26 of 1940 - Granting franchise to Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company et al, spur track upon 4th West RC — . ......„ VOTING AYE NAY Salt LaIce City,Utah, June 5 19340 Goggin 1/..."' ordinatnce I move that rt..,.I.,-:.iti No Keyser be Amtrak Pas / I/1r; liffillim* 9ze,73 flop. 57 Mr. Chairman - - Result --I ..2 , +l 4R 5 _ L snc#4f Sc[,�.0. 4 * x fr - r.. sJ .,k.er Op.nry ,'S Y ltr) ;L. 5.71 . • F 1 RII a ti V a • d �,, , ` . ,„,,.... . Ems. a `��' <1 � I a� - 1--‘r,'. v 8i. -'i, .i. S:,' 4� tea.. 1 '�' .R. lijolloki 3 i.ritl� v' . 74. '.G 1 tl®1..... :-,;: - _ -., ®.. BOG tT/VG ...''' -riztitt „.zz,... .,.,.____„,____,,4,,,i44.„.._ .,;,., :::., _, . ,.. ___,,,..,._,.. . , s f ,a al. 4-,, - :. 1 . .. . ., , ., . _ 0,1 _ __,,L,„7_4.::.., ..., .:;,,,,,.-- _ . . t' t ' i s' r xyr• pc a. �% : i 1d 3" � tl-r � ` a" `:-- € .� , _ ` yid, a �. F 7 }may fi.. `p ii :.-. 'lr1 4, f✓ -3 4-7 -7 c-wig r i� :��it T '� a N�ay s ti'JaJ� . AIt.ck{ -�^� ' L: AN My a r )'.ti l [ �� G si am ,. c : may u . Ji m lir i., .,-; .- ',.c" � . +�. , dr AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY AND WILSON McCARTHY AND HENRY SWAN AS TRUSTEES OF THE PROPERTY OF SAID RAILROAD COMPANY, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, • THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A STANDARD GAUGE RAIL- ROAD SPUR TRACK OVER AND UPON FOURTH WEST STREET NEAR THE INTER- SECTION OF SAID FOURTH WEST STREET AND FOURTH SOUTH STREET IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH: Section 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby granted to The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and. Wilson McCarthy and Henry Swan as Trustees of the property of said Rail- road Company in reorganization proceedings, and their and. each of their successors and assigns, to construct, operate and main- tain a standard gauge railroad spur track over and upon Fourth West Street near the intersection of Fourth West Street and Fourth South Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, the center line of said. spur track being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 10 feet South of the South line of said Fourth South Street and 59 feet East of the West line of said Fourth West Street and running thence Southwesterly on a thirty degree curve to the right 150 feet to a point on the West line of said Fourth West Street 148 feet more or less South of said. South line of said Fourth South Street, all as shown in yellow on the attached blue print which is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance. Section 2. During the term of this franchise the grantee shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) That said track shall be laid upon and con- form to the grade of said. street and shall at all times be maintained by the grantee to conform to the grade of said street, and if said grade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Board of City Commissioners, the grantee shall, at its own expense, change the eleva- tion of the track so as to conform to the same. (b) Whenever said street where said track is constructed shall be paved, resurfaced or repaired, the said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pave, resurface or repair between the rails and for a space of two (2) feet outside of each rail with the same kind of material used on the said street, or with such. other material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners, and all ties shall be laid upon a concrete base of such thickness as shall be directed by the Board of Commissioners. (c) Said track shall be laid and the road operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the com- mon and ordinary use of said street upon which it is laid. (d) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated. by the grantee, its successors and assigns, upon said track. - 1 (e) If, in putting in said track said grantee shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pave- ment, sidewalks, curbs or gutters on said street, it shall replace such pavement with the same or with such other material as shall be ordered by the Board of Commissioners and shall replace such sidewalks and such curbs and gutters to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners and shall so construct the gutters that they will allow free passage of water and he to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners. (f) Said grantee shall put in and maintain such crossings over said track as shall from time to time be required by the Board of Commissioners. (g) Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantee in all water ditches cross- ed by said track so as to admit of free passage of water. Section 3. Nothing in this grant shall be so construed as to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, or contract- ors, or persons or corporations to whom a franchise may have been or may hereafter be granted, from paving, sewering, laying gas or water mains, pipes or conduits, altering, repairing, or in any manner improving said street. Section 4. Said grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall and by the acceptance of the privileges and franchise herein granted, and in consideration