25 of 1973 - Amending Title 30, by adding Chapter 7, providing for Police Reserve Corps. ROLL CALLch �tiY ,VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, 20 ,19 73 Mr.Chairman �( trl jn 1/ I move that the Or 'nonce be passed. Barker Harmsen y/ HarrisonL; Phillips Result / AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt ake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the Police Department, by adding hereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 7, providing for Police eserve Corps. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, tah: SECTION 1. That Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake ity, Utah, 1965, relating to the Police Department, be, and the same ereby is amended by adding thereto a new chapter known as Chapter 7, ;providing for Police Reserve Corps, said chapter to read as follows: CHAPTER 7 POLICE RESERVE CORPS ections: 30-7-1. Establishment. 30-7-2. Civil Service classification. 30-7-3. Control in Chief of Police. 30-7-4. Removal of members. 30-7-5. Rules and regulations. 30-7-6. Uniform allowance. 30-7-7. Identification. 30-7-8. Change in numbers in corps. 30-7-9. Impersonation prohibited. 30-7-10. Uniforms and equipment. 30-7-11. Workmen's Compensation provided. 30-7-12. Physical examinations required. 30-7-13. Prohibition of service by disqualified persons - oath prescribed. 30-7-14. Political activities prohibited. Sec. 30-7-1. Establishment. A Police Reserve Corps, herein- after called the Corps, is established as a voluntary organization composed of persons appointed by the Chief of Police subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Members of the Corps, when ordered by the Chief of Police or any of his authorized staff officers, may assist regular officers in the Police Department in the performance of law enforcement functions including, but not limited to the prevention and detection of crime in the enforcement of the general ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, Sec. 30-7-2. Civil Service classification. There is hereby created a special non-paying classification in the classified Civil Service of Salt Lake City for the position of Salt Lake ,,I. -2- City Reserve Police Officer, said Reserve Police Officer to serve gratuitously as a unit of the Salt Lake City Police Department. Membership in this organization shall be open to both men and women. Whenever the male sex is referred to in this Ordinance, it shall be construed to include both male and female. Sec. 30-7-3. Control in Chief of Police. Subject to the pro- visions of this Ordinance, the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission, and subject to the supervision of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, the control of the Corps shall be vested in the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Commissioners, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission, appoint from the classified civil service list fur- nished by the Civil Service Commission, all individuals in said Corps. The Chief of Police shall provide for the training of the personnel in all fields of law enforcement activity so that each such person meets the same standards and training as a regularly appointed police officer, and for that purpose, may assign such personnel to various police duties and require their attendance at scheduled Peace Officer Standards and Training Council approved 280-hour basic training sessions. Sec. 30-7-4. Removal of members. All members of the Corps shall be subject to removal from office by the Chief of Police for misconduct, incompetency or failure to perform their duty or failure to observe and obey city ordinances, rules and regula- tions of the Civil Service Commission, or the rules and regula- tions established by the Chief of Police for the conduct of the Corps, subject to an appeal by the aggrieved party to the Civil Service Commission. Any such person discharged may, within five (5) days of the order discharging him, appeal therefrom to the Civil Service Commission, which Commission shall hear and deter- mine the matter. The discharged person shall be entitled to appear in person and have counsel and a public hearing. The finding and decision of the Civil Service Commission upon said hearing shall be certified to the Chief of Police and shall be enforced and followed by him. Any member may resign from the Corps at any time upon notify- ing the Chief of Police of his resignation. Nothing in this section shall be construed or interpreted as limiting the power of the Chief of Police as provided in Section 30-7-8 of this Ordinance. Sec. 30-7-5. Rules