26 of 1934 - Amending Chapter XXVIII, Revised Ordinances of 1934, relating to licensing amusment devices Itcc.108
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Sept 27r, 193 4
Goggin I --I
I— - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser !
Knight i
Mr. Chairman - - 1
IU UCDI ..-11C1' i lPJUDlCC CHIC?e7DR IXVIlI of the revised Jrd_:i_-
nancc: of , a,lt Lake City, Utcb, 1'334., isy adC Lnp in and to said. Chao-
tor a ue,s iiection ;o be .no':n cotton 7CC, relating to licenses.
De it ordained by the eoard of Commissioners of Ca.l.t Lake
City, Utah:
SE TIUTI I. Th(t Cha_;,ter XYVIII of the l evi ed Ordinances
of Halt Loire City, Utah, 17CC, rolotin to licenses, be and the came
is hereby amended by ad--ins- in a.nd to ,...-id Chapter a new Section
to be knoam as Cect.ien 7%9, Which she 1. road. as follows:
;.:CC tl Th 72e. It shall be unlawful for any person to
cng e.C;e in the business of sellien, leasing, dietributin.7, slicing
or delivering is flail Lake City for onrat.-ion or use therein any
amusement device without first navinr obtained a license therefor.
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate
CD or use or 2ermit to be o-.ears.ten. or used on or in any nro rty or pre-
,nines in his noses ion or and n s control any amusement device or
to Cve any amusement device in his possession on. or in any property
or aremises :in hin nosoession or under his control a-i_th .Intent; that
the same shall be operated or used without havilv first obtained a
license therefor and unless. the licen.e shell. be . i''iced. thereto and.
at ,all. times remain thereon in a conspicuous alace.
SECTION 5. Us'I INITlO i .'i titi t the scope and mean1_nr; oil
thin ordinance an amusement device is any machine, device or contri-
vance not urohibitcd or declared unlawful by Chaster XXV, ',wised
Uri-it-mecca of ,5nit Take City, Utah., 1914, designed or i,z t near to
be oa ratee. or used (or a tusement or the ol-yii.i4• of c ?acc upon or
in yespo.sse to the payment of some charts or the insertion therein
of a coin, clue or check.
D'EUTI:CIl 4_. CLASeliFICAWO LiCiASELl. Licenses shall be
of tvo
l_i.cc,:nsc shall entitle the ceroon to v:ho.ti in
issued to cant age in the nusi nes:: of sollin.,, icasin -;, dIstrihntinv:
._ad Di amusement (icy-jets in ealt Lsl_e city.
Class 3 license, subject to the �_arovi ,iots of section
of this ordinance, shall entitle the person to whom the shme is
issued to oaerat° and use and to aermit to be oberet ed and used ,n
amusement c rice in L.,alt .;e Listy on or in :.ny sfoserty or setarnif:3
in his sos.,ccs.ion or unclor his control or ion or in the eroper'ty or l
)r011 sos n. the poor ession or under the control of G_ny other sorsol
%nose consent thereto ha:: [seen first obtained.
C lesm B licenses shall be in the form of a label or
sticker an0 in such condition dart they say be sm;teal onto the
auuso',ent devise on account of which theyare 'slued. they ;cr IT 1
contain the words, t ticousod t,ansehient :hev r Flo._ , lh_.
bo ." Shcy shall 1_re niir.bcre;u conscc uti-vc:.'y Lnel.
I befor- lss:uc11ce the City i.ecor or shot i'- fill in u,f>o. the . a.11: the
number of the device l-a c' a.sed, the year of iscue and the of
, the Iicensct..
For each Closu __ l cease there shall_ be said to the Li-
1 cense rssessor end Collector on annual fey or ?;;50.00.
For each r l: - license there shall. he )hiil to the Li-
cense - Eecror cod Caliector an ennu al_ for o„ t;:10.0CJ.
