26 of 1943 - Vacating the East-West alley North of Stratford Avenue between 17th East and Kenwood Streets and bet ROLL CALL e VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah,— 194 o3{li-n- - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - - V Matheson - - McConkie s�le . Mr.Chairman . - Tr AN ORDINANCE corals - - - AN ORDINANCE VACATING The EAST-WEST ALLEY NORTH OF STRATFORD AVENUE BETb EN 17TH EAST AND „LNWOOD STREETS, ai,u we- tween Lots 626 and 636 and between Lots 627 to 635 incluscv.. 6i Highland Park Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Be it ordained by the Board of Comaissioi1.ers of Sa..n. Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the east-west alley north oi' ;Mc.n,u- ford Avenue between 17th East and 'henwood Streets, and Ce dp e. Lots 626 and 636 and between Lots 627 to 635 inclusive or Ilr6ii-- land Park Plat "A", Big Fiend Survey, more particularly aesuliumu as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 635, High- land Park Piat "A", Section 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian running thence North 12.0 ft., thence East 236.0 ft., thence South 12 ft., thence West 236.0 ft. to point of beginning: be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject: to the rights ;- ° of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under franchises iron Salt Lake City, to maintain, repair; alter and re ,lvice the electric transi„ission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, li,_oes, wires and poles of said companies, togatber with the necessary stop crossarms and other attachments thereon or arfir:ed thereto for the support of said electric, telephone and telegraph lines, Sires and distri- bution circuits as nos: erected amd. maintained upon or across -2- the portion of said street to be closed, der.Lnd Lib, like fraaehises hold by seta eolitpanies, or any e-hteesioas tnereei. bECTie ",L. In the opinion of tne DoLre oZ ColthAssioners, it is necessory to tlie peco, nenitn ono sZoLy of tie ihbAbitants or Shit Lahe City shot this oruidanee boce,-,le ulfeetive L1d1,obint0iy. SECTIGh 3. This ol'dill11100 5110_i t, he efioel, u._.,on its first ,Tablicotion. ,4 , hissed by tie hoard of Cci 1Jo Ers of Si- noz,:e City, ---1Y4 lltattnis ...49,, day of August, A. D. 194s .. . ? ) 0. ( idayov „, City Recorb,r ' ______ ,., •. it 1\ N. gr.t . 1 ..) .,. 1\ L ) ,. .. t,•'1,44,1 14 '-1.).-t,' .....L , .'71 %1 '(s \ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,' County of Salt Lake J Legal Notice Idea_l....Xo.ung • AN ORDINANCE saysfirstBeing�j st sworn, and that he is the ad- 'AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE duly' deposes EAST-WEST ALLEY NORTH OF THE L+�r�r l�L' NEWS, EAST ORD AVENUE BETWEEN 17TH vectisin clerk of 1 HL'i DESERET NU' YY S,a newspaper 'EAST AND EENWOOD STREETS, and .Y i betWecn Lots 626 and 636 and between 'Lots 627 to.636 inclusive f Highland published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Park.Plat "A."Rig Field Survy. Be it,ordained by the Board ofCom- missioners of Salt Lake City,Utah. of Utah. SECTION'1.'That the cast-west alley I north of Stratford Avenue between 17th East,and Kentwood Streets, and between Lots 626 and 636 and between Lots 627 to 676 Inclilsive,of y,more Park Plat the advertisement Ac Bed Fhel Survey, Particularly Thatadvertisement described as follows: Beginning thehe Northwest" of Lot 635,E Highland-Park Plat"'A cornerSec- O�1 B l I l tion 21, T. 1 S., R:'1 E., Salt Lake Ordinance 13 i�,ilj-0-s...uSJ...VCl�a�t.�.n ..alley..�Qr.tib Base and•Merldian running thence North 12,0 ft., thence East 23e.0 ft.,,thence South 12 ft., thence West 236.0 f' to point of'beginning: of Stra.tior0 Ave, Bet,...12tn..r:ast...' ..K.e.maond- be and the sameis'hereby vacated and declared no longer I er to be public property for use street, avenue, alley o Pedestrians way. e �' Sts, S.L.Qe Corp-, city Records 'Said vacation is made expressly sub- ject to the rights of way and easements of e Utah Ligh 6:t Traction Company Tethd the Mountain States Telephone & was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the legraph Company acquired under teen. rbises from Salt Lako City,to maintain, l trnair, alter and lace the electric ansmission; distribution' of teegraPh 25t h day of Aug'tis.t A. D. 19-.43-- and telephone•c onus. lines,,wires and Pales of said ompanies, together with and was published once the necessary atop crossarnis and other attachments thereon or affixed.thereto for the support of said electriq telephone d telegraph lines. wit and'dietribn• the last publication thereof being in the issue dated then, and circuits a ecte and. n. tamed upon or s across thy portion at said street to;be closed, during.the life o1nthpant the franchises held by said companies, 25t11 day of August A.D.19 yl3_. or 2117,extensions.thereof- t SECTION 2. In the opinion -the `� -Z JC— IIoard of Commfssionera,tt is nemesary /J '.,-.f to the peace, bealtly and safely f the `� L:t! /-r `�L inhabitants f e effake City that thisimmediately. Advert ,n Clerk. �f orSECTIs Demme effective to ell take V SECTION 3. This public ti shall take 'J affect Pon its first Phblientlon. Passed by the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt.Lake City,'Utah, this,24th day of August,A.D.,1tat.943. 'AB JENKINS, Mayer. ETHEL MACDONALD, LD, City Recorder. ) ILL N 050L n,A6, fore me this 3.lh.t day of Vb1lsh Pd August nth,'1043.' august A. D. 1943.... Notary Public. ,i1 . . 2;7' -I• •.4 !---- -2.• ;Z; •pal ..1.., .%, :0 C8 I' •.: "i I All