26 of 1935 - Amending Subsection (x) of Section 1345; Section 1353; subsection 3 of Section 1354; Section 1359; S aec. 108
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, JO, 1 has 193
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser � )
Knight {
Lee \7-
Mr. Chairman - -
Section 1353; Subsection 3 of Section 1354; Sections 1359; 1362;
1366; 1374; 1382,as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board
of Commissioners on August 8, 1034; 1399 and 1406; of Chapter LIX,
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1.934, relating to traffic
and travel on streets; and amending said Chapter by adding a new sec-
tion to be known as Section 1425.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Subsection (x) of Section 1345; Section
1353; Subsection 3 of Section 1354; Sections 1359; 1362; 1366; 1374;
1332, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners
on August 8, 1934; 1399 and 1406; of Chapter LIX, Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to traffic and travel on
streets, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows:
SEC. 1345. Subsection (x) "SIDEWALK.." Paved portion of
street between curb lines and adjacent property line or when
not paved. that portion of a. street between the curb lines and
adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians.
SEC. 1353. LAMPS AND REFLECTORS. (1) Every vehicle upon
a street during the period from half hour after sunset to a
half hour before sunrise, and at any other time when there is
not sufficient light to render clearly discernible any person
on the street at a distance of 200 feet ahead, shall be equip-
ped with lighted front and. rear lambs as in this section re-
spectively required for different classes of vehicles, subject
to exemption with reference to lights on parked vehicles as
declared in subdivision (il).
(2) Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle,
road-roller, road. machinery or farm tractor, shall be equip-
ped. with two head. lamps, no more and no less, at the front of
and on opposite sides of the motor vehicle, which head. lamps
shall- comply with the requirements and. limitations .set forth
in section 1354 and. except as to acetylene head lamps, shall
be of a typo which has been approved. by the state road con-
mission of Utah.
(3) Every motorcycle shall be equipped with at
least one and rot more than two head lamps which shall comply
with the requirements and limitations set forth in Section
1354 and, except as to acetylene head lamps, shall be of a
type which has been approved by the state road commission of
(4) Every motor vehicle, and. every trailer or semi-
trailer which Is be 1q drawn at the end. of a train of fehl c lc
shall carry at the rear a lamp of a type which has been ap-
proved by the state road commission of Utah and shall exhibii
a red light nThinly visible under normal atmospheric condi-
tions from a distance of 500 feet to the rear of such vehicl. ,
arid be so constructed and placed that the number plate carry•
on the roar of such vehicle shall under l i'ce conditions be
Iilluminated by a white Tipht as to be road. from a. distance
i of 50 feet to the rear of such vehicle, and every motor vehi-
I ale, trailer or semi--trailer, shall carry at the rear either
as r. part of the rear lamp or separately, a. red reflector of
a type approved by the state road. commission of Utah and
othcr`rrise meetinz the requirements of this ordinance.
(5) Every cohicie, ether than a road-roller, road
machinery or farm tractor, havincpp a width at any part in ex-
e-_o of 00 inches shall carry two cic5Tahce lamps on the ex-
treme left side of such vehicle, one located at the front unit
displaying a green light visible under normal atmospheric
conditions from a distance of 500 feet to the front of the ..,
vehicle, and the ether located et the rear of the vehicle and
displaying a red light visible under like conditions froma dis-
tance of 500 feet to the rear of the vehicle, which said rear
clearance lamps shall be in addition to the red rear lamps
hereinbefore regeired,
(6) Every vehicle or com''i..ac .ion of vehicles baying
a length in excess of 33 feet or a width in excess of 00 mn hca
shall be equipped with lamps on the froht displaying three
green. Lights and lam.__ on the rear displaying three red. lights
and the lights la each group shall be evenly spaced not less
thou c.i._ nor anre than twelve inches apart alorng a horizontal
line near the top of the vehicle and said lights shall be visi-
ble from distances of 500 feet to the front and ruar, rccnent-
ive' of the vehicle.
(7) Erory vuhicle or combination of vehicle which
exceeds 00 feet in overall length _".hall be equipped. with at
least four side marker lamps, one on each side sear the front
and. one on each side near the rears Said lamps near the from
shall display green lights and said limps near the rear shall dis-
play red lights each visible from a distance of 500 feet to
the side of the vehicle on which it is located.. If the clear
a.nce lamps on the left side of a vehicle as heruinbefere re-
quired display lights visible from a distance df 500 feet ai;
right angles to the __oft ofbee vehicle they shall be deemed
to Nect the req°..dre cents as to left :.crkcr lams in this Cara.-
graph. In lieu of Flleh side maricer lamas atiy strh vehicle
may rc cquippod with fear reflectors, Lme oh each side ,._d
mectinL the requirements of this ordinance.
(6) bIb vehicles not h;.retoforc; in this sectieh rc
-r{f i._a d imn5 ,hell Carr,
one or more lighted Tamps or lanterns displaying a ,white light
iblo under normal utmo.nhcr a conditiors from a distance
of not Scar than 500 feet to the front of such vehicle and
displayin a rod Light eialble under like conditions from 2
d.lstar.ce of not Leas than. 500 feet to the rear of such vehicl,;
and shall also carry at the .rears either so a part of such re
light o separately a red reflector of a. type approved ,,y, th^
aLz..td road. cony i.,oiom of Utah and ethei :i se meeting the re-
uuir.;ments of this ordinance.
(0) The'ne,:eT a red reflector is required or permit-
ted to Le used in connection with or in substitution of lamps
upon a vehicle under any of the provisions of this ordinance,
such reflector shall be mounted upon the vehicle at a height
not to exceed 42 inches nor less than `24 inches above the
ground upon 'which the vehicle stands, and every such reflncto'
shall be so designed and maintained. as to be visible at night
from all distances within 500 feat, to 50 feet from such vehi-
lc when directly in front of a motor vehicle displaying law-
fully lighted headlamps as provided. in this ordinance.
(is) beery bicycle upon a highway du/sins the period
from a. half hour after sunset to c half hour before sunrise
shall he equipped with a lighted i •rnp on the front thereof
visible under normal atmospheric conditions :from a distance
of at least 300 feet in front of such bicycle and shall also
be equipped Z.th a reflector or lain on the ?c -.r svhiLlt1l.g
a red 11 ht visible under like conditions from a distance of
at 200 feet to tyre rear of such bicycle.
(11) kheno er a vehicle is narked or stopped upon
hi p.n'cr^y, vhet or attended or unattended ded during the time men-
tioned in this secton ;;here :shall be displayed -upon such vol:_-
cis one or more lamps, one of which shall be on the roaclva.y
side and project a white light visible under normal atmospher-
ic conditions from a d.i.otance of 500 feet to the front of such
vehicle, and one of which shall project a red light visible
under like conditions from a distance of 500 feel to the rear,
except that no lights need be displayed upon any such vehicle
when corked in accordance with this chapter. Any lighted
headl rips upon a parked vehicle shall be depressed or dinned.
(12) fuse s operated within said. city !re not requir-
ed, when the itLesio'is of auch buses are illuminated, to dis
lights as provided in (G) and (7) of this section.
PLC. 1354. br,YPC ID. '.ubsectlon (Z.,) Whenever a
motor vehicle is being operated upon a baghway, or a portion
thcrouf, which is sufficiently lighted to reveal a person on
the hiLhway at a distanco of COO foot ahead of the vehicle
it shall be permissible to dim the head lamps or to tilt the
beams downward or to substitute therefor the light from an
auxiliary driving lamp or pair of such lamps, subject to the -
following restrictions as to tilted beams and auxiliary driv-
ing lamps.
(b) Whenever a motor vehicle meets another vehicle on
any highway it shall be permissible to tilt the beams of the
head lamps de;:mard or to substitute therefor the light from
,an auxiliary driving lamp or pair of such lamps, subject to
the requirement that the tilted head lamps or auxiliary lamp
or lamps shall give sufficient illumination under normal atmus-
Pheric conditions and on a. level road to render clearly dis-
cernible a person 75 feet ahead, but shall not project a glar-
ing or dazzling light to persons in front of the vehicle; pro-
vided, that at all times required in section 1353 at least
two lights shall be displayed on the front of and on opposite
sides of every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, road-
roller, road machinery or farm tractor.
(c) kriy motor vehicle may be equipped. with not to exceed
one spot lamp, which shall be affixed, to such vehicle in such
a manner that upon approaching another vehicle no part of the .
high intensity portion of the beam will, be directed to the left
of the prolongation of the extreme left side of the vehicle
nor more than 100 feet ahead of the vehicle; provided, that
this shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles.
