26 of 1946 - Annexation Extending the limits of Salt Lake City VOTING AYE NAY r n••• r
Salt Lake City, Utah, ' ' , 194
Matheson I move that the ordinance be passed.
Romney _✓' /r f
Tedesco % r • /. >'i., ie
Mr.Chairman .
WHEREAS, on the 16th day of march, 1946, there was filed
"with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 224 by the
Colonial Corporation, et. al., and on March 26, 1946, there was
filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 281
by Willard R. Smith, et. al., (being a majority of the owners of
real property situated in the tract hereinafter described) request-
ing that said tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake
City, and also caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certi-
fied to by a competent surveyor and approved by the Salt Lake City
Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder.
Y4 WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Balt Lake
City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to
and made a part of said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land
and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote
-! of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land
.to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed
annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of
said Salt Lake City accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and ,4X
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, towwit:
Beginning at a point which is 574.82 ft. south and
32.744 ft. west of the North 1/4 corner of Sec. 22, T. 1 S.,
R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; thence S. 0° 04' 27" W. 2932.97 ft.;
thence S. 74° 05' E. 34.32 ft. to the west line of the SE 1/4
i 4
of said Sec. 22, thence N. 0° 04' 27" E. 864.44 ft. along
vest line of said SE 1/4 to the north line of said SE 1/4;
thence along said north line S. 89° 47' E. 168.0 ft.; thence
N. 0° 04' 27" E. 505.558 ft.; thence S. 89° 45' E. 1152.553
ft.; thence N. 0° 01' E. 822.586 ft.; thence N. 89° 45' W•
:�, 328.64 ft.; thence N. 0° 01' E. 1125.03 ft.; thence N. 89°
45' W. 528.0 ft.; thence S. 0° 04' P. 372.96 ft.; thence
N. 89° 45' W. 495.0 ft. to the place of beginning.
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map or plat.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above
described property be and is hereby zoned as Residential 'A' except
that portion of the above•ddescribed property which is to be zoned
as Residential 18-3' andnis more particularly described as follows,
All of Lots 3 to 14 inclusive and all of Lots 28 to
36 inclusive, of Block 4, Country Club Heights
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land first above described
shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake
City and zoned as Residential 'A' and Residential 'B-3' Distticts
as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions,
rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are
extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract
of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract
shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regu-
ations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City
ngineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standard of lo-
cations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City
iecorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to
ile with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the
map or plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as pro
vided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordi-
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
V' af Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective im-
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this yfa" day of , a.D.
T t.*POP j•
City hecorder.
2 .
[ .
.Ilk it
, ,,r'f•-) p,..1 '11';' . ' ,w., -c,
i.,' a v• :11. i 11,
,.. ;.,10[,t111,i;''.):'Lc',•[i..:.',.,2-4,,•.-.".Xc",r,•4-..'.N•1
1, ,s 1 n 40)
i . 4•K 1. ,‘%i',t,1',:cE‘;ir..-',i:.'t--..'.F
„ . .
Anoorticisi at At ;4 qf 4 . , ' . - -441e-41-"i,---- -MAY-6 194 6
,V,. ,g Cil.;, 1 1$1"94t-c Cornelia S. Lund,nolo ord..,ti•1"•1,3141d,44 p iil-9491
• 'i 14,Itg.',....tePq.. T.1 .9. B-ok,j,\b.rage 0,,, P,-• V
AN ORDINANC f 04 loin. W. 372.k ft., Duke N. . 0 -:
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING 80 deg.45 min.W.405.0 IL to the . I..
TIIE LIMITS OF SALT LANE "the"benlimirm.
.... CIT Y. and that the sante has been correct-
' \\ WHEREAS. on llto 113th day of IY staked out upon the ground as
March, 1940. there Was Bled with "tow.RP"the mrm"0i".
tho City Recorder of Salt Lake City AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN.
