25 of 1946 - Amending paragraph (b) relating to Board of Health-fumigators, exterminators and structural pest con VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, . 1` ?' '(' , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . .
Mr.Chairman. .
AN OHDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 822 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944., relating to the Board of Health.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 822 of the 'Revised Urdinonces of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to the Board of Health, be and the same
is herebRy amended. to road. as follows:
CONTROL OPERATORS. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to
engage in. the business of a fumigator, exterminator or structural
pest control operator in Salt Lake City without first obtaining
a. license so to do.
(b) For the purpose of this ordinance a "fumigator" shall
be deemed. to be any person who uses hydrocyanic acid gas,
cyanogen, chloropicris', or any other poisonous, toxic, noxious
or dangerous gases, fumes, or substances specified by the City
Board of Health as liable to affect human beings by causing
sevore sickness or death, for the extermination of household in-
sects, vermin or rodents.
(c) For the purpose of this ordinance, an exterminator or
pest control operator shall be doomed to be any person who uses
any toxic, noxious, poisonous or dangerous substance, either
gaseous, _liquid. or otherwise, specified by the City Board of t)P�
Health as liable to effect human beings by causing severe sick-
• ness or death and used for the extermination of household insects,
vermin or rodents.
(d) Every person. desiring a license to engage in the busi-
ness of a fumigator, exgerminator, or structural pest control
operator• shall make application to the license assessor and
collector and. shall with his application. file a sworn state-
ment shoving the experience and training tending to qualify
the applicant for the business of fumigating, exterminating
or as a pest control operator.
(e) The application for such license, together with the
statement of the applicant, shall by the license assessor and
collector be immediately referred to the Health Commissioner
for inspection and report. The Health Commissioner or his
deputy shall within five days of receiving such application
make report to the Board of Commissioners as to the fitness,
qualification and responsibility of the applicant to act as a
fumigator, exterminator or pest control operator and as to hi•
knowledge and. experience of and with poisonous or noxious gases,
chemicals, compounds or products used for fumigating or eater
minati_np purposes, and shall also report on his knowledge and.
familiarity with the rules and regulations prescribed by the
board of health governing, the use of poisonous and. noxious
gases, chemicals, compounds, or products used for fumigating
or exterminating purposes, and the Health Commissioner shall
add Iris recommendations as to the granting or denying said op
pl_cation. Upon receipt of said report the Board of Commissio -
ers shall act upon the application as it shall deem fair, jus
and proper, in regard to the granting or denying of the same.
(f) The license fee for engaging in the business of a fu
migator or pest control shall be t25.00 per year or any part
(g) No person shall be engaged by said licensee to work
at the occupation of an exterminator, fumigator or pest control
operator employing the use of hydrocyanic acid gas or other 94t
.dangerous gases or chemicals, compounds, or products used for
exterminating purposes without first filing an application am
statement of experience and qualifications with, and rece:ivin
the approval of the Health. Conmci.ssioner.
(h) When in the opinion of the Health Commissioner or iii•
deputy a building, house, structure or vehicle cannot be rid
of certain pests, rodents or vermin by any means other than
fumigation, a special permit may be issued, provided however,
that no permit for fumigation of any building, house, structure or
e:hiele may be issued unless such building, house, structure .r
vehicle is completely evacuated of all human inhabitants or
domestic Oets, and adequate and .sufficient guards are provide
at all moans mf entry during the time of fumigation and such
time after the fumigation as may be deemed necessary by the
Health Commissioner or his deputy.
(i) It shall be the duty of every person licensed under
this ordinance, intending to generate or release hydrocyanic
acid gas or other dangerous gases or fumes for fumigation pur
poses, before starting such generation or release, to notify
the health department, giving the location of the building or
enclosed space to be fumigated, and to secure from the health
department a permit, which shall state the hour and day when
the work will be performed. Each application for such permit
shall be accompanied by a fee of !1.00.
(j) The Salt Lake City Board of Health is hereby author-
ized and directed to prescribe rules and regulations governing
fumigation procedure not in conflict with the provisions of
this ordinance as it may deem necessary for the protection of
life and. public health.
(k) then hydrocyanic acid gases or other dangerous gases
or fumes are used for extermination purposes, the amount of
gas to be used and any type of warning gas to be mixed with
the fumigant and the method of procedure shall be that pre-
scribed by the rules and regulations of the board of health.
(1) The Health Commissioner and his deputies are hereby
authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this ordi-
nance and the rules and regulations prescribed under it.
(m) The Health Commissioner or his deputy is hereby em-
powered to refuse to issue any permit, and to forbid the fumi-
gation of any building, house, structure or vehicle when in
his opinion the fumigation is not necessary.TT
SECTION 2. in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board:: of Counis ers of Salt ake City,
Utah, this day of GL �" ' , 1 G6.
// s
City Necordet.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices ' D B ocke r
game;°Nie's'aiaf LakeRCity`dU r. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
aOM, relating•lo the Board of
it ordained by.the Hoard of vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Commisaleners of Salt Lake,CRY,
SECTION I.That section asd of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake Mr, Utah, 1044„nmlaling to Utah.
Board of Health. be and the of t�tah.
!Me le hereby amended to reed es '
AL PEST CONTROL OPERATORS, That the advertisement
(0.It shall be unlawful tot ally
B oo tatoor'rexterminator or sttr"c. Ordinance 211.1 No 25
total peat control operator In Salt
Lake City,without Bret obtaining
11,)B .o ta 3ntr Ve, '.'ea n+tv "or'�ora4,inn
CIO For the"fumigator"
a of Be deem.
s,t,y m eon coal oa deem.
