26 of 1932 - Regulating and licensing the production and distribution of Milk. Be +4t oadu,—d y. tlid $ua.cd of OvraLmb iUn -fr.of trte CILy of welt-Lake as folKou .-- SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and the enforcement of this ordinance - (A) D'ILK Milk is hereby defined to be the lacteal secretion ob- tained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, exclud- ing that obtained within fifteen da%s before and five days after calving, or such longer period as may be necessary to render the mill practically colostrum free, which contains not less than twelve per cent (12%) of riilk solids and not less than three and two tenths per cent (3.2%) of milk fat. (B) MILK FAT OR BUTTER FAT Milk fat or butter fat is the fat of milk (C) CREAM Cream is a portion of milk which contains not less than eighteen per cent (18%) m..lk fat, and the acidity of which is not more than 0.20%, expressed as lact c acid (D) SKIMMED MILK Skimmed milk is milk from which a sufficient por- tion of milk fat has been removed to reduce its milk fat percentage to less than 3 2% (E) CHOCOLATE MILK Chocolate milk is milk to which has been added in a sanitary manner a chocolate syrup composed of wholesome in- gredients (F) BUTTERMILK Buttermilk is the product which remains when fat is removed from milk or cream in the process of churning It con- tains not less than eight and five-tenths per cent (8 5%) of milk solids not fat. (G) CULTURED BUTTERMIL1 Cul+ured buttermilk is the product result- ing from the sourin( or treatment, by a lactic acid culture, of milk or milk products It contains not less than 8 5% (eight and five- tenths per cent) of milk solids not fat, and shall be pasteurized before adding thy, culture. (H) MILK PRODUCTS Milk products shall be taken to mean and include cream, skimmed milk, chocolate milk, buttermilk, and cultured butter- milk (I) PASUURIZATION The terms "pasteurization", "pasteurized", and similar terms shall be taken to icier to the process of heating ev- ery par*icle of milk or milk products to a temperature of not less than 142°F , and holding at such temperature for not less than 30 minutes in pasteurization apparatus approved by the health officer, provided that approval shall be limited to apparatus which requires a combined holder and indicating thermometer to perature tolerance of of more than l -°F , as shown by official tests with suitable testing equipment, and provided that such apparatus shall be operated as directed by the health officer and so that the indicating ther- mometers an a the recording thermometer charts both indicate a tern- t,4:) perature of not less than 1432°F., continouslir throughout the hold- ing period, provided that nothing contained in this definition shall be construed as disbarring any other process which has been demon- strated as of at least ecual efficiency and is approved by the state health authority. (J) ADULTERATED MILK AND MMILK PRODUCTS Any substance alai ed to be any milk or milk aroduct defined in this ordinance, but not conform- ing with its definition as given in this ordinance shall be deemed adulterated and misbranded (K) LILL PRODUCER A. milk producer is any person who owns or con- / trols one or more cows, a part or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold and delivered to another person (L) , ILK DISTRIBUTOR A milk distributor is any person who has in possession, offers for sale, sells or delivers to another any milk or mill products for consumption or manufacturing purposes (II DAIRY OR DAIR, Fi,R1 A dairy or dairy farm is any place or premises snore one or more cows are kept, a part or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold and delivered to any person (N) MILL PLANT A milk plant is Y place, or premises, or estab- lishment where milk or milk products are collected, handled, pro- cessed, stored, bottled, aaRteurired, ex prepared for distribution (0) HEALTH OFF < The norm "health tu..8 P4au authority of the uity of Salt Lake or his du`�:orized representative. (P) AVERAGE BACTERIAL COUNT Average bacterial count shall be taken to mean the average of the bacterial counts of all samples taken during the grading period, including at least four samples taken up- on separate days. Bacteiial count may be made by direct count or plate count (Q) GRADING PERIOD The grading period shall be such period of time as the health officer may designate, within which grades shall be determined for all milk, cream, buttermilk and cultured buttermilk supplies. (R) BACTERICIDE The term bactericide shall be taken to mean any bactericidal substance or process approved by the health officer (S) PERSON The word "person" as used in this Ordinance, shall mean "person, firm, corporation or association". SECTION 2 THE SALE OF ADULTERATED OR MISBRANDED MILK OR MILK PRO- DUCTS PROHIBITED. No person shall within the City of Salt Lake, or its police jurisdiction, produce, sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent to sell, any milk or milk product which is adulterated or misbranded SECTION 3. PERMITS It shall be unlawful for any person to bring into or receive into the City of Salt Lake or its police jurisdiction, for sale, or to sell, or to offer for sale therein, or to have on band, any milk or milk product defined in this ordinance, who does not possess a permit from the health officer of the City of Salt Lake, and on whose vehicle there does not appear in a conspicuous place the permit num- ber in figures at least three inches high and one and one-half in- ches wide Such a permit may be revoked by the health officer upon the violation by the holder of any of the terms of this ordinance or in any emergency when in the judgement of the health officer the milk supply in question has become a public health menace, -. SECTION 4. LABELING AND PLACARDING. All bottles, cans, packages, and other containers enclosing milk or any milk product defined in this ordinance shall be plainly labeled or marked with (1) the name of the contents as given in the definitions in this ordinance, (2) the grade of the contents if said contents are graded under the provisions of this ordinance (3) the word "pasteurized" if the contents have been pasteurized, (4) the word "raw" if the contents are raw, (5) the name of the producer or distributor The label or mark shall be in letters of a size, kind and color approved by the health officor and shall contain no marks or words not approved by the health officer Every restaurant, cafe, soda fountain, or other establishment selling or serving milk shall display at all times, in a place des- ignated by the health officer, a notice approved by the health of- ficer, stating the grade of the milk at the time when delivered and whether same is raw or pasteurized. SECTION 5. INSPECTION OF DAIRY FARMS AND MILK PL NTS FOR THE PUR- POSE OF GRADING OP REGRADING At least once during each grading period the health officer shall inspect all dairy farms and all milk plants whose milk or cream is intended for consumptionwithin the City of Salt Lake or its police jurisdiction. In case the health officer discovers the violation of any item of sanitation, he shall make a second inspec- tion after a lapse of such time as he deems necessary for the de- fect to be remedied but not before the lapse of three days, and the second inspection shall be used in determining the grade of milk or cream Two violations of this ordinance on separate inspections J within any one grading period shall call for immediate de-grading One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by the health officer in e conspicuous place upon an inside wall of one of the dairy farm or milk rlant buildings, and said inspection report shall not be removed by an person except the health officer. Another copy of the inspection report shall be filed rith the records of the health department SECTION 6. THE TESTING OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS During eeca r ediig period at least four samples of milk or cream from each dairy fare ana each milk plant shall be taken on separate digs and tested by the health officer Samples of Milk and cream from