• Petition No. 224 by the Coionial ED thot tifc wimie"Om"do"de.
. "?f11°I'''' '''' ""d "m"r"" 2VfrOra11 and
20, ,4i e "" riledwith t: L , a, a .,'‘ .1 nacelle'VCity R.—. . fsatLji onion of he iiite descpi Petition No. 281 by Willard R. crlY which is to he"med.((Re.'
81(1(01, et al.. (being a majority 11e1001'1,,3 .and"'eh"00".°
of Otto owned of real property sit. Is more particularly described as
I.,2, tutted in the tract hereinafter de- follows, to-wit:
scribed) fermenting that laid tract All of Lots 3 to 14 Inclusive and
of land L.taken with In the limits all of Let. 28 to 38 inclusive, of
of Salt Lake City,and also caused Block 4. County Club Heights.
....,.. an accurate man or plat to be AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN'
made an,„i.gfiad 00 be a,,..en,„_ ED and declared that when Ude erili-
, tent surveyor and approved by the oan"lilies set
the arml"net of
Salt Lake City Engineer to be filed land first above desert bed shall
..... with the City Recorder. thence forth bn within the ear-
WHEREAS,the said tract of land carafe limits of said Salt Lutes
It emilispolls to Salt Lake City and City and zoned as Residential •A'
^,... there Is no proper reason Why it and Residormial'13.3'Districts.in
should not be annexed to and made the ordinance provided, and ell
%---.. a gaol of said City:slid ordinance, jurisdictions. roles and
WHEREAS. the Board of Cont. obligati°ets of or pertaining to said
mleelotiore.Salt Luke City, after Salt Labe My are extended oyor
examining said petition of sald own- ond made applicable and pertinent
eta of said tract of land and con. to the said tract of land, and the
sidering the circumstances thereof, streets, blocks. alleys end aye of
voted by unanlinous vote of aft said tract shall bo controlled and
members of said Board In favor of cavernmd by the ordinances, rules
annexing sald tract.of land to Salt and regulations of acid city in
Lake City and directed that an or- Incthat belmlf and tho monuments of
C) is dinance should be passed annexing Oily Engineer shall thenceforth
maid territory and the extension of he taken therein as the standard of
the city halite of auid Salt Lake Inca bons and dietances.
Olin. aecordinglY. SECTION 2.Ithon the paegago of
NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT OR- tills ordinance tlic City Recorder of
PAINED by the board of Commis- Salt Like City shall file and lair is
I.. Moiler°of Salt Lake City.Utah: hereby directed to file with the
SECTION I,That the city limits County ithcotster of Salt Lake
of Salt Lake City he and the same County a copy nf the map or plat
100 aro hereby extended and robbed above nientIonml,duly certified and
so as to include the fallowing de- aidinowledged as provided in inoill
scribed tract of land in Salt Lake ca...together with a certified copy
Collidy, 10.0111 of this ordinance.
Beginning at a point whieb is SECTION 3.en tho optolon of the
-)•Z'')'•\ 674.82 It.9011(k and 32.744 ft.most Board of Commis...M. It le nea.
of tbe North IA corner of See.22, essary to the„eat,health and safe.
T. 1 S., E. I E., S. L. H. A M.: ty of the inhabitants of Salt Lalct,
thence S.I deg.04 mItt.27 see.W. CRY that (hie ordinance shall be.
3932.91 IL,thence S.74 doe.05 min. collie effective inimediatelY.
Ill 39.32 ft.to the west line of the SECTION 4.This ordinance shall
. tel fit of said See,22,thence N.0 tape effect at once upon Its Doe
deg. 04 „rm. 27 see. E. 884.44 ft, notification.
along we.line of said SE 14 to the Passed by the Board of Commie-
north line of said SE its, thence sinners of Salt Lake City. Utah,
along said north line S.89 deg. 47 this oath tiny of April.A.D.19411.
i nfix.o, 188.0 ft.; thence N.a deg. FRED ft TEDESCO.
