25 of 1957 - Annexation, Extending the limits of Salt Lake City, Annexing Laurel Annex Subdivision, ( Arthur W. R .108,500 6,53 ROLL CALL ) 'J Salt Lake City,Uta r nMllY 2 1957 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . Christensen . . . xicsngaeatatoex Romney . . Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Re/It V AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on the 5th day of April, 1957, there was filed with the • §City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 219 by Arthur W. Fairclough ,yet al. (being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract herein described) , requesting that said tract of land be taken N within the limits of Salt Lake City and also caused an accurate map or 4> °plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved tby the City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder. WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City, and a `"there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part oof the said city; and ° WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin- t+ wing said petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering C1/42 m the circumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all members of said o Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and o directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and -0 the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. a ;' NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt bp Lake City, Utah: a ° SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are 0 hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: .,y v °'ivo Beginning at a point which is in the present boundary line -rig of Salt Lake City, said point being located 762.30 feet N. `"~• 0° 01' 00" E. from the East 1/4 Corner of Section 22, T1S, o R1E, S.L.B.& M; and running thence N. 89° 45' W., 105.90 +> - feet; thence S. 44° 07' W., 105.90 feet; thence S. 41° 02' oru, W., 155.17 feet; thence S. 38° 5R' W., 50.0 feet to the a Centerline of Parley's Way (U.S. Highway 40); thence N. 51° ub M 02' W., 1273.21 feet; thence S. 89° 45' E., 1303.04 feet; thence S. 0° 01' 00" W., 563.49 feet to the point of beginning. In and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as shown upon the map or plat. 25 -2- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the following described part of the area annexed above described be and the same is hereby zoned as Residential R-2 District, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of the S.E.? of the N.E. of Section 22, T1S, R1E, S.L.B.&M; and running thence South 556.2 feet more or less; thence N 89° 45' W. 226.3 feet; thence N 23° 26' W. 157.2 feet; thence S 87° 16' W 390.7 feet, more or less to the easterly line of a State Highway (U.S. Highway 40); thence North 348.43 feet more or less to the quarter section line; thence East along the quarter section line 680.06 feet more or less to the point of beginning. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the following described part of the area annexed above described be and the same is hereby zoned as Business B-3 District, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is in the present east boundary line of Salt Lake City, said point being located North 0° 01' East 762.30 feet and North 89° 45' West 105.90 feet from the East k Corner of Section 22, T1S, R1E, S.L.B.&M; and running thence South 44° 07' West 105.90 feet; thence South 41° 02' West 155.17 feet; thence South 38° 58' West 50.0 feet to the center line of Parley's Way (U.S. Highway 40); thence North 51° 02' West 1273.21 feet along said center line; thence S outh 89° 45'_ East 626.57 feet more or less to the west boundary of the proposedLaurel Subdivision; thence South 389.73 feet; thence South 64° 28' 40" West 43.08 feet to the north Right of Way line of said U. S. Highway 40; thence South 51° 02' East 50.0 feet along northerly Right of Way line of U.S. Highway 40; thence North 87° 16' East 387.93 feet along south boundary of proposed Laurel Subdivision; thence South 23° 26' East 157.20 feet; thence South 89° 45' East 120.40 feet to the point of beginning. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential R-2 District and Business B-3 District, respectively, as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and tract of land, and the made applicable and pertinent to the said al;eye-and-ways-ec-sa44 streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf and the `monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and he is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat above 25 -3- mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2nd day of May, 1957. Mayor AIIL 4r1"44, ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 25 of 1957 Published May 8th, 1957 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, I Bessie N. Judges, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance extending the Limits ofSalt Lake City" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2nd,•••195-7 "Mix as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 13th day of May, 1957 4194 (SEAL) BILL NO. 25 of 1957 Deputy City Recorder Published May 8th, 1952...MMitoe,ardedfilia 1.4 1957 at .47q.m. Request of SALT LASS CI Fee Paid. Hazel 'aggart Chase, Recorder, Sal ke County, Utah $447 FPP By Deputy Book Page Ref. /9 72• 1538t 0t7 eGaK1413 FACE 8 AN ORDINANCE the are sameext d aeby bove desccribe➢ube a AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE ar as B-3 District,to-wit:zone as LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. Beginning at point'which is WHEREAS,on the 5th dayof April, the present east oundary line f 1957, there a filed with he City Salt Lake City, id point being lo- Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition rated North 0 said 01 min. East No.219 by Arthur W.Faireloueh et al. 762.30 feet and North 89 deg.95 (being a majority of the of West 105.90 feet from the East t'/s inal property situate inthe tract here- C of Section 22, T1S, R1E, described, 'questin thatsaid tract S.L,B&M.'and running thence South Sf land be taken within the lmmits of 44 deg. 07 . West 105.90 feet; alt Lake City and also caused thence Southm41 deg.02 min. West accurate map or plat to be mde and 155.17 feet; thence South 38 deg.58 certified to be a competent s min.West 50.0 feet to the center line and approved by the City Engineer o of Parley's Way (U.S.Highway 40); be filed with the City Recorder. thence North 51 deg. 02 min. West said the said tract of land is 1273.21 feet alone center line; contiguous to Salt Lake City, and thence South 89 deg. 45 in. East should notnben annexed to sand madenia bounndary of thee or proposed Laurel Sub- part of the saidii city;and division; thence South 389.73 feet; p WHEREAS, the Board of Commit- thence South 69 dee,.28 40 e stoners of Salt Lake City,after a West 43.08 feet to the north Right of Ming said petition of said o exam- Way line of said U.S. Highway 90; said tract of land and c nsiderngs the thence South 51 deg. 02 m . East .4 clrcumstanres thereof voted by nanl- 50.0 feet long northerly Right of 2 f,t / ous vote of all members ofu said Way hue of U.S. ighway 40;thence 1V/ meat n favor f vt, od tract North 87 deg. 16 in East 387.83 G/ f land to Salt Lake Cue d directed feet along a uth boundary of pro- f that an nedbtanrri shouland Passed posed Laurel Subdivision; thence said territory and the a ten- South 23 deg. 26 . East 157.20 aloe ofsthe city limits of Salt Lake feet; thence South 89 des. 45 min. City accordingly. East 120.90 feet to the point of begin- NOW,, THEREFORE, be It ordained ning. by the Board of Commissioners of Salt AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED Lake City, Utah: and declared that when this ordinance SECTION 1. That the cite limits of takes effect the said tract of land Salt Lake City be and the s above described shall thenceforth be hereby extended and enlarged within the corporate limits of said Sall to Include the following County, described tractLake City and zoned as Residential 04 land in Salt Lake County to.wlt: P.2 District and Business B-3 District, He present at a point which is in actively, a n the ordinance pro- the present boundary line of Salt vided.and all ordinances,jurisdictions, Lake Clte, said point being located rules and obligations of or pertaining 762.30 feet N.0 deg.01 min.00 se to said Salt Lake City a extended E.from the East!'a Corner of Section Over and made applicable and pertinent vd 22,T1S,RIE,S.L.B.