25 of 1963 - Amending Chapter 2 of Totle 41 of the Revised Ordinances, by adding to Section 13, relating to const ROLL CALL A Salt Lake City, Utah, April 23 196 3 VOTING Aye Nay Christensen I move that the Ordinance be passed. Harrison . . . Romney Smart . . . Mr. Chairman . N ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 2 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1955, relating to excavation and obstruction, by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 13, relating to construction equipment on or over city streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 2 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1955, relating to excavation and obstruction, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 13, relating to construction equipment on or over city streets, to read as follows: "Sec. 41-2-13. Construction equipment on or over city streets. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any portion of a street or sidewalk or the air space above such street or sidewalk in the construction, repair, maintenance or demolition of any building or structure without first obtaining from the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection a permit covering such use. No permit shall be granted until the applicant therefor shall have placed on file with the board of commissioners for the benefit of the city and the public, a surety bond to be effective during the life of said permit, in such sum as the board of commissioners may deem adequate to protect Salt Lake City and its inhabitants; provided, how- ever, that no bond shall be accepted in amount less than FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($5,000.00) DOLLARS. Said bond shall cover all operations carried on during the life of the said permit and shall run to Salt Lake City and to any person injured, and shall be conditioned for the payment of all damages that may be adjudged against said principal or surety and shall save the city harmless from any and all claims, liabilities or demands arising from any bodily injuries or death at any time resulting from said operations and from any damages to or destruction of any property arising in any manner out of the operation or operations performed under the permit. In lieu of the bond required by this section, the board of commissioners may permit the applicant to file with the city a certificate of insurance or an insurance policy in the same amount conditioned upon the same terms." - 2 - Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23rd day of April , 1963. f' 44(, IL/ c ( MAYOR T I CCaA I ORDERE R (SEAL) BILL NO. 25 of 1963 Published April 27, 1963 ApM-38A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake to AN OROINANC! ClaPlrr01 oINTtilc II AMENDING ,` ��f a Ordinances Salt Lake City.U L tah --1LY--Ockey 1 pf 1955, ,lacing to excavation and uoirigtc°.n,by 'ding thereto a new, se flan to be Ynown as Section 1], relating g elf enchecNpn equipment Beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising Div Wept¢ P Y 9 9 O11R`''Y°r°a'"eau bi 'h. tod °/ clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Commissioners f Salt Lake City, Utah:, GRAM,,� r, SECTWN 1.That Chanter 1 of Title GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- Il Of,the Revised Ortlinanc¢s f T Sett LakenElh,an tax I9ss,rnlalina lash language withgeneral circulation in Utah, and published in to excavation d bslrocnon,•be, a d Me same hereby arene is,a ended by Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. • down_thereto, 1v section t° n, a e known ay Secrlo ent relatingoo er Con.! • strecNDh epeld As nn or over,CO streets,.. 1 e Constfolloruction ee.Iip%Lao As p61p. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto inaii ee y'ply of lot a'tveoc:or. o u env'pomlon of a"sfreetso sldewelk r.ih air pace abeve'I Salt Lake s°< fs«pi.erafaewalkinaneeeD Salt City Bill No ?5 of 1963 demollflon o anY Cuii Z pr stro<� tbre without first braining from 1pe eoreao f Mechanical Insves An Ordinance relatingto excavation and Non...a permit h FNo Permit Matt b, Rra ietl cold the Pln i'l ih arefor shalt have placed, n..fils Bh the board of obstruction. rssloners.for the benefit ar bond v nd me ebuc a�ernro bontl te efllecteive during 1M1e alIethe bneid r:kini Mote s gav ciivnend insa nhabPinnlsr snit ace, however MMel"no hand snail he THLett In amevnt!eon than FIVE, OUSAND AND 00/100(s5,00t.iot COLLARS. Sai bond 0151 cr ng sha Ilrt f the aL a it a d au.Rae to Solt Lake cro d April 27 1963 shall am rs t ipred, and sneR "u ema;ia;ed,t malt'eeaYT,,27;! was published in said newspaper on- andlMslriallad rMrplly harmless from any anJ elI'elaims,liabilities tlemenda arislpn9 rem a v dgdlly soltInlss from`said aoperations`a d from damages o or destruc-� /ion millerout of nYp of The operation .P alfperm tions p,for f dI F-d lye ell Lnbl Ih t th b t° 'L L L-Gl L C -( eoplicant ID file with it 1 1 /i certificate f' ' tY Insurance noe an In Legal Advertising Clerk I. `nen,eta by.the Cii,or ecommis• sinners day iol Aprrllake963. Dldh,this J,BRACKEN LEE, 'HERMAN J.NOGENSEN,MOYpr. !SEAL)C"Recorder. BILL,Z ]5 of N,9 Published April 9I,19a3 n,00). Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of April A.D. 19 63 / ? i (, ,v Notary Public i My Commission Expires iIov--25-,-_L965..