent opening equal to one
square inch of free area per 1000 B. T. U. input rating of all
connected appliances shall be provided in the furnace-room,
door or wall in such a manner that the air supply will always
be available. A minimum free area shall be 100 square inches.
(d) All openings on the suction side of any blower
or fan used in connection with any heating system installed in
the same room with any gas appliance shall be tightly sealed
in such a manner that it will not be left open while any gas
appliance is in use. Nor shall any opening, fan or device be
so installed that the suction will impair the draft from any
gas appliance vent.
(e) No furnace or gas appliance of any type shall be
located in any space that is not provided with an accessible
door with minimum dimensions of 30" x 36" to the space in whic
any gas appliances are installed. In case of attic or isolate
installation, steps or ladders shall be installed in a permane t
manner and a permanent walk-way of not less than 24" shall be
provided to and completely around each appliance. Where floo t?"
furnaces are installed; in lieu of a basement a passage way of
not less than 24n x 24nn shall be provided from the access-door
to the appliance.
(f) Under no circumstances shall any gas-water-heatet
be installed in any bathroom or sleeping ouarters. No fuel
burning equipment shall be installed in any bathroom, closet
or compartment unless such compartment is specially constructe'
and provided with a permanent opening equal to 150 square inch
es of effective area, and so arranged that a constant supply
of air is maintained. In all such cases plans and specifica-
tions of the installations must be approved by the chief engi-
SEC. 1611. VENT CONNECTION. (a) Every gas appliance,
except domestic gas cooking ranges, installed in kitchens or
rooms having 400 cubic feet or more of volume and which kitchens
or rooms in addition thereto are properly ventilated in an ap-
proved manner, shall be connected to an effective flue or chim-
ney by means of a suitable vent connection, or in lieu of this
must be connected to a vent.
(b) Radiant or fire place heaters installed in an ap-
proved manner in fireplaces shall be accepted as being properly
v vented for all locations except bathrooms or rooms used for
sleeping purposes.
SECTION 3. That the second paragraph of Secton 1618 of
said Chapter LXX, evised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934,
of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah, on May 14, 1941, and designated as bill No. 21, relat-
ing to the regulation and control of smoke nuisances in Salt Lake
City, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"All brick, concrete or masonry chimneys, except
such chimneys that were designed for and used in connection
with an effective open-face fire place, that are not tile line.,
shall be provided with an approved type of •orrosion-resitting
liner, when used as a vent for any domestic, . houee or space
heating gas appliance.
Providing, however, then the total B. T. U. input is 31,000 or
less per hour, or where the vertical distance between the flue
opening for such appliance and the top of the chimney is not
over twenty feet or where the distance between the flue open-
for the appliance and the bottom of the brick or masonry
flue is six feet or more, such appliance may be vented into
brick flues without corrosion-resisting liners."
SECTION 4. That the first paragraph of Ttem 4 of Section
1625 of said Chapter LXX, Revised drdinances of Salt Lake City, Uta1,
1934, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, on May 14, 1941, and designated as bill No. 21,
relating to the regulation' and control of smoke nuisances in Salt
Lake City, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
'All firebox type boilers requiring ninety (90)
pounds or less of coal per hour shall be set with a minimum
distance from the floor line to the nearest overhead heating
surface of 42 inches. Such setting shall be so arranged that
mechanical firing equipment may be readily installed and main-
tain a minimum clearance of 4 (four) inches from the outer edgle
of the retort to the nearest vertical water leg or heating sur-
face, and a minimum clearance from the retort to the crown
sheet or the nearest over-head heating surface of thirty (30)
SECTION 5. That paragraph (b) of Item 6 of Section 1631
of Chapter LXX, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, of
an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, on May 14, 1941, and designated as bill No. 21, relating to
the regulatio4 and control of smoke nuisances in Salt Lake City, be
and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
(b) An applicant for a power and heating equipment
Journeyman's license shall be of temperate habits, of good
character and at least 21 years of age, and have served the re-
quired apprenticeship for a minimum period of three years as
apprentice or helper; all of which must be vouched for in wri -
ing by at least two citizens of Salt Lake City, and shall fliv
nish satisfactory proof of his cualifications and ability to
perform such work to the Board of Examiners.