&M;and run- to the said tract of land. and the nied thence N.89 deg. 95 min. W., streets,blocks,alleys and ways of said 105.90 feet;thence S.44 deg 07 min. tract hall be controlled andgoverned W., 105.90 feet:thence S. 41 deg.02 be the ordinances, rules and d regula- in. W., 155.17 feet; thence S. 38 bons of said city In that behalf and ddra. 58 W., .50.0 feet to rho the monuments of the City Engineer • Highway of Parley's War (U.S. shall thenceforth be taken therein a Highway 40); thence N. 51 deg, 02 the standards of locations and din. din. W., 127321 fret; thence S. 29 lances. en 45 min.E.,1303.04 feet;thence SECTION 2 Upon the usage of S. 0 dog. Ol min 00 see. W.,563.49 this ordinance the City Recorder of feet to the point of beginning. Salt Lake City shall file and he Is and that the same hass been correctly hereby directed to file with the County spoked out aeon the ground as shown oftheRecorder of Salt Lake County a coe upon the map 0 plat. of the m plat above mentioned AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED duly certified sod es, togledeed, a that the following described part of the rded In such cases, together with thewannexed ahoen described be and certified copy of this ordinance. s s hereby zoned as Residen- a SECTION 3. In the opinion of the tial R2 District,to-wit: Board of Commissioners. it is nee.- Beginning S.E. at the northeast.cornerr to the Deuce, health and safety of the S.E-% of the N.E. of Se of theinhabitants of Salt Lake Cite Hon 22, TIS, RIE, S.LB&M.; and that this ordinance shah become ef- ornnino thence South 558.2 feet m fe cove immediately. less;thence N 89 des.45 min.W. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall 226.3 feet;thence N 23 deg.26 ruin. take effect at once upon its first pub- W 157.2 feet; thence S 87 deg. 16 licatfon. in. W 390.7 feet, moreorless to Passed by the Board of Commission- the easterly line of 0 te e ere of Salt Lake City. tah,this 2nd 3 843 affeeU.S. t�more orr)less to the North9u ay of Moe, 1957.Adiel F. Stewart ter section line' thence East along Mayor the quarter section line 68008 feet Herman S. Hogensen -` r less to the point of begin- City Recorder. Ina n (SEAL) AND' that the BE FURTHER ORDAINED parrtooff Published May of 51957. (C-83) Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement Salt Lake City Bill No. 25 of 1957: An Ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City. was published in said newspaper on May 8, 1957. Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of May A.D.19 57. Notary Public 25 • AN ORDINANE£ AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS,on the tall clay of Aprfl. 1957,-there was filed with the City 1 Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No.219 by Arthur W.Falrelou1h et al.'I ,halo,' teattV th+is 1 the ract f cal a'cr r equeed do tha traid.Dint. r land bed)requesting thatt Id tract,. l(land be taken within the aused n gncug Lake eiltilaor plat to abe mad and ac itified oto So-B tent nd r d byr4Lhe City Engineervto I J be filed with the„CI}s Recorder. 0V HEREAS,.thcys�id tract f land is contiguous to Saltttt Lake City, and l, there is o proper I should netnbe emceed reason made is port f the aid cite;a d WHEREAS.a the.a ardCity o- Commis.I snincrE of Salt ion a sad ow exam- 0111 said elation of said weer e said Irxlancesl land vconsidering ted`bytn Kstn,- c00al s vote of all members f aatd :Board o laver f annexing r said tract tf land to.Salt Lake Cite and directed'i, hat a ordinance should ssedl annexing laid territory and the eaten-ante of the city limits of Salt Lake + 'City a oedlnrly. NOW,THEE o;'Coms he it ordained by.he Hnai�df f CommLssienera of Salt L ke SECTION LakeN L.,That toe -ty limits of Silt Cl