26 of 1955 - Annexation, Extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, annexing property at 2100 South and Wasatch Driv 5att Lake laty,Utah, 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen .
Nicholes .-•-_ ..
Mr.Chairman I
• WHEREAS, on the 20th day of January, 1955, there was file: with the City
,Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 47 of 1955 by Richa'. R. Hoyt, etal
fp(being a majority of the owners of real property situa red n the tract herein
.described) requesting that said tract of land be take w thin the limits of
palt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map or p a to be made and certified
,0'to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to be filed with
.lithe City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there
a,'Ys no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of the
`said city, and
• WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining
said petition of said owners of said tract of land and considering the circum-
0stances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor
-Hof annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance
.,should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits
°of Salt Lake City accordingly.
• NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah.
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are
hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described tract of
bland in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the present City Limit Boundary of
a • Salt Lake City, said point being South 0° 01' West, 153.71
feet from the Northwest corner of Section 23, Township 1
ate° South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running
ab thence South 0° 01' West, 506.29 feet along the present
Dal City Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City; thence South 89° 41'
° o 10" East, 2080.0 feet; thence North 820.0 feet; thence North
b 89° 41' 10" West, 1022.86 feet to a point on present City
.�w„°', Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City; thence South 18° 24' 07"
East, 324.52 feet along present City Limit Boundary of Salt
4-3cn N Lake City; thence West 1159.45 feet along present City Limit
a o o
U V Pr 26
Boundary of Salt Lake City to the point of beginning.
AND, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the whole of the above described
property be and is hereby zoned as Residential 'A'.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes
effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the
corporate limits of said Salt Lake City and zoned as Residential 'A' District
as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and
obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made
applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks,
alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances,
rules and regulations of said City in that behalf and the monuments of the City
Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the:"standards:of locations
and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City-,Recorder of
Salt Lake City shall file, and she=is hereby diree,ted te. file, with the County
Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map gr, plat above:€mentioned duly
certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases; together with a certified
copy of this ordinance.
.SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary
to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this
ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cij Utah this 22nd
day of March, 1955• 6
�% Y0
( SEAL )
Published March 23d, 1955 j
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Mash 22, 192
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
26th March, 1955
of said City,this day of /M
BILL NO. 26 Deputy City{/Recorder.
Published March 23, fpcic 1955
02 6
1418645 RecordedMAR 2 81955 at 3,i..rAi.,
Request of S91 sa 69.4-E cry,
Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase,
Recorder, Salt Lake ounty, Utah
$ ;le 7Q' By 7/�/ G.. Deputy
Book //f/ Page Ref.
AN ORDINANCE Lake City; thence South 18 degrees
24'07'.East,324.52 feet along present
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE City Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City;
LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. thence West 1156.45 feet along Present
WHEREAS,on the 20th day f Jan- City Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City
to the point of beginning.
nary, 1955, there s filed with the
ConRecordero. of E Salt Lake City.Pett. that the eola f the above zdescribed
etaln N(be 47 of 1055e,al by Richard R. tiers eo eet be and is hereby zoned as
etal (being a a o na of the owners property
f rat escri ed';iegne in the tract AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
herein describes) en within that sad d declared that when this ordinance
tract F land be City.taken visa the limas and
effect i the said trot[ f land i above
Lake ryplat to also
maded an and described shall thenceforth bea within
certified It a by or competent surveyor the corporate limits of said Salt Lake
and approved by the City Engineer trCiig and zoned Residentialncprovided,
to be filed with the City Recorder. all ordinances,jurisdictions,dt vrules and
WHEREAS, the said tract of land obligations of or pertaining to Said
is contiguous to Salt Lake City and Salt Lake City areover extended and
there Is no proper[ why it should made applicable and pertinent to the
not be annexed to and made a part said tract of land, and the streets,
of said city,and blocks, alleys and ways of said tract
WHEREAS,the Board od Commisslon- shall be controlled antl governed by the
e of Salt Lake Cliy,after examining rdina y r I s d 81h flans t said
said petition of said owners f said t to that behalf and[he for ¢tits
tract ao land and co side ring the r of the City Engineer hall thenceforth
eta thereof vote)by t be taken therein as the standards of
vote of MI members f said Board is I^cations d tlistancee.
fay f annexing said tract of land SECTION 2. Unon the Passage of
to Salt Lake City and directed that this ordinance the City Recorder of
ordinance should be passed a _ Salt Lake City shell file. and he "s
ins aid territory and the tens on hereby directed to file,with tit,County
of the city limits of Salt Lake City tler of Salt Lake County, COPY
aCCOrtlinglY. f the p r plat above mentioned
duly certified and acknowledged, as
ESE of ComEiniesin be eersdaofe Salt arovided such cases,together with
Lake City, Utah. certified c Py f this aordinance.
SECTION 3. In the o of the
SECTION 1. That the city limits Board of Commissioners,it opinion
f Salt Lake City be and the s to the peace, health and safety of
are hereby extended and enlarged so the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that
as to include the following described this ordinance shall become effective
tract of land in Salt Lake County, immediately.
to-wit: SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
Beginning as a point of the pent takeakeeffect at once upon its first publi-
City Limit Boundary of Salt Lake City, cation.