stores, cafes, soda fountains, restaurants, and other places where milk products are sold shall be tested as often as the he^lth officer may require Bacterial counts shall be made in con- formity with the standard methods recommended by the American Pub- lic Health Association Tests nay include such other chemical and physicial determiriLtions as the health officer may deem necessary for the detection of adelteiation, these tests to be made in ac- cordance tith the latest etauderd methods of the American Public Health Association and the association of Official Agricultural Chem- ists Bacterial count result shall be given to the producer or disti ibutor coocorned is soon es dctei fined. Samples moray bo taken by the health officer at =n iziae elior to the final delivery of the ailk or milk products All stores, cafes, restaurants, soda fountain., end o+hei Si miler maces :hell furnish the health office; uoon his request, mn to the n me of the milk distributor from whom their milk is obtained SECTION 7 THE GRADIG OF LILY ..ND CREAIMI At least once every six (6) months the health officer shall announce the grades of all mill , buttermilk, cultured buttermilk, and creau supplies delivered oy all producers or distributors and ultimately consumed wi chin the City of Salt Lake or its police jur- isdiction Said grades shall be based upon the folloTing standards, the grading of cream, buttermilk ane cultured buttermilk being iden- tical with the grading of milk, e cept that the bacterial standard shall be doubled in the case of c_cecn, and omitted in the case of buttermilk and cultured butterraall CERTIFIED PTILK V Certified milk is milk hich conforms with the current require- ments of the American Association of liedical Milk Commissions, and is produced under the supervision of the Medical Milk Commission of the Medical Societz, of Salt L-kc County, and of the State Board of Health or of the City and Count, Health Officer of Salt Lake City GRADE "A" RAW MILK Grade "'" Raw Milk is mil' the average bacterial count of which es determined undei Section 6 of this ordinance does not exceed 50,000 per cubic ccetir'eter, and rich is produced upon dairy farms conforming 7ith all of the folio meL items of sanitation ITEGI 1. COWS - TUB-RCULOSIS 4ID OTHER DISEASEb A ph siciel examination and tuberculin test of all herds nd additions thereto shall be lade before any milk therefrom is sold, end at leest once c'very twelve months thereafter by a licensed voterineri n eppioved bcr the Departm ant of Public Health of Salt L,he Citir Effective n:.net, (90) dais after passage, all herds and edaitions thereto shall be tested for Bangts abortion disease by the eggiutinetion test by a licensed veterinarian approved by the Department of Public Health of Salt Lase City. certificate signed by the veterinarian or attested to by the health officer, and filea pith the health officer, shall be the only valid evidence of the above tests Raw milk shell be sold only from cows free Prom infection. ITEM 2. D-IPY aiRN - LIMITING dairy or milling barn shri] be required, end such sections thereof where cows are 'ccpt or rilcea shall have et least three square feet of irindu area for each stanchion, or shall be provided with adequate supplementer] aitificiel lighting, roasenably evenly distributed ITEM 3. DAIRY BA.iiN - SIR SP CE ND VENTILA T. N, Such sections of all dairy barns where cows aro kept shall have at least four hundred (400) cubic feet of air space per stanchion, and shall be well ventilated ITEM 4. D,IRY BARN FLOORS The floors and gutters of such parts of all dairy barns in which cows are kept or milked shall bo constructed of concrete or other impervious and easily cleaned material approved by the health offices anu shall be graded to drain properly, and shall be kept clean and ,n good repair No horses, pigs, fowl, etc , shall be per- mitted in carts of the barn used for dairy purposes, ITEM 5. DAIRY BARN, a ILLS ,IUD CEILINGS The walls and ceilings of all dairy barns shall be whitewashed once each year ci p-inted once every too e^rs, or oftener if nec- essary, or finished in s manner approved by the health officer, Ind shall be kept clean and in good repair In case there is a second story above that part of the barn in *-hick cows are milked, the ceiling shall be tight ITEM 6 D IR_ B,iiN, CO}; Y>RD .11 cc *,rds shell be graded and drained as cell as practicable and kept clean. IT,±,Ni 7. IL NURE DISPOS.,L 11 rn-'nure shall be removed and stored or disposed of in such manner as bese, to prevent the breeding of flies therein, or the ac- cess of cols to piles thereof ITEM, 8 MILK HOUSE OR ROOM, CONSTRUCTION There shall be provided a se,•arate ril1c house or milk room for the handling and storage of milk and the washing and bactericidal - treatment of milk apparatus and utensils, provided eith a tight floor constructed of concrete or other impervious material and gredod to provide piopor drainage The walls and ceilings of the milk house or room shall be of such construction as to permit easy clean- ing, and shall be painted at least once earn •ear, or finished in a manner approved by the health officer The _silk house or room shall be well lighted and ventilated and all openings effectively screened to prevent the entrance of flies, and shall be used for no other purpose than the h ndling and storage of milk or milk products and other operations incident thereto The cleaning and other operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any contamination to the milk or to cleaned equipment The milk room shall not open directly into n stable or into any room used for domestic purposes ITEM 9. I ILK 1 OUST OR ROOM, CLL NLINES.; .ND FIIES The floors, a^lls, ceilings 'nd equipment of the milkhousc or room shall be kept clean at all ti cs., All means necessary for the elimin'tion of flies shell be useu ITEM 10 TOILET Every dairy f^rm shall be protiided with a sanitarr toilet con- structed Ind operated in accordance with the oreinances of the CitI of S' It Ls'.,, and the rocor .ienustions of th, State Board of Health ITEM 11 TER SUPPLY The \ ater supply shell be easily accessible, anoquato, and of safe., sanitary qunlit . ITEM 12. UTENSILS - CONSTRUCTION. 11 co itainors or utensils used in the handling or storage of milk or milk products us,, be ode of non-absorbent material ^nd of such construction as to be easily cleaned, end dust be in good re- pair Joints aria seyy s shell be soldered flush All i ill- p-ils shall be of a srrll ilouth design Fpproved by the health officer ITEM 13. UTENSILS - CLE ITING ,11 oonteinors and other utensil., used in the handling, stor- age, or transportation of ilk and t.ilk products must bo thoroughly cleaied after e-ch usage. 111 ITEM 14 UTENni,, - B i.CTERICID.L THE.TMENT .ill containers and other utensils used in the handling, storage or transportation of milk or rilk products shell between each usage be treated with stew' , hot 'later, or chlorine in a manner approved by the health officer ITEIl 15 UTENSILS - STOR GE 11 containers and other utensils used in the handling, storage, or transportation of rilk or milk products shall be stored so es not to becoie contaminated before again being used ITEM 16 UTENSILS - IL NDLING after bactericidal trc,atient no container or other milk or milk product utensil shall be hendled in such ranner as to permit any part of the person or clothing to cope in contact with any surface with ihich iilk or milk products co e in contact. ITEM 17 MILKING UDDERS ,ND TEATS The udders and teats of all milking cows shall be clean at the tip e of milking -- ITEM 18. MILKING FUNKS The flanks, bellies and tails of all milking cows shall be free from visible dirt at the tire of milking ITEM 19 MILKERS' HANDS Milkers' hands snail be clean, rinsed with a bactericidal so- lution, and dried with a clean tonal iurediately before milking. Should the milking operation be interrupted, the milkers' hands must be again rinsed in the solution Wet hand milking is prohibited Convenient facilities shell be provided for the washing of milkers' hands ITEM 20 CLE.fit CLOTHING Milkers and milk handlers shall bear clean outer