(d) Any actor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceo.
three auxiliary driving lamps mounted on the front et the
height riot less than 12 inches nor more than 24 inches above
the level surface on which the vohicle stands, and every such
auxiliary driving lamp or lamps shall meet the requirements
and limitations set forth in this section.
(e) hhcnevcr- a motor vehicle is equipped with a. signal
lamp to comply with the provisions of Section 1374, the sig-
nal lamp shall be so constructed end located on the vehicle
as to give a signal red or yells in color, which shall be
plainly visible in normal sun light from a distance of 100
feet to the rear of the vehicle, 'hut shall not project a
glaring or dazzling light and shall be of a type approved
by the state road. commission of Utah.
(f) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more thai
taro side cowl or fender lamps which shall emit an ember or
white light without glare.
(g) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more thu r
one running board courtesy lamp on each side thereof which
shall emit a white or amber light without glare.
(h) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with a backup lamp
either separately or in combination with another lamp; except
that nu such backup lamp shall be continuously lighted when
the motor vehicle is in forward motion.
(i) Any device, other than head lamps, spot lamps or
auxiliary driving lamps, which project a beam of light of an
intensity greater than 55 candlepower, shall be so directed
that no part of the beam will strike the level of the surface
on which the vehicle stands at a distance of more than 50 fee
from the vehicle.
(j) Motor vehicles may be equipped with two acetylene
head lamps of approximate equal candlepower when equipped wit
clear plane glass fronts,bright six-inch spherical mirrors
and standard acetylene five-eights foot burners, not more and
not less, and which do not project a glaring or dazzling ligh
into the eyes of approaching drivers.
(k) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or move
any vehicle upon a highway with any red light thereon visible
from directly in front thereof. This section shall not apply
to police or fire department or fire patrol vehicles, or pub-
lic or private ambulonscs.
(1) No person sflall park any vehicle in front of or in any
street, alley or drivewcy of this city, nor at any other pine.
in any street, ecept as near the right hand gutter as possib e
(approximately 12 inches from cubb), nor nearer than 30 feet
of the crosswalk of a street intersection in. the said busines'
district, except at the northeast corner where Second. South
Street intersects with Main Street, at which place parking
shall not be nearer than 75 feet of the crosswalk. in Second
South. Street where it intersects with Main Street; nor at any
other place in the said business district where safety zones
are established, nor within the 30 foot spaces set off as
safety zones by the chief of police, one space on each side
of each block for the purpose of a stand for delivery vehicle.
(C) Nb person shall drive, ride or propel any vehicle
in any part of any safety zone, or any vehicle, other than a
motor bus operated by or as a part of a street railway systemg
to the left of any safety zone, where such safety zones are
maintained on the street.
No person shall park any vehicle on any street with
the left side to the curb. Persons desiring to discharge or
take on merchandise or passengers on the left side of the
street shall make a complete turn and stop at the curb on the
right as provided in this chapter.
(4) No person driving or in charge of any vehicle, other
than a motor bus operated by or as a part of a street railway
system, shall make a left hand turn in the main business dis-
trict, except at points designated by traffic buttons or
markers located by the chief of police and at street intersec
tions where left hand turns are not prohibited by traffic signs
erected by the chief of police.
(5) The chief of police, by and with the consent and ap-
proval of the board of commissioners, shall have the power at:.
any time to make such other regulations governing the parking
of vehicles on any of the streets, avenues or alloys of this city,
or any ether space which may be owned or Teased by the city, as
mry, in its judgment,be necessary or desirable.
(G) TIe person shall without the permission of the hoard
of commissioners place or cause to be placed on any street or side-
walk or on any building;, any sign preventing or forbidding the
narking of vehicles in the street in front of any building or bloc.
of busin_coc.
SEC. 1>62. H011 TO APPNOj:CH CURB. Every person in
charge of a vehicle shall, in the business districts, in parting
such vehicle, approach the curb at an angle of ^b degrees and in
such a manner that the front right--hand wheel of such vehicle
shall, when said vehicle is stopped, he approximately twelve in .he,
from. the curb; provided, it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle
on any street less than four rods in width or on any street out:id:
the, business district ea.cept parallel with the curb,. It shall.
be unlawful to park any vehicle with any. wheel of the same in any
Except where angle parki,t; is permitted as aforesall
every. vehicle stopped or narked upon a roadway whore there is an
adjacent curb shall. be sc stopped or r .rked with the right hand
wheals of such vehicle parallel with and within 18 inches of the
right hand curb.
otherwise provided in. this section the following rules shall. over
the overrating and parsing of vehicles:
(1) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehi-
cle proceeding in the sore direction shall pass to the left
thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the
right side of the highway until safely ri eor o-7 such overtake,:
( ) The driver of an overtoicon vehicle shall give
way to the right in favot of the overtaking vehicle on suit--
able and audible signal and shall not increase the speed. of
his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
(S) In the event vehicles on a.. street or highway arc
,aoving in two or illUTU substantially continuous lines in the
same direction, the ,:urjvisiono of subdivisions (1) and (t) of
this section shall not be considered as prohibitinf:, the venieTes
in one anon line overtaJdng or paai.-n: the vohicies in anothei.
such line either upon the right or the left, nor shall the visions of subdivisions (1) and (2) of this section be con-
strued to prohibit a. driver overtaking and passing upon the
right another vonicle Bich is makirng-, or about to make a left
(4) No person driving a vehicle shall in overtaking r,.
stro,etcar, electric trolly coach, interurban railway car or
sets the left thereof except ,;hen streetcars, trains,
electric trolly cuachc or interurban railway cdrs are cperatal
along the right side or edge of the street.
(5) No ,2c.rson driving a. vehicle shall overtake another
vehicle when r!).-roLching the crest of a grade or upon a curve
in the road whore the vice ahead is in any say obscured,
SFr. 1374. cIGNLLs ON tttthTlbG, NTOPPINC Ott 'TU5NING.
(i) No person shall turn a vehicle from a direct course upon
a highway unless and until such movement can be made with yea
sonable safety and then only after giving a. clearly audible
signal by sounding the horn if any rddestrian may bc affected
by such movement or actor giving an appropriate signal in the
manner hereinafter crovided in the event any other vehicle may
be affected by such meement.
(2) .L signal of intention to tarn right or left shr.11. be
given continuoasly during not lco than the last 1C0 feet
travel by the vehicle before turning.
(1) No person shall stop or suddenly decrease the sr,red
ef a vehicle without fifst giving an a2propriate signal in the
manner provided. herein Co the driver of any vehicle immediLLte-
1 ly to Chic rear 7hon there is OpportuaiLy to give such signal.
(4),The signals herein required shall be given either by
means of the hand and arm or by h signal lamp or signal device
-10- 1
of a typo approved by the state road commission of Utah, but.
when a vehicle is so constructed or loaded that a. hand and
arm signal would not be visible bath to the front and rear
of such vehicl:. then said signals must be given by such a
lamp or. device.
(5) All signade herein required given by hand and. arm
shall be given from the left side of the vehicle in the fol-
lowing manner and such signals shall indicate as follows:
(a) Left Turh--Hand and arm extended horizontally.
(b) fiight Turh--Hand and arm e_ tended upward.
(c) Stop or decrease of speed---Hand and arm extend-
ed downward.
`.'EC. 17532. CU TCICTI N ./1 TJ CHEEP. PENALTY. (A) T t
sdail be uuia::ful for any person to drive a vehicle upon any
street in _"al , Lalre City at a speed greater than i; reesonablc
and prudent, having due regard. to the traffic, surface and
width of the highwo.y and the hazard at intersections and any
other co,nditioor existing.
Sue shall any person drive at a. speed which .is greater
than will permit the ?river to exorcise proper control of the
vehicle and to decrease speed or to slop, as may be necessary
to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle or other convey-
ance upon 3r entering the highway in compliance with legal
,e0airements end with the duty of drivers and other persons
using the strut to exercise duo care.
(3) Where no special hazard exists the following snoods
shall be lawful bat any speed in excess of that indicated be-
low for the particular district, location or condition shall
be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or
prudent and that it is unls ful:
1. Twenty Miles Per Hour:
Upon meeting or overtaking any school bus which has
stopped on the highway for the purpose of receiving or dis-
charging any school children, provided such school bus bears
upon the front and. rear thereof a plainly visible sign con-:
taining the words "school bus" in letters not Tess than 4
inches in height which can be remosed or covered when the ve-
hicle is not in use as a school. bus.