and regulations. Subject to the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission, the Chief of Police may establish rules and regulations to govern the Corps and its duties as in his best judgment shall be necessary and appropriate for the good of said Corps. Sec. 30-7-6. Uniform allowance. Reserve Corps members shall be entitled to receive the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month uniform allowance. Sec. 30-7-7. Identification. An identification card, badge, and cap piece, and/or such other insignia or evidence of identi- fication as the Chief of Police may prescribe, shall be issued to each member who shall carry the card at all times. Each member must surrender all city owned property issued to him upon the termination of his membership. Sec. 30-7-8. Change of numbers in Corps. Subject to the pro- visions of Section 30-7-1 hereof, the Chief of Police may by order expand or diminish the membership of the Corps as may be required. Sec. 30-7-9. Impersonation prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person not a member of the Corps to wear, carry or display -3- a corps identification card, badge, cap piece or insignia, or in any other manner to represent himself to be connected with the Corps. Sec. 30-7-10. Uniforms and equipment. The necessary uniforms and equipment for Corps members and the proper use of such uni- forms and equipment shall be prescribed by the Chief of Police. Sec. 30-7-11. Workmen's Compensation provided. Reserve Corps members shall be entitled to medical and hospital treatment and compensation pursuant to Chapters 35-1 and 35-2, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, for injury, disease or death arising out of, or in the course of his training, or in the performance of duties as a Reserve Police Officer provided the same was not purposely self-inflicted, and entitled to benefits thereof to the same extent as if the Reserve Corps member was an employee of Salt Lake City Corporation drawing such wages as are paid a Patrolmen 4th Grade. Sec. 30-7-12. Physical examination required. Every person being accepted for or becoming a member of the Police Reserve Corps shall receive a physical examination by the city physician and be found physically satisfactory for membership in such Corps. Each person who has been accepted a member of such Corps shall submit to a physical examination by the city physician each year to determine his continued physical fitness for membership in said Corps. Sec. 30-7-13. Prohibition of service by disqualified persons - oath prescribed. No person shall be employed or associated in any capacity as a Reserve Police Officer established under this act who advocates or has advocated a change by force or violence in the constitutional form of the government of the United States or of this State or the overthrow of any government in the United States by force or violence, or who has been convicted of, or is under indictment or information charging any subversive act against the United States. Each person who is appointed to serve as a Reserve Police Officer shall, before entering upon his duties, take oath in writing before a person authorized to administer oaths in this State, which oath shall be substantially as follows: "i , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Utah, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true and allegiance to the same; I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or pur- pose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully dis- charge the duties upon which I am about to enter. "And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor have I ever advocated, nor am I member nor have I ever been a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the govern- ment of the United States or of this State by force or violence; and that during such time as I am a member of the Police Reserve Corps of Salt Lake City, I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the govern- ment of the United States or of this State by force or violence." Sec. 30-7-14. Political activities prohibited. The Police Reserve Corps of Salt Lake City established under authority of this Ordinance shall not participate in any form of political activity, nor shall it be employed directly or indirectly for political purposes. -4- SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub- lication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 20th day of March , 1973/.) MOM TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN RD R (SEAL) BILL NO. 25 of 1973 Published March 28, 1973 fv „ • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 SS. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances of Sult — _ _ Betty Phelps_". "eke City,Utah 1965,relating to the Police Department,by adding thereto a -"Ic -- w Chapter or be known as Chapter],providing for Police Reserve Corps. Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1.That Title 30 of the Revised Ordinances SoltteLak eCity` first ) �} }� Aar,d1965,bVrelating wdding thereto othe Police Deportment, ent,be,andthChapter], e hereby viding for Being duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal a ver- 'oree Reserve Carps,said chapter to read as follows: using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) CHAPTER] POLICE RESERVE CORPS newspaper printed in the English language with general air- iectione;30•7-1.Establishment. culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake 30a-.CivilCivilcl i Service classification.. County, in the State of Utah. 30-7-3.Control in Chief of of Police.' 30-74.Removal of members. 30.7-5.Rules and regulations. 30-7-6.Uniform allowance. 3o-P].Change ein That the legal notice of which a copy is moche hereto 30-7.9.Change in numbers in corps. 30.]-9.Impersonation prohibited. • 30-0-10.Uniforms and cauipment. 300.12.Workmen's minoti ns re uire.provided. _An Ordinance amending Title 10 of the Revised Or inance aorta Physical mi t required. 30 J-13.Prohibition of service b disqualified Persons oath prescribed. 307-14 Political tivit prohibited. :Tra5 .30]-1 P 1 bl hin t AP r Reserpteo prom ose0 of persons the op. • of Salt Lalce City Utah,-i965 relating to the Police hinted by the Chief of Police spblect f the approval wl of the Board yCommis- s of or Loke Glut Members ff the Corps,when Ordered by the Chief :[ems Policeeor an.ofhisaatliot4zedsrhif officers,may assist cemen officers in T1 Y,.. t}lerat0._a_new_chapter_to_be_ he Police but not limit In.the lie prevention of law enforcement functions the _��pa.Y'tD12SL-r_ Y_ n�'— hclutling,but not limited to;the prev¢nf ion and defection of crime in the tniorcemenl of the general ordinances of Sult Lake Lity,Utafi. Set.ng classification .Civil Service he classified d There Is hereby Salt Lake o special aymg pm¢pnipmmn in me<Inssiaed Civil Service or 5aH Lake City far known as Chapter 7�providingfor Police Reserve Corps.pomp position of Salt Lake City Reserve Police Officer,.said Reserve Police Of- n eio Serve gratuitously as a unit of the Salt Loke City Police Department. Membership in this organiz than shnil be open to both men and women. Whenever the male sex is referred to in this Ordinance,it shall be construed Bill. NoRal2. , -- Id include both mole and female. Sec.30.7-3.Control in Chief of Police.Sublect to the provisions oronis Or- dinance,the the:les ppervi1,1od regulations of ith,e Bnaof d of che omVmlissioners ofoSaiti Saxe Cited. was published in said newspaper on the control of fhe Corps shall be v¢sfed In the Chief of Police.The Chief of Police shall,by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Commission- n and subject to the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Commission. • „apa,r. 2w ,,. l92 point from the classified civil service list furnished by the Civil Service .Commission,allindividualssaid Corps. • Th Ch f f P l 1 II tl l t 1 ftl 'personnel fields of law f m 1 activity so Mat each such person meetsthe me btandards and training as o.regulorly appointed OoliCO officer,and for that 'L e, h I I I' tl t' tl their _— n d o t h d d P Off Standards 1- d T C 'I tipa,,...„... ,,_,,\,,,...,,_, 0 eCt to removal f I fff membe by tl YSChA f f P ll mem b for ers of misconduct Corps shall he ,.: petencY or failureto perform their date or failure to ob.serve and obeycorn erk ordinances,rules and regulations of the civil Service Commission,or the Legal A,1'uei tiling C rules and regulations established by the Chief of Police for the conduct of the Corps.,subject to on appeal by the aggrieved party to the Civil Service Com- mission.A.such person discharged may,within five(5)days of the order discharging him,appeal therefrom to the Civil Service Commission,which Commission shall hear and determine the matter.The discharged person shall be entitled to appear in person and have counsel and a public hearing. • The finding and decision of the civil Service Commission upon said hearing 28th -.