garments while i orrking ITEM 21 MILK STOOLS Milk stools shall be kept clean ITEM 22. REIIOV. L OF MILK. Each ail or can of milk shall be re*,oved 1'riediately to the milk house or straining room No ilk shall be strained in the dairy barn ITM 23 COOLING Milk must be cooled within one hour after milking to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, or less, and maintained et or below that temperature un- til delivery, unless it is delivered to a milk plant for pasteuriza- tion or separation, in which case it must be cooled or pasteurized within two hours of the ti, e of production ITEM 24. BOTTING .ND C ,PPING. '11 Grade "1," Raw Milk for bottling shall be bottled on the farm where it is produced end delivered to the consumer within for- ty (40) hours after ',reduction Milk shall be bottled from a con- tainer with a readily cleanable valve, or by means of a bottling ma- chine approved by the health officer Bottles shall be capped by machine The machine shall be cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatrent before each usage Caps shall be purchased in sanitary containers and kept therein until used ITEM 25 PERSONNEL HE LTH CERTIFIC TES Every perscn connected with a dairy or milk plant whose work brings hi" in contact with the production, handling, storage, or transportation of nil?, milk products, containers or equiprent, shall have within twelve months or less, as reauired by the he-lt)h of- ficer,(passod a radical examination ,�de by the health officer or by)a 1 censed plysician eaproved by the health officer, end shall subrit such specimens of bodily discharges as the health officer may require. " ..., ■ 1 ITEM 26 NOTIFICATION OF DISE.SE Notice shall be sent to the health officer irr;ediately by any silk producer or distributor upon whose dairy farm or in whose nilk plant any case of sic'naess or any infectious, contagious or com- municable disease occurs GRI DE "B" R,W MILK Grade "B" Raw Milk is nilk the average bacterial count of rhich at no tire prior to delivers exceeds 200,000 'er cubic dentiaotor� a and which is produced upon dairy ferns conforning with all the items of sanitation iequired for grace "A" raw milk, except that the cooling ter per ture shall be changed to 70°F Grade"B" Raw Milk shall be pasteurized before bottling Blood test for Bang's Disease not compulsory GR,DE "C" R.W MILK Grade "C" Raw Milk is milk the average bacterial count of which at no time prior to delivery exceeds 1,000,000 per cubic centimeter, and which is produced on dairy farms confor,aing with all the itons of sanitation required for Grade "B" Raw Milk. Grade "C" Raw Milk shall be pasteurized Blood test for Bang's Disease not compulsory GRADE "A" PASTEURIZED MILK Grade "1," Pasteurized Mill is Grade "A" or Grade "B" Raw Milk which has been pasteurized, cooled and bottled in a milk plant con- forming with all of the follo,ing itons of sanitation and the aver- age bacterial count of which at no tine after pasteurization and un- til delivery exceeds 20,000 per cubic ecntireter Grade "." Cream not nore than 40,000 per cubic centimeter ITEM 1 FLOORS The floors f all roor's in which rilk or cream is handled shall be constructed of concrete or other equally impervious and easily cleaned material and shall be sr.00th, properly drained and provided with trap ned drains, and kc,t clean ITEM 2. W.LLS ,ND CEILINGS Walls and ceilings of rooms in which milk or cream is handled or stored shall have a smooth, washable, light colored surface and be kept clean ITEM 3. DOORS ND 6 INDOWS .11 openings into the outer air shall be effectively screened to prevent the access of flies Doors shall be self-closing. ITEM 4. LIGHTING .ND VENTIL TION All roors shall be well lighted and ventilated ITEM 5. PROTECTION FROM CONT.MIN iTI ON AND FLIES. The various rilk-plant operations shall be so located and con- ducted as to prevent any contarination to the silk or to the cleaned equipment All mans necessary for the elimination of flies shall be used This requirement shall be interpreted to include separate rooms for (a) t e pasteurizing, cooling and bottling operations, (b) the washing and bactericidal treatment of containers and equipment Cans of raw milk shall not be unloaded directly into the pasteurizing room. Pasteurized nilk shall not be perrittod to cone into contact with equipment with rhich unpasteurized nalk has been in contact Rooms in which milk or creel. or cleaned utensils or containers are handled or stored shall not open directly into any stable or living quarters ITEM 6. TOILET F:CILITIES Every silk plant shell be provided nth toilet facilities con- for"ing ^ith tho ordinances of the City of Sslt Lake There shell be at least one roora or vestibule not usbd for rilk purposes be- tween the toilet roor end any roora in which nilk or milk products are handled or stored The doors of all toilet rooms shell be self- closing Toilet roots shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, and well vontiletee In case privies or earth closets are per itted and used, they shall be separate fron the building and RBI -7- -4 shall be of a sanitary type constructed and operated in conformity with the Ordinances of the City of Salt Lake, and the recommenda- tions of the State Board of Health ITEM 7. W.,TER SUPPLY The water supply shell be easily accessible, adequate, and of a safe, sanitary quality. ITEM 8. W,SHING F..CILITIES. Washing facilities shall be provided, including hot running water, soap, and sanitary towels of a type approved by the health officer The use of a cor.rson towel is prohibited ITEM 9. MILK PIPING. Only "Sanitary Milk Piping" of a type which cm be easily cleaned with a brush shall be used ITEM 10. CONSTRUCTION OF EQUIPMENT l,ll equipment ^*ith which milk cones in contact shall be con- structed in such manner as to be easily cleaned ITEM 11. DISPOS.L OF W„STES .,11 wastes shall be disposed of in conformity with the re- quirements of the health officer ITEM 12. CLEF !\TING 1 ND TREE TIIENT OF CONT'INERS ,ND .DPP.R.TUS rill milk containers and milk apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned after each usage and subjected to a bactericidal treat- ment approved by the health officer immediately before each usage. ITEM 13. STOR.,GE OF CONTAINERS. after bactericidal treatment all bottles, cans, and other con- tainers shall be stored in such manner as to be protected from con- tamination ITEM 14. }DANDLING OF CONTA IAIERS ..ND '.PP..RI TUS Between bactericidal treatment and usage containers and ap- paratus shall not be handled in such manner es to permit any part of the person or clothing maws coring in contact with anysurface with which milk or milk products come in contact. ITEM 15. STOR'GE OF C'PS Milk-bottle cops shall be purchased and stored only in sanitary tubes and shall be ke,t therein until used ITEM 16 PA STEURIZA TION Pasteurization shall be nerforied as described in Section 1-I of this ordinance The time end temperature record charts shell be dated and preserved for a period of 3 months for the information of the health officer ITEM 17. COOLING. i,11 milk not pasteurized within two hours after it is received at the plant shall then be innediately cooled to a tel of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or less and naintained thereat until pasteurized, and all pasteurized milk shall be iumediately cooled to a tenpera- ture of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or less and maintained thereat until delivery ITEM 18. BOTTLING Bottling shell be done et the place of pasteurization in automatic machinery approved by the health officer in such manner as to prevent any part of the person or clothing from coning in contact with any surface with which milk or milk products come in contact ITEM 19. OVERFLOW MILK. Overflow milk shall not be sold for human consumption, Capping shall be done by machinery approved by the health of- ficer. Hand capping is prohibited HMI 21. TIME OF DELIVERY Milk to be consuted in the forr of whole milk shall be deliver- ed to the final censurer within 60 hours of the tine of pasteuriza- tion ITEM 22. HEALTH CERTIFIC.TES Every person connected with