'''... 04 min.27 see.E.605.568 .:thence Temporary Chairman.
. 89 deg. 45 min.E, 1152 653 ft:
thence N.0 deg.01 min.E.822 588 IRMA F, BITNER,
',,,,,. f .
t• thence N. . g.de 95 min. IV City Recorder.
382.64 ftd thence N.0 deg.01 mill. IS E A LI
E.'1125.03 ft., thence N.89 ilex.45 BILL NO.28
528.0 It.: thence S.0 deg. Published May 2, 1948.
.. ...
City and County of Salt Lake,
L Irma F. Bitner ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 25ths XPIX3x 1946
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
Ma Scicx
of said City, this 6th day of y, 1946
(SEAL) tY•ir
a."740;•_ BILL NO. 26
City Recorder.
Published May 2d, 1946 pw
4,a11-/07-/7 094,141'frg
--171-31 02,-/-/aF-A/
A3-01/3-/6 el a
AI '_/06-_,To / §2-/0.3- 14
(//01 Uoccraod at R,,quect ofe ,444 1946
atit4f/--AtEe o paid.$P2-t9-Le' Cornelia S. Luitit 1 II S.L. ty U tett,
_ Bo ok Pa 7/ R e f:,wrO.A3- tIS
II aa-414-a AlY Na-glg•/
5 0."ac-3,1 4 e
el,ty-40 <3,4,Z6
City and County of Salt Lake,
Irma F. Bitner ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinanCe extanding_the linLte of -Salt Lake- City"'
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 25th, x 1946
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of saichlif trtif lOth day of May_, 1946 Pggc
(SEAL) ,
ETT,T,LNO. 26 City Recorder.
, RE Published May 8th,_ 1.946
' i
AN ORDINANCES thence N 89 deg.45 min.W.628.0
ft.; thence S. 0 deg. 04 min, W.
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING 373.96 ft.:thence N.89 deg 45 min.
0510 LIMITS OF SALT Inhibit W.4965 ft,to the place of nexln-
CITY. Mag.
m and that the same has been
WHEREAS. on the 101h day of correctly staked o the around
Myrrh, 1040, there w as filed with shown upon the map o Slat.
the City Recorder of Salt Luke City AND BE Sr FURTHER OR.
Petition No. 224 by the Colonial DAINED that the whole of the
Corporation, et al.. and en March above described aroperty he and la
20,1940, there was
s filed with the hereby ned Residential 'A'
City Recorder of 804 I•akr. eXCCOL that ytrtiolt of the above
I'otltiml No. 281 by Willard R. described pr perty which is to be
Snail.et al. (being a ority al ,el Residential '3-3' and
the n i
of real property a whch i said portion le more Bartic-
ated to the tract hereinafter de- ularl.v described an follows. Io wit:
rribetl), replicating that said Mart Au al Lute 3 to 14, inclusive.
of land he taken within the limits and all of Lots 29 to 30.Ineluatve,
' of Salt Lake City,and slay caused of Block 4. Country Club Heights.
accurate plat tobe AND DE. 1T FURTHER OR.
ale el certified to by a PAINED and declared that when
not a l and approved i he this ordinance,mites effect the saki
Salt Lake City Engineer to be find tract or land Bret above described
with e City Recorder. stied thenceforth be within the c
WHEREAS.the said tract of land rate l ignite of said Salt Lake City
is contiguous o Salt Lake Cltr and apozoned Rosidentinl 'A' and
there le n wily it Residential'P.3'Districts as In ills
uidd not b can zeal toand made ordin provided, Sod all ndl-
aee of said city:and.