of the same, does hereb: bind itself, its successors and assigns, upon its acceptance of this franchise, , to save said City harmless from all suits, claims, demands and judgments whatsoever, whether in law or in equity, which shall be asserted, found or rendered in any manner whatsoever against said City for injury or damage to abutting property, personal in- juries or otherwise, by reason of the granting of this franchise, or by reason of the construction or operation of said spur track and that the grantee herein, its successors and assigns, will pay the amount of any judgment, determination or adjudication which in any suit or proceeding may be or shall be found against said Salt Lake City; provided, however, that said grantee, its successors, and assigns, shall have had notice of any such suits, and an op- portunity to appear and defend the same, and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall appear in and defend all actions brought against Salt Lake City for any injury or damage by reason of the construction, operation or maintenance of said spur track. Section 5. This franchise is granted for the period of fifty (50) years from and after the passage of this ordinance; pro-:, vided, however, that if for a period of nine consecutive months during the life of this franchise said spur track is not used for the purposes for which this franchise is granted, or if there is a substantial abandonment of the use of said spur track for said purposes, said franchise shall be voidable at the option of the Board of Commissioners; and if so ordered by the Board of Commis- sions, said spur track shall within thirty days thereafter be re- moved and the street restored to a condition uniform with the bal- ance of said street with respect to grade, materials and construc- tion, and to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners. In the event of the failure of said Railroad Company to remove said track and restore said street upon such action and within said thirty (30) days, the said work may be done by Salt Lake City at the expense of the Railroad Company. - 2 - Section 6. Unless this grant and all the terms and con- ditions thereof shall be accepted, in writing, by the grantee herein within thirty (30) days after the taking effect of this ordinance, and unless such track be constructed within one year from the date of such passage then this ordinance shall be null and void. Section 7. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants, :of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective im- mediately. Section 6.' This ordinance shall take effect upon its ,publication. PLseed by.the Board of Commissioners or Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of Jima ,. f940. Te4porary;l iei rnX Ci t P{ecorder Bill No. Published , 1940. - 3 - cn y, av Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake SN ORDINANCE e!CN COICDISIANCE GRANTING TO THE' ,I)ENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY AND WILSON Mc- Lea Young EARTHY AND HENRY SWAN AS TRUSTEES OP THE PROPERTY OP SAID RAILROAD COMPANY, THEIR. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad - SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS T HE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAIN- TAIN A STANDARD GAUGE RAILROAD vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper SPUR TRACK OYER AND UPON FOURTH WEST STREET NEAR THE INTERSEC- TION OP SAID FOURTH WEST STREET AND FOURTH SOUTH STREET IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State RE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS O'SALT LAKE CITY, of Utah. UTAH: Section IAIranchise and right of we, is herdby granted to The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company and That the advertisement ordimanoo Bill No. 26 - Wilson McCarthy and Henry Swan as Trustees DE the property of said Rail, • road Company in reorganisation pro- ceedings,and their and each of their sue- ...Re lating..ta..Spur..Tra.ak;cesrm and'assigns, to eonstruct,operate I tour track 00Cr .arVolflgrineldt Street near the'intersection of Fourth 'West' Street and Fourth South Street in & 4th 15est - (Snit Lake City Corp.)... ;Salt Lake City. Utah. the rooter line of Call spur track being more particularly 'described as follows: Beginning at a point 10 feet South of the South line of said Fourth South 'Street and 59 feet East of the West line of henc said Fourth West Street and run. •.ning te Southwesterly on a thirty de- gree curve to the right 150 feet to was published in said newspaper, in ifs issue dated, the •point on the West line of said Fourth 1,West Street 148 feet more or less South of said South line a said Four th S outhA.D. 19.40... .Street.all as shown in yellow'on the'at- 6th day of June fulled blue print which is hei•eby 'refer- red to and made a part of this ordinance. 