When passing a school building or the grounds there
of during school recess or while children are going to or
leaving school during opening or closing hours; provided,
that drivers shall make complete stop before passing a
school building or grauads at any of said periods, where
stop signs axe ousted, or when approaching within 100 feet of
a grade crossing' of a railway or street railway where the
drivers s view of such crossing or of any traffic on such rail-
way within a distance of 400 feet in either direction is ob-
In any business district as defined in this chapter
or upon approaching within 50 feet and in traversing an inter-
section of highways where the driver's view in either direc-
tion along any intersecting highways within a distance of 200
feet is obstructed, except that when traveling upon a through
street or at traffic controlled intersections the district
speed shall apply..
2. Twenty-five Miles Per Sour:
In any residence district as defined in this
chapter or, at any railway grade grossing where the vies is
not obstructed; or
In publicparks aithinAcity, unless a differ-
ent speed. is indicated by appropriate signs duly posted
3. Thirty-five Miles Per Hour:
On any through highway or portion thereof
where signs are crecLed giving notice of such speed.
(C) The following streets and portions thereof as indi-
cated, within Salt Lake City are hereby designated as"througl
highways" and there shall be erected at the entrances theret
from intersecting highways and streets signs notifying drive s
of vehicles to stop before entering or crossing such desig-
nated streets or highways; said. signs shall be placed. as
nearly as practicable ann. the stop shall be made at the place
There such cross street meets the Prolongation of the nearest
property line of such through highway and such sign shall bee.
the word "STOP" in letters of a size to be clearly legible
from a distance of at least 100 feet, and shall be so placed
as to be illuminated by the headlights of an approaching vehi
cle or by street lights; and it shall be unlawful for the
driver of any vehicle to fail to stop in obedience to said
Redwood road. from North Temple street south to city limi s.
North Temple from Main Street west to the city limits.
Beck Street from 9th Nc th street north to city limits.
`Second West street from 911 North street south t, 9th
South Street.
Main street from Fayette avenue south to city limits.
State street from 9th South street south to city limits.
Fifth East street from South Temple south to city limits.
Ninth East strut from South Temple south to city limits.
Eleventh East street from 9th South street south to
• Hollywood avenue.
Highland Dri' e from Simpson avenue south to city limits
Thirteenth Last street from 9th South street to 21st
South street.
Seventeenth South street from West Temple east to 17th
East street.
Twenty-first South street from West Temple east to 10th
East street and from 12th East street to the city limits.
South Temple street from 2nd East street east to Virgin a
"E" Street from South Temple street to Eleventh avenue,
Ninth South street from 2nd West o Eleventh East.
And all other streets and highways designated as STATE ROADS
within the limits of Salt Lake City pursuant to Chapter 6,
Title 36, Revised Statutes of Utah, 1933, and such other
streets and highways as may be designated and posted with
proper signs by the board of commissioners.
police, whenever in his judgment it is necessary, may desig-
nate police officers to attend upon the public streets to con-
trol the movements and order the stoppage of vehicles, sttrect
cars, electric trolley coaches and interurban cars in or upon
such streets in order to prevent congestion of traffic and to
prevent accidents. Any police officer designated by the chic
of police to perform such duties shall control the movements
and order the stoppage of vehicles, street cars, electric
trolley coaches, interurban cars and pedestrians in or upon
said public streets for thepurposes herein set forth. The
movement and stoppage of vehicles, street cars, electric
trolley coaches, interurban cars and pedestrians at street
intersections shall be governed as follows:
(2) One blast of the whistle or the raising of a hand.
indicates that the moving traffic, including pedestrians, inns-
stop and that the stopped traffic may proceed. Three or more
blasts of a whistle is a signal of alarm and indicates the
approach of vehicles of the fire department or some other
emergency and all traffic shall stop until permitted by the
police officer to proceed, and it shall be unlawful for he
operator or driver of any vehicle, animal, street car, elec-
tric trolley coach or interurban car to disobey any of said
(3) Whenever traffic at an intersection is controlled
by traffic-control signals exhibiting different colored
lights successively one at a time the following colors only
or the words "GO", 'CAUTION" or "STOP", such lights and term
shall indicate as follows, and it shall be unlawful for pede -
trians and the operator^ of vehicles, _animals, street cars,
electric trolley coaches or interurban cars to disobey any el
such signals:
(a) "GREFN" or "CO" - Traffic facing the signal ma'
proceed, except that vehicular traffic shall yield the
right of way to pedestrians and vehicles lawfully .rith- .
in a. crosswalk or the intersection at the time such signal
was exhibited.
(b) "Yellow" or "Caution," when shown alone follow-
ing "Green" or "Go" -- Traffic facing the signal shall stop
before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection,
(unless so close to the intersection that a stop cannot he
made in safet )„ and remain standing until "Green" or "Go" is
shown alone.
(c) "Red" or "Stop" - Traffic facing the signal
shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the inter
section, or at such other point as may be designated by the
traffic authority, and remain standing until " Green" or "Go"
is shown alone provided that vehicular traffic stopped in the
lane nearest the right hand side of the highway may cautiousl
enter the intersection for the purpose of making a turn to th..
right but shall not interfere with other traffic nor endanger
pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk.
(a) The driver of a vehicle or operator of a street or
interurban car or electric trolley coach intending to turn to
the right or left at an intersection where traffic is control,
led by traffic control signals or by a police officer shall
proceed. to wake either turn with proper care to avoid acci-
dent, and only upon the " Go" signal, except as otherwise pro
vided in this section, or unless otherwise directed by' a poll e
officer or by official traffic signs or special signals.
(3) Whenever flashing red or yellow signals are used
they shall require obedience by -vehicular traffic as follows;
(a) Fleshing red (stoL signal). When a red lens is
illuminated. by rapid intermittent flashes drivers of vehicles
shall stop before entering nearest crosswalk at en intersec-
tion or at a limit line when marked and the right to proceed.
shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a. stop
at a. stop sign.
(b) Flashing yellcvw (caution signal) . When a yelloy
lens is Illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes drivers .o
. .
vttil'ics. ---s.: oroccd. thceaLii tho tcterseetier or onst such
sinal only TiCa cartieo.
s7o. 1.-136, PiiTi 70 rTor, TN :-.0/"Jaii7 M.P _AC0TDIJITS. IPaaiC0RTF-1
(a) he driver cf any voiaiole invulived in an aceldent recalt-
Liz in injtry or death to any person or damage to a vehicle
7hich is driven or attended by any person, shall immediately
stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident or as close
thereto as practicable and without obstructing traffic more
than is necessary; shall give his name, address and the rezis-
tration number of his vehicle and. shall upon request exhibit
his operator's. or chquffeur's license to the person straalt er
Line driver Jr uocnliahts of say othicla caJltded v-Ith and shall
rundar to any ,) r:7'Ull T,:ii_Lil in i2.011 ncrident reuranable qssist-
LI),::C., includring the nary]Lip or the ockint of arrnnements for
the carryinL; of such pornoh to c ollyielar Or :::1;TC(jil 01' hespi-
Ln1 for medieci, '. 7'' l, .1. 1 L.Cebt, if it is apu.rert that
each treabmchit is neoessary or is requested by the ihjurud.
(L.) The ,ITiv.,277 of .7-y 7'cl11:1C1C uhicL oollic-:.n2 citi, ... .. , --
nitlb -hise it anattand.ad shall -1.. edt.ttcly. stup and shall
her, and there either lecatu a: .: Tatify the n7rator or umer
GO cnch rthicit of tho near cad addrtsa of the drivor ea.]
evnicr of tbs. pthlolu LA.fiLin[:. the unattended vohlule or char'
loavr in a fehspicuoas .?7one ih the vehicle struc a rritteh
hotioc olvtu, tna Pntr -11(7, sddruas o:7 the dilv-T and of the
ons.r cal' thc vcnielt JuInL; the strikinc and n statement-. of ac•
oironvatLnece thaTuef.
(c) Me. dritc]: ef nay . :talelg involved in an s.saidtnt
erecT Clap La du.mec Lu fitures 1,-oiiy upuh ur adjacent tu
a hls:nay shall take ronsontb1(7 steps Co leeate and notify
Liar mnner or person or :-.ablic body L. c.cars. of can p.Oupy
of ouch fact and uT his =fles nail :'_:. ,.-, 7fle ef the T.,0 .1. .u,,,,7-,
tivs.n. etteber ef the Y,..:11i._:iL. be To Orivi.r a..r, ;JIela upo
ra,jucaL sc;Lhibit Li:: .J0';.,l7,Al ;:l chahffeur's license? and .r11.8.4^
the report required in sub-section ld) .
