26 of 1928 - Vacating alley in Block 5, East Park Subdivision of Block 18, 5 Acre Plat 'A' ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, May a, 1928
f=Burton - - ' I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - -
Finch - - � C-------
Moran - -
Mr.Chairman -
Result - - - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE VACATING portion of alley in Block 5,
Highland Park, Plat "B", a subdivision of Part of Block 46,
10-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That portion of alley in Block 5, High-
land Park, Plat "B", a subdivision of part of Block 46, 10-Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah, and more particu-
larly described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 113,
Block 5, Highland Park, Plat "B", a subdivision of
part of Block 46, 10-Acre Plat A, ig Field Survey
running thence N. 12° 30' W. 143.50 ft., thence N.
89° 43' 40" N. 24.01 st., thence N. 44° 43? 40" W.
7.07 ft., thence S. 0 16' 20" T. 17.0 ft a, thence
S. 89° 43' 40" F. 14;42 ft., thence S. 51' 06' 50"
E. 7.81 ft., thence S. 12 '. 0' T. 126.2 ft. to the
S. E. corner of Lot 112, Block 5, Highland Park,
Plat "B", a subdivision of part of Block 46, 10-Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey, thence S. 89 45' 40"
E. 12.30 ft. to the place of beginning;
Be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
a public alley, street or pedestrian way.
SECTION 2. In-the opinion of the Board of-Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediate-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this \- -..__ day of _ , L.D. 1928.
i.ty Recor e?-'7'
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake
An ordinance vacating land, Portion-of'al- ir2r
leyln'Blook 8, part of Block
'A rpep llat of Dart'el Block 46,Salt
Lake City;Lit b0.bField'•Survey, Salt
Be it:ordained by:the•Beard f'Com- being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal
nt eeionere:of Batt Lake City,Utah:
•Section 1.-.That Denton•of alley In
Block 6, Highland Park, Plat 'B',a clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
eubdlvielon'ot pert'of Block,46,10-Acre
Plat'A,Big Field Survey,-lOit Lake City,
Utah, and more'Dartw4larly'descrlbad
of follows: Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Cf nt ,ire t State of Utah.
Commencing at the.'Sduthivest corner' �'
orLot Ieu divisionk ,-f Highland part
"BA r •bdtrleloa of Dnit ll Sur-e,
10-Acre Plat 'A," Big 8' iS Survey" That the notice
tvnI Nb=N'12'degrees ad minutes
mi 148:64 f G [blue N 88 e g e thence
1 t e 40 d 1iY 84 0l feet,tl o.44 44 N �f--
deg 48 minute. se i 40-- W. j ��P� �CC v is -"fit-
at the.4 S 0 d e t e' OL -' "--"
20 ooryde.W. 1r0 feet, thence S. St
deg a 42 i bt a 40 eecondams 14.42
feet,thence•B.61•deg 08 minute,6t 60
o ae, 112,Blot,thence 6 12 Porte '/o
00-minutoe E.128.2 feet to the s E cc,
Pla of Lot 112,•Block 6:Highland Puck, n
Plat ,A a lot A, of Dart of Survey,
��17 /'
th, ce 0,i,Plat e, Sig Fiefee 0sec-
ends-thence B.2. degrees. ,e. e
gins E.12,80 feet Ye the.place of be-
and a the'saints le-hereby vacated of which a copy is hereto attached,was first pu lished in.cold
.and declared no'tonger to be a public
alley, street'or'Dedeetriaea way.,
Section 2.".In the-Opinion. of the
Board of.commf,elenere,it le necessary newspaper,in its issue dated the ,. .. day of
to the tO8CO3 health and,safety of the
inhabitants or Salt Lake,•City,.that this
ote'inebce bewail a fecti.re Immediately. � j� 4. D. 192
,' Section 2,. This..ordinance shall.take
effect at.Sate'Loon Its Dubiloatten,
Peeeed by.theboard',of cominlaslonent
Salt Lake City,Utah,this 16tn day'of
Mtay, A.`D. 1e2e. and was publish
• Mayer" •
Ethel MacDonald;.City Recorder,
• Bill No.26. the last publication thereof being in the 1ss dated the-_4 _`.
.FULlished Afay lath,-1028, ,
day of A.D.192,42
t 17g.)-1-4:elt
Subscribed and sworn to before me this pa day of
2V1 A. D. 192.0--
Notary P lic.
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