he and the Inc are hereby-te d and enlarged so as to include.E�Fii taLalce 0 described tract o[land rri• rYh Lake Cowrie.town: Beginning.AbS point which i the pre .bbwtint o,e f aced Lake C said pant brine located h ego feet N.st'.K. l rein.00 sec. 1 E.from the East'/;Corner of id no- ri,T 1h, 0e,S.L.B. e M4o and ru s thence he thence de4. d min. in. 108.90 .90t;thence S.44 deg d m tan ]0IF., 5 feet;thence 10S.00 deg.. n. W.,Mtn. ..et thence S1' he •Ce rli min. Pao e's feet to the Centerlineehwf hen ey's Way e. S. 112 min. W.,401; thence N.ea deg.02 dn. 5V.. ,1.1273.21 feet: thence S 8e ¢45 .i E.,13n9.e4 feet;Lheace feet 0 o t O1 m f0 sec. bog 563.4' feet to,lbe some Es been.ob and d litho s e has and a shown staked Out uponor p_I. as shown upon the map or plat, AND DE IT FUB$'(RER:ORDAINEDartfthe area she axed abUveadreaa part of and xnd above described be and thews s hereby zoned as Residen- tial tial H-2 moan et totes it: Beginning at the northeast corner of the E.'ia of the L OA l ,d Sec- lion 22, Sou, S.56.2 fee; and running thence South deg. 2 feet .W. i6Icss:thence N 89 23y. e.min.in. 220.37.2l; et;to o23 deg.de r: W. 15'1.2 feet; thence S 87 deg.t3 W 390.7 feet,m e n less to tU easterly walla of a Staec e forth 210.0 IeeeklIg moy or thence North 3e8.93 feet m r less to the e ter section line,.on line East along Inc. n , line 880.08 feet mere a rticaaat section point of begin- ning o AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED of Boat the annexed ❑cver,des of the red above described be and thcas c is,tow r ^d as Dusl Bess e l nail.at to-pointy s, - at ,r'htcn is the cot ash boundary line of Sat-L eke n 5 paid I ant bemy lot a 782.3 North 0 dry, el East We. 105 and t et rah 83 deK.4 West 105.00 feat Dorn the tiasRIF. Corner of Section 22. s, 0Elh -Id Ion. S and running thence South J9 dog. 07 r 1 West I05.90 feet: thence Senthne deK.U n West oeio. tact; .0ence South c8 der line n.West 00.0 fact to S the center of theeee Nor Way (ee. 52 0i. Welt thence North 51 deK. 02 min. lice; thence tout alone said center Bast thence feet 10 del.o East 6o6..ri7 feet more or lass to Lithe Sub- boandnry thence acehe South Laurel Sub; division; Lnence South 389'!3 feet; thence South 04 deg..min.90 s Well l43 ine feet to U.S.north Right Highwayc0, Wen lino of s51d U in. ash thence South 51 deg. ll min. East 00.0 fact stony roriherlr R eel of Way Rne of U.S.0ii min. 40:thence North 87 due. 16 East 3kpro- act alone .youth boundary son of ller Souch Laurel Subdivision,la thence outh a dots. 28 min. Feast Is720 feet: thence South doe. 45 m East 120.40 feetetto the pohlt of begin- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land nbove described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said teat Rake City andd nod Residential respectively, District anti Business in District, cetivelx r the ordinance p I o)oo.and obligations of jurisdictions, toles Lake C of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City a extended and node applicable and pertinent teethe ,aid tract of land, and the I streets.hblocks,alleys and ways of said tract ell controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules d tens of said eih' itthayeOld ,the monumentsof the behalf ;hall thenceforth be token therein a the standards of locations and din. to Sees. SLC'CION 2 Upon the passage of that eanct the l 11 Rand hr of hell Lake City shale file the he is hereby directed Sd to file with the County ofthe Recorder of Salt Lake oven mentioned i a of the I plat above n gad,es duly Provided e infied and acknowledged,10010deed. a • f such - together with a e of dnc0 f lthia ordinance. the Board T1°Commissioners.ptit o s or rec e- v to the peace, health and safety Ligttlhe t!I. ordinance r mane of hallSalt Lake become If- fec'.ivc in mediate l ye SF:if feet t till u ordinance seal- 1. rl[ect at once upon its first nub- rep_f S-3•1 11 the DOily,U h.this Commission- ! of Sal,Lake52 Oily,Ulah,this end or of of May,1957. Ma V. Stewart Mayor. r. }legman ,1,e'17'"en in A L)'tlor. DI L'A L) RILL NO.25 of 19W. Published May Htb,h,1957. (<=.83)