(d) The Ti er Cl' L.7.1:y vthitit inVelved in an aceeidtht re-
sultinL in irjcay or 0ti Lu aay ,Nr.Lon, -r rrucfr',y
fairy faaLrL af OO.Ou nnic 'JLAiLrenn Lu
idiiUn Larn n.: artad Ij a the orlIc- dc-rraL
Lacil, rLIui.ii ,m.aaty-ru,T 1,oufa f,:ana: fupurL ,r
zn,ca ancidnuL Lu LOu rolIcc r'r flail ral..c. 014 and
chall ha aa7a,r-al ir Lhc dr1.,r ur aar.) rnca '.chicle to
fail Lu rile P aupolcncnuai rk.,,porL of aay ouch ;'oridLnt
r(A4U0r,tCe; r-0 ,0 io jnmhr of die
(us, whcary r v(.1...Icle ho phyloaaly ia-
cLI bin Or cr-4.1a- a r,,,,ulicd ac,.11ari. rucvL anC ,dire , ra
aaothcr occuanu 1:, LOu vu Olo In Lro of' LI-
c fociL anch acaa)cnt 011011 circ,
nde L'''("11 : cporL.
SECTION II. That Cha::Lcr IIX, Ord:f4r no rcr. of
olLy, Job, 1004, relatIn, Lu Lo Ci Ldyl
„1-4 a... r la horn-IL, a,rd-d by a1r4,1aL: la 7,1 raid CLra
En Or ahall road 'c
coy ctrudi ;r LIiivny 11;-- been di-ld,d IrLo Lhrrru of Al-Orr
riocrl .,rvIrCA 1--cr Jr traffic, dri,,acra or ..,,hirlca u1, 11
uhcy die dui u-io:
(a) : Lrahic20 dr1,,ricn an nearly an lc plac
Licablc nrtircly Yithiit a cla,alr lonr nd 1111 not be rins,ad
'Iroa innr 0n,4.1 the driver ha- rl-rI aacL
no reii,:irt can 4pr orn' J di ,Earrty .
CL) F-,a a a',_LA.ry 1- divided Indi, C1LLCfera
1 a vahic.7c drir-Ln 4a Lla- c,ntur
: far,‘1,.la and 0r. nii' raioLiin v,Jalrle, or in pfui,ara'Ion for
u. Mff: Leon, or unlcar such cenLar ir_or 4a aL U1C Lioc rllacat ,
rd e7clucivcly Lu trarrIc 4, ;:he 11.racLicr the vOte]r
in ',.,)rocnedia„; aar4. in ciL1-1,Lo,tr0 to „Lye aJtIuc O 010"11 L,I1UC -
(c) Orrielni Join:: On cr,,c,,0 dirarLir -1r).
I 1
ing traffic to use a designated lane or gllocatinr; °necified
lanes to traffic moving in the same direction and dri.vare of
vehicle: shall obey the direction: of every such sin.
(d) Upon a. roadway designated and sign posted nor
one ray traffic a vehicle shall be driven only in the direction
SECTION III. In the opinion of the Board of Co,wiissionerc,
it is necessary to the neaps, healtit h, and safety of thexph abitante
f ? m! . el,
,_of alt Lake City that this` ordi_na shall are effect .mmediately.
,sz ,P
SECTION TV. This n -ah 11 t Aid e ' 'Ect on its
first publication. 0, a° >
4- *ifs
T iy
,, to i
Passe�dd b'y the Road of Commssioner of Cal t "rake City,
Utah, this / day of D 1935.
/ Mayor.
City Recorder.
. ,
rr zits
4 A
Proof of iJuirliration
Tttitrii *ham at)un rira
AN ORDINANCE' mounted upon the vehicle at a
✓ORDINANCE AMEN)SING height not to exceed 42 inches nor
SECTION (x) of SECTION - less than 24 inches above the
1345;Section 1353;Subsection 3 of- ground upOn which the vehicle
S11,1514 Sections 1359,.1362; stands, and every such reflector, .P...-THOMPS.QN
1 t 017,4,1382( as amended by shall be so designed and main-
an-ordinance passed by the Board tamed.as to..be.visible at night
' of'commissioners on fugust,8; from all distances within 500 feet
19 4;.13911'and 1406, of.Chapter to 50 feet from such vehicle when) deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
L , Revised Ordinances of Salt directly in front of a motor se-
Lake City,Utah;1934,relating to hide displaying lawfully'lighted
traffic and:travel on streets.;and headlamps as provided in this or-.E DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
amending said Chapter by'adding dinance. - C
anew.section to be known as Sec- - (10)Every bicycle upon a high.
lion-1425. - way during the period from a half'
Be it ordained by the Board of hour after sunset to a half hour t Lake County,State of Utah.
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, before sunrise shall be equipped
1lt with s lighted lamp on front
.TION,I. That Subsection thereof visible under normal at-CeAN ORDINANCE.
( f Section 1945;Section 1353; mospheric conditions from a dis-
Setion 3,ef Section 1354;Sec- tenon of at least 300 feet in front
thins 1359,•-1362, 1366,'1374, 1382, of such bicycle and shall also be BILL NO. 26
as amended be an ordinance passed equipped with a reflector or lamp
by the Board of Commissioners on on the rear exhibiting a red light
August 8,1934;1390 and 1406;.of visible under like conditions from
Chapter LIX,Revised Ordinances a distance of at least 200 feet to SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION..
ot Salt Lake.City,Utah.1934,re- the rear-of such bicycle.
latiig to traffic and travel on (11) Whenever a vehicle is
striae--s be and the same are here- parked or stopped upon a high-
by amended to read as follows: ways whether attended or unal-
t SIC 1345. Subsection '(x) tended during the time mentioned
SIDEWALK." Paved portion of in this section there shall be die-,
street between curb bees and ad- layed upon such vehicle-,one or
is nt property line or when not p hereto attached,was first published in said news-
paved that portion.of a street be- more lamps,way side
which-shall be
on roadway via le and project
tw,een:the curb lines and adjacent whitea light visible under_,normal 3rd
property lines intended for the use atmospheric conditions from a die-fated the
of, edestrians.: lance of 500 feet to the front of
1353, LAMPS AND RE- Such vehicle,and one of which 1
RS. (1) Every vehicle shell"project a.red light'visible May , 193 5
upon a street during the period under like conditions from a die- '
' from half hour.after sunset to-a lance-of 500 feet to the rear,ex-
Y half.'hour.before sunrise, and at cent that no lights need be Ms-
arfyOther time when there is not When
upon. any such vhicle-d lri each daily issue of said newspaper, on
Sufficient light to render-clearly when parked in accordance with,
iscerniblet-any person on.the this chapter.-Any lighted head-,
street at a distance. of 200 feet lamps;upon a-parked,vehicle shall 3rd.. for
ahead', shall be,ear lump with es be depressed or dimmed.
lighted front and rear lamps as n (12)Buses operated within said
this 8eetio exemption
required city are not required,when the One insertion
for,different classes of vehicles, interfnrs of such buses ere ilia- period of
canesithj tt to exemption With refer- migasod,to display lights as pro
epee-lo-lights on parked vehicles vfded-fn (61 and (7) n.this sec-
its 1aredn subdivision(11). , lice.
((141 Verymotor vehicle,other the last publication thereof
Shah a motorcyle,road-roller,road SEC. 1354. LAMPS ID.."Sub-
maChinery or farm tractor, shall section(3)Whenever a motor ve-
be equipped:with,two head lamps, hide is being operated upon a
•to more!and no less,at the front of highway, or a portion thereof,.dated the 3rd day of
and on opposite'sides of the motor which is sufficiently lighted to re-
Vehicle.,Which"head damps shall veal a person on the highway at
comply With the requirements and a distance of 200 feet ahead of the ,A.D.193 5
„41111tations set forth in section 1354 vehicle it,shall be permissible to I
',Sind-,ex k'as to acetylene head dim the headlamps or to tilt the
Ian} be of a type which beams downward or to substitute _ �•
has"— "approved by the-state therefor the light from an' auxil •-
a ission of Utah. iary-.driving lamp or pair of such
1, ery etctoreycle shall Abe lamps,subject to the-following re-
ped Atith at least one,and not strictions as.to tied beams and
-,. , Two head lamps which. auxiliary driving lamps. 3rd day of
4. .he require- (b) Whenever a motor vehicle
et forth in meets another vehicle an any high-
- :eat as t0 /aw,,,,,a�yX it d�he,1 bhei .,8$$e i( ,le to tilt
. .'nit e*" "�"fMO.''beats of'Ilia head'lamps_
approved downward or to substitute.there-
e' •s..�..; mission-el for the light from an auxiliary
( )-�Lsvery motor a¢liicle;and' driving lamp'or pair o1 such
gvdpy trailer or Sethi-trailer which lamps,subject tothe requirement ,fr i z
that the tilted head lamps or aux-- -
is being drawn at the end of'a friary lamp or:.tamps shall give ��J Notary Public.