�a Jurdictions. rules and r oW
aIIW111AREAS.the(Board of Commix, lirtatimla n l or retaining to said
sionors Of Salt Luke City after a Salt Lulls it extended over
mining sold aotitiml of said o mid I ode applicable and ',eminent
of tuna tract of laid and t ni0ury to the said tract of land,and the
Inc the droll ms lances thereof,voted streets.hlorke. alleys and ways of
unanimnits vote of all n eoile0l4 said tract shall be controlled and
nP Slid Beard in favor of�a rined by thy ordinances. rules
i llg said tact of land to Satt Lake andr gulation°of Bald rile In that
l:l L.n umt directed that an ordinance ',shelf. atitl the n i orals of Chi
Amnia'be 11 sacd a exhlg Said to City Engineer shall thenceforth ho
diary and the oxtemnon of the city taken therein an the standard of to.
Iimiln of said Sall Lake City se yahoos and dintuneex.
irdin SECTION 2. Upon tl,o passage of
NOW.y THEREFORE. BE IT OR, thin ordillvnes Oil City Recorder of
PAINED by the(Ward of Commis- •Salt Lake City shall file mid She la
el SECT f 9r1 balm t ey, s limos
hereby (tired.
Recorder of Sal to t Lake 4Sat Lake
1 That the city(same
of Salt Lake OILY be and the a tv of the in plat above
are hereby, coded awl r,lll same
mile days map
nd -
sols to i t ode tile following tng tie. knowledge.'ll'sI elated ied
scribedEo tat of land In Salt Lake t title
or ordinance.
Cuuty.to wit: of tide media,area a
Dno ml.0 ill whiph to C Marti
3. In the ec,yopinion of
619.a2 I south morner of IL.west the hared Ni e m ate.b hers. i ta
of the North '/a of See. z v to the h health it
T. 1 9. R.d k. 04 mine.
H. h M. necessarLake y the the ordinance
ce hall
W.thence2 9.0 deg.tle a5. 24 cs become offs ttvnthat hl Immediately.shall
W. 2B32,B9 .3 to
deg. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
05 to E.39.32 Clst the Ilse take effect at o P the oy. m said See.22.thence054.40 ram upon its first
N.0 along
04 t min.21 fees,l a04.49 Publication.
ft.the north hat 1 acrid 91: .: Pi ansed by L t Board Ci Commis•
to theone1111 ott said 9E nA; simian, f day
Aare A.
thence along said 88.0i ILno S.thence
this r264h dsy of April, C 1948.
deg. de 'i. I:, 10 ee ft.: thence Temp TEDEhair
N.0 deg.r mill.21 ee E.in. E. Temporary Chairman
11 tanner S 8B dace 96 min. St IRMA F.Oily R00
ft 00xnro N.11 0 deg. 81 City Recorder,
in. E. l,t, W0 t20 thence N. 89
ee /7EA1.I
log.46 min. W.3n 11 12 1t 11.: PILL N,i0.
N. 0 drg.i OI min Id 1126.03 It.: I'nbilshed Mao BIh, 1948,
� f
Affidavit of Publication
} SE
County of Salt Lake )
Leq6l Notices ,
D M Ockey
+} IRIbYNA:Ij�idZyR'A�
T�Rp 7.itnaas oBE SALT pLAKE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Il xwo4�Ru�,?to r�ntat1ei$1ea,dn vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
b Recerder a1 Salt Lake City
e`dn�'b. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
P 2,a glare .e'weun the
leo% cb der i Belt Lux° mty of Utah.
RO Lila N 90l by B1llemrd ft.
9 4{yyy� et. 91., (halal .lord
1 ,,typer. 1 reef vro0erty lt-
,. n tno tract nerefnaitar ds•
e d1 BtloneEing that eld Erect
ne.tnxm gam Infine autea , That the advertisement
•.'pe ant Laze CltY,nrd Air to be
facuratb n
,pde'd�rVey rid a n`v°vr A WV; Or('i.nanee Bil I No 26
out Lax City Hnelneer to be filed
7plth the4c1 V� Moo der.