SECTION 6. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firs ,
publication. .--- -,
Passed '.*, the Bo of Commissioners ofiA lt Lake City,
1 '''
tah, this _ ,/ -', •-•y of 11941.''' ''.-Z
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Proof of ruhltratiott
itnitrd 'tatro of,tnrrira 1
cases plans and specifications of the
An or ,h Smtellations must be approved by the OR
1611;;s chief,
ri et a)Every gas appliance,except domes
gas aookingo ranges, metered fn
s Otto hem d ro f haying d d and I1,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
Ortl1n 'bf t or more rn volume and which
BoarKg... toilette'INOp rl rooms in in an
Hoarg i , B 1 pYOp ]y ventilated can approved
n city,), I !'hall be connected to an ef-
naee. ". re �' flue.r chimney by m dr' LEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
eqq ( _ le.vent connection, r In lieu
a'tote y @y ity �' -must be connected to vent.
Sda d 4.0 i�(B '�diant or lire place heaters
sp" 7 City, Utah re lleda 1 a pD coved manner 1n
S 5 ,1 '3.pengraph () ',(T replaces eriy Shall f a pied ie beerx-
S c :r LXX,Re t Coperla vented for all locations
OrdStl kg.City Uta bathrooms of rooms used Ior
'• .k-d by ins Hoare Pins Purposes,
Of COrnl '-fi1t.Lake Clty. SECTION 3, That the second pars-
Utah,. .v. ' at designated graph of Section 1618 of said Chapter
m bill N )t, to kesw.tton LXX,Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake„
d control of snick¢' •- as In salt City,Utah,1934,o1 an ordinance passed DECTION 1609; 1610 kND 1611
Lake City,be and the. '1s hereby by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
amended to read as I Il kits Lake City,Utah,on May 14,1 1 and_
(e) PILOT LIGHTS. Burners must designated ae bill No. 21, rale
be equipped with continuous buinin the regulation and control of ....
pilot lights, of thelent size and nuisances In Salt Lake ed 5 1r
_ number,.either of raw gas type the same is hereby amended taiga 'Sall
of the mixed gas and air type to follows:
or assure positive ignition of the gas "All brick, concrete or masonry_
from the main burner at all times, chimneys.except such chimneys that
Such pilot lights shall be Ied from Were designed for and used in
e separate line lending from the fuel nectton With an effective open-face
supply on the meter side of the shut- fire place, that are not the lined,
off valve, and shall be fixed to the shall be provided with an approved•reto attached,was first published in said news-
burner In such a way as to provide type of corrosion resisting liner,when
a rigid relative position between the need as a vent for any domestic,house
pilot tip and the ports of the burners. or space heating gas appliance. Pro-
Where two or more pilots are required, Aiding,however,when the total B.T. 4TH
raw or mixed gas and air pilots shall V:Input 1s 31,000 or less per hoer,or e
be installed irrespective of the type Where the vertical distance between d the
and kind of safety pilots used. All the flue opening for such appliance
such pilot lights shall be of the ap- and the top of the Chimney is not .IIING 41
proved type. , over EECTION twenty 2. That Sections 1810 and tance between ther where d , 193 ,
flue opening for
1611 of Chapter LXX, Revised Ordi- the appliance and the bottom of the
mutes of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, brick or masonry flue 1s six feet o
of an ordinance passed by the Hoard more,such appliance may be vented in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
of Commiselonere of Salt Lake City, Into brick flues without corrosion-
Utah,on May 14,1941,and designated resisting liners."
as bill No.21,relating to the regulation t SECTION 4. That the first paragraph
and control of smoke nuisances in Salt of Item 4 of Section 1625 of said Chap- for
Lake City,be and the same are hereby ter LXX,.Revised Ordinances of Salt
amended to read as follows' Lake City,Utah,1934,of an ordinance
SEC. 1610. PROHIBITED LOCH- passed by the Board of Commissioners 1 TIME
IRONS OF HEATERS, (a)No gee f Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 14,mod of
pliance shall be Installed or any gas 1941. and designated as bill No. 21,
appliance replaced unless the room or relating to the regulation and control
place where such a gee appliance is of smoke nuisances in Salt Lake City.