trail,,of 4ehicles shall carry at the gufficient fB.uminetion under�nor-
nea•'a lamp of;a type which has mal atmospheric-.conditions and:
ge app lave is the state)road en,a level read to render clearly
i 00 �tsslrent Utahlain shall ex-
tit a;te ]ight':plainly visible discernible a person 75 feet ahead,
ifn to phial atnsoopheric candi. but"shall not reject a glaring or
I tto rom&distance of,500-feet 1%1,- hg- to Pomona n.front
to b1' p of apnh vuh;ale,and Inc of the yehicle;grovided,'Ihat et
ea,. u d antis l neit that the; all'times roquhed in section 1353
i plate eatil vng,the. r et least two lights shall'be Ms-I
o ch ve..t tdle,slo, tlndetIke played en the front of-and on1
r✓a)0 be' iljti� yr opposite sides;of every motor.ye-ne
t hi l sto, adfr m a llfcle,other than a, motorcycle,
t ? e 0 54 fdetao the ar of road roller road machinery ec
a 'x) Si i ]''� Y'
`- '!k f 1t 0-1 4 LL
o a .. .. i shall
•-•.-. �l.
ear lamp or separately,a spot lamp which shall be affixed' —.`
nod - .dotd of a--.type approved to such vehicle in such a manner - 4
ate 8 a r e Sion of that upon aaproichink another' 1
ng,'the 'vehicle no•part,-e$,tie high-in-
l;eq rem tt$a 7)�nce.' tensity portion of the beam will
i•( 1•lvery-ve 4 otlpe than a be directed Is the left of'the pro= -
tea Ilex rbad:mitehineilx Or longation of the,'extreme left side
fartteagfog, h9'V'lj�$ a Svidtlt.-at of the vehicle nor,more'than 100, '
Sn3'Part in'clines of 80-inches feet ahead-of the vehicle;'pro- - i„ '
shall•oatry tlao..el arouse•'Brans vided,.that this shall not apply to - ---- --. _
. on.the edit A07'lefh side,of such authorized'emergency vehicles.:_
and except aft atety enell ad vehicle it Recall ap per to l to
and.except'as to acetylene head dim the headlamps or to tilt the
lamps,shell be of a type which beams downward or to substitute
( has b approved by the state therefor the light from'en'auxil •
! road ythission of Utah. - iary driving lamp or pair of such
(3) Lvery motorcycle.shall be lamps,subject to theCotlowing re.
equipped with at least one,and not strictions as.to tilted beams and
,t,-twd"heed lamps which auxiliary driving lamps. 3rd day of
r . the.'require. (b) Whenever a.motor vehicle
at forth in meets another vehicle on any high-
apt as, to waac it_Shall be permissible• to.tilt
^shall be —
Of— the beams of the head"lamps
, approved
f by the kt e . . - mission downward light or fromto bstit auxiliaryte
Utah for"the an
(4) Every motor Vehicle, and /lit----z.--(.....4...--x...--4.......-fL---- -
! drivvts, lamp or pair of a such
every trailer or semi-traller which lamps,subject to!the dlamps
requirements-au c
that the tilted'head lamps or aux-- - -
Is being drawn.at the end of a -ilfary lamp-or lamps shall give _�` Notary Public-
I train of vehicles;shall carry at.the sufficient illumination undernor-
I. rear a lamp of a type-which has mal.atmospheric.conditions.and.
been approved by the state/road on.a level road to render'.clearly
j commission of Utah and shall ex- discernible a person 75 feet ahead,
hibit a red light plainly visible but.shall not'.projefE a glaring or
under normal atmospheric.condf- dazzlin light to
lions'from a distance of 500 font g persons in•front
to the rear.of such Vehicle,and yy@ of;the vehicle;,provided,�that at
so cotystrudted and placed that the - a•ll times required in section 1353
number plate carried'bit the rear at least two lights.shall.be dis-I
of;such vehicle shall Under,like played!on the front of-and on!
I .conditions'be.So illuminated.by'a Opposite sides of every motor-ve-ge
1( white light as to be road.gram a hide other,-th'en a,motorcyole;i
tk�sdroller, see- machinery or;
l Ouch venic ,ant!e,a yltmotet » $arm tractor
I suchvehic e,and every Moto}ve
bide,trailer or semi trailer shall (c)Any motor vehicle may be'.
re e, : s ' w . c ,ti o 4 at pled 26 -_.
red-re t r if 8 type ri a wy. p: f a trimmer,
lay.the state read Comm (ion oj,x `that upon, approdChisek another! ._
Tltah and other'wite meeting.the vehicle no part of tee high in-_ - -
requirements of this ordinance. tensity portion of the beam will -
.45)Every vehicle,other than a bedirected to the left of'the pro-
road-roller, road machinery or longatlon of the extreme left side.
farm tractor, having a width at Of the vehicle no?more,than 100!
any part in excess of 80 inches feet ahead-of the vehicle; pro-
shall carry two clearance lamps vided,-that this shall not apply to,
on the extreme left side of such authorized emergency vehicles..•
vehicle,one located at the front (d)Any'motor vehicle maybe
and displaying a green,light visi equipped with not to exceed three
ble under normal atmospheric con- auxiliary driving lamps mounted
ditions from a distance of 500 feet Jon the front at the height of not
to the front of the vehicle,and the less than 12 inches nor more than
other located'at the rear of the 24 inches above the level surface
vehicle and displaying a red light on which the vehicle stands,and
visible under like conditions from every such auxiliary driving lamp
a distance,of 500 feet to the rear or lamps shall meet the require-
of the veicle, which said rear enents and limitations set forth in
, .clearance lamps ahaif--ba-in.add) __Ehissection.
lion to,the redrear lamps herein- (o) Whenever a-motor'vehicle
before required. Is equipped with a signal lamp to
(6).Every vehicle'or combina• comply with the provisions of
•tion of vehicles having a length in
.4 Section 1974,the signal lamp shall
excess of 30 feet or a width in ex- .oe so constructed and located on
ems of 80 Inches Shall he equipped the vehicle as to give a"signal Zed
with lamps on the front displaying or yellow In color,whichshallbe
three green lights and lamps on
She Year displaying three red lights plainly visible In normal sunlight
and the lights in each group shall from a distance of 100 feet to the
I be evenly spaced not less than six rear coft the vehicle,but shall not
tor more than twelve inches apart .Project a glaring or dazzling light
along a horizontal line near the and shall be of a type approved
top of the'vehicle and said lights by the.state road commission of
shall be visible from distances at Utah.
500 feet to the front and rear,re- If)Any motor vehicle may be
spectively, of the vehicle, equipped with not more than two
(7) Every,vehicle or combine- side cowl or fender lamps which
lion of vehicles which exceeds 20 shall emit an amber or white light
j feet in overall length shall be without glare.
I equipped with�a least four side (g)Any motor vehicle may be
1 marker lamps, one on each side equipped with not more than one
near the front and one on each. -running board courtesy lamp on
side near the rear. Said lamps each side thereof which shall emit
near the front shall display green a white or amber light without
, lights and said lamps near the rear glare.
shalldisplay red lights each vial- (h)Any motor vehicle may be
ble from'a distance of 500 feet to equipped with a backup lamp
the side of the vehicle on which it either separately or;in combine-
' is located.If the clearance lamps tion with another lamp; except
on the left side of a vehicle as that no such backup lamp shall
l hereinbefore required display be continuously lighted when the
Aahts.1.yiaible from'a distance of motor vehicle,is in forward mo-
50.0-feet at right angles to.the left ..Sion..
of the vehicle they shall be (1)Any device,other than head
deemed to meet the requirements lamps, spot lamps or auxiliary
as to left marker lamps in this driving lamps, which project a
1 paragraph. In lieu of such side beam of light of an intensity
marker lamps any such vehicle greater;than 25 candlepower,shall
may be equipped with four re- be so directed thatno part of the
flectors, two on-each side and beam will strike the level of the
Meeting the requirements of this surface on which the vehicle
ordinance, stands at a distance of more than
'(5)All vehicles not heretofore 50 feet from,the vehicle.
in this section required to be (j) Motor'vehicles may be
equipped.with specified lighted equipped with two acetylene head
lamps shall carry one"or more lamps of approximate equal can-
lighted lamps or lanterns display- dlepower when equipped with
Mg a white light visible under non clear plane glass frongs, bright
Mal atmospheric conditions from six-inch spherical mirrors and
a distance of not less than 500 feet standard acetylene five-eighths
to.the front of such vehicle and foot burners, not more and,not
displaying a red light visible under less,and which do not project a
like conditions from a distance of glaring or dazzling light into the
not less than 500 feet to the rear eyes of approaching drivers.of such vehicle, and shall also (k)It shall be unlawful for any
carry at the rear,either as st port person to drive or move'any ne-
on such red light or separably,a, hicle upon a highway with any
red reflector of a type approved by red light thereon visible from di-
the state road commission of Utah redly in front thereof, This sec-
ond otherwise meeting the re• lion shall not apply to police or
quirements of this ordinance, fire department or fire patrol ye-
(9) Whenever a red reflector is Melee,or public or private ambu-
required or permitted to be-used lances,
in connection with or in substitu- SECTION'1358:.STOPPING AT
tion of lamps upon a vehicle un- CURB•AND INTERSECTIONS.