w�EEIDAe,the tale treat of Euaa Salt Lake City Corporation
IS boxdguout to Salt Lake 0499 tot
there le'Ie]none} °end made
enouid ubE.be as tra to
DYE dl laid City:end
vttREREAe, ma Aoara of
I' MinLLpne,H 8e1t nnx0 CHyy,
ennnlnlne aid.gluten o1 mand end own-
Totedshe`;5m 0;'"�oie thee'ai was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Aetna m n
memlrera of sale soars In a°eor ae
annexing said't'ze:so.r}o;IA..t40.g
a eVe oSid be palmed anneidnr day of A.D.19
la terrllon and meta:a n1°ink:
City ll Itaty to
NUt9� TRHRIDPCRH.DV IT OR• and was published ..May.-2.t..1846
Sin Oat by me Hoard of ILtS
toggS9Qn ci gall Lake CIl9.Cteb:
a/`-'Raf LBeke Olrtoebetende1theelmlmb
are:hereby a ended nd endured ...the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
,a w ya Include me lnunwing aa• 19
:15 irant ei Lna m daft L.xe day of
°bung, leu'lt ,rut°n tt A.D.
19e Innlne n�Aolnt '
qq 1 ane.7o4 Be west
Of the North 44 en* ^'7
R.1 ID. .L.11..t.
0 deb•l/1 m1o. w.
apa7.p7 m.•tnenre s.74ta aitL0. Advertising Clerk
A Y:t/�4 Y'ntd 7Tkc 77,Eta BBf.N o
1 aldth Rhe OS 0 11s10H E46�:�tbenxia
along anld-norm l,00 S.1 deaga��
04 n,f0A.0 0
g,Ben deg:40 p'IJ0H6601108.68
thence R,0 dog.of min.E.oa7.o08 lath
= •'41khCere.gB deg. 11 . p before me this day of
787^<4 p107a.Onit•tnanre•a0 deg.
EM min. W:a77.00 ft., thence I+ A. D. 19 46
BB deg.lob klnn H.IB0.0 Virg the
n acn o
..................!/mama .._.✓Y..!'.�Kt��
Notary Po
and that the earns has been correct-
ly ended Out upon the graved Y
shown upon the map or plat.
ED that the whole of the above de-
scribed property to and 1a hereby
cooed as Reeidentlal'A'except Met
portion of the above described prop-
erty which is to be steed es Reel-
dentist B'S'and'which mid portioe
I. more particularly described sa
All of Lots 3'to It ioolnslve and
Blocall k_Lotn 4.Count28 y Clot Heighl e.. of
ED aet �that
nance the said tract f
first above described shall
thrice forth be within the
poste limits of sai zoned aed
deee Salt Lake
Ci nial 'Ai
vd Residential'B 3'Districts es In
the ordinance provided, d all
ordinances. jurisdictions. rules and
oblIgatiOne 1 or pertaining
o Id
Salt Lake City over
and made applicable end pertinent
tostreets,blocksalleys fe d le d tof
said tract shall be controlled and
radon re�btiooe the f s aider city Mtn
that babel/and the s m is of
the city Engine shall theneeforth
locations eend en therein
iOdi cc the t�laodard of
SECTION 2.Upon the Pasoan of
this ordinance the City Recorder of
Salt ra ducte shall ills with the
County Recorder of- Salt Lithe
County a copy of the map or plat
above mentioned,duly certified end
ti enowtloedged•
f Mfe ordlu, I`i
r t
R 4rd 1 1Ci ; t�
ty of that Sob
City,thateffective t immediately.
s ordinance ham'
eome SECTION 4.This ordinsooe shell
• take effect at end upon he firm
5Niaed by the Board of Commie.
.loners of Salt Lake City, Dtah,
this gees day of AptR.
Temporary Chairman.
plyE AL)Reemder.