Licenses shall be issued only for the full annual rate . 46
ohs 11 not 'cc tram fsseble either as to licensees or amusement de- 1
vices, hut fur the year. 7tbd there shall be raid once-belt' or the
annual license fees herein 'rrovided l or.
ff0110 7 5. eintr, the scone end 1eanin, of this or:ii ' ncc4
-,;er ;on shall b^ lc,,,Led;ned to ID:: one:a,•co 1-n the business or sel l ier,
learisit:, distribu{sins-, or placing ama„cnent devices IL' for a con-
sirler tion moviur to him he sells, leases, di ,trlout s or Threes
any of the aloe for opera tiorr or use on or In erocerty or eternises '
in the so:session or unr _i_ the control of another.
btktlalUll C. It shalI be unlawful to count rfti l , Cloo_: D
l� l
icc,nse or to dcfr:cc or mutilDate the same while upoin any emusementl
device e -cent in r.c rnovin,2; it therefi or by authority of the icc.7_ec
jor to 1 move; it or. . Ui. :0 t to renov( it I;o-reCrom without oeetroy-
,nn,, it or for any license.. to olnct or purrtiit It to ho
n1ur:ed or he uaon one nr oneot device :fter it has been Placed
u non t:notb.er or to (l -ce it or oen,nl t it „o bn placed or be upon.
ny a=ca_ia , dcvicc or contrivance oror ibite ,' or dcc7--_rr:d to be
uaIarftil by (bolter XXV, `evised Urdirancon or halt hake City,
Ltnia, 10,1.
1.111 .='IN 7. :ny ro on viol as i ti•. -;.any 1 ovI lion of-this
ordinance shall be oonished by a fine of not Les than vv>1.00t nor
c_cec 11 " 1:-.(-0, or by i r:irl onment in the t:ity'Jail: not 1.'or:-,cr
than six riovithe or by 'both such fine and impri:onsnnt..
bi CtIJN in the ouiniorl of tic"Boc:rd of Commissioners,
it .i s r Cos':ary to the peace, health nnd sF.fety of the in.i ini_tan a l
1 of .salt Lakc hi.ty th^t this ord.r _nee become c2 icti_vc i i c11 tc y.�i
, CTIUAI I1. This or-'1=i.,1-nce ball take eff,ci; upon its
first pub],Cation.
.12,. 1 :..1_ Tin e
,crl '�y the =ocrd oi' CoCom.ni;-�io.ier� o�' t
Utah, thin 25th c=,,,y Of September , ibid.
y /) - P1':yor.
sty c.eoro,r.
fr*Medtoth$Surd t{Elartnt 1110nut
s P 2 b t934
F t Pub• 'oa in
4g6 1934
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
A Af°th dM lstid O6 COI—Al,
IIofthe,11,199 Cr lei
�el IA-aid, 1apte 1984,w adding
aitd to,11-M SectiL - ,r Salt n
year]mews L Er t10 7t18 et t1U$thee f C m- `-
80!$ppA lned by t1 B aFd
16➢iA-o('gait La1c0 C fY lit D
�"'}ION I.That Chapterxe1V1II f
Lhb.:Revised Orainanoea of Emit Lake Being first duly sworn,deposes and ys that he i e advertis-
Clt,Utahi,Dile,relating to 10knem,be
itfl pooh.1 hereby, by
'ad ins'1 and t aid bait n'
acl�xhali rend Os I liow tltln a%9. ing clerk of THE DESERET]NEWS,a newspaper published in
SECTIOR'-728 It shall be
for a rif w ge in 4Da
S ti delivering
eli i °a g. stet fib tCRY Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
lbolhg doliti'1 g 1 Salt I1ak CRY
r (lpn"pr°. 0'th rein nSatnuee-
➢t ]'dd'filth t Plri, haWiLg for i�_p\
tl,,ip9a licepee th f r. nYayfnl for That the advertisenien .- -.- �-� �`�
S] TILSN,9:d;grate b4
c D.•- did qpp rat d On r In
k$4 ro bder4ted or aed on or in J
i qrdna hfa o[ 1 y (//
hbem$pt-d or to he anY
viCe in Isle poabee2lon .