a milk plant whose work brings him in contact with the handling, storage or transportation of milk, milk products, containers or equipment, shall have within twelve r'onths or less as required by the health officer passed e medical examina- tion Made by the health officer or by a licensed physician approved by the health officer, and shall submit such specimens of bodily discharges as the health officer 'ay require ITEM 23 NOTIFIC TION OF DISE.SE Notice shell be sent to the health officer immediately by any milk distributor in whose milk plant any case of sickness or any in- fectious, contagious or communicable disease occurs ITEM 24 PERSONITEL - CLE,NLINESS ill persons coming in contact with milk or milk products con- tainers or equipment shall wear clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at all ti es while thus engaged GR.DE "B" PISTEURIZED MILK Grade "B" Pasteurized Milk is Grade "C" Raw Milk which has been pasteurized, cooled, and bottled in a milk plant conforming with all of the requirements for Grade "A' Pasteurized Milk and which shall be plainly labeled "cooking only". Provided, however, that Grade "B" Pasteurized Milk nay be dis- tributed in bulk to places whore in the opinion of the health officer it will be used only for purposes of cooking and baking. SECTION 8 GR..D2S OF :TE,T, ND CREAM WHICH Mi Y BE SOLD From the date on 7hich this Ordinance takes effect no milk or cream shall be sold to the final consumer, or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores, or similar establishments, except Grades d and B Pasteurized, Certified and Grade A Raw". SECTION 9 SUPPLENENT'.RY REGRADING ..t any time between regular announcements of milk grades any producer or distributor may rake application for regrading his pro- duct Upon the receipt of a satisfactory application, the health of- ficer shall, in case the applicant's existing low grade is due to failure to meet the bacteriological or terperature requirements, make at least four examinations upon samples collected by the health officer of the applicant's output within a period of not less than two weeks and not ore than three weeks of the date cf the applica- tion The health officer_shall award a higher grade immediately in case the said four analysts indicate the necessary quality. In case the applicant's existing low grade is due to a viola- tion of en item of sanitation other than bacterial count or temper- ature, said npwliaation must be accompanied by a statement to the ef- fect that the violated item of sanitation has been conformed with Within two seeks of the receipt of such an application the health ofi ricer shell make a reinspection of the applicant's establishment and, in case the findings justify, shall award a regrade At any ti e between regular announcements of milk grades the health officer shall lower the grade of any milk producer or distri- butor if, as a result of inspections or *ilk analysis, a lower grade ✓ shall be justified in accordance with the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 10. TRANSFERRING OR DIPPLIG TILK, S,LE OF FORE THIN ONE GRADE, DELIVERY OF MILK T QL..R.NTINED RESIDENCES. esIrt No rilk proauccr or distributor snail transfer tilk or milk products fror on- container to another upon the street or in any vehicle or store, or in any place except a bottling or '.ilk roor es- n.,eiallsr used for that iur,ose The s le of dip '1.i1k is hereby ex- ressi -'rohibited 11 astourized iilk shell be pl-ced in its final deliver/ coat-finer in the ?l..nt in shich it is Pasteurized It shell be uria7ful for hotels, soda fountains, rest^urents, end siiiil-r establishlents to sell or serve oral rill- except in the ori- ginal container in rhich it was received fro,i the, producer or dis- tributor, iroildod that this roquireicnt shall not apply to nixed sulk drinks If lore than one grate of } ilk is .,old by any distributor sep- arate receinng, -steurizing, cooling, en1 bottling equirr ent shall be 1rovidea for .,acn grade end the equil ont for each grade shill be located in seeerate buildings or in separate ioo s of the sake building The deliver, of "ilk to and the collection of ilk containeis fro euarontined residences shell be suojec+' to the epeciol require- ents of the health officer SECTION 11 .,IL,' AD C S ;RO , POINTS BEYOND THE LIMITS OF INSPEC- TION OF i'I CITY OF S LT L e'E 71111 an., c_e-, fro' points becronf the 11 its of inspection of the city of S-°lt Leis -_e r not be sold in the�Citv tcuofzSeit Lake grad- ing itspolice juris iction unless produced end g ing provisions identical 'ei-h those of this ordin,noc, end approved b the health officer SJ.CTION 12 SPITTING No )arson shell snit in am ,art of en r roe , vehicle, or other ,lace used for the srle, storage, handling or transportation of -ilk SECTION 13 \OYiICLES ,11 vehicles used for deliver, of ilk in the City of S-lt Lake or its police jurisdiction, shall be sc construeed s to nrotect the riilk fron the sun end frc contra nation Such vehicles sh 11 be kont clean r'iile used in transporting l ilk or i ilk products No substance capable of cont.:: mating _silk or ilk products shell be transorted Pith Ill? or ilk aroducts in such -se nner as to ' r- it Conte anaticn SECTION 14 DE1, TUi I, C ,ISBR NDED P ODUCTS The health officer i a<' denn*ure iith rennet or sole hal .less i.atter ns ilk ilk .._oa ucts found 1 isbiended with respect to grading or sold , ithout e ear it, 2rovilel teat if the conditions w rr-nt the ilk or ilk ;rodac+s e be lostroyed SECTION 15 RLP,ST.JflIZ.TIO11 PnOfiI3ITLD. No i ilk or ' 111- )roaucts sh 11 be ,asteurized ^re tnen once, except -s -v be sped il,; or, i t te1 by the he-lth officer SECTION 16 F[JTUDE D IRILS CD 1uILI. PL NTS 1.11 d-iries and rilk ,l-nts frog rhich ill is supplied to the City of Salt L=' e n..cn ere here-ftel constructed, sh-11 conforl, in their coestructicn to the reeulre eats of the health officer, which shall not be less than the Grua " " require-cents of this ordnance SECTION 17 PPLIC iION FOR PEP ITS ip,lic tion for perlits required in Section 3 of this ordinance ..hall be no in writing on blanks furnished by the Departs ant of Health SECTION 1S FEES ill calk pro'uce, to be salt in tnc City of S- t Lake as icrkot ill' er kilo eaea, shall be ..ubj.,ct to e fee of ono-eighth of a cent ,er gallon if rlo_uc.,d itbia ft, i :.ics of the City and County Building, -1 th- City of S,1 L %e, by the nearest direct route and a fee of one-fourth of a c,-lit per gallon if roduced -t a greeter distance Said fee shell o- ^^.yaelc on cl before the twentieth day of e'oh c le d-r i ant, covering the a-cunt of i ill de- 3 .yam •♦ -.�► .-.-4 -i-..- *.w•-,.u1.--.,.! IL. - --,-.` 7'' D e at.,,ry, tit. o� 1'u1o1 c ` livered by each producer during the onth preceding ✓ 11I aaid fees shall be collcc ed by the distriputor of such I milk or cream and paid to the C<,alt e Hea]th Department, for f Salt Lake, f-es to L, deposit eith the oe credited etor o the hFood e tand y fDairy Ins ol Inspection Fund I SLCTTON 19 F-LS 2v�C1,c4e r � ol�h � ore a� { Before a permit is issued to operate a pasteurizing plant the health d artrsnt will determine that proper sani(+iy safegu^ras are establishea by inspection and the plant will pay one-eignth of a cent ier gallon for all milk handled and/or oottled Such fee shall oecome due and payable on or before the fifth day of each succeeding month to the It Take City Health 1Pel'erment, for deposit with the treasurer Salt Lake City Fees so collected shall be credited to the Foo nd Dairy Inspec- tion Tund SLCTION 20 RUL S AND IL,GULATIONS Dep..A...,, o4,vbte. The board-ef Health is directed and authorized to make I1rules and regulations to govern the production, handling and dis- tribution of milk, milk products, cottage cheese, ice cream, frozen, confections and putter ISE,CI]UN 21 any person violating any provision of this ordinance ( shall be cunished by fine in any sum not ea`beeding Two Hundred ( Ninety-nine (t299 00) Dollars of by imprisonment in the city jail not ]onger than six months or by both fine and, imprisonment The court may, in imposing the fine, enter as part of the judgment that! in default of the payment of the fine the defendant may be impri- { soned in the city jail for a period not exceeding six months Lack tnd every violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense , ,LCTION 22 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioner, it is !necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of ..alt Lake City that this ordinance shall to e effect im'cedi4ely SLCTJ-ON 23 This ordinance shall -bike ef''ect upon its first nub]?