located is ventilated so so to properly be and the me is hereby amended
support combustion, and liberate all to read follow.: the last publication thereof
I prodhetsatmosphere.tion to the outside "All !trek.% type boilers requiring
appliance shall be 1n- ninety(90)pounds or less of coal per
(b) Na gas
stalled or housed /n an loin art- hour shall be set minimum 4TH
mane, attic or aloes that fee rt- distance from the floor line to the tied the day of
wholly protected by approved type of inches,
overhead, suchet inng lace of
00 3
Y 42 lnn Such mechanical
shallc Sciso
Sire resisting material. arrangeduime that area fly tailed
Ifurn When r supplied r to the equipment t maintain nay be rmum tearance 41
house,a p m tetheriromop ng sa of to o d ace) a of loom clearance ,A.D.193
house,a permanent re a equal to of 4 (four) tort tB from.thes outer
one square Inch ti freearea Per 1000 edge ofa the g or he theinnearest,and
H.T.li U.input l be of all Connected cal water leg ea heating surface,and /may
appliances shall r SrWall i In the t mthe r earant orom the retort ' C4'�'+iY`a"h�
metier-room,door r ankh-• to the crown sheet el the nearest
manner that the air supply will e• Oyer-head heating Surface of thirty
ways be available, A minimum free.' (SE Inches
area shall be 190 square inches. SECTION 5. flat paragraph (b)Xof
(e) All blowropenings n the SW Stem-e o1 Section 1631 Y Chapter LXX,
clue v any Mower or on used in ado-'`taea Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 5TH day of
staled witht atty heating system in- Utah,lard,of ordinance passed by
stalled iti the a e fi. Board of Commissioners. 4oft Salt
_.gas such
a manner
that pity..Ifsa bill
o.2 21, relati -apt
l such a that 1t 2e bill Nc. trelating ko
leftopen while any gas appliance is theregulationoand a smoke
ine use.Nor shall any tar fan or nuisances in Salt Lake City, be and
device be so metalled that the suction the same is hereby amended to read
Ill impair draft
the aft from any gas ap-.qq follows,
pliance vent. - (b) An applicant for a power and�(e) fi furnace or gas appliance of heating equipment Journeyman's II-
any is type
shall be located in any space oense shall be of temperate habits,
that ie not provided with an ace set- of good character and at least 21 Notary Public.
ble door with minimum dimensions years of age,and have served the re-
al 30"x36"to the space in which any qulred apprenticeship fora minimum
gee appliances are installed. In case period of three years as apprentice or
of attic or Isolated installation,steps helper;all of which must be vouched
or ladders shall be Installed Ina Per. for in writing by at least two citizens'
manent manner land a permanent of Salt Lake City,-a d shall furnish
walk-way of not less than 24"shall satisfactory proof of his qualifications
be provided to and completely around and ability to perform such work to
each appliance.Where floor furnaces the Board of Examiners.
are metalled; in lieu of a basement SECTION 6. In the opinion of the
passage way of not lees than " Board of Commissioners,It is necessary
shall be provided from the access-door to the peace,health and safety of the
to the appliance. Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this, pp
(I) Under no odreumstantal shall ordinance shall take effect immediately.'¢W
My ga bathroom
r-heater he installed in SECTION 7. This ordinance shall
any bthroo or sleeping quarters. take effect upon Its first publication.
No.fuel In nay.bathpment shall be Passed by the Board of this 1n any bathroom, closet or are of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd
compartment unless such comport- day of June,A.D, 1941. •
meat 1s specially constructed and pro- AB JENKINS,'Mayor.
Added with a permanent opening equal . (Seal) ETHEL MA D,
to 150 square Snches of effective area, Cityty Recorder,
and go arranged that a constant sup- Hill No.25.
Iely of air is maintained.In all such Published June 4,1941, i
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