26 of 1963 - Amending Chapter 11 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances, by adding to Section 25-11-2, relating to 2.61 u6N V ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, April 24 , 196..._3 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passdd. , Christensen . . 2. �. Harrison / `j Romney `-" Smart Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . . / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 11 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to vacations and sick leave of officers and employees of Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 11 of Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to vacations and sick leave of officers and employees of Salt Lake City, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 25-11-2, to read as follows: "Sec. 25-11-2. Vacations and termination benefits. Every full-time officer and employee of Salt Lake City, except elected officials, shall be entitled to receive his regular salary during vacation periods earned and taken in accordance with the following rules and regulations: (a) Every person who takes office or begins employ- ment on or after February 1st of any calendar year shall earn a vacation equal to one-half working day for each full month of employment from the date of employment to December 31st of such calendar year, provided no person shall be entitled to any vacation unless such person completes the calendar year in the employment of Salt Lake City. (b) Every person who completes a full calendar year of employment shall earn a vacation of two weeks, exclusive of holidays except Saturdays and Sundays, for the first nine consecutive full calendar years of employment. For the purpose of this ordinance a 'full calendar year of employment' shall be a year commencing January lst and ending December 31st; provided, that the first year of employment shall be deemed a full calendar year, if employ- ment begins at any time during the month of January and continues throughout the calendar year. (c) After nine consecutive full calendar years of employment, every person who completes a consecutive full calendar year of employment thereafter shall earn a vaca- tion of three weeks, exclusive of holidays except Saturdays 26 -- 2 - and Sundays. (d) All vacations are to be taken as directed by the head of each department at such time as it would be most advantageous to the efficient operation of that department. In the assignment of vacation periods, the officers and employees with the most seniority shall be given first consideration for requested vacation periods. Vacation periods may be divided into two or more separate periods as are deemed necessary by the department head or as requested by the employee and approved by the depart- ment head. All earned vacations shall be taken by officers and employees during the calendar year following the year earned; provided that for good cause, the department head, in writing, may allow an employee to postpone a vacation beyond the said calendar year in which it should be taken to the next calendar year. Any earned vacation not taken in accordance herewith shall be deemed forfeited and except upon termination as provided in the succeeding paragraph, no officer or employee shall be entitled to be paid for vacation earned but not taken. (e) Every person whose employment is terminated for any reason except for cause during any calendar year shall be entitled to be paid for all earned vacation accrued and unforfeited but not taken, and in addition thereto, shall be entitled to a termination benefit consisting of one-half days pay for each full month of employment completed prior to termination during the current calendar year. Such pay shall be considered to be part of the employee's compensa- tion for services rendered and shall be paid upon the termination of his employment, which shall be deemed to be the completion of his last day of active service. Such pay shall be paid to him or to his administrator, executor or surviving spouse at the election of the Board of Commiss- ioners, in the event his separation from service is caused by death. (f) Part-time and seasonal employees shall not be entitled to any vacation and termination benefits. SECTION 2. That the foregoing provisions relating to vacations and termination benefits, be, and the same hereby are, made effective as of January 1, 1963. SECTION 3. That Sections 25-11-1(a) , 25-11-(b) , 25-11-1(e) , 25-16-10(a) , 25-16-10(b) , and 25-16-10(e) , be, and the same hereby are, repealed. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. 26 - 3 - SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24thday of April , 1963. 1 l MAYOR OV*490 R D E R (SEAL) BILL NO.26 of 1963 Published April 30, 1963 26 • • Legal Notices ____7,i AN ORDINANCE lean AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter II of hale 15 Lake ine Revisetl ordinances,or Sall City,Utah, pp l I' relalng to va t'7, tl sick T'' 'Icave t fficers dnE employes Sall Llk 7ng f idavit of Publication tY r da'.d by the Board 1�, '. l COmmissi0n¢rs of Sall Lake Cily. Ul ah: `y 1 Ixy SECTION 1. That,Chapter 11 0,� rf "I Title 15 of the Revisetl °rdinances Of Salt Lake City,Utah,coke tat- ' ti c o vacations and sick leave df of �- City, and .ale la of Salt Lake �R, a�fy„be, nC the sa e hereby 's ecl'a to b t,. as iSection 16 tt-2, 1s io It ae r IOvrt 83. `..� "Sec.95-11 4,vacations antl termir Y (ice., abenefigL'Ie , Un':,La•le ll he t/ elecic0 effi r stall and be. entlf leU tto receive his r yea aalary tler,ng 'a<at,en pe9h, D iv Ockey `�0e1he foll wingnerules aandr°reau` lcq laibns: Ieel ()Every mersOn wla fakes office Iln) r,°•urs plOvment o after shall ear lal t ual year Beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising nu- shall vacation a `Qaeaa� e.! f� P y 9 9 in if w king ,ore h°,all clerk of the DESERET NE\VS AND SALT LAKE TELE- vs- month-f employment from the date "' °f e of -t° December ]Isq no, GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- °,son