- cation 11 )62/ Passed4by the Bo d or is-loners of Sa&t Lake City, Utah, this 22 day of ,, / D. 1962 Temporary- Cha:irmwu City Record(r I 1 1 I eq h . „ ,, y+ter , t ;� _ Z S)' LT? , D, .., ,.,,,F Q r 1 k i .i, .. i. 1 Is nap ; rnfrf n4;:u.:irrntYirn M+.a Amrrtra ,{ i .ii '. Toss ._- 11 tAr- ss b ,I 5p< T LAKE 1 Batt Lpkb It�lrm S.Y' f DEf.knells The e Aeflnitione shall apply In rf 1 :Ration had,-. enforce .;�,p-�•:.apinAneb _wit 1s hgTeby Qeflaed lacteal searetton obtained HARRY 'fdOLFF lets milking of one or ,'.. 8 Ogwe esdltiliiil that ob S t 15 dayp ore find STve being t>'!' tlhy tis-ou{tch longer pe first duly sworn may 4e necessary to render deposes and saysthat ,.., ..1lk$p;aetmany colostrum free chow) Lot lees solids than twelve of SALT he is the Principal Clerk ��YY atn�t,,ow a of milk aoliea and notthe DAILY ]sea tliree and two t ntpa per LAKE IBUNE ( of mllk fdt _.'fp butttdrfat late Ef LAof Salt Lake City Salt a newspaper published in mii of mil J wrhiehMcon Cream not lees than Lake County State of Utah— bean per cent(18%)milk fat and 0 ire sed Which a tiictacia¢than That the Notice A jj Milk)le Milk wn,cLh a Skimmed -11,I+ALICI'.y lMEton of hank fat hen been removed rotdhuc its milk fat percentage to AM,I' M tit milk Tn anhK bemn°dad � '' CITY C ORPCRAP ION in a sanitary manner a chocolate syrup oainposed of wholespoome ingredients ,(F),BUTTERMILK Buttermilk le jpe product which remains when fat to"pngbed from mak or cr am In of plops to n eight ag It eotenths hot lops than eight and nil tenths per cent (8 5q} of milk solids not fat CULTURED BIITTERMLLK of which a copy is hereto attached Qidtured buttermilk is the produ t resulting e moat,re milk fir front m th souring culture milk paper in its issue was first published in said news ot lege then 85q (eight and fly tenths a dated the par cent)of milk solids not fat and a 30th span be paeteuriaed before adding the culture AIILK PRODUCTS oMilkdds Prod day of me,,hall be tak n to mean and In Au uS t ei deoream oklrnm d Milk Oholocate tenant EsavttllzATlox u1Th and was published In each 193 2 pasteurisation pasteurized and AU daily issue of said newspaper on tido of milk or intik products to .tamparstuta of not lase than 14a dos for geese F and holding at such ten In epos`eu for Prat apparatus pp o 0� thereafter the full by th health officer proved d that Period of Q�1P ins approval shall be limited to apparatu, 8St 1 on Which requires a e mbined h lase am Indicating thermometer temp rating tolerance of net more than lr degrees F as sh wn by official to is with Vldabiiha'amen svnarratus help be bein the last publication thereof Starated as directed by the health of gin the Issue dated the Deer and so that the indicating thee- 30 th mometers and the recording they teamster charts both indicate a tern perature of not leas than 143;i doges a At3Et1B t day of F ooattnuoualy throughout the hold t6 Led nod, a`thiis definition nothing be con '4 t 193'2 &trued as disbarring any other proc sin which ins been demonstrated as Of 9t Yeast equal efficiency and is ap /:tj MIL proved by the stat h ADULTERATED ODUCTS is SANDrity 4���'�'( claim$d two be any milk or milk prod to before me this �- uct defined in this ordinance but t1 mis conforming with Its definition as 30 t. a 1n this ordinance' shall be eemed adulterated and misbranded (s)MILK PRODUCER i muk pro A D !93 s day of dii(K)is any p &n who on.or n ik than one or more COW, a part Of all Of the mllk or mllk gtil b fmm ' fop to sold and delfven d to moth er person (L)MILK DISTRIBUT 3R A milk distributor is any person who has in �_ pOssessfon offers for sal( sells or d¢ livers t0 another any milk or milk product&for consumpW.n or menu featuring (M�DAIRY OR DAISY FARM A -.__,� Notary public dairy or dairy Rim is any place or prerdises where on or no a cows are kept a pa t o all of th milk or milk products from which b Id and de Meted to any person (N) MILK PLANT A milk plant is any place or premises or eetab ifahment where milk o milk products ,re toted�bottld bandd, pastesrd oreapra Yerhsmg fee $ d for di t ibutior (�HEALTH officer, a ll The teem th thOrity st all mean the h ilk authority of he City of Belt `-0 Ur his authorized repreeerrta 11l AYEEA(JE BACTERIAE,COUNT f_:4 A era'ge rial Count shall be tax — __ -- eh to meanenu the events f the ba chemical and physical determination,.' stored or disposedof In such manner) ,tonal Counts Of all a ld taken nue i as the health officer ma deem nee as best to prevent the breeding of lag the grading period Including at story for the detectionof adulterd Ikea therein or the access of come 1 ast fur/samples taken upon my lion these testa to be made in ao to piles thereof erste days Bacterial count may be co dance with the latest standard ITEM 8 MILK ROUE$OR ROOM— made by direct count or plate count methods of the Anrertcen Public Cher,.shall (Q)GRADING PERIOD The grad Health Association and the Assoc% There shall be provided a separate 1 yeti d anal ba car ay de of floe of Ofil MI Ag icultural Chemists milk house or milk roam 1dr the hap t yb the htlalth otticet me de.lo Bacterial count results shall be given Ming and storage of milk and the sate within which stadia shall be de to the producer or distributor con we king and bactericidal treatment eof d terrain d for all milk c m butter tie net es eels determined Sara milk ap ninths and Men Ile provided Milk-Mid eultarefl blIttermilk sup pie may be taken by the health of with a light f1Q.o con tru ted of m n plies fleeT=at any time Pilo to the final mete M other 1Mpervlous materiel and (R)X13ACTl RI t term bac d hem of the milk or mak products graded to provide proper drainage The tench! shall ben e!neap salt 411 store c fee restaurants soda walls and ceilings of the milk house baOtealeidal kubetan2B.pt1f�process ad'1{ fountains and other imildr p eg or room shall be Of ditch construction proved by the health 7Jfheer f shall,furnish the health officer 51pon as to parfait easy aleamng and anal] I (8) PERSON The word demon t his request with the name of the be painted at least once each year as u ed In th, Ordinance shall mean milk distribute from whom their or finished In a manner approved by person firm,corporation or mouth I milk Is obtained the health officer The milk house Won SECTION 7 TTIE GRADING OF or room shall be well lighted and Yen SECTION 2 `BALE OF ADM, i. MILK AND CREAM dented and all Opening effectively TRRAATILED OR BRANDED MILK 1 At least once every six(0)monthe screened to prevent the entrance of OR Pelson sAC hall WIS PROD City of the health offir shall announce the flies and shall be used for no other Salt Lake or 1Lo police theinfi ylen grades of all milk buttermilk sin purpose than the handling and,.tor produce a 11 offer or expose for sale lured buttermilk and cream tDlles age of milk or milk products and other or have In pee estop with intent to delivered by all producer.or dialatrlbu operations Incident thereto The sell any milk or minkproduct which tore and ultimately c nsumed within oleo/ling and other operations shall the City of Salt Lak or Its police Jur be so located and conducted m to is adulterated or branded ledtnion 8 Id grades shall be based prevent any contamination to the PERMITS SECTION 3 PERMITS upon the following standards the milk or to cleaned equipment The It shall be unlawful for any person grading of cream buttermilk and OW milk room shall not open directly Into to bring into receive into the City tutor!butt rmllk being identical with a etable or into any room used for of Salt Lake or Its Police Jurlodicffe �etetlel gradingof dart abe.ii be do bled the domestic purposes tion for sale or to sell or to offerinifor sale