----der any'of the-provisions of this (1) No person shall park any
il Ordinance,such refleolor shall be vehicle in front of or in.any
street,alley'or driveWay of this gels:don.of Utah,but when a ve- tie and to prevent aceld�jnta.. Any hidefto fail to file a supplemental
city,nor at any;other place in any Mole is so constructed or loaded police officer designated'by the report of any such accident when
street, except as near the right- that a hand and arm signal would chief of police to perform such du- requested so to do by a member
hand gutter as possible-(approxi- not be visible both to the front - ties shall control the movements of the police department of said
mately 12 inoheff from curb),nor and rear of such.vehicle then said and order the stoppage of vehicles, city.
' nearer than 30 feet'dC-the moss- signals must be gsven by such a street cars,electric trolley coaches, (e) Whenever the driver tf.a'
walk of. i g_strr'�ageton p;the...,laY(l)or device.. interurban cars and pedestrians in vehicle is physically Incapable of
said'burins -thi eept at (e) All signals heroin required or upon said public streets for the .making a required accident report
the northeast corner where Sec given,by limit and arm shall be purposes:herein:set-forth:" The and there was anothei bcculallt
mid-South street intersects with: given thorn the left side of the-ve- movement and stoppage of ve- In the vehicle at the time of,the
Main'street,at which place park- - hide'in the following manner and hieles,street ears,electric trolley accident capable of making'a.rFe-
ing shall not be nearer than.75 ' such.signals shall indicate as fel- coaches, interurban.cars and pe- port,such occupant shall make or
feet of the crosswalk in Second .lows; - - - destrians at street intersections cause to bemade such report
South street where-it intersects (a) Left Turn—Hand and arm shall be governed as follows: .SECTION II. That Chapter
with Main street;net at any other extended.horizontally. (2) One last of the whistle or LIB,Revised Ordinances of Salt
place in the said business district ten Right Turn—Hand and arm the'raising of`a hand indicates , Lake etty,Utah,1934,.relating to
where safety zones are estaD- extended upward that the moving traffic,including• traffic and trat'el on streets, be
lisped, nor within the 30foot (c) Stop or Decrease of Speed pedestrians, must stop and that and,the same is hereby amended
Spaces set off as safety zones by. —Hand and arm extended down• the stopped traffic'may proceed, by adding in and to said Chapter
the chief of:police,-one space on ward. Three or more blasts of a'whistle a new section,to be known as Sec=:
each side of each block for the -SEC.1382,RESTRICTIONS AS is a signal of alarm and indicates' Lion 1425,which shall read as fob:
purpose<of.a stand for delivery sTO hall PEED. PENALTY- (a) It the approach of vehicles of the lows: - -
vehicles: , • shall be unlawful.for-any person fire department or some'other SEC. 1425. WHEN HIORWAYI
(2) No person shall drive,ride- to drive a vehicle upon any treat ,emergency-and all-traffic shall DIVIDED INTO LANEf. When•
or propel any vehicle in any part in Salt Lake City at a speed great- stop untilpermitted by the police ever any street or highway has.
of any safety sone,or any vehicle,' Cr than is reasonable and-prude.., officer to proceed,and St shall be been divided into three or mere
other than a motor bus operated having,due regard to the traffic, unlawful for the operator or clearly marked lanes for traffic,
by or as a part of a street railway surface and width of the highway driver of any vehicle, animal, drivers of vehicles shall obey the
system, to the left of.any safety and the hazard,at Intersections street car, electric trolley coach following regulations:
zone,where such'safety zones are and any other conditions existing. or interurban car to disobey any '(a) A vehicle shall be driven •
maintained.p dn:the street. y Nor shall sy person drive.at'a of said signals,' as nearly as is practicable entire-ii
(3c No person shall park any speed d is greater than Will ,(3) Whenever traffic at an in- ly within a single lane and shall'
vehicle on any street with-the left permit the'driver to exercise prole ' t
side to the curb. Persons desiring er control terseetlon is controlled by
of the vehicle And,to raffia- not be moved from such"lane un-
to discharge or take on merchan- dei{rease speed or.to'stop,..as may control-signals exhibiting differ- tit the driver has first ascertained
dire or passengers on the left side- .be-necessary to avoid colliding ant colored tights successively one that such movement can be made
of the street shall make a-corn with any-person,vehicle or other at a time the following colors only Leith safety. ..
plete turn and stop at the curb Conveyance upon or entering the or the words"GO,""CAUTION" (hi Upon a highway which is
on the.tight as provided In this higliivay in compliance with legal or"STOP,"such lights and'terms divided into three lanes a vehicle 111
chapter. requirements and with the duty of shall.indicate'as follows, and it shall not be driven in the center
(4). No- person driving or'lii' 'edrivers and other.persons using. shall be unawful for pedestrians lane,except when oevrtaking and
charge of any vehicle,other than-.. the street to exercise due care: and the operator or driver of vehi•. passing another vehicle, or In
a motor bus operated by;or as a (b) 'Where no special hazard ties-animals,street cars,-electric prepertion for a left turn,-Sr im-
'of a street railway system,- exists:the following:eieeds shall trolley"coaches or interurban cars less such center lane is at the time
shall make a left-hand turn in the be.lawful,.but any Speed in ex- , to disobey any•of such signals:- allocated exclusively to traffic
main busines district, except at ; tees.,of that indicated below for "(a/"GREEN"or"G.O"—Traffic moving in the direction the-:ve-
points'designated by traffic but- . the particular district,location or facing the signal may proceed,ex- hide is'proceeding and is.sign-i
tons or.markers located by the Condition shall be prima facie evi-.- cept that vehicular traffic shall posted to give notice of such allot`
chief of:police and at street inter- dense:that the speed is not rear• yield the right of way to pedes- cation. - " '
sections where left-hand turns enable or prudent,and that it is trians and vehicles lawfully with- (c)Official signs may be erect-
are ,:not ;pCohtbited by traffic , unlawful:t in a crosswalk or the intersection:. set directing slow moving traffic.
signs erected'by the chief of 1..';Twenty Mlles Per Hour: at the time;such signal was ex- to use a designated laneor•allo-
y Upon meetmg or overtaking any hibited. eating specified lames to traffic
lice. school bus which has stopped en (h) "Yellow" or "Caution," moving in the same direction and
(5) The chief and approval
byv and - the highway for the purpose of re- when shown alone following drivers of vehicles shall obey the
with the-consent approval of Ceiling or discharging any school "Green" or"Go"—Traffic facing directions of every such sign...
the board of`commissioners,shall children,provided such school bus the signal shall stop before enter- (d) 'Upon a roadway designat-
have the power at;any time to bears upon the front and rear tog'the nearest crosswalk at the ed and signposted Mr one way
make such other regulations ffiov- thereof a.plainly visible sign eon- intersection (unless so close to traffic a vehicle shall be drive°
arming the parking of vehicles on tabling the words'.'"school bus".in the intersection that a stop cannot only in the direction designated,
streets,of the streets,avenues.or at- letters':not less than-4 inches in be made in safety), and remain SECTION III. In the opinionof
leysof this city,or any other space height which can;:be'removed'or standing until "Green" or "Go the Board of Commissioners,it is
N which maybe owned or leased by, covered when the vehicle is not. is shown alone, ' necessary to the peace,health and
the city,as may,ino its judgment, in use as.a school,has. (c)""Red"- or."Stop"—Traffic 'safety of the inhabitants of Salt
- be necessary or desirable, - When:passing a school building facing.the signal shall stop before Lake City that this ordicionce shell
(6) No person 'shall, without or the;grounds.thereof -during entering the nearest'crosswalk at take effect immediately,
the Bermission' the board of school recess or While children are the'intersection,or at such other SECTION-IV, This ordinance
'commissioners,plaie ce or cause to'-,' going to',or leaving...school during point as maybe designated by the shall take effect upon its first pub-
be placed'on any-street or aigl• gpening:en'closing hours; •provid- traffic.-:authority, and remain lication.
