25 of 1968 - Amending Section 25-4-5, establishing the positions of Assistant Chief Accountant - Water Department ROLL CALL 1°• V• I G Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 12 196 8 Barker . . . . I move that the Ordinance be pass € , Catm II . . . ,7 Garn . . . . Harris n . . . /Mr. C airman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the "Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Pr.gram for Salt Lake City Employees," prepared by the Citizens' Review Board, adopted by an ordinance amending Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Or.inances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, being Bill No, 40 of 1967, passed July 13, 1967, a copy of which Wage and Salary Administration Program is on file in the office of the City Recorder, by adding thereto certain em.loyment positions and changing the salary range number on other positions. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the "Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Pr.gram for Salt Lake City Employees," prepared by the Citizens' Review Board, adopted by an ordinance amending Section 25-4-5 of the Revised Or4inances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, being Bill No. 40 of 1967, passed Ju y 13, 1967, a copy of which Wage and Salary Administration Program is on file in the office of the City Recorder, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: "(a) Under the title covering 'Managerial and Professional' employees the following additional titled employee positions are added: (1) Under Salary Range No. 17, the position of 'Assistant Chief Accountant, Water Department, ' at salary range $564.00 to $708.00 per month. (2) Under Salary Range Noe 20, the position of 'Safety Director, ' at salary range $646.80 to $816.00. (3) Under Salary Range No. 16, the position of 'Stationary Engineer - Inspector, ' in Department of Parks and Public Property, at salary range $538.00 to $678.00. "(b) Under the title covering 'Operating and Maintenance Jobs, ' the following changes are hereby made: (1) A new job title is hereby created known as 'Instrument- Technician, ' and is hereby added to Rate Range No. 13 with rate range $500.00 to $550.00 per month. (2) Under Rate Range No. 10 the job title 'Water Distribution Serviceman II is hereby deleted and said job title is hereby added to Rate Range No. 11, with rate range $479.00 to $527.00. 25 (3) Under Rate Range No. 12 the job title 'Water Dis- tribution Serviceman III' is hereby deleted and said job title is hereby added to Rate Range No. 14, with rate range $509.00 to $560.00 per month." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is n.cessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt 7,.•ke City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of March, 1968. MAYOR CIT �. DER (.' E A L) :ILL NO. 25 of 1968 •ublished March 19, 1968 25 ADM•..A Affidavit'of Publication .TATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake f I AN ORDINAN --. -. M (Jokey FN ORDINANCE AMENDINGCE the decomm l tl Waged S lar A I ke CilV E ply d P d by d d p1on Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal a ver- DC Im,ordinance dm9 Section E+ ) '.15 1., t tde Rev d, Ordinances i $ }'Lake Cily.Utah,1965,being Bill tisi.ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) f �,,�0 of 1Rby,pr Wa Joan 3,1961, of which Wage d Salarn newspaper printed in the English language with general cEr• 'Rpm islralihn Program Is on rile tha�}ede at me CDy Recorder, in culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake 'F;lto thereto ertam a PloYment i. �lgOslofion Vm�nd ocnangligposiaone aryl County, in the State of Utah. IIn'%it ordained obv ibe Doara of ' l AEEE'l s,00r of Salt Lake Clty, U7up, ,,_`��Zr1oN 1. That the ••Redom.'S, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto ld t q¢a vjRq a.Sala r Aa I t r P og f Sall L k c 1p Salt Lake City Bill No 25 of 1968 �rP: tic e;adae Pla Dr`�� .. — It R i tl o.E cSesc'r Sall Lake• It U„I 9A being Bill N AD of An Ordinance amendi-ng the ',Recommended 1�'age 1 6 r erctI duly IS 1961 PY M hick Wale ic Putney In the ni-,lra I on Prgqgg son 'e -1haGltvm Recartler, be, ntl'flT•' ,m;I yq ¢naea asnlisw;:.., an Salary Administration r'rogram for Sal.tLake (eogJAdI d a rg• "Ma [ploA g'In andh Professional'em pipyea •nc rouowing adanlonnl n' City I11ed a ploy¢ala, R are dude: 77(1)Un1der Shca:y Range No.11, tl hcecoonliLnWeler Depa rlment,hlat 1 Selary•ran9e 5564.0D to 5108.00.Par ii irtrpnit4 19)Under Salary Range N.10, — I saiapyeiann of•sa+e+t Di1600,'at March 19 1968 `Msetary range 56l to 5616.00. '(�)UIMer Salary Range No. Id, ine posulon of.slat�onary Fngp- was ublished in said newspaper on dnapector; n Deparrmyee r p neer � Parks d Public Properly, 1 sal- ��yy age 55]e.00 l0 56)rO Arblr Unde." ine 1111e o In9 1I lii tahn9 ntl Melntenance Jorbs, '�the fol�ow'�ng changes are hereby I7.A Ni lob title Is hereby led knoawn I st ad tl 'created ' d as h I 1 M+e Range NO 1S lh to ' z . a11Y9 bUnAe�1Rate5000 p INrro+10 � '--C l .bb I n,e Wafer Df 1 b'a d 55��t1ae ylc..,,:, N, rercn d ¢d T,egal Advertising Clerk AMO said lob title Is hereby added • to Rale Range No 11,with rule / I`}'{0p8 Sd19.00 a 5541.00. r [01'Unticr Raie Range No.i1 fh< lob tale Water Distribpflon Sern- "deTan Ili' s hereby deleted a a -:Spit•�ob line hereby dtled to cars Range Npt 1a, war",rate. 20th day of r h9 550t the $iol per Si atION a:In the opinion of the ) before me this Beare".o Commissioners II pee. 68 dry to i e peaco.health.aMn I tare rot tie h0 dinancers et become n sake A.D. 19 fA a eases porn !i dl p bll Ihn1 r `) :\ PPP e b h Rn4G C M,is 4 SI tit +5 II L k Cty Ut h IPis / 17rR al f M AC %= �f�/ �V 1 J BRACKEN LN'E For 1_—Y."11__� r. WF .IpN�.r01 MNSEN ( Notary Public to0lI O.95 of 1968 BILL.i� �+yylisl�otl March 19,1961 fC.I J) My Commission Expires Nov 25 1969 25