26 of 1945 - Amending Section 4301, 4302 and 4303-relating to Parks and Public Property-salary increases ROLL CALL I
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Tedesco !=
Mr. Chairman. .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4301, 4302 and 4303 of Chap-
ter XLI, or the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as
amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on May
24, 1944, relating to parks and public property.
Be it ordained by the Board or Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 4301, 4302 and 4303 of Chapter
XLI, of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as
amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on May
24, 1944, relating to parks and public property, be and the same
are hereby amended to read as follows:
hereby created the office of Manager of Parks and Public Pro-
perty, under the general supervision or the Commissioner of
Parks and Public Property. The Board of Commissioners may ap-
point to such orrice a person competent and experienced at a
salary not to exceed Twenty-eight Hundred Twenty ($2820.00)
Dollars per annum, payable semi-monthly, and such officer may
occupy as bis residence the dwelling _Located in Liberty park,
rent free. The Manager or Parks and Public Property shall take
and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and execute a
bond with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the
Board of Commissioners, payable to Salt Lake City in the sum of
Two Thousand and 00/100 (42000.00) Ddllars, conditioned for the
satisfactory performance of the duties of said officer and the
payment or all moneys received by him as such officer.
It shall be the duty of the Manager or parks and public
Property to supervise and direct the work or the maintenance
and improvement of all parks and public property of salt Lake
city not assigned for control and care to some other depart-
ment of the city and to perform such other work as shall be
required of him by the commissioner of Parks and public pro-
SEC. 4302. OrTICE MANAGER. 'there is hereby created in th-
Department or parks and Public Property the position of office
Manager, under the general supervision or the commissioner or
said department.
The Board of Commissioners may appoint a competent and
qualified person to the position or office manager at a salary
not to exceed Twenty-seven Hundred (42700.00) Dollars per ann ,
payable semi-monthly.
It shall be the duty of the office manager to supervise
and direct the work in the office or the Commissioner of Parks
and Public Property and to perform such other work as shall be
required or him by the Commissioner of such department.
The Board of Commissioners may employ the following officers,
clerks and employees in the department or parks and public pro
perty at salaries not to exceed the following, to-wit:
One assistant manager of parks and public property at a
salary not to exceed $1920.00 per annum.
It shall be the duty of the assistant manager pf parks
and public property to assist the manager of parks and Public
Property in the supervision of the work, care and maintenance,
improvement and beautifying or the parks in Salt Lake city not
under the control, care and supervision of some other officer,
and to do and perform such other services as shall be require.
of him by the commissioner of parks and public property.
One chief clerk at not to exceed 42340.00 per annum.
Such supervision of playgrounds, such florists, employees
and laborers as may be necessary, and at such salaries and for
such' terms as the board or commissioners may determine. And shall
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furnish and provide such equipment as may be necessary for th=
proper care, maintenance, improvement and beautification of
the parks and public property of the city.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediate y.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
(- 7-2
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0 Passed by IhgB, rd f Cor 1s$ oners:Af Salt Lake City,
::., //Utah, this dalalL , . -�-tl ' 51!
City hecorder. A
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake_
' Legal Notices
IBECTIONS 14301 CE302 .an ND4303I D.-N OQkey
1 Chapter XLI, f the"Revised.• -VL
of of Salt Lake Cloy.Ufa).
1/M4, dad la an dtnanea Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
.. on M Boars f caiatin`g
May 3li Pro
°oa°&�k'Dra.a n a public Droyerty vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
the Board.01!
Ctommieeioneee o1 Halt Lek, Ctn.!
mah: published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
SECTION 1. Th. Section°4301;
400R d 4303'6�SL P�➢?°roxld'e ylt
`the RBCttj, UOk.'. g4. d- of Utah.
�'• a diner�yt passed on
th '
i Oomnheaonere Malt
014°t1944, raleun♦t tos tlaz ee .afar
re jterie yD a0ha ty Tend as That the advertisement
.Phere AND by createLIC d lifw.�pyRftiee Ordinance Bill No 26
There,s hereby created Public
1 Mevaeernde Parke eda,.
era on the general eon.