walk or on any,building any stg - edI.that drivers shall?make a'cam, standing.until"Green"or"Go"is Passed by the Board of Corn-'
preventing eh forbidding 'the; ylete stop'before passing a school abaci's:alone'-provided that ye- missioners of Salt Lake City,
In fr parking of vehicles in the street building or grOlinds at any of said hicular traffic'stopped in'the lane Utah,this 1st day of May,A.D,
in front of any building or place• periods,,where-stop'signs are post nearest the right hand side of the 1935:
of business. LO11SMARCUS,-�--
ed rite when approaching within highway may cautiously,enter the t
SEC.- 1 HOW TO p sonAP-: II a s reel railwayto where making a turn. the right but ETHEL MAODONALA,
In charge of a Vehicle shall,m theCityRecorder.
g the driver's view of such crossing shall not interfere with other ref' ,
business district,in parking such
1S or of"any,traffic on such railway fie her endanger sswal riens.laW- BILL _
vehicle,.a degreesthe curb at an' within a distance of.400 faet.:ni fully,within.a crosswalk. BILL NO.26.
angle of 45 degrees and in such a;. either direction is'obstructed,.' • (4)"The driver of a vehicle or Published May 3rd,:1935,
manner that the front right-hand , In any'business as.de' - operator"of''a street car, inter•
wheel.of h vehicle shell,when fined in this:chapter.or•,upon ap- urban- car or. electric trolley
said vehiclehicle is stopped;be approve proaching within,50:'feet and in coach,intending to turn'to the
curb;y waive inches from the'. traversing an•intersectionof high- right or left-at.an 'intersection
curb;provided,"it shall be un ways where the',driver's view in where'' traffic is:controlled by
ful to park,any" withal-
on 'either
'.direction along any inter- traffic'control-signals or by a pa
street less-t r rods in width nesting highways within a disiancee lice officer shall proceedto make
or en any street outside the bust of'200'feet.Is`obstructed, except either;turn With proper.care'to
mans district shalt b.parellel with .that when traveling.upon a through' avoid aceide ti.and only'upon the
' the curb.:It shall be unlawful to" street Or at traffic•controlled'inter• "Go"signal,9
park any,vehicle With any wheel except as otherwise
of'the sense in airy gutterr seclions the district?speed shall:A** ,provided in thin:section,or unless
Except;where angle parking is ply. otherwise directed by-a police of,
permitted=as afor d, every ve-•- 2 Twenty fi.Ve Mlles Per Hour. titer or.by official traffic signs'or ,
any residence district as de• special signals
his , eel or p rted pore'ate ty ,l u e yo ,v,tall: 'I6j iteC'S•ifs -
# _ ' e' R '"t r_t5-a3 Ylt 9,e i e 4 .111
of such,Vehicle parallel with and' up ,c par c s c as o ow
u at ss a:different speed is m duly
(a)-Flashing red (stop signal).
within tt inches of theFrighthand . „d y,,approliriate,signs duly, . When red=lens it'illuminated.,by.
duet -s - .. - rapid'intermittent:ftaihes'drivers'
+SEC nee. VIlHICLE$PASS 'a. 2hietyfive Mlles Perltour, of vehicles shall:stop before en-.
I tls t ii e H Q�r E�Ir• FFta er a,s'. ,n any-through highway Or psi` terink nearest crosswalk at an In-.
(he"fs *progtd"le in'this section: boil thereof whore signs are erect' tersectiOn or at a Unlit line when.
'the-overtaking and:
shall govern, ad,giving'notiCe.of-such-apeed, marked and the,right to proceed
the overtaking and�passing,ot va< (C)--The following streets-and shall be subject to the rules'apr
hid'es:' portions thereof as tdioated,with. pliable after making a stop'at a
(1) 'The driver of a vehicle. in Salt Lake City,are hereby des, atop sign.
overtaking another vehicle pro-•: ignated as"through_1ighways"and (b)-Flashing'yellow (caution
seeding in tile same direction shall ,there shall be erected at the en- signal,',' When a yellow lens ispass to the left thereof'at a safe trances.thereto,from intersecting illuminated with..rapid intermit"
.dlstaececand shall not again drive high ways`and streets signs notify- tent ftaasshas. drivers of.vehicles
to the right side.of the highway •ing;drivers Of.vehicles to,stop be: may proceeii'through the intersec•
until safely clear of such overtake foreintefmg or-crossing-such des, tion or past such signal only with
an vehicle. - " ignited.streets or highways; said caution.
(Si The driver of an overtaken'' signs shall be placed as nearly as SEC.1406. DUTY TO STOP IN
vehicle shall give way to the right, practicable.and the stop shall be EVENT OF ACCIDENTS: RE•
in favor lofe and overtaking vehicle 'sane"at the place where such PORTS. (a) The driver,of any
•on suitable and'audible signal and cross 'street meets the prolongs- vehicle involved. in an accident
shalt not increase the speed of his 3innim,f nearest property line resulting in injury or death to any
:until completely pesaed'Isy, of such through highway•and such person or- damage to a vehicle
the ov
the overtaking vehicle. '1 ,sign shell bear the word"STOP',' which is driven or attended by
(3) In'the event vehicles on a' in letters of a size to be deafly any`person, shall immediately
street drhighway are moving jn 'legible from'a distance of at least 'atop-etch'vehicle at the scene.of
tvio.or more substantially contin .tote feet,and aeallbe so'Blaced as such accident or as close thereto
cotes'lines in the same direction, to he illuminated by the headlights as practicable and without ob-'
the'provisions of subdivisions(1)- of anrr approaching vehicle or by strutting traffic,more than is-nec-
and'(2)of this section.shall notce. .1,... " uhla• onel if..hall be.un- ......... _-,-_ ____ _.,"
' the permission,of the'beard of school recess orW:hrle ehildrenare the intersection,or at such ether SECTION 1V This ordsnanee'
'commissioners,place or cause"Hi going-to'or;leaving,,,school during point as may'be designated by the . shall take effect upon tin fiyret
walbe k oreonon any'street any building Bny eitgfl' edit/ha drivers*shall.meke arcone sts ding uauthority,
til"Green's or remain
Go e is It Passed by the Board q;..Coat
preventing or f or bidding' "the, gtete-stop before'pasiing a ached eheivn alone`,provided"that ye. missioners of Salt-Lake'C1ty,i
, parking.of vehicles in the Street -tinkling or ineunds atany of.said hieular traffic hopped in'the lane Utah,this 1st day of May,.'A at
in front of any building- or place periods where'$top signs are port• :nearest the right hand side-of the 1935. ,_:i
of business. - ed-'or when approaching,wit))itj highway may,--,eautiqusly:enter•the .. -LOUTS-11IA'(wren.,
4 SEC. 1362. --HOW TO;-AP lop Meet of*a'grade crossing-of a -intersection for-the purpose of Mayor,
PROACH CURB. Every person railway or street railway where making,a turn to the right but ETHEL".MACDONALD,
i1 in charge of a vehicle shall,in the't the.driver's,view of such creeping shall not interfere with other trap City Recorder.
business districts,in parking such or of" any'traffic on such railway fit nor endanger pedestrians law- (Seat,
vehicle,-approach the curb at an•,, within a•distance•of 400-feet in fully within a crosswalk.. - ,SILL-NO.26.
angle of 45 degrees and in such a -either direction is obstructed. -(4)The driver of a vehicle or Published May 3rd,1935..
manner that the front right-fiend In any business district as-de= (operator pY'a street car,-inter-
wheel of such vehicle shall,when fined in this:chapter or;upon ap- urban car, or electric trolley '
said vehicle is stopped,be appros- preaching within 50 feet and in teach,Intending to,hire to the
'imately twelve inches trim the' traversing:an.interaection'of high- right or left at an -intersection
curb;provided,it shall be unlaw- ways where..the:driver's.view in- where traffic is controlled,by
ful to parks any vehicle on any either direction along any inter- traffic control" signals'or by a"po-
street less than four rods in Width•- setting"highways within a distance -lice officer shall proceed to make
or en any street outside the bust! of'200 feetas"obstructed, except either turn with proper'care to.