therein or to have on hand the,case of cream and omitted In the C ITEMA 9 MILK HOUSE FLIESO ROOM IIy milk er milk product defined f1aa �-CLEANLINESS AND ng.a l this ordinance who does net poeeeas tare of buttermilk and cultured but The floors Walls ence or roomequiP than a permit from the health officer of texmllk meat of the milk Rouse or room bhail be City of Salt Lake and on whose CERTIFIED MILK be kept clean at all times All means vehicle there does not anima In a con Certified milk 1s milk which eon necessary for the elimination of flies splcuouC place the penult number In forMe_with the entrant requirements anal)be used ,figures at least three inches high and of the Amerlcah Association of Med ITEM 10 TOILET :one and one hall Inches wide leaf Milk lo and is pro Every dairy farm shall be provided ' Su h a permit may be r yoked by duced uncleo the the mineral ion of the with st(sanitary toilet uoted and the health officer upon the violation Medical Milk Commission of the Med operated in accordancea with the or by the holder of any of the terms of Mai Soot ty of Salt Lake C unty and dimness of the City of Salt Lake and this ordinan e o In any emergency, of the State Board of H alth or of the recommendations of the State when in the Judgment of the health the City and County Health Officer Board of Health office the milk apply In question' of Salt Lake City ITEM II WATER SUPPLY has become a public health menace GRADE A RAW MILK The water supply shall be wisely SECTION 4 ',RELIED AND Grade A Rae'Milk Is milk the accessible adequate and of a Safe PLACA average badterlel count Of WhiOa as m Mryusllty aa All bottlesottlee IT cane packages and Otis, determined under Section 0 of this or ITEM 12 UTENSILS OONSIEVC r containers enclosing milk or any, ...thence doe not mead 50000 per =ow milk p°duct d fin d to this °MI cubic centimeter and which 14 pro All containers or utensils used In nonce shell be plainly label d o duped upon dairy ferms Contorming the handling or storage of milk or ma ked with (1) the nom of the with all of the following items M can milk products must be made of non c nt nts a given in the definitions Ration absorbent material and of such con in tht oMlnan a (2) the grade of ITEM 1 COWS—TUBERCULOSIS l as to be ea fly cleaned and the cent nts if aid ant nts are g ad AND OTHER,DISEASES moot must be be in good repair Joints and ed under the previa'n of the qr A phy tCal ell herds and tuber seams hall be soldered flush All if the 0 (3) the word pasteu iced culla teat of all herds and addition milk palls shall be of a small mouth If the contents have been pasteurised thereto shall be made before any design approved by the health officer 1 (4) the word raw If the contents milk therefrom is sold and at least ITEM 13 UTENSILS-hNG are raw (5)the name of the producer nee ve y twelve months there fter All containers and Other utensils srdi tribute The label or mark by a licensed veterinarian approved used 1n the 011ng storage or trans hell be In letters of size kind and by the Department of Public Health p0rtetloa off=10lk and milk products color approved by the health officer of Stilt Luke City Effective ninety must brethorqughly cleaned after each and shall contain no marks or words (90)days after passage all herds and usage not approved by the h officer I additions the eto shall be tested for ITEM 14 UT MIL—BACTERI Every restau ant aree soda four Bangs abortion die a by the as- CIDAL TREATMENT, fain or other establishment ceiling glutlnatlon teat by a licensed voter All containers and Other utensils or serving milk shall display at all I lnarian approved by the Department used Ili the handling(storage ortrans I time In a pia a designated by the of Public Health of Salt Lake City portati m products of idi or milk health officer a nett a app overt by A certificate hosed by the voter shall between each usage be t sated the the the Um w health mllk at tath a[leaved ne, fustian or attested to by the health with eteaam hot water or chi rifle in and whether same 10 raw or Pasteur Officer and filed with th health of a manner approved by the health of Ilcer shall be the only valid evlden a lice 1 ed of the above testa Raw milk shall ITEM 13 UTENSILS—STORAGE SECTION 5 INSPECTION OF DAIRY be sold only from cows free from In All containers and other utea Ile FARMS AND MILK !FOR THE fection used In the handling storage or trans PURPOSE OF GRADINGING OR REGRAD ITEM 2 DAIRY BARN—METING yortation of milk or milk products ING `` A dairy milking barn n eball,.hail be shall be stored so as not to become At lent once during each grading required and ouch sections thereof contaminated before again being u ed period the health office shall)pope t where cites are kept or milked than ITEM 10 UTEHANDLING all dairy farms and all milk plants have at least three square feet of win After bactericidalidal treatment no whose milk or cream is intended fa I dow area for each stanchion or shall container or other milk or milk prod onsumption within the City of Solt be provided with adequate supple not utensil ehnil be handled In such Lake o its police Jurisdiction In case =eatery artificial lighting reasonably manner as to permit any part of the the health officer Macey re the v10 j` evenly di tributed person or clothing to come in con latton of any Item of sanitation he ITEM 3 DAIRY BARN—AIR SPACE tort with any surface With which milk harl make a second In peetlon site AND VENTILATION or milk products come in contact a lapse of sun Um as he deems nee Such section of alldairy barns ITEM 17 MILKING UDDERS AND emery for the defect to b remedied easre•ccws are kept hall have at TEATS but not before the lapse of tor e days .leash four hundred (400) cubic feet The udders Wad teats Of all milk and the second i r apace per stanchion and shall Mg cows hall be clean at the time Reed In date mining g the fan shall be of the grade of milk be well ventilated of milking or cream Two violation of this or I ITEM 4 DAIRY BARN FLOORS ITEM le MILKING FLANKS ur dance on separate inapeotlons with The Yimm and gutters of such part. The flank. bellies and tails of s11 in any one grading pe led shall call of all dairy bns in Which cow.are milking cow.shall be free from via for immediate de grading kept or milked shall be constructed Ibis dirt at the time of milking One copy of the Inspection report di concrete or other impervious and ITEM Ig MILKERS HANDS than be posted by th health officer belly cleaned material approved by Milkers hands than be clean rinsed Ina conspicuous plat upon an In the health officer and stmll be graded with a bactericidal solution and dried or milk Of one Of the dairy farm to drain properly and all be kept with a clean towel Immediately be • ril plant b gs and said 1n clean and In good repair No horses fore milking Should the milking op shall bpection report shalt not be removed pigs fowl ate shall be Permitted in ,.ration be Interrupted the milker. by any person except the health of parts Of the barn used for dairy put hands must be again rinsed In the firer Another copy of the be records de poses ablution Wet hand milking la PM 01 report shall be filed with the records Tilgm 5 DAIRY BARN—WALLS be provided' d Convenient facilities hall of the h alth department "AND CEILINGS be provided'for the washing o1 milk SECTION 0 THE TESTING OF The Walls and ceilings of all dairy ere hands MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS I barns shall be whit washed once each ITEM 20 CLEAN CLOTHING During each grading period at least year or painted once every two years Mllke e and milk handlers shall o four samples of milk cream from or oftener If necessary or finished In wear clean miter garment.while work each dairy Cu in and each mill-plant a Mehne app oved by the health of Sag gall be taken one pa ate days and ricer and shall be k pt clean and In ITEM 21 MILK STOOLS ested by the health officer Saxon' I good ,.pair Ia mho there Is a second Milk stools shall be kept clean of milk and cream from stores cafes toy above that part of th barn In ITEM 22 REMOVAL OF MILK soda fountains r tauranta and other which cow are milked the ceiling Each pail or can of milk shall be plates wh re milk products are sold shall be tight I removed immediately to the milk shall be tested as oft n as the health I /TEM a DAIRY BARN COW henwn or straining room No milk:Mall glall may degplre Bacterial counts YARD - be strained In the dairy barn snail he made in.conic ratty with the All cow well shall be graded and ITEM 23 COOLING Standard]�npethoub raaommended by drained m well es practicable and .Milk roues be cooled within one the AmelWCan Public Health As.