26 of 1951 - Amending Section 6714, relating to zoning Items 93, 94 and 95. ROLL"CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, .'1 ,195
A.ffleck __ I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Lingenfelter �f f �_,
Mr. Chairman AN DINANCE
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances
passed by the Board of Commissioners, relating to zoning.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 6714 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners on February 21, 1945; April 5, 1945; August
17, 1945; December 18, 1945; March 28, 1946; April 5, 1946; June 4,
1946; August 6, 1946; September 18, 1946; October 8, 19)46; November 5,
1946; January 7, 1947; February 11, 1947; March 5, 1947; March 25,
1947; April 16, 1947; May 27, 1947; June 5, 1947; June 26, 1947; July
22, 1947; October 14, 1947; December 2, 1947; December 18, 1947; April
26, 1948; May126, 1948; September 22, 1948; September 28, 1948; Octo-
ber 23, 1948, known as bills Nos. 60 and 61; March 9, 1949; August 3,
1949; November. 15, 1949; February 23, 1950; March 30, 1950; May 4,1950;
May 31, 1950; September 19, 1950; November 21, 1950; January 16, 1951;
and February 15, 1951; relating to zoning, be and the same is hereby
further amended by adding in and to said section three new paragraphs
to be known as Items Nos. 93, 94 and 95, which shall read es follows:
"ITEM No. 93. The following described real property in Resi-
dential (B-2" District, as shown on the Use District Map, is here-
by amended and changed. to 'Industrial' classification and the Use
District Map is hereby amended and changed accordingly:
The East 9 rods of Lots 3 and 4, and the West 10 rods of
Lots 7 and 8, Block 117, Plat 'Al, Salt Lake City Survey.
That Elaid Use District Map is hereby changed and amended
to show the above described tract of land and the whole there-
of as ?Industrial''District."
"ITEM No. 94. The following described real property in
Residential 'B-2' District, as shown on the Use District Map,
is hereby amended and changed to Business 'A' classification
and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed accord+
Commencing at a point 330 feet west of the southeast
corner of said Blk. 117, Plat 'A', Salt Lake City Survey,
thence west 82.5 feet, thence north 165 feet, thence east
82.5 feet, thence south 165 feet to the place of beginning,
being the east 5 rods of Lot 2, Block 117, Plat 'A', Salt
Lake City Survey.
That said Use District Map is hereby amended and changed
to show the above described tract of land and the whole there
of as Business 'A' District."
"ITEM No. 95. The following described real property in
Residential 'A' District, as shown on the Use District Map,
is hereby amended and changed to Residential 'A-3' classifical-
tion and the Use District Map is hereby amended and changed
The property fronting and abutting upon both sides of
View Street from a point 110.55 ft. south of the south line
of Westminster Avenue to a point 147 ft. north of the north
line of 21st South Street, being more particularly described
as follows: Commencing at a point on the west side of View
1 Street 110.55 ft. south of the south line of Westminster
Avenue and running thence west 155.3 ft., thence south 430.47
j ft., thence west 13.7 ft., thence south 392.2 ft., thence
east 394 ft., thence north 525.35 ft., thence west 118.17 ft.,
thence north 182 ft., thence east 14 ft., thence north 115.5
ft., thence west 130 ft. to the place of beginning, being all
of Lots 1 to 5 incl., Block 3, Westminster Heights, and all
of Lots 2 to 8 incl., Block 1, Lots 1 to 3 incl., Block 2,
and Lots 13 gnd 14 and the west 14 ft. of Lot 12, Block 3,
Westminster Heights, Plat B; and all of Lots 6 to 10 incl.,
Block 1, and Lots 1 to 5 incl., Block 2, View City Plat B;
and all of Lots 21 to 28 Incl., Block 4, and Lots 15 to 22
incl., Block 5, Improved Plat View City; and a part of Lots
4 and 5, Block 10, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey.
That said Use District Map is hereby amended and changed
to show the above described tract of land and the whole there
of in Residential 'A-3' District."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 12th day of Apr11 , H= ll. 1951.
A ` PIa9Y
City Recorder.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal" Net .'