Hess district-except parallel with that when traveling upon a through avoid accident;dpd only'upon the
the curb. It shall be unlawful to street or at traffic controlled.inter• "Go stgnal,'-except as otherwise
park any vehicle with any wheel,' seetiens the district speed shall aNi provided lh hbis.seatian;•or unless
of the same.in any Butter. '. Ply otji'era'ise directed icy a.police of-
Except,!where:angle parking is y, Twenty five;-Miles Per.Ute 1 ,d of,figial,.kr cLIg¢y4 or
permitted as aforesaid, every ve• h ty;: i , ,i,t..,- ,r:
' hide`stopped-or.parked.upon - fined ih nil t tgiiter-a l: shaver Etas ng red era
roadway where there is an adjs. :way grade crossing where the view yellow signals.ere used they shall'
cent curb shall be so stopped.or. is:not obstructed;or -- require obedience by vehicular
""d .61ea4 a : `ia':` ` ' a • , d al`3.
it t4 diitu es;of the riglt hand eated, by'appropriate slggs'duly When a red lens is illuminated by
'Orb:"' posted, . reptd lntermsttent,dlashes!drivers
,SEC.•1366. VEHICLES PASS- 3, Thirty-five-Miles,PerHour: of:vehicles'shall stop before"en-
ING EACH OTHER. •Except as- "On.any through highway or-nor; teeing nearest crosswalk at an in-
otherwise provided in'this sections Lion thereof where signs'are erect- tersection or at a-lin-it line when
the following rules"shall govern, ed'giving'nbtice of such.speed.' marked and the right to proceed
the overtaking and passing,of ve' (CI The following streets-and shall besubject to the rules ap:
hides: portions thereof as indicated,with- placable-after making a atop at a
(I) The driver of a vehicle in Salt Lake City„ere.hereby des- stop sign.
overtaking another vehicle pre, -Ingest*as"through highways"and :(b) Flashing-`yellow (caution
ceeding in the same direction shall there shall be erected at the en- signal). When a yellow lens is
pass to the left thereof at a safe trances thereto from intersecting 'llumsoated With rapid intermit-
distance and shall not again drive highways and streets signs notify. tent:flashes drivers of vehicles
to the right:side,of the highway ;tng-drivers of vehicles: to.stop be. may proceed'through the intersec•
until safely clear of such overtakb fore entering or crossing such des- lion or past such'signal only with
en vehicle. - - ignated streets er highways;'-Said caution. - •
(2) The driver of an overtaken signs shall be placed as nearly.as SEC.1406. DUTY TO STOP IN
vehicle shall give way to the right practicable.and the atop shall be EVENT, OF ACCIDENTS: RE.
in favor of the overtaking vehicle' made at'the place.Where such PORTS. (a)The'driver of any
•on suitable and audible signal and .orbs street meets the prolonga- vehicle involved in an accident
shall not increase the speed.of.his Hon of the nearest property line resulting in injury or death to any
veltlith until completely paseed-by of'eueh through highway and such person,or damage,to a vehicle
the overtaking vehicle. sign Shall bear the word"STOP'.' which is driven or attended by
(3) Inthe event vehicles on a ,in letters of a size to be clearly. any'person, shall immediately
street er highway are moving in "legible from a distance of at least 'atop such vehicle at the scene of
two Or more substantially contsn• 100 feet,and Shall be so placed as such accident or as close thereto
uous lines in.the same.direction," to b,illuminated by the headlights as practicable and without ob.'
the provisions of subdivisions(1) of an approaching vehicle or by 'strutting traffic more than is•rtec-
and(2)of this section shall'not be street lights;and it shall be.tin- "essary; shall give his name, ad-
considered as prohibiting the yes lawful for the driver of any ve- dress and the registration number
hides in one such line pvertaking hide tofail to stop in obedience to of his vehicle and shall,upon re-
or passing the vehicles in another .said sign:' ` quest, exhibit his operator's or
such line either mien the right•or' .Redwood road from North Tenn- chauffeur's license to the person
the.left,nor shall the provisions pie street south to city limits. struck or the driver or occupants
' of subdivisions (1) and (2) of North Temple from Main street of any Vehicle'collided with'and
this section be construed to prohib- west to the citylimits. shall render to any person injured
it a driver overtaking and passing Beck street from 9th North in such accident reasonable as.
upon the right another vehicle street north to city limits sistance, including the carrying
which is making or about to make - Second West street from 9•th or the making of arrangements
' a left turn. North street_south to 9th South for the carrying of such.person
(4 Na person'drivfng a vehicle 'street. - to a"physician or surgeon or hos-
shall, in overtaking a street car, Main street from Fayette avenue pital for medical or surgical"treat-
electric trolley coach,"interurban "sough"to city limits. ment;if it is apparent that such
railway car or train,'pass to-the State street,from 9th South treatment is necessary or,'is re-
left thereof except when*street street south to city. limits.
'p fifth East street..from South guested'by the Injured of person,
cars,trains,electric coaches (b) The driver of any vehicle'.
• or interurban railway cars are op Temple south to city limits: which collides;with any vehicle
crated along the right side or edge Ninth:East street from South which is unattended shall imme-
of the street. • Temple south to city limits. diately to and shall then and
(5) No person driving a vehicle ' Eleventh East street from 9th there either locate and notify the:
shall overtake -another vehicle South street"south'to Hollywood 'operator or owner of such vehicle:
when approaching the crest of a avenue. of the name"and address of the
grade or upon a,curve in'the road ' Highland Drive from Simpson driver and owner of the vehicle,
where the.view ahead is iii,any avenue south to city limits. striking the unattended vehicle or'i
FLt way"obscured xhidleentti'-East,street from 9th shallleave'in a conspicuous place'
SEC.- 1374,. SIGNALS ON South street to gist South street. Sn the vehicle struck'a written no-
STARTING, STOPPING OR Seveneenth South street from "vice in
TURNING. Vdesi Temple,east to"17th East "giv g the name and address
(1) No person shall turn a ve• street, . of the driver and.of the owner
hide frgm a direct course upon a •!est y-ftrst South street from of the vehicle doing the addriss
highway unless and until -such West Temple east to 10th East and a statement of the,circuit,'
movement can be made with-rev street end from 12th East street-to stances thereof.
sonable safety and then only of- the city limits. (c)`The driver of any velneth'
ter giving a,clearly audible signal South Temple street from 2nd involved in an accident resulting'.
by sounding the horn if any paces' :East street to Virginia street. in damage to.fixtures legally upon
trian may be affected by such "E"street.from South Temple or adjacent to a highway shall.,
movement or after.giving an ap'- street to Eleventh avenue, . take reasonable steps to locate'
propriato signal in the htaaner Ninth South'street from 2nd and notify the owner or persona
hereinafter provided in the'event West street.'to'Eleventh East•, or nubile body in charge of such',
any other vehicle'may be:affected And all other'streets and'high- Property of such" fact and of hisl.
by such movement. ' ' ways designated as STATE ROADS name and address and of the reg-
(2) A signal of intention to within the-limits of Salt Lake City istration number of the vehicle he
turn right-or left shall be given pursuant to Chapter-6, Title`36; is driving and shall,updn request,
continuously during not less'than- Revised Statutes of Utah,1933,and exhibit his operator's or""ehauf-
the last 100 feet traveled by the' such other streets and highways as feur's license, and make'the re-
vehicle before turning• • may be designated and posted port reduired,in sub-section(d,)
(3) No person shell stop or With proper signs by.the beard of •(d) The driver of any vehicle
suddenly decrease the speed of a commissioners. • - involved in an accident resulting
vehicle without first giving'an ap•. SEC. 1399.-:TRAFFIC"OFFh in injury or death to any person,.
propriate,signal in the"manner CERS AND SIGNALS-" (1)The or'property datthage to any op-
provided herein to the driver of thief of police, whenever in his parent extent of.`$50.00 or more
any vehicle immediately to. the judgment it is necessary,may des- and witnesses to such"accidents
rear when there is opportunity to. ignate police officers to attend when requested by a member of
give such signal. upon the-public streets to control the police department,shall,-with-
(4) The signals herein requiped the movements and order the stop- in twenty-four hours"forward a
shall be given either by means of page of vehicles,street cars,elec- written report of such accident to
the hand and arm'or by a signal- trio trolley coaches and interurban the police department of Salt
lamp or signal device of aA type scars in or upon-such streets in or ' Lake City.and it shall be simian-
approved by'the stater ritFIOttt d'ek"1C'I1t tlt`e`Sddgegttbh-or tree fcltIor the-driver,af_any-such ve-