°aa kept clean hur after milking to 50 degrees Fah Lion Tots may Ipclgde ouch other did 7 MANURE DISPOSAL renhelt or le s and maintained at or All manure shall be removed sad below that temperature until delta I st—ae all 31 eee'1t+fe delivered to a milk'. ITEM a TOILIver 1^ACILITIRB I Notice shall be sent to the health' SECTION 12 MIMINGplan i e pasteurisation or eaparation, Beery milk plant shall b provided officer immediately by any milk die No person shell spit In any port •ph opal It must be cooled or with toilet fecilttlea conforming with tributr in whose milk plant any case Of any room salable or other place ;r pea to two hours°f the th ordinances a f the City o1 Sett f stark es or any Infectious Con need far the aisle storage handling tired to Lake There shall be at least One once*glom Or commdntcable disease oc ar traneportatlop.df milk • 2/ E'1U= AND OAP obm or vestibule not toed for mBk cute SECTION 13 VEHICLES.S PurtiMes bets.h th toilet r°m d ITEM 24 PERSONNEL—CLEAN All v ties used for delivery of ra�e tit ion.u;f for hat any room 1n d ed or attired eo milk D a1i1 Wi ba bdtWad Rn fire(errs where vqfeto are haaNtd MtOted The doo L7Ali hair in v ally of Salt Iteke w fie it, reduced end delivered tO the i ell oilet roume shall be belt l Alt persons coming 1a containers with pence,tupledo pro shall bat boa Dona er Within forty t40)hours ai 1 g Toilet rooms shall b kept in a Milk m milk shall wear c hooters or the sun set protect the milk from }1et9il LI$jt q 01 hp but fed 1 an di ig 7n g od r pat[,antl_ equipment shalt wear clean outer ga the sun and from COatam111at10n dfltilh dll9 Dl ,Li an 7a Dace pffiVl r aqd eked he b their hands Much vehicles skald be kept+4 Mean 0''h,ygalp6 0;by mli of a bottling °ar'th Closets ate,permitted end tread,. ow pt ail tin'. while thus en midis Wend 13U drsapportl4g br41E by lnEmhe apyproved yyh��e health of they hell be generate from tare bu11ppwedmilk pm4uote No ten etbnca capeLcpr. 8attlee shall dapped by ma lag and shall be of a mnitaprrEy,type. GRADE^B PAgTEQRIEED MIf$ bee of contaminating Milk of milk 'opihe,. The maehm shall b clean d constructed and one aid 1n conferaaw Grade�B 1'•Meteurized Mllk 1e Grade PtoduOts shall;be transported with and Subjected to acterldidal treat ity with the Ominenees of the City Of C RaW Milk Wh10h has been pee Milk,.mill(prbducta in Melt mak meat before each 1a ode Caps eh Salt Lake and th recommendations teutlzed cooled and bottled in a milk her as to pel4mt E ntandnNfpn be purchased In unite a contain°s of the-State Boa d of Health pleat con(°ming with all of the re SECTION 14 DENATURING MIS And kept therein Until used ITEM 7 'WATER SUPPLY qulremeate for Grade A Pasteurized BRANDED PRODUCTS ITEM Za PERSONNEL HEALTH The mat supply ail ll be easB9 Milk and Which shall be plumy la The health Officer may denature CERTIFICATES accessible adequate and of a sate baled ed o only with or or kome harmless matter sanitary que.lfty P eurizd Milkhowever that Grade 8 bry milk or milk p set to grads g 0 Remy portionwhose with n dairy him Peatulk to Mlle may be distributed o led branded with rpermt t grading° n ce k pleat wlroee work brings him ITEM$ WASHING l be provide is bulk to pieaGee where in the op'n sold. coedit a permit prthe M lk or do o tsto With the transportation him We king of runnii.ng hall er soap and ionu e o1 the health officer It will b m lk product. M y be 00t the milk or Milk elk p or Era containers of lncttory hot r of a opr rove arid u ed only tor purpoaea o1 Goo g milk TIoN5 may milk milk products within containers twelve nary t el of r typ approved by and baking SECTION la REPASTEURIZATION e Months of shall have uired twelve the health officer Th use of a SECTION a GRADES OF MILK PROHIBITED months or lase 88 required by the Common towel L prohibit d health officer passed a medical ea ITEM 9 MILK PIPING AND CREAM ate on MAY BE SOLD sNot milk or milk products malt lee aMinptlon made by the health officer Only Sanitary Milk Piping of a From the data on which tale Or pasteurized mors than nee except Of b$,a BeeOeed phyelalea ppr0ved P g shall a takes¢nett nfi milk or Cream as may be epeclally permitted by t by a health officer and shall sub type shish can be easily Gleaned with shall es gold is the final consumer health officer a brush shall be used ce t restaurants or soap fdunnIh gro SECTION LK 16 FUTULtE DAIRIES hilt push shpe health of bpmly die TT�TEEMM 10 CONSTRUCTION OF eery stores or n an B Pasthmenf nilire e m the health officer may re EQDTPa®:I4T except Grades A and E Pneteurlud AND MILK PLANTS qqaa quire All qutpment with which milk Certified and Grad A Raw which milk 1e euppies and iied tilk pleats the City from 18 N T EM EASE in OF D1$ comes In contact shall be°onetrugted SECTION 8 SUPPLEMENTARY Milt Lake which ore hereafter con Notice shall be Beat to the health in Mich manner as t be easilycleaniid REGRADING etruoted shall Onform In their con officer limo Mall d be s by any pro ITEM 11 DISPOSAL OF WASTES At any time between regular an etruction to the rerun emeata of the dupe[or distributor'upon y milki dairy All wastes shall be di posed of in ouncements of milk grades any pro health officer which aha11 not be less fafprm Or in who a milk cant se airy Conformity with the requirements of do er or diet'burr may mak anal' than the Grade A requirements of elan any In MimiCon the health off'er cation for regrading hie product this ordinance of alekiOne ee Cor coy lo�r d'sen¢e oo ITEM 12 CLEANING AND BAD Upon the receipt of a entlefaotOry SECTION 17 APPLICATION FOR care TERICIDAL TREATMENT OF CON application the health officer shall PERMITS ired In GRADE S RAW MILK T Alll milkS�cantaiaD P-sRands in m the milk ap grade le due applicants foli a to meet the Sec low tion 31of this Dram mass regelrall b Grade B Raw Milk is intik the pamtuo Mha11 be thoroughly cleaned beet riologlcal or temperature re made in writing on blanks Surniehed storage bactetird count of which at atter each usage and subjected to a giltem tit make at least four exam by the Department of Health n0 lime prior to delivery exceeds lit bactericidal treatment approved by inations upon samples collected by SECTION 18 FEES 000 per cubic centimeter and which the health officer immediately before the health officer of the applicant a All milk produced to be sold In the Is produced upon dairy farms con each usage f. OutpUt within a period of not lees City of Salt Lake es market milk or forming with all.the Items of snoop ITEM 13 STORAGE OF CON than two weeke and not more than market cream shell be subject to a t(ha required for grade A row milk TAIN1RS th e we Ito of the date of the oppli Yee of OnE eighth of a Cent per gal 1 except that the cordtng temperature After bactericidal treatment all bet Mall lotion The health officer all award ion If produced'Within 50 miles of shall be changed to 70 degree F Grade ties cans,and other containers all a higher grade Immediately in cue the Ciay and County building Of the 1 Mall B Raw Milk shall be pasteurized be eto ed in u h.manner as to ibe the mind four analyses Indicate the City Of Salt Lake by the n crest di before bottling Blood teat for Bang protected from Contamination necesse y quality rest route and a fee of one f urth of disease not compulsory ITEM 14 HANDLING OF CON In case the applicants existing IOW a milt per gallon If produced at a GRADE C RAW MILK TAINERS AND APPARATUS grade le due to a violation of as item greater distance Said fee shall be Grade C Raw Milk is milk the Between bacte told.tr etment and of 'imitation other than bacterial payable on or before the twentieth day average bacterial count of which at era ge containers and