Pali,u f the Commieatonor 1
Parka otdC m...loner. may sin- Salt Lake City Corporat;i. on
Eoestd to '11 office amneraoa
competent wa ,tDern¢ea at
•ed TPa1LY"eight
aunts ee osa�azezD.0o1 Donard
annurti, payable eemi-m7.,11 ,
mn.officer ,meY dwelling Located_in.
LibertyDe tk. et fro was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
Li. o Park, t 4ee.The Man•
arty f Parka end Public a t
°t°onsti• iuiioo take
oath f office the 23rd day o f June
mute a bonds with good andA.D. 19 45
f'clortp ties wto be proved
by the Board of Commissioners.he
yayntab1 to Salt Lake C'gdi 00-100 and was published 1 time
1 T wailereueconditioned for
tpe000A01 of the
the sefeeald officeperfor
and the pay.
'went of esld moneys
end the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
sp1°e we ot all nt
officer.¢Ye received b9 him
It shall be the duo 1 the
Manager' f the Parke d Public
Property to Luheerviee c antes iana _.23:'.d day of June A. D. 19 45
tihe m work
provement of all parks end
-public property of Salt Lake City ;` -t f
Lot manned for
department and
ofptthe �:i: C/l�!/C/
City and to pen o,enl h
k a shall be g fired [ ¢n t Advertising Clerk.
an rtbe Commieeloner f Parke d —___
Public Property. --_`_
Type is 4 hereby r he edbin tithe Dee.
vestment f Parke and Public
Property tunnderOBthe general of Office
e Manager. Commissioner of
• paid do of the
..its BI.,mena 25th.The Beard o1 he position re;f. before me this day of
' appoint a o t e 00 and au
Died Demon to the position of ot-
her matinee' at•a salary Hundred
- ta`42c
oa001 Dana[.°o rn annum nay A. D. 19_.45_.
able e on thly.
It shall be the duty of the office
maeage to eDoff,a ofthe Com-
ek t the fries and Public thaw 1 parks _
work n d to perforni such him /
work ekall be required of him e- Cam(/-' y `
such de. One chief clerk at not to e i J
by the Commissioner of sped y0340.00 Der en u
D g;C�t4303, ASSISTANT MAN. Such supervision of Dmlayerpnnae, Not j Public.
AOER OP PARES. DUTIES, £M• such florists, emDloyem and lab-
. PLOYEES.The Board
h f failomwmtn` s ay be sary, a
m Y mn dy °t Nc.o a lanes and comtm such
°ificere, clerks d nand in ere the r n 9 c e -
li department ea Darks d yubt p may determine.provide
And equip-
s( property t eee. not to paeafrks
nent.a and provide seuch r tip-
eeO the following.ma Lger of parka t,a may be n es d. for the•'
One assistant manager °•ealatY' prproper e attendee,
and to exce property at n mtum the
tarandbeautificationpublic roel tof
c e the2 dlu per the narks and public property of
notIt hall be the diary of the - the ay.
1 tent manager of perks and pub- lard SECTION R,In the opinion of the
tat the man- Board of Commieaionm' tt •
a pr car property
Parks t and Public Proorh, vacate MT to the peace,health and
1.t/ agar its the eu9ervieton of the wo safety of the inhabitants of Salt
care and maintenance, improve Lake City that this ordinance shall
ntent end beautifying of the Parks take ffee, Smmedietev.
n Salt Lake City of under the • SECTION 3.This ordinance Shah
enntrol go
. care and dervimon f take scree,'at once upon it,. fire,
they officer, and to do and publication.
peeloem suck other services a Passed by the board of Commis-
hall be required of him by the sinners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
commissioner of Parka and public this net day of Tune. A.D. 1945.
Drounty. EARL J.GLADE,
City Recorder,
BILL No.Published June 23, 1945. t
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