25 of 1953 - Amending Section 609, as amended, relating to salaries of Health Department and $15.00 per mont unif ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,M 4Y -�.4 +y��
move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . �� - , y(ri, err
Lingenfelter . . . l'' / -
Romney . . . _
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 609 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 19144, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board
of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating; to the Board of Health.
Be it ordained by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 609 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake Ci�v, Utah, on March 16, lc) ) ; August 15,
191,4; April 3, 1945; November 16, 1914d; April U, 1951; January 29, 1952;
and March lb, 19U2; relating to the Board of Health be and the same is
hereby further amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 609. ORGAIZAT'ION AND SALARIES. The Health Department
snall consist of the following; officers, assistants and employees who,
except the health Commissioner and members of the Board of Health, shall
be appointed by the appointing power subject to the approval of the Board
of City Commissioners from the certified list of the Civil Service
Commission of Salt Lake City for each such office or position to bo filled,
and each such officer or employee shall receive annual salaries, payable
semi-monthly, not exceeding the followinn amounts:
Per Annum
Health Commissioner, who shall be head of
the health Department and the
appointing power 6,500.00
1st Assistant Health Commissioner 3,600.00
2nd Assistant Health Commissioner 2,760.00
Chief :;an:i.tartan L4,980.00
Assistant Chief Sanitarian 14,620.00
Sanitarian. Supervisor (Meat Division) 14,360.00
Sanitarian Supervisor 4,11.40.00
Director of Laboratories 4,620.00
Director of Nursing 4,980.00
Assistant Director of horsing ]},560.00
Nursing Supervisor L4,1h0.00
Sealer of heights and Measures L4080.00
Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics 3,420.00
Sanitarian, Hirst Grade (B) 3,640.00
Sani.tari.an, first Grade (A) 3,720.00 •
Sanitarian, First Grade 3,660.00
Sanitarian, Second Grade 3,>0.00
Sanitarian, Third Grade 3,L420.00
• Sanitarian, Fourth Grade end Probationers 3,2L.0.00
Assistant Sanitarian. 3,180.00
Public Health Nurse, first Grade (B) 3,900.00
Public Health Nurse, First Grade (A) 3,780.00
Public Fealth Nurse, First Grade 3,660.00
Public bualth Nurse, Second Grade 3,540.00
Public Health. Nurse, Third Grade 3,L20.00
Public Health Nurse, Fourth Grade and
Probationers 3,300.00
Registered Nurse, first Grade (B) 3,420.00
Registered Nurse, First Grade (A) 3,300.00
' Registered Nurse, First Grade 3,160.00
Registered Nurse, Second Grade 3,060.00
Registered Nurse, Third Grade 2,940.00
Registered Nurse, 'Fourth. Grade and
Probationers 2,820.00
Senior Bacteriologist, First Grade 3,8).40.00
Senior Bacteriologist, Second Grade 3,720.00
Senior Bacteriologist, Third Grade 3,660.00
Senior Bacteriologist, Fourth Grade and
Probationers 3,q0.00
Junior Bacteriologist, First Grade 3,).420.00
Junior Bacteriologist, Second Grade and
Probationers 3,240.00
Inspector of heights and Measures, First
Grade (B) 3,780.00
Inspector of Weights and Measures, First
Grade (A) 3,660.00
• Inspector of 7 eights and ;,easures, First
Grade 3,540.00
Inspector of Weights and Measures, Second
Grade )420.00
• Inspector of Weights and Measures, Third
Grade 3,300.00
Inspector of Weights and ?eesures, Fourth
Grade and Probationers 3,180.00
Weighmaster 3,180.00
Field Investigator (Venereal Disease Control) 3,540.00
Office Manager (Vital Statistics) 3,060.00
Secretary (roods and Sanitation) 2,9)40.00
Birth Certificate Inspector 2,820.00
• Stenographer, First Grade (A) 3,300.00
• Stenographer, First Grade 3,120.00
Stenographer, Second Grade 3,060.00
Stenographer, Third Grade 2,9) 0.00
Stcno,p;raphor, Fourth Grade 2,820.00
Stenographer, Probationer 2,640.00
Clerk-Typist, First Grade (A) 2,760.00
Clerk-Typist, First Grade 2,64.0.00
' Clerk-Typist, Second Grade 2,520.00
Clerk-Typist, Third Grade 2,1.400.00
, Clerk-Typist, Probationer 2,200.00
In addition to the salaries set forth above, nurses in the
Health Department shall be paid the sum of w15.00 per month as a
uniform allowance.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board. of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants'
• of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective
dICTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this /"f"—day of day, A.D., 1953-
o r. �_�`�
C i f t✓y Recorder.
( SEAL )
Published May 16, 1953
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
TION 609 of the Rev/lied:Ordinances of
Ruth Kassing
Salt Lake City,Utah, 1044,att amend-
ed by ordinances Mailed by the Board
of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah,relating to tho Board of Health.
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
Be it ordained by the Board of Conp
Salt Lake Telegram
.missioners of Salt Lake City.Utah:
i SECT/ON I.That Section'808 of the
•Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City.
