26 of 1908 - Ordinance 26 of 1908 – Sewer Extension No. 191, Second & Partial Estimate. v AN 0 _^•. DIHAB UE . An ordinance levying a tax and provide+- for the assessment of the property hereinafter described within the district between South Temple and. Second South Streets, _ru between Tenth East and Thirteenth Bast Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of sewers. • Be it ordained by the City CcanciI of Stilt Lake City, Utah; SECTIUN i. That the City Co:i:•,.o ll a. c;o hereby i vy the 'tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hcrei{.fter: described in Sewer District Nu. 1 (said sewer to be lull in tHe� oez:- i ter of Elizabeth Street and Buono Avenue, and on both sides of all • other streets affected by this extension), for th6 constru.otien of sewers, to-wit: In Lot 5, Block 33; in Lots 1 and 8, Block 30; in not 5, Block 31; in Lute 1, G, 7 and 8, Block 34; In Lot 1, Block 1, and in Lots 1 and 26, Block 2, Ehrieh's Subdivision, Block 30; and in Lots a to 12, inclusive, East Side Subdivision, Block 31, all in Plat "F", abutting on Thirteenth East Street between South Temple and First South Streets, and on Twelfth East Street between First South and Second South Streets. This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing i:.tri- I tied pipe sewers eight (3) inches in diameter upon the yorti ,r,s of said streets opposite the property h rai_:'he`ere add hereinafter des- cribed to be especially affected and benefited by said lepreeement, end it is hereby adjudged, determined and eat ,busied that seed prop arty' will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hor.bJ levied, and said percale ,. " land are hereby as:;soed at an equal and '.anifora rate in aecoriuzice with tl,e linear feet fcietaage uper, said pertloos of said streets fronting upon and to a :i yth of twenty:-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby lea,.r,d and to be assessed upon said y:aroels `' load is four G'L', sai: hundred sixty-three and 56j 1vv ( 4,103.5 J ii,„;linro or two 37,467/1,000,000 ( 2.037,4G7) dui.._ ... p„ 2:e nt or '1t,.:=.r.: *. of 26 i 1 -2- i abutting property' for sewer on said portinu of ChB streets shove mentioned in Sewer Distri,et 1, there being 2,043.50 feet .xf abut- ting property within the boundaries of the 1ot7, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the tote]- cost and cost per front foot of said sewer, according to the contract entered into fwork, with J. D. Hanley r the perf:rmance of said dated the 13th day of ,TUnun,y 190__E3• and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to access in ac- cordance with the provisi,ins of this ordinance, for the purpose heretk herein mentioned: Fronting on Thirteenth East Street. The north 287.5 feet 3f the south 305 feet of the wet, side of Lot 5, Block 33; the north 140 feet of the east side u7 Lot 1, the south 148.5 feat of the east side of Lot 8, the north 148.5 feet of the east side of Lot 7, and the south 140 feet of the east aide of Lot 'u , "Blaclz 34, Plat "F". Fronting on Twelfth East Street. The north 140 feet of the east side of Lot 1, and the south 49.5! feet of the east side of Lot 8, Block 30; the north 82.5 feet of the j south 165 feet of the west side of Lot f, Block 31; the east side of I � Lot 1, Block 1, the east side of Lot 1, and the south 105 foot of the east side of Lot 26, Block 2, Ehrleh's Subdivision, ;lack 30; the west side of Lots 2 to 11, inclusive, and the south 140 fey't of the west side of Lot 12, East Side Subdivision, Block 31, 1,1%.t "F", Salt Lake City Survey, as the ss.r,e are shown upon the a Ci ei,..'l plats of said Cit;,f to LL A.• p�.h o f �; eat,(^n.+.-:'a (L. l) 5 .t ae from sod streets, and to oulleet sold tax. BBC:Tich 2. Sail tax shall becl, eguaµ installments, as follows,, t. Use- i 1'.,-. ....,'eof one y . Pto'r the apNiruOei u" the .eeftra:rL: tie .b,vy u" the .the paymon for oul 1f,p 5:......-. zt; jre: °; n`h t•orrof aftpk yt -3 ouch approval; one-fifth thereof in three y'W_U :=after ,s;.h approval; one-fifth thereof in four years after z vh approval; and -fifth thereof in five ye:nrs after such approral. une or more of sr'.L,3 in- staliments or the wh.)1e tax may be paid on o> b,,Pore ter, days after the apkroval o the ordinance confirming t1_c. levy o,: thy. to.-. one nr More installments or ,the `ahjle ap,laiE.i tax :any be pal. . on he day any installment becomes a,..e i.,, pI;lab thy; amcentjthereqf Aiga irttereet to date of payment. Each of said in.;l aliman ss' iI,A oar . s interest at t«c-i rate of six':(a) per o;it p r annum frIrOln 'e_11a dice. of rt the approval of the ordinr.n©e confirming b ,:; 'ry of id .taap i4ti1 the date of delinquency, and. eight (53) per cent per tbi nun$ Tce t# gdeaey antil paid. ' SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take of" .ct upon Sewer Extension No. 191. Second and Final Estimate. XX Passed by- the City Council of Salt Lake C ty,Utah, P"Iaroh 23,1908t and referred to the i!(a.Jor for his arprovr.l. (1_ g °corder. _ I Approved th' s ay of i,.e .h 1908. layer. li I III it r•••,/ .. . 1 1 4 4 4 1 . q , •., .". 34 • 4 3 4, 1 • N / i til,:z .f.'_d t: ,..-4 k 2 /ttAR 2.3 19Q8 .• - - • i . )' . .7..... ",,1 - ."7 ,-•,-'4314 .' .••3•4Y ,,,:: , 1 ,. ,- ,,,,,,,or., -- crii, , .. , Cur RECoRDER• - , P . - .. -4 . . . 14 , - ,r ... -4. First-Publication in 3. , 1 ' ....... Icrer 4•4%.094.t..0•r it 81908 10 ,11, . , 1 1 J. B. moRom1 g ..,,,,,... Ij 1, . ' 41.1101P 411010 I ,i ill r • . g:ii1117 ,.