°yenta held person who
Write, Or Any other aoht.000us,
towle nm.o. nr Motel-nee[°tnm,a or epbetnnces ectfled bs
the City Board of Health m liable
to et feet hum..heinge by mlelnr
sickness o was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
extermination nt household imams,
yRrein ore rodents.
toname, a the purpose
e min alar this
peel day of A.D.19
control operator shall be deemed td
he noxious,,',Mai"yor"da9�yossulb: Anti]- ?.6 1y46
aiance, liner[ ltaghl or etb- and was published
w pecllted by the Oily Board
of Health as liable to affect hu-
orldeatnyand used forC1the ex- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
termination of boueehold insects,
°0iai:Hoer:°n°rodents.fleshing Beenee day o f A.D. 19
to Mame In 1he bur... a/ lu-
minter,exterminator,or structural
nest control operator shall make M- %�� ��/
.pllcatinn to the itemise seamier ,; -- ,,`
and collector and shall with ie en..
to 1e experin morn
Advertising Clerk //\J
lot tending to qualify the melt-
' ..T--
ant ion tin..or see of Peet
metro] \
Dent Mr hO of es a nest caring, \lI
tel The nollratlon for snob M.
together with I e he talemmt4
of tbe applicant, shell by the II- 27th
c Ammer mud col/Color be Im.
edlatelp referred to the Health to before me this day of
Comm lsalnnm for impaction aid re.
,art. The Health Com"iledon°r or
April A.D.19.4f-_
b `
Notary Pu ' ' ,�p
hi receivingenuShall within
report to the mien
ere as to,the fitness,Qualification
antl a'eaponeibllity of the anPI
to act as a fumigator, exlermi-
mitor or pest.etrdo vl nneretor and
to his knowledge and exerience
is and the call mi.Or noxious
chemical.. compouns or
Products used for fumigating
exterminating purposes.
, of sh
art on his faith the knowledge ins and ret-
alettna itY u
at peps brayeoibed he the board
of healthrid noxious
the gases, chemi-
cacts used
ls,son io r exterminating
pn000s t. and the Health.Commie-
elover shall add his recommend..tiene a to the granting odeny
fig saidareno t the°sod dnotr Cam
° shall act upon the
plieati0v ea it shall deem fair,last
and Dregard to the grant.
Inr t Th oil license of me ee ore
in i the Tbuetness oft a fumigator)or
nest control plait
$25.00 per year
or any
l No person shall be enraged
i by said licensee to work at the oc-
cupation of exterminator.fumi-
gator or peal control Operator env
playing the net of hydrocyanic acid
• gad r other adanger. . or
che�iticale, compounds. orlteonats
need for eexi rminatinr products
andnostatoom fleet et experennce and
and statement with. and receiving
the approval of the Health.Corn.
lb) When in the opinion of the
Heellh Commissioner or hie deputy
building,,hnuee, n.o
hid of Certain cannot he rid of certain Deet,
rodents er rmin by any means
other than the issued,e"• spec a
howevepermir may,that no permit• provided
o forfuml-
Ration of soy building,house-struc-
ture or vehicle may be
IssuCdl on.
• less a building,
lure or vehicle is completely ev n
vetted of all Mimeo 0nete cod ef
fielent guards a e provided at all
means of entry during the time of
fumigation end such time after the
fondgea by ea may be
deemed nee.
the Health Commi
esuy esiooers
or hie deputy.
Ill It shall be the duty f over,'
p„reon licensed nnder this mime
intending to generate or release
hydrocyanic acid gas r other dan-
gerous gases or fumes for purpose,purpo before starting each
generation or release,In notify the
health department,giver the bee-
lion Of the building enclosed
spares r to be fumigated,rand to e
cure from the health department
permit,which shall elate the hour
end day when the work will be
performed. F application pplication for
such permit shall be accompanied by
w Ira of e OO
if) The Sidi Lake City Board of
Health to hereby authorized and di-
rected to prescribe rules a reg.
colors governing tnmleation n
vet visions
ofto anndina ceth t1I n
of tlse ordinance es It m
of lifen b for the protection
q!life and hylicdrocyanic
(o)When ge ous goer add gales
or other for externs e r fusee
- used for extermination 1e.be 115,4 sod
the amount of gas t be sxt and
any type of u Sae d he -.
metro will the urefumigantas the
method d procedure shall de,orn.
letioncbed by the rules and reN-
le of the board of health.
Ill The Health Commissioner authorized
e deputies to enforce
hereby the 00.1.
enda directed to rdinso tha the
sineg of egu ordinance and the
rulee end regulations prescribed u
der H.
tot)The Health y empowered o
r f septoy issue hereby a .rnd to
.cone th he tum any Def ant.and tdo
lorhla nus.0 strut u°of my bvehicle
rahe fich. a opinion reds..
when In his opinion the Nmiga-
tlon in not n
SECTION mmis0I In heueo.it
of et-
Board of Cohe peace, . n
Ina n health., of and
eaey it the In hisltani of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance be-
take effect
u e i ordinance.piloa-
take upon its Brat publica-
tion. •
Paved by the Board l h.this
stoners fat Salt Lake City.114f,this
�,�n: gi.�p3it.A.D.wt.
(SEAL) City Recorder. •
BILL NO.76 Published April tern,1g0.