epperatue shall count pr temperature said applice of each calendar month covering the noOlim e e prier to delivery exceeds pot be handl d In such manner as non must be eccompamed by a ter amount of milk delivered by ach pro which Isproducedper lo dairy erfarms nod clothingtpet cominY ng InS the con�teowithr met'of st toanitation has been confo effect that the rmed d doter during a the toll pr cedingyt 9 ryR Said fees shall be collected by the forlion required with all xoo Stains of smite any products co with contact milk or milk with such ton weeks of the re paid tootot such milk or cream and r ear{mrsd for Grade B R e pro prITSIsI come O contact health of scer an application the Rani the Department of PUba Grade C Raw Bl he pea Milk It STORAGE OF CAPS lion O officer a silos make a llchmc of the ity fpsalt with the treasurer teueasel no Blood put test for Seaga Die Md stores n olycapI shah bey parcheeedd nd f the tho fi di a tebjustify ohcllent le the ehely of salt Lak ores so o 1 ease not eoA PASTEURIZED and ebe k pt 1n in'until tubed and andw' In ca e the flhdinge justify well end shall be creditedF to the Food GRADE A MILE mall k pt th E IZAT used ow'rd a tle and Dairy O Inspection19PESO Fund Grade A Pasteurized Raw ITEM 18 PASTEURIZATION At any time f milk regularrasan SECTION permit FEES Grade operat which Ao or Gradepa $ dMilk Pasteurisation In shall be of 101 or heuIlh•ofnf oSh milk r grades ads Before i permit n twined epartmen aril b hoe in been a lk plant c corm deal Sled e i e a 1 I of this 00 health My i er phdo lower the brad a p ubliclzlek plant the Department that bad bottled m a milk plant conform arson e The time and ed and pre of any milk p ftlucer or distributor of Public Health will ands are a that sin with all of the f average Items of record char( e o be dated and pre a ly a re lilt of hielpgrade o Melt prhed sanitary inspection and are stab count of and thetaverage boner served 1 r a period of three months lyn a lower erwit the be juetl pay ghthof and the plant will count ti nwhich at until sema after ee for toe faformatton of toe kaolin of then accordance with Lae terms of ply one eighth of a cent per iedoS for 20000 en Cub elmedelivery ea cede ricer T this ordinance all milk handled and—or a dotted Such 70 A per Cubic or than Grade ITEM COOLING SECTION 10 TRANSFERRINGOFRE fee a for become due and Payableeachon m A Crent not more than 40000 per All milkftnot pasteurizedceidWithin Sant DIPPINGHAN MILK SALE IV MORE or deform the to day peach t of cubic1 FLOORS h err e r It 1 reset ct ly the dplant THAN ONE GRADE DELIVERY R el reeding month to the Department ITEMhe1 FLOORS hall then be lmm0 degre cooled to MILK AT QUARANTINED REBi the tr Health f t depo it withees The fire=le all rooms in which a It or less er ofd 50 ntaiees thereaahrent DENCEB Moe treasurer of Sale cake ed the milk or Cream 1M ratehandled liar he eq unt or ltes and cod all eurized No milke producer or klet products collected shall be credited to the i ervl of and or cleaned Oqualty until pastshall I and all to fhall one confer rank or milk products Food O Dairy Inspection Duna Mal end s all welly cleaged mere milk shall be 50 degree cooledtot from one container in an to another store SECTION 10 RULES AND REOII Sal ehd shall be smooth properlyap a tle 0 an of t0 degree Fahte data the street pi ce any vehicle b bottling nits L he Department andor of t6 elru is drains and At clean delivery ITEM milkPurpose room eesale fy used for ret directed and neauthorizedtogo t make rule ITEM 2 WALLSceilings AND Co in Whb Both 16 BOTTLING byrexp The Bale of ed llk is here hi handling en ling o govern the produ n Wags and celltnga of dled sot h Bottling isman be done automatic the place byM expressly ll 00 All Pasteur lion h ilk'pr and distribution of rouhrMall'hr eream 1s dandled or stied of Paeteoliprol n Ib tehe Jan feed milkyonta be placed'n Its tleIn meth milk 000n of cottage case e Mall have a smooth end awashabl light ohin11000 Iny approved ne the health o4 delivery container in the plant 1e fee cream frozen coafeCtjOha and but colored surface D bad kept clean aey[ o such manner n to clothing willow It is phstels co It shall be ITEM DOORS AND WINDOWS Part of n peeptn or anyeur Unlawful tot hotels coda feoh elite ta6ECTlON 21 Any BereOh violet All openings into the outer al shall from 'which in confect with eay,fur to 001rante serve stroller ee o lea In the fag any Provision of this.ordinance be effectively screened t prevent the Saco with which milk or milk produ¢tk to sell or serve milk except In the shall be punished by fine 1n any sum oawes.lOelh oT flies Doors shall be cell come in Contact otlgial container In which,it was re not exceeding Two Hundred Ninety °loang ITEM 1, OVERFLOW MILK calved f ors the pipducer or dletrlbu nine (t1g9 ) Dcilars or by ilong STEM 4 LIGHTING AND YENTI Overflow milk not be Bold for eb pro apply Wtot mixed mitt drinks theat 1 oath city jell of long r CATION human consumption shall not apply one god a milk lkks than six months 0r by both tone a n All atoms elrall be well lighted and ITEMa 20 shall CAPPING If more ythan one grade p milk is lamming The court may in vTEated Capping shall be don of Icer.14 e[ysold by any distributor separate of t ejudg the tine ate e p rt of STEM 5 PROTECTION FLIES FROM CON capprayp ved by She health officer Head tang a peeteurt Mall cooling and lot the judgment of that In tdefault defendant ant The vTION AND plant cappingq is prohibited OP t000h equipment°the equipmentb proved d for payment tp ton flag the jall The va 0 10 milk Hlaat 0tootefone I o1 TI0IE e DELIVERY f each ode al the ocated Sor may teoned in the city jolt for shall be located and nation conducted he Milk to be co hall be d the form each t grade shall belocated In saliom a period not violation elf months pro to preventto any leennedequipm to the of whole monk hellit delivered to0e a ate beam bs iord in seen at rooms Each and every ordinance of the ern milk e e the y for a equipment all the final of p within 80'hbure of the dam bUBdtng visions of this a offense shall con insane necessary for the le require of the time of u The dative y k milko tto and the stE a I offense n10s Mall be used r This require ITEM 22 HEALTH CERTIFICATESedtha1 quarantined ucollectiono dI milk confiner from SECTIONo 22 In the Donlon es th ment O robins be interpreted to include E try p man rknbr ngs with n c Rot to l the resid011001 1 e lire ee lib to td h[e000 fhe alltere It le oofety aof f 1nn0ggereoolIng nppd bottle th opeaati0n0 plantact whose th tb work rbnodliog him rn con tact a the special requlremeaf of the the nbabltanf Of Salt Lake City that (b) the waehiod end bactericidal tranepo tattoo Of muk milk ago °k the health offlaer p shall hove SECTION 11 MION AND CREAM tare ctoly ncb shall take affect im ment Ct Of raw mi a and not b oat Ia re equipm nt, leohave OF POINTS BEYOND THE LIMITS meECTI meat dada of raw milt)ehpo not be within twelve months o Les as de INSPECTIONLAKE OF THE CITY OF SECTION p This Ordinance shall tIon unloaded directly Into the p all e quired by the natlthion officer missed e SALT LAKE take red b then first ommission lag roam Pasteurised�om t i t shall not medical examination by made the milkll and cream from paint beyond Passed the Board of Utah thias23r be Permitt d t Gorse into contact health officer O by a]lea edo phy the nit Lo of inspectionnbe Of the Cityh ate of Salt Lake City Utah tills 23rd with equipment with Which contact a all submit by the hearth of]oar of Salt Sol may not oic in the day of August A D 1932 teuriSRoom d milk has ilea in cam or and hall submit eilthroff er City ct of Bolt Lake oru If police tutus era I) KEYSER Rooms uqo Which milk ore carers nbodily mffcha gas as the health officer diction unities produced and Dasteur Temporary,Chairman cleaner a to ed or 1 not pees are Iran may remit. (zed under those ofhg provisions Id en EthelillMaoflohald CRy Retarder into toned Mall livingPq rtere ITEM 23 NOTIFICATION OF'DM Weal with those Of tills ordinance and Bill No 1B i fat Any ntsble or 1lvllfg quartrs i EASE , approved by the hiiaith Ofildar t Flfblfahed August—loth 1p3gt 44 GN `, Pq w i W