'rer l n ald_annhy Prr Iitfit r oh ip ro a to d
Iso.t latd .'coma shall St o,ertbd
Or-diedwithout,heVing firstobtan8d
Ut74e4 thCrefor d y nlsaspthe ree
I tithes {in ini,thereon in a Minspicuous
i glitaff7N':a DHEIINITIOIos 'Within
,the w pe and of this al- was published in said newspaper in its issue dated, the
' li• d v atnpp nt device t am zi...—
Machine,nevlo a contrivance t `�
• OiDlt a or•ae 1 ea nb t 1 fir day of A.D.19-..-T
Blighter X2(V"Revised Ordinancesf
-- ¢ Ul kaP.4 a Map a
.mold e' dpe[t or aed f -
'HMSasOeht de tq0 p78t g e 'g a
of aOP-charge-resoling*,
nsttionp thmolp t an"'was published
of not.le,fling heck.insertion
IA E 24O2S, Licenses hap be Of two the last publication thereof being in the issue,dated the
Inbeea: Cites i11 And Close E..
A-Clean A license shall entitle the
perms to-Whom It 18 Issued to engage in
e.bttatneee f 'selling.-leasing, die- day of A.D.19
islbtlting and Placing of amusement tl.
viceil 1P:Sett falls,cob
A Cie.8 e01411e,subject to the pro-
vielone of Seetlalf 2 of thin o'dingnee,
8.11 entitle the-person Co whprn the
��¢me Is'1Mla0d,to Pein an:ties and r�-.
e1;ki yitiNne to'he-od rat a nd'U.Cit sin \-- J Adv ing Clerk
nemrdt reperty vere 10 s p ttlid.city
poaeee'elp i of ender,hie controltin on sr
sells property or Control in the ore-
':if a yen under the Control tent' bag
be Detfen �wa conYCnt thereto has
been fleet obtained.en -
a to oo ooe is *hall beintheform,
pp1�t labeler,sticker and in ao aie
Eton that tDeY •ice , pasted onto the
ih ymKe i�eudo 1I'li Y Hail atAnlawhich before me this 2' day of
040Q0 da Ltoenee Amusement AThey
;}ve, i . here t0 ep They ®
lemonoeh0ha 0ityysRecorde lllien r-Ge� A.D. 19,111
fill to upon'the same the number of the
lieeaveed tD
nardA t the a Itc0'.year.
tope and ,---
Fri ash Class A license there shall n
be paid tb the License Ae0eseor end Col- /�
1 t r an annual fee Da f.a60:00.'
Ifer sh Clap 13 li enso there shell I .i ,Ak.,C /L<�.E)
b0 f�;Id to the Llcenae Assessor and Cot-
/sot.an annual fee f 810.00.
No Plhlic.
t a1..imaCnua'MatDauUtaah]y_so $M; n910TILN 7 A person violating
tidnelereble either to Ileena or eny prOVIMOn of this r dinance shalt be
mueement devices,bu eet for the year 1994 Pumahe by a of of lees then
there shall be bald one-half of the an. 723.00 nor elteeedloding f299.00,or by Irn-
nuat license fees herein provided-for, yrtsoliment in the City Jell not longer
EMOTION 6. Within the scope and than six months or by.both Meh floe
moaning of thisordinance'a person and, lmprleonment.
shell be deemed to be engaged' in the SECTION S.•In tile opinion of the
of. eldistributing,
oth n, It la necessary
o piecingamumrsentdesci a to e and
cobaideratlonmoving to him he Sells, inhabitants of Snit Lake City that tide
loasas,dieetributea or places any of the ordinance become effective immedietely.
Came for operation or tee On or in SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take
Property or premises in the possession effect Upon tie first publication.
or under the eontroi of another. 1 m
' Passed by the Hoard of Comisdion0rs .
SECTION 6. It 0ha11 be Unlawful to of Salt Lake City, Utah, thin 26th dor
counterfeit it Clam B license ar to de- of September,1034.
face or Utilate the same while upon LOtI[S leARCUS,
• nlUeemont denies except in-r mov- Mayon.
Mg It therefrom by,authority of the ETHEL MACDONALD,
Llcenae@ or to remove it or ttempt to City Recorder.
remove it therefrom without destroying BILL No. 26,
it or 20 any Clam E licensee to niece Published seoietnber 26th,1931.
been it
device after it hoe been
'placed upon another or to,place it or
permit 1t to be placed Or be upon eny
ina uhlne,double 0r contrivance ydohibit-
taroXI Via Revia0ae oedlnenoesl pf Belt
Lake City. Utah, 1934.
c_±) ;