Utah,1944,as amended by ordinances vertising clerk of the DE SE RE T NEW S,/a newspaper
\passed by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake Oka Utah. on March,
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
•16, 1944, August 15, 1944, April 3,
1945; November 16, 1948; April 4,,
MI;January 29. 1952;and March 18,
of Utah.
1952:relating to the Board of Health
be and the same is hereby further
• amended to read as follows:
SALARIES. The Health Department•
That the advertisement
shall consist of the following officers,'
assistants and employees who. except,
the Health Conuniasioner and members
of the Board of Health,Mail be appoint-
ed by the appointing power subiect to
the approval of the Board of City An Ordina:Ice - Pill No. 25
Commissioners from the certified list
of the Civil Service Commission of Salt
Lake City foe etch each office or po.
sition to be filled.and each such officer,
or employee shall receive annual sal,
aries, payable gemi-monthly, not ex..
needing the following amounts:
Per Annum'
Health Commissioner,who ehall
be head of the Health Depart- •
meet and the Apler311161111
power $6,500.00
let Assistant Health Commis-•
sioner 3,606.00
2nd Assistant Health Commis
sinner 2,760.00.
Chief Sanitarian 4,980.00
Assistant Chief Sanitarian .._ 4,620.00
Sanitarian Supervisor[Meat DI.
vision) 4,380.00 was published in said newspaper on
Sanitation Superviaor 4,140.00
Director of Leboratoriee 4,520.00
Director of Nursing 4,980h0'
Assistant Director of Nuraing,4,3800.00 Max 16,1953
Nursing Supervisor '4,14.00
Sealer of Weights end Mesp
sure, r 4,380.00
Deputy Registrar of Vital sta
Satire• 9.420.00
Sanitarian,First Grade(B) 3.840.00
Sanitarian,Fleet Grade(A) 3,720.00
Sanitarian,First Grade 3.6E0.00.
%I.. (2.•-'1'.-A./ )47...e.--" r- ?.6----'-',,,
Sanitarian,Second Grad• 3,540.00
Sanitarian.Third Grade
Advertising Clerk
Sanitarian, Fourth Grade and 3,420.00
Probationers . -
. ......., 3.240.00
Assistant Sanitarian 3.180.00
Public Health Nurse, First
Grade 03) 3,800.00,
Public Health Nurse, First
Grade(A) ,..._._..,•,. ..3,780,00
Public Health Rare., Meet
day of
G" '. '.....''•'.. ..'•—3."'"Orn,to before me this lath Public Health Hume, Second
Grade 9,340.00
Public Health Nurse, Third .
Grade 2,420.00 A 1) 19 53
Public Health Nurse, Fourth .. Inspector of We'ht -an e
Grade and Probationers .1300.00, sans Fourth'g end:Mrs.
Registered Nurse,First Grade
(B) 3,420.0f I WieVII:grer.:''''''''''''''''3""
Registered Nuree, First Grade Field Investhialo''Wene'rMil.8.1"-Q°
(A) 3,300.00 Dleease Control)..
Registered Nurse,First Grade 3,1 6 90.00 Office Manager (VitaI Slitha304000 Registered Nume,Second Grade 3,00.08 --1-,I..1..f.2-e ,l•--'
Regltsered Nurse,Third Grade 2.940.0 Secretary00_,.....„,./
Registeredbati Nurserae,Fourth Grade 2,810.00 Eon) .„..at..Inspector, Notary Public
eand Pro_ on r r Birth Certifice ,,2-820:00
s t4n, BacMriologiat, Fl 3 3,1
40„ StenograPher,Firlit Grade(A)3'300.00
.0 Stenographer, Fimt Grade .,3180.00
Senior Bacteriologist, Second Stenographer,Second Grade..3:060.00
Grade 3,720.00 Stenographer,Third Grade ..2,134000
Senior Bacteriologist Third Lee. gmggaler.Fourth Grade..2,220.00
I Grade
First Grade ....2,640.00
.,,,,,,m, aegimil,Second Grade...2,520.00
Junior Bacteriologist, Fire'
Zhif,d,Grade ....2.400.00
tzif,loner ....2,200.00
Junior Bacteriologiet. Se•c'ono ClepislaaT,'Grade and Probationem 9,240.0f Et addition too e apiaries get forth
Inspector of Weights and Mea• above,nurses in the Health Departme t
sures,First rade OD 3,750.0( sh all b id the sum of $15.00 penr
Inspector of Weights and Mee
sures, 001Firs rade(A) 3,660.0, 7rEtNICN'2.1r.IT "*"'n, t h•
Inspector of Weights and NRia- • Board Of Contrni3Sill e '''
our.,First Grade 3,540.0 to the pea.,health'an"'tile
Inspect.of Weights and Mea- ' InliabitanM Of Salt Lake'cltylettlia'f:hi;
sures,Second Grade 9,420.0 ordinance shall become effecti4 Im
Inmector of Weights and Moiw mediate!.,_sures,Third Grade 3,300.0 SEION 3, This ordinance sh''Passed b taha effe upon its first publicatgi '
ct y the Board of Commisa,ere of Salt I.enke City,Utah,this lath
der of Mlly,A.D..1953.
r BILL NO.26,Published May 10,1S53. t-;..:''-