'Section 2.During the term of this frau- hlse'the grantee shall be subject to the and was published 1 tine fonowim; (a)That said track shall be laid 11,3011 and conform to the grade of said street th and shall ee at to f all times be inaintained th bY the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ; e grant conorm to e grade of said street,and if said grade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Board of City Conamissieners,the grantee, shall,at day of itB own expellee, change the elevation of the track firl as to conorm to the same. Oa) Whenever said street where said track is constructed shalfl be paved.romr- faced or repaired, the said grantee, its sucoessors and assigns, shall pave, ream-. Ad tising Clerk. face or repair between the rails and for. a space of two (2) feet outside of each rail with the same kind of material need on the said street, or with such other material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners, and all ties shall be laid upon a concrete base of such thick. Voss.as shall be directed by tile Board of Ceinmissioners. (c) Said track shall be laid and the road operated so as to cause no unneces• .8th clay of sary impediment to the common and or- before me this dinary use of said street upon which It is laid. (d)Salt Lake City crscrn'rd the right In regulate and control the sneed of all .trains, engines and cars operated by the grantee. its successors and assigns, upon 'said track. : (e)If, in putting in said track said grantee shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pavement,,sidewalks. -- curbs or guttdrs on said strt, it shall replace such pavement with t e same or ublic. with such other material-as shall be'or. dered by the Board of Commissioners and shall replace such sidewalks and suCh cuibs and gutters to the satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners and shall so construct the gutters that they will allow free passage of water and be to the sails. faction of the Board of Commissioners. (I) Said grantee shall put in and maim lain such eressings over said track as small from time to time be required.by the Board of Commissioners. (g) Good and sufficient•conduits to convey water shall be laid and maintained in epee condition at the-mencr of egthl Greatgreater in all water ditches engaged Sr er track so se to admit of tree pat' sags of water. . , . . . 1:- •Ir• , ...• 0 ..._....!*I% ,i'-' i.,.•' -,, . Cr ! . 4. *a.. •,,,,,_ Ct a '2 --,....) •1.- 1.1• N. '? . . . . . . . . i\\ Section 3, Nothing in this grant shalt bet rooco construed lasrlseprevent Salt Lake 9gents,-or eon• tractors, or persons-or eoaporations to Whom a franchish Inny have been or may hereafter be granted, from paving, sew- ering, laying gas'or water mains, pipes s or conduits, altering,repairing, or in any sectimproving said street, ion 4. Said grantee herein, its suc- cessor and assigns, shall and by the heaee oaf! vileges in and franchise same, does and hereby bind itself, .its successorsame d assigns, upon is t- anco ofthis franchise,to save saids City harmless from all suits, claims, demands laandd judgments whatsoever, whether in or renderedh i shall y be as- serted, found whatsoever against esaid City"for injury or damage to abutting property,personal.in. juries or otherwise, by reasonof the granting of this franchise, orby reason of the construction oroperation of id iour track and n that the grantee herein, u en signs, will pay the 6 o of any judgment, determination or amount which in any suit or Proceeding may be or shall be fonnd• Bainat said Salt Lake City; Provided, however, that said antee, its s and assigns, shall have had snotice of anysuch nulls, and an.opportunity to appear e d defends th s and said rantee, its o and same. shall appear in and del end all actions brought against Salt Lake City for any injury or damage by reason of the natruetion, operation or maietenance of said spur hack. Section 5.This franchise is granted for the period-pf fifty-(50) years from and after the passage of this ordinance: per. vided, however,that if for a period of nine consecutive months during the life of franchise said spur track is not used for the Purposes for which thie franchise is granted,or if there is a ebb. stantial abandonment of the use of said spur track for said purposes, said fran- cl se shall be voidable at the option of the Board of commissioners and if so orderedBoard by the of Commissioners, said spur track shall within thirty days thereafter be removed and the street re. stored to a condition uniform with the balance of said street with respect to grade, materials and construction, and to the satisfaction of the Board of missioners,In the event of the failure of said RailroadCompany to remove said track and restore said street t such action and within id thirty 130)days. the said work n y be done by Salt Lake City at the expense of the Railroad Com- pany. Section 6. Unless this grant and aft the terms and conditions thereof shall be cepted,in writing. by the grantee here- inwlthin thirty (391 days after-thetab. ins effect of this ordinance, and unless e tech track be constructed within ono tear Sm ro the dateof such passage then his Section .ordinance 7n sthel e i nion o null fthe and void.Board of Commissioners,it is necessary to the health and safety of the inhabi- tants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. Section 8.This ordinance shall take et. feet upon it, publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of June, 1940, - TemporaryH Chairman. • ETHEL MACDONALD, • (SEAL) , City Recorder, Bill-No. 36. Published duos 6th,1949 ��V