- day of shall be certified to the Chief of Police and roan be enforced and followed by me this - Any member may esign frpnm the Carps at any time upon notifying the Chief of Police of his resignation.Nothing in this section shall be construed A.D.r interpreted as limiting the power of the Chief of Peace as provided in Sec- tion 30.7.3 of loll Ordinonco. Sec 30-7 R andregulations.Su t thed t' s of the Civil Service Commission,tile Chief f POI'Ce mot/establish rules{. regulations t fie[ duties h best judgmentshallb¢ say e appropriate f a good r d necessary e the Uniform R Corps shall b entitled • to race . f fifteen cd enti 001 month If II piece, p fff/// Sec 3077 Identification.t to each m 1 d budge, d \\1 fVk��� -31� _ ' and/or such other Insignia or evidence of identification as the Chief of Police n prescribe,may shall be issued f nder member who shall party the card at all Notary Public upon te ter member must surrender all ally owned property issued t0 him upon the\0ant Chian of his mere lrt Ca Sec.30her.Change of ell tubers In Corns.Subject to the provision diminish of Sec. that I flan 30 of the Chief m Pollee may by order ezpontl or tlim finish the defend the Constitution of the United States and affirm) Constitutionlof the State of c.30.7at the Cores tl may behi rl 01.Its. Utah,against all nemies.fire hin and demesne:that I ill boor true faith membershipaem member of Cones t pw an,car II Shell be unlawful for o identification person and ollealan<e to the same;I take this obligation freely without mental reser- car a member of the Corns i wear,c r her malay a corps present him- se tl,bodge,nee piece or insignia,or in any other manner to represent him- vatlon of purpose of evoslon;ond that duties upon which I am about to entot.I will well and fail hfully discharge the self to be connected with the Corps. Soo 3C01 0.members and he propel et.Tee accessory uniforms ontl pmen r dvocated,unofream I memberanfor haveat I do I everr beetn ad memibernr of anvve I no me 1 bet Corps members and efe tlie use of such uniforms and equipment evelitical party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government .;Imol l be prescribed ok the s Cat of Police. of the United States or of this State by force of violence;and that during such 50c.en]-le.Workmen's and hour Is t treatment and eCnsas members s I am o member of the Police Reserve Corps of Solt Lake City,I will s ant he entitled to medical and hospital Annotated, and as amended•f r,nie. l t advocate nor become a member of any political potty or organization that ant todi ease of 0001 and sing act of, Annotated,e of,as amended for ntlu 0dvecotes the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this re,disease of death arising t f l 11 of his training, was the performance se or duties a R Police Oft- provided thenot State 3 force or violence... fit as Sec.30 J ld.Political activities prohibited.The Police Reserve Corps of 'ifpurposely self-inflicted,andentitled t benefits thereof tothe Salt Lake City established d authority f thisOrd nonce shall not hc1- • d the Reserve Corps member was a m nolman 41. Sal Loke City Corporation tlro Sec.ing such 0.Physsical In are paid a Patrolman dlh Grade, reftivnr any or political purposes of political activity,nor shall'1 be employetl directly or ntli- b.30-m1f.a memo r of.the Poll re Reiser.Every personbeing accepted <SECTION].In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Solt Loke for or urination a member physician the PalIce Reserve Corps shall receive a ry for City,it is necessary to the peace,health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt cal ebaminpi inn bV the cif.0ch er ontl be t handeen acceptly ed Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. eh Corps s in such Corps.Each person who has been he city Physician a member of SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take affect upon its first Dublicaflon yeah Corps shall sehisr to a 0001l pl sical naflan by 0 em ers each passed by the Board of Commissioners of Solt Luke City,Utah,this 20th • year to determine his continued phvslGol fitness for membership in sold day of March.Ian. Corns. e by di50U allied persons—ohth Pre- CONRAD B.HARRISON Sec.3o per. n shall)ion m l0 Tempor0ry Chairman cried No Gerson shall li employed Ora act who in any capacity has as a Re- HERMAN J.HOGENSEN serve Police by established under this act who advocates or has government ail.Recorder s b States or of violence Static In or the overthrow formanny of the ent in the Of the United Slates or of this State or me overthrow of any government in the BILLN or 5 United States by farce or violence,or h h.e inst the d BILL,, 25 of 1973 IA-551 Stales. Each or r information w any i p p;- Officer Publ shed March 30 19J3 Shales Eare person who f 1 t i person au - - - - --- Ihorize5t00 entering up t d 1' 1 k c Moll — ---- -- iM1orlxed}o administer oaths-n this State,which oath.hc II be substantially as follows: