26 of 1929 - Paving Extension No. 219 - 2d and final estimate ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, duly L&.,. , Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. FERN Fehr .. Finch Moran / Mr.Chairman - - - Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of uro- perty in Paving District No. :AL (Paving Extension No. P19) for the purpose of grading, constructing curb and gutter, cement sidewalk (said sidewalk to consist of a t inch Portland cement concrete base and ) inch Po:rtla.ndicement plaster wearing surface), private driveways, drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections, installing water services and sewer connections to back of curb and paving Laird Avenue from 15th 1'Cast "treet to ETA.7 feet west, end Ldir-d and Uintah Circles north from Laird. Avenue. he it ordEined by the Board of Commissioner:; of halt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. that the hoard of Commissioners of halt Lake City does hereby levy the tar and nrovidc for the assessment of the same unon the property hereinafter described in P. ing District No. �u (paving Extension No. L19) for the purpose of grading, construct- ing curb and gutter, cement sidewalk '(said sidewalk to consist of a inch Portland cement concrete base and inch Portland cement plaster wearing surface), private driveways, drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections, installing water services and sewer connections to back of curb and paving with Port- land cement concrete thereof, to-gait: Lots L to ltl- incl. of L?E. 1 and Lots 1 to A]. incl. of NIP. L, Uintah Heights hdeition of 1,. 00, 5-Acre fiat nC"; also Lots 1 and hO of iqk. 7:0, 5-Acre Plat nCn, fig field turvey, abutting on both sides of Laire .Avenue from 15th rust Itrest to 77: .7 feet west, and Sc[rd and [J:inta.b. Circles north from Lair -'.venue, in Te.it acte Li.O, j Utah. i L'h'c: .(-, is Levied to defrty the e,:fense or e riAqing,) constructing curb aria gutter, cement siev.alk, private ariveuays, drainage system to carry water across ant e.l. ne r,t: c etc cno inter- I r _+t_lons, inttatling note: services pne cev;er connections to back of curb and. paving Leird. *venue from lath Leot t:.r- ct to 777.7 feet v est end Ln i-r f end 0.intdh O rcl.e r north from Late avenue, _rid .vanont to be tc,enty-sight (fI-3) feet idc with five (5) foot sid.e- vra.1k on Laird triune from 15th bast :;tract to 7 7`.7 feet west, e ird and Uinta.h h'ircl e, from L. i t %venue to 70 feet north, an:. thirty-nine ([t) foot radius cirol: with five (5) foot al. walk on Laird end_ Ointa-h Circles north from a eobot 70 feet north of Laird ircenue, arid pevement to be sir: (CO to eight (3) inches thick; the portions of said streets opposite the ..roper , nsr•: cn reforc end hercio :'ter ceccri_' eG to Scbe especially alfectet cnO benef tct be Iss id improvement, any- it is hereby r.r,_jucact, determined c-no estab- lished that spit property wil.l be especn .11y benefitee therchy to the full amount of She tam hereby ee i(vied, anb said cartels of land. are hereby. aress'et. at t'.n equal cnn uniform rate in 0ecOrCh nee with the linear foot front ge upon tine, to the entir cv th Lack there- from, an the tao hereby leviou and to be assessed upOn avid parcels of dant, is Thirteen Thousand Three Uunerel Lighty-four a:n(:'t 38/100 II W_5,' ri.%.8) 1,011: rs; htght Shoo and, <ev en UunJred, ilmhty-seven na ''•- /l00 (0,787,: . ) Collsrs or Fi.vc aria 13/100 (:5.1_% ) iollars per front or linear foot of abuttin:; property for salt. thrcnty-eight II(f0) foot roadway including five foot walk, there being 1, 11i1.'.1 . lf,el tbutti_ri ccie portion of said. improvement; Three 'thou anti Four Hnfired forty and. 05/100 (rih,440.O5) hollers or dix and. 57/100 (0s.5 7) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting, property for O n thirty-nine (59) foot radius circle. v,dth five foot walk t'h41 uo:ins 5 .80 feet abutting ,id portion of said iniproverient; 'Tie, 1 -3- Hundred Fifty-five and 00/100 (/o55.00) Dollars for private drive- ways, there being seventeen (17) private driveways at Fifteen and 00/100 (Ej15.00) Dollars per driveway; Five Hundred Ninety-four and 00/100 ($594.00) Dollars for sewer laterals, there being thirty- three (33) sewer laterals at Eighteen and 00/100 (t18.o0) dollars for each sewer lateral; Three Hundred. eight and 00/100 ($ 08.00) Dollars for water services, there being twenty (20) water services at Fifteen and 40/300 (15.40) Dollars for each water service, the cost of construction of which driveways and the cost of installing which water services and sewer laterals and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, according to the contract enter-�d into with Gibbons & Reed Co., Contractors, dated Mar. 28, 1029, and the City Treasur- er is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned: Tt LNT Y-EIGHT FOOT_RO i_'1_1Z,- includin;i five foot walk. incl . The north side of Lots 2 to 14/of Blk. 1, the south side of Lots 1 to 11 incl. of 51k. 2, Uintah Heights Add. of Blk.- 50, 5-Acre Plat "C". Fronting on Laird Ave. and. Laird a Uintah Circles. Beginning at a. point 40.9 ft. west of the SE cor. of Lot 5, Blk. 2, Uintah Heights Add., thence around a curve to the right radius 10 ft., 15.70 ft.; thence north GO ft., being a part of Slit. _: of 31k. 2, Uintah Heights Add. of 51,. ZO, 5--L.cre Plat "C"; beginning at a point 48.45 ft. east of the t .d. cor. of Lot 4 01k. <', Uintah Heights Add., thence around a curve to the left rad 10 ft., 15.71 ft. thence north 80 ft., being a. part of Lot 4, 01k. 2;, Uintah Heights A.dd. of Blk. P0, 5-Acre Plat °C"; beginning et a. point 43.45 ft. west of the SE cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 2, Uintah Heights Add., thence around e curve to the right rad. 10 ft., 15.�'. ft., -thence north 60 ft., being a part of Lot 8, Blk. 5, Uintah "'%', lcights Add. of 1Ilk. s0, 6-Acre Plat "C"; beg inning at a point '-'•_O.c ft. east of the SE cor. of Lot 9, 11k. 2, Dintah Heights add., thence around a curve to the left Rad. 10 ft., 15.71 ft., thence north 60 ft., being a part of Lot 9, 31k. 2, Uintah Heights Fdd. of Blk. ,0, 5-Lcre Plat "C"; beginning at the NF cor. of Lot 1'S, T31k. ]., Ointah Heights hdd., thence east 110 It., being a part of Lot 1 of Blk. 30, 5-Acre Plat "C"; and beginning at the SE cor..of Lot 1, Blk. 2., Ointah Heights Add., thence east 110 ft., being a part of Lot 20, of Elk. 30, 5-Acre Plat "C"; Dig Field Survey. .F HIRTY-NIN'if FOOT_1/4/1USCIRCLE SITE FIVE FOOT MLh. Fronting on Laird. & Uintah Circles. 1/he easterly side o_ Lots 4, 9, 1 , 15, 17 & 18, the westerly side of Lots -�, 8, 15, 16, 20 & 21, the southerly side of Lots 14 ,Sc 19; Blk. 2, Ointah Heights .Ada. of Blk. 1;0, 5-Acre Plat 5C", Big Field Survey. PHOPLi1]Y 'S >LSLD POH °RIV CJ/' ' IRI722.IXS IN LiAITION TO THE REUUL.;RA L 5H NT. (315.00 per drive ray) The north site of Lots & 17,, the north side of Lot 5, of 1312. 1, the south side of Lots 5, 11 of Blk. 2; Uintah Heights Add. of Elk. 50, 5-4,cre Plot "C", rig Field Survey. Frontin% on Laird and Ointah Circles.. The easterly side ,f Lots & 17, 1- & 18, the westerly side of Lots _lb, 16 & 21, and Lot r0, the southerly side of Lots 14 & 19; Elk. 2, Ointah Heights ',_ld. of elk. 50, 1- cre Plat "C"; beginning at the NY cor. of Lot 1=I, 11k. 1, Uintah Heights Add., thence east 110 ft., being a. part of Lot 1 of Blk. 30, 5-Acre Plat "C"; and beginning at the SE cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 2, Uintah Heights Add., thence east 110 ft. being a ne.rt of Lot SO, of Pak. 50, 5-Acre Plat "C"; big Field Surrey. PROPERTY ASSES ED FOR al ER L`T_1{L.LSIN4B_)ITION TO_THE REGULPR G5SLSSEEN'T. The north side of Lots 2 to 4 incl., 6 to 10 in41., rcs, - ye to 14 incl., the north side of Lots 5 and. 11, of 912>. 1, Uintah -5- Heights .Add; the south side of Lots 1 & 2, 4, 5 & 7, 9 & 10 and 6& 11, of 131k. 2, Uintah Heights Add.; of Blk. 00, 5-Acre Plat "C". Dig field Survey. Fronting on Laird and Uintah Circles: The easterly side of Lots 12, & 17 and 15, the west- erly side of Lots 3, 8, 15, 16 & 21, and 20, the southerly side of Lots 14 & 19, all of Blk. 2, Uintah Heights Add. of 'Blk. 00, 5-Acr Plat "C", Big Field Survey. PROPERTY A=SSED gOR ''WATER SERVICES IN EDLI'TION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. ! The north side of Lots 2 to 4 incl., 6 to 10 incl., and 12' to 14 incl., 5 and ll,of Blk. 1, Uintah Heights Add. of Blk. i-50, 5-Acre Plat "0", Big Field Survey. Fronting, on Laird and Uintah Circles: The easterly side of Lots 1.2 & 17, the westerly side of Lots 15, 16 & El,. the southerly side of Lots 14 & 19, of Blk. 2, Uintah Heights Add., of Blk. 30, 5-A.cre Plat "C", Big Field Survey;, as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth.back from said streets, and to collect said tax. SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board. of Equalization and Review or the property described in Section I of this ordinance in Paving Extenbi©n No. L19, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of grading, constructing curb and gutter, cement side- i walk, private driveways, drainage system to carry water across and ' along streets and intersections, installing water services and severer connections to back of curb and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof, is hereby confirmed and. the assessments made and returned. in raid completed lists, and the report of the hoard of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION III. Said tag shall be payable in ten equal ;Tear. y .7 installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the",:( 7,1 1,. -u- I !whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable et the time each installment is due. In the event any installment or the interest aforesaid is not paid in the day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are due, shall become due and oayable, and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum ;until the sale of the property assessed. ;s'.f_.CTIOP, IV. This ordanence shad tr e effeOt one day 1/151 j 2fter its publication,: • } �" i� Pav ed by th i o-k o ' * 4Ommi io”3k; us aft: LE',7C City, 47 Utah tis � dLy 1 9 Mayor. - -t ' � - City Roc o—: Paving Extention rff219. 2nd & final Estimate. f of41 • •• ';1 i, it ..r.1 "� ray ' -r 1 y sr) 4 r -4. -� Ate.. Proof .of 1utbttrottnri i tnitrh*fates uflAmerutt, STATE OF UTAH is COUNTY OF SALT LAKE r- AN ORDINANCE 6 An ordlnancpye H. F. 1h.QiIIpFa02't l the as east sB,!@r and ing for Wig No 32 ( n E'xt union No ffi$)So L Y era�u1g on trr s'agl a tier aeiiiellt side inch(Port B cek en c ne of a ba: being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk inch Portland cementn cone to bane and of h Portland cement piaster wearing r Mage av ttot t carry watrreg ass of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in 5 dllingng svas retervt a 4at and sewena in /sections to back of curb and paving 7737 feet westrom andlSth IaidsandtUlnt h Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah CitI n l f ern Laird a e it or ained by the u Board Com miestonert t Salt Lak City Utah seattdn I That the Board of c n That the Notice AK ORDINAKCI. Ws toner of salt Lake City doe here SALT LAKE; CITY C ORE URAT I UN by 1 Y the to and provide for the gag��ssessment of the sine upon the prop OFFICE OF CITY RECORDLR Districtrei 32 Pa i de mbed 1n Pa lag 219) the 8 ( g Eaten ton No et 9C for purpose f grading n all (gid eldewd lk to o sist old a 3 Inch Portland cement oncret ba and a inch Portland cement pi at wearing surfa e) private d Ivewaye drains ey terr to carry water acre s and along streets and late eot(ons In stetting wat, sorters at d ewer min notion to back of curb and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof to wit of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news Lot 2 to 14 1 Ell of Blk 1 and tote Elk 1 to 21 lnct f 2 Unit h H lght Addalso ttion L to of B a 00 of Ulk 30at5 Cree� t,, Plat C Big Field Sun,]y abutting paper in its issue dated the R�tii both Ide f L 1rd avenue front 15th East street to 773 7 feet wet and 1. ' aL d a 'Lintel 4 nu`7/ In t Salt il no th from k City Utah day of August 192$ Thi tax is levied to defray the ex Dense of grading const ucting curb and wattCrdcalmtleee sld w lk private drive and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on ya crone and al ng t m to r tandr carry Pons Mot/thing water ervic s and sewer connections to back of curb and paving Laird avenue from Iath Bast August 7th for Street to 7�$$3 7 feet west and Laird and Uintafr Crfples no to f am lied d ave nub Id pa meat to be twenty eight' (28)feet wide with f1 (5)foot (dew 1k Dn.L a avenue from lath East street to thereafter the full period of one Cl) insertion "'Tf37 1$ilietalyd and Iiintah cir cies from Laird avenue to 70 feet north and thirty nine(38) foot radius hcle the last publication thereof with five (5) f at sidewalk an L 1 d d Lint Is Circles north from paint 70 f et no th of Laid a enue aid PM ement to b sit 18) to eight said being in the issue dated the 7th day of 1t setn h s ppo Its the property herteinped fore end hereinafter des Abed to b especially d i o emnt and it is improvement de benefited ad dy said that determined and est§buehed Auw.Bt A D 192n 9 that aid he eh ty will be especially ly benefited the eby to ill peci rat of the te♦he eby 1e led nd said p r l-r'-1` cafe equal 1 d o e hereby assessed da an ce `'Y L 711th linear unifof o rate upon and with the t dept, usage hegel and to the entire depth bled therefrom and th Lax hereby led and to be e sassed upon said parcels of land I. flit teen thousand three hundred I and sworn to before me this 7th. day of eighty four and 38 100($13384 38)dot far eight thousand se en hundred Ighty ev a and 33 100($8 787 33)del lore or fl a and 13 IDO ($5 13) doll rs prroperty for salinear d twenty eight abutting23) t A D 192 9 r ddWa1 Including five foot w lk th e being 1712 93 feet abutting said portion 1 aid imp dv meat three thou and fort liurfdred forty and 05 100($3 440 05) dq]s4s or nix and 5q77 100'($8f57)dollars I btoperyn for seed°thirfoot y nine 30).foot i Notary Pu he radius circle with five foot walk there x��p being 53380 f et abutting Bald portion V l y .oramL551M E�+i.sytfeA Aug.21 1931 of said Improvement two hundred fifty five and 00 100 ($2515dollars for private driveways there hhere being sec ante (17)pr1 ate d set fifteen and 00 00 ($1500) dollell re rs per drive 00 100 five dred($5g4 001 doll rnlfntY4loWe Iand Advertising fee $ 111 I cling on l i d and/lint h Ci I e als Cher b In thirty three (33) The e t ly Id of I t 12 nd 17 sewer late a1 t eighteen and 00 100 and 13 tl e e t ly Me f Lot 3 8 three918 ehundred eight endollars for 100 sewer ($301001 I 1ide�of and-21,4 d 19 tii of uBlker2 dollar for wat r servic s there being Uintah Height Add of Elk 30 5 Acre twenty (20) water services at fifteen I Plat C Big Field Survey and 40100 ($1540) dollars for eh PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR WATER w ter service the cost of most notion SER4 ICES IN ADDITION TO THE Of which driv way and—the cost of REGULAR ASSESSMENT installing which water services and The north side of Iots 2 to 4 tab] sew later l nd the p p rty ben 6 to 10 Intl and 12 to 14 tool 5 and eflted thereby 1s heretnafte set ut 11 of Blk 1 Ulntah H Ighta Add of and 11 wlti In the bound 1 s of ti a Blk 30 5 Acre Plat 0 Big Field Sur lot blocks and.streets nbo e mentioned vey in s 1d dist lot which is the total abut Fronting on Laird and Uintah Ctrc es tern cost and cost per front foot of The east¢ly ide f Lot 12 and 17 said 1m1r0 ement according to the the westerly ide f Lot 15 16 and 21 O ntract ent r d into with Gibbon & the southe ly ton of Lot 14 nd 19 f Reed Company Cont acto dat d Blk 2 Uintah Height Add f Blk 30 March 2R 1929 and the City Tr a u r 5 Acre Plat C Big Field Survey Is hereby authorized and Mr otad to th ow h wn upon th offic 1 agates In o0ordanre with the p o plate of said city t th end a depth ("vlalena of this ordln n e f r the pur b k fr m aid tr et and to collect po e herein mentioned said tex TWENTY EIGHT FOOT ROADWAY SECTION II That th ease ment Including five foot w lk `]tat made by th City Tre ore c The north side of Lot 2 to 14 tool rested approved and ompi ted by th of Blk 1 11 1nel oft11k 3 Vint dh r Heights Add the prop rty d11 o crib el In 8 ccli n 1 f of Blk 30 5 acre Plat C tins o din n I Pa Ing E t n ion No Fronting on Laird avenue and Laird 210 of S It L I e City fo the purp s and Uintah Circles of gr ding contra ting cu b a d gut Beginning at a point 40 9 ft west f ter corn nt id w lk p i t dri eway the SE nor of Lot 3 Blk 2 Uintah drainage 35 tern to on y w ter a ro Heights Add thence around a cu ve nd al ng at t nd int ction in to the right radius 10 ft 1570 ft stall)tg aater se ices and s wer con I thence north 60 ft being a part of ne0tlo 1 to b vie of cu b nd p Ing Elk 3 f BIk 2 Ulntah Heights Add with Po Hand ement cone eta the f of Blk 30 5 Acre Plat C beginnit g is hereby confirmed nd the ns at a paint 4145 ft east of the 8\V meat m de and to ned in Id cot of Lot 4 BIN 2Uintah Heights pletod li tc and th r po t f th Add thence around a curve to the 1 ft Boa d of Eon 1 ati n d R v to rad 10 ft 1571 ft thence north 60 the Bo 0 I Comm] 1 ne of S It ft being a part f Lot 4 Elk 2 Uint h Lela City hereby ratified approved Height Add of Elk 30 5 Aor Plat and oonfl med C beginni rg at a p lot 48 45 ft SECTION III Said t x ah 11 be p 1 west of the SE cor of Add then Sr B'dk 2 able in t n goal yea ly iv tnllment a wta a pr vided by low and o d non w th curve to th right rad 10 ft 15 70 ft inter t on th wh l nth unp ld t thence north 60 ft being a Dart of I t th t f Ile pe c nt p a num 8 Silk 2 Lintall Heights Add of Blk payable at the rim h in tilm vt 30 5 A re Plat C beginning at a is du In th e ant any lnstolln ant point 409 It east of the SW cor of Lot or the Into t of Id I n t paid in 9 Elk 2 Lintah Heights Adds th a the d y th am bacon) du the El ouad a cu to th left Rad 10 ft wh 1 am unt of th p I 1 t 1571 ft thence north 60 ft b Mgp td at tl e t m Id Mat ilm nt nd part of Lot 9 Blk 2 Uint h Height int r st e d le h II be me due nd Add of Blk 30 5 Acre Plat C b p Sable and all n II d no per an t a o t tattle Mk t the NE cor of Lot 14 1 in til tl I f the p pe ty a d Uintah Heights Add thence east 110 SECTION TV Thi Id nanc k It ft being a part of Lot 1 of Blk 30 t k Ifeot on d v ft its pub11 t o 5 Acos Plat C and beginning at the Pa Bed by th B d of Corn ni ion SF o of Lot 1 Blk 2 Uintah H lght a of Salt L k City Utah thi 0th Add then e a t 110 ft being a p t d y f Augu t A D 1929 Of Lot 20 f Elk 30 5 Acme Plat C JOHN F BOWMAN M yor Big Field Sur ev Ethel Ma d n Id City Recorder THIRTY NINE FOOT RADIUS CIR Oil No 20 Icy CLE WITH FIVE FOOT WALE P ving Exten ion N 219 v+�,t F tinting on Laird and Vint h CI c1 s Sc Ond and Final Estimat $, �bl The telly side of Lots 4 9 12 13 Published August 7th 1929 17 and 18 the v to ly ide of Lot 3 8 15 16 20 and 21 the nth ly side of Lots 14 and 19 Elk 2 'Clint h Heights Add f Blk 30 5 Acre Plat C Bi Fl Id Su ev PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRI VA1E DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT ($15 00 per drls eway) The north Id of Lots 3 and 13 the north ide of I t 5 of Elk 1 the a nth ide,of I t 5 11 f Blk 2 Uintah Height Add of Blk 30 5 Acre P at C Big Fi Id Survey Fronting on Tal d nd Uintah Clr les Th o t ly aid of Lot 12 and 17 19 and IR the we to I aid of Lot 15 16 and 21 and Lot 20 th soutl a lv side of L t 14 and 19 Blk 2 U1 tah Heights Add of Blk JO 5 Ac P1 t C beginning at th NE co of 1 of }4 Elk 1 Uintah Heights Add t1 n ,errat ot 1 of lHlk ft being a Plat aC.part and bLginning at the SE co of Lot I Blk 2 Uintah Height Add thence eash110 ft being a part of Lot 20 I Blk 30 5•A e Plat C Big Field Survey PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR SEWER LATERALS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT The north side of Lots 2 to 4 1nc1 6 to 10 incl 12 to 19 Intl the no th hide of Lots 5 and 11 f BM 1 Uintah Heights held th e nth Ide Of L t 1 and2 4 5 nd 7 9and 10 and bad 11 of 1311. 2 Vi t h Height Add of ElkOe3O 5 Acme Plat C Big Field /40 . . . 1,1 .„; PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM alp 6alt flake Ohibune County • • Entry No . ._ __