Y.B tnarrrt>.
w.fa'8 a Y Lr� Hr1,.,;
pfa Sath`da° f`.
lg.:,t4afretw4 fta wltb
�ht+or d , a
with lty
f'a IL Lakeplq
O. -cht. tl ot'.rr Pt bfa'ty e1 e•
iaed=ln the tme'hereiPeftet de-
, reatt etlot that tot act
i t a t k n wt{4m the 11mW
PS,EO t e C{tq':b d ale aed
...: as mas Pb P1a1 t Affidavit of Publication
" aaa aPd certified Ali 1!F..:comne-' -
tt��t bake alt aP,ipnro°Qd'4x the
��-lalt'kbke Cl/i'Rnalneer ta:D✓filad
is the Cttr Rxe ld t
pl 4�01i4.the sofa arFre of land
03 c°a IIaoua 001000t Lake%.1 ena
'there Id uro,mO l0 reieotl b° e
��dn POE{n}a 4 e eltiyx d a end mad@�
WRIDRHA$,the H 4rr7 of.•Cemluf0-
aa0ata f 9Nt'Lak ti tp:after a;- IAH,
pm1g110a0 t.0dd':Patitaon of'col.eWn4
Of e4b 2 n eian a ttt conala oa �' B6
'$y',t" nr rob f u a etnoere Lake
4't1ts9 6�AI fR er 4 4Mk
Y sits'Ai/AI ef'landynn��t� Pali Le."'
I ",hnRb7pN iit lrti''
I$, ,•ana e.teteL o 0b0 ad. D M Ockey
�s�+aw =air Lak Int9 .e•
e0'�a,WTitRF1.. lof,ix;CR-
v DWI Rkarb f cx on- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
o1��,`yytke 21 %t7tBn:
p0.7 ll t49-Nt Isalte
di.tl It atr'e a toe vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
9.;'to hereby,1 h bad.anlereed
'tlo b t00o tp'�0 te11owll1 dk published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
lbed trq wl IWO�I 8It Lnke
aw jBa 1 1 t rhlan le of Utah.
:e9F.89 xt eouifi'iPA 97a St,weeE
hx VEIN.
t Y.ao f eec.Mt
'T.l e "SBtI 1•::::`6 L H k M:
kenoe a 0' :'00 mt a 99 sere.
O lto , t3, 1yo_the ea.oar.
`@�Yua°affi v':.'ve'�;�.ia ea°9�emit line
That the advertisement
a-ae0:;0a.entry 91 epee :ee4A*
f(en uamwwpp@t a Se as ae,I Ordinance Bill No 26
to Eke Pab—,line'of eta,eE i09
tttbenge at001 .m p to fens 9,ee
:l', .ti 4lf.1In.8. 101r0." t rocs
17P b.-Ee�2.01 nri4.?r rece:to:',e$e.B@e• - Corporation
;fOole�° .o.,.ju.?1 o Salt Lake City
tlr4( i9 ea9 x •—N. 09
l'f✓d04 .4mf W.JBea{fy thence'
�1' @ dN OS 1 $}f90.03 i
.i�A ae N 09 act 40 1d W.690.0
i,ee.%`Theme ti•5o;ir*+6'm+�: was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
01„' i teao 1t,to tir Iq O1 b0Fin•
}k14F i�yaltfia'ouy o theacrona
�pp llP mrlfPr Olaf. day of A.D.19.....
ND�19 1l010)1 of the
�';DA'1}y8D:that tb@' n In t the
::ggnva0,unerl4aer0eaei nilaina'.11 8 1946
ort ip.peal. f the above and was published Nay 9
;:de@arl4ed�ProPe ty le t to iro
P Rktion le 1rs na
yy"ran[ Wild portion 1 m PA°i'' .. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
• O11aT1 der Shed u 1 11 tgg�'�vat.. .
AA7711 x L te,00 to 3a 1 1t1e14a,
oil rLtoeemie 1 , day of A.D. 19
it 81 ok a,Cmtnt Itch. I10hte.
1: .aND �E Id' FDRTRER OR-
�AlN4D end Qe 1 d h t neP -/��
thisordinancelakeseffect theaid ':/
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:Te p+erF ire ro,aP.
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