{V,d point being South 0 degrees 01' passed 11 the Board f h thin sl^n-
est, 153.71 feet from the Northwest rs of Salt Lake City, Utah this a2nd
[of Section 23,Township I South, day of March,1955.
1 East, Salt Lake Base and Earl.1.Glade
Meridian,and running thence South 0 biayot
degrees Or West 506.29 feet along the Irma F.Rimer,
present City Lhnit Boundary of Salt Cite Recorder
Lake City:thence South 89 degrees 41'
10" East, 2080.0 feet; thence North (SEAL)
820.0 feet;thence North 89 degrees 41'
10" West. 1022.86 feet to a point on Bill No.26
Present Cite Limit Boundary of Salt Published March 23rd,1955. (C-7)
c133At NO.ADM 35A
rnnf of Vuhlirat#inn
3�niYrd crabs of Amrrirlt '
WEIERalAS.on the 20th day or Jan-
('i , 1055, there was tiled with the
try Recorder f Sal Lake(Illy,Peti- aria llr.l.,
tide No.47 of(!155 bv Richard kt.Ilo.vl,:
eta'. (bring n d]rlty nl the moneys
n! 1c:11 pion,'id shunted i, the act
role ded•beah r within he maid
troel of heir hr,taken within the limits
DI Salt Lake_ and also chased on being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
ra m te � n plat to»•made and
by Diameter(
s m y
1 1 veU by tile City Encinoeri
'')1AS:e¢A,tine L � etltee°rlrrla the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
io nntmudui to Satt Lake City awl
there Its n ;Carlini
why it 9hotlld
not he annexed to nd made a pgrt,
of said city,and Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
Solt l b he Board of Commission:.oCommission:.et of Lakes(Ate,after e 1 ndnS
said n tided'.or.§dirt tt1 said
tacts [land I 1 u the elr-
t s thereof voted l tits ,
a ,i said u00 I1 in That the Notice._ • r'a !��' c„_...: L("Id;i
t t this n l.l."
favor f eaten said Lind of land
to Salt I o (sty and asseded that
amnia a
a" t a the annex.
r. I
'the t lialits of Sall Lake City'
a.O V TIIEREi Ohi fe,he'1 ordained Ill' - -
TkeCity.ooitt Utad1C Ills. ut Solt
SRC CION k.',That the city limits,
of Salt Lake Aliir he ciall the same i
includehe 1h .1 F*S}{pp.��tnsiei.iS and enlarged
Lo�vit ect
oc tand:Sjn!igallt Like Couloiving wwls,
sail J t o ithk SO°'ei S t o k GAoL
s id point belYrlF South 0 dtr,rces 01'�
wesi. 15371 re1;e oln the Northwest' of which a copyis hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
seeunn 2,3.Township 1 South, P
Rang°1 01( t:a_st Salt Lake nose and!
meridian,and limnin thence South 0,
decrees 01"West,506.20 feet along the ".r cl
e t City 'Limit'hnn of Salt issue dated the
Ciiy: udmv theiee South 00 degrees 41' ..
10.1 bast, .0.feet; thence North
82011;yet;sheep,Northh(10 decrees.41'
10" West, 1022.00 reel to a point of 9 f,f
llee Boundary de sari day of ,1
:Lake Cily: thence South IB degrees
24'0]"I:ast.'324.:12 feel alone eresent'
thenceiWe t Boundary1 iett Mo Satt Laku1 City; and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
cite I,imil nou iuors or Salt Lake City l
IA the eni t of brr..onlne
that Om whole the a 1 t eaerlhea for
rtv be au3 is hereby dy zoned as t
and declared that when this tinanne CID'I .1171C;
t tr
takes erreet the.said tract of land:more thereafter,the full period of
described ;hall thenceforth be within the c rate. limits or said Salt Lake
City and robed as Residential 'A'Dis-
trict a. in trio ordinance pray ed,and
all ordinances,_niodietinn5,miles and
obligations o oIlaMina Io t __ the last publication thereof
' alt Lake city a extended n canal
1. an/ilia:able and nertinein to the,I
said tiart of land. I
II k. 1111,N, ot said hart
be contintled awl governed by the being in the issue dated the _ day of
tdinances,rides and let:illaunns or said
City sham behalf nd the montimento
f the Lit_ Engineer.shall thenceforth ,11. y 1 '
lie,taken tn,rein as
locations o s I esn. .l d. eI� /{ ,A.D.19__ti_
SI CION 2. logs the of /this ordinance th. City It_. der or
S It Lace City II lile. and she 'c'
Idirected t tile, .with the C ly I h\
Rethider et DR Lake (hunty, na
f tn,, ol n/ale to Is
di ov Cried and es,ireederrl.
lacc,Cri '1 1cM1 aces,together with
e,Cried h [colic ordinlnleo.
SECTION r t1Y In the opinion of the
t>olard of Ciim. 'real "'.to s:rci.v io ofiI before me this ;,� �., day'of
the habit:habitimis of Sall Lake City that
d 1 s 511311 become -L that
VW.,'M.' 4. This hill)
I take
t 1 upon l hit-I ,A.D.19... _.
f .Il k Cilo, I1 1 t 2 1t /
day oI Rler h 19
Mayor -
Irma It.ll it or r,
city ueenrdcr Notary Public.
N 111 Nii
I PuOfishedOAM,ech 20rA,19.0v. !' „1 f.I1.1
Advertising fee $