1 ad 4.p e-tha y, Utah,
1944,Ordinances D. M. OCKEY
ad t" City, Utah, dina s
the Hded•by ordinances passed by
oard of Commissioners,relating
to zoning.rdalned 'Lot" Beard of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Commisslonexe of Halt Lake City.
vertisingclerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
the Revi edl Ordinances lonof 7l Salt
bykordinanc s peered;a71t Board published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
of Commissrs on
1945 Aprilfo5 e71945; puggusty 17, y-
1946 December 18,1945;March 28, of Utah.
1946 April 6, 1946; June 4, 1996;
August 6.1946;'Septemhe'e 16,1948
JJanuarOctob,.7,'1947;Febreaba 1946;' erl8.1947
Ap ,Mrch166,1994;7;M y March27,194'f;Jane That the advertisement
5, 1947; June 26, 1997; July 22,
2, 1 OCtoberece be 1947; December An Ordinance Bill No. 26
26,I1948;Mayas26 1948 1 September
22, 1948; September 28, 1948; Oc-
,tober 23, 1948 known bills Noe.
60 d 61;March 9 1949; August
3 1949: November. 15.1949; Feb-
ruary 23,1950;March'v30,1950;May
4,1950;May 21,y950;'Beptember 19,
1950; November 21. 1850; January
16. 1951; are Qbruary 15, 1961;
relating to ao'nlhbe and the same
le hereby turthergamended by adding
1n and to Mild section three new
Noseg a h94toa be ik which s Item was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
read as/Mimi's: a
"ITEM No:93.
rt y.Ifollewing de-
scribed real property In Residential(8-2)Distract.' shown on the d
day of A.D.19
Map, I. hereby amended
fication d the Use District Map on April 1).1 1551
1.'hereby attended and changed ac- and was published 1----
c0 Jinggly:
The thet p,tads of sLots of
4„and the West 1p ode of t La 7
mot 8,810 &1,7,Plat.A.,Salt Lake the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
„A b District Ma is
how 'a dead lbeaii s of dayof A.D.19
land and he hole thereat a 'In- //';''''Mistrial'District." �(/ yZ a tt.
ITEM Nat property
The following e de [[[�/��
Abed stri property n n the
Dist'ct Eap, a shown on the Use
District Mop,1s ineoe amended and Advertising Clerk
changed to Use
Business 'tr 1 Ip la
Mon and the Use Dletelet Map fa y
ee by .mentled and changed no.
the southeast point
orner'of said
B1k 117, Plat 'A' Halt Lake City
Survey,thence west 52.5 feet,thence 1.3 ti1 day of
rth 165 feet,thence east 82.5 feet, t to before me this a
thence south 165 feet to the prate
of beginning being the east 5 ode
Lf Lot 2 Hlock 117, Plat'A', Halt
Hnryey. A.D.19 51
hereby mendetlse ndsE changed to
how the above described tract of her: 81ock 1,
land and the whole theteef as Busi-
ness 8toek 2 Lots 1 to 14 meld,
A' District." nd L is 13 tl
"ITEM No.93.The fallowing de- the west l4 1t.of Lot jp g)ock 3
a eatmlhaler Het _
scribed real property In Residential ll f Lots 6 Cog 0 ll Plat Blocks lg
'A' District, hown on the Vee doLots 1 to 5 Inc _
District Map,an
hereby amended and
City Plat,, d all Block 2,View - f'1-�`-N--�--
hangetl to Resldentlal'A•'classi-
fication 28 Incl.,Block 4, f Lots 21 t Notary P �lic/
fication and the Use District Ma ix Incl., Block 5, Imp
Lots 15 to 22
hereby amended end changed o- CR P:ovd Plat y(ew
tin cordin 6urveyE 0a 5aA�t of Plnt Lots
Big FIe18
The property fronting end bVt.
from a pointt110.55eft1 south Street
south line of Westminster Avenue herebyt amended o and changedto to a pointo l7 ft.north of the north Iand 1 e above described tract of
lino t 21st South Street, being dentlai Athe hole thereof III Reel.mor particularly
gdetribetl as fol- 6ECTION32 Dlstrlct"p
the west side of View Street Hoartl or Commissioners,IIt 1s¢sees°
ft.south of the south line of West- ary to the peace,health and fe-
mtnster Avenue and running thence ty of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake
West 155.3 ft, thence south 430.47 homy that this ordinance shall be-
ft., thence west 13.7 ft thence ftective
south 392.2
f3nt east
ceO ( o d nhiii
thence north 525.5f.,then wes eke flenents first publican!
118.15 ft, thence north 182 ft., El on.
thence east 54 It,thence north 115.5 Passed by the Board of Commis-
ft..thence west 130 ft.to the place loners If Salt Lake Clty,'Utah, n thi
of beginning,being all of Lots 1 to 12th day of April.A.D. 1951.
5 incl.. Block 3, Westminster EARL J.GLADE,
Heights, and all of Lots 2 to 8 Mayor.
BILL NO.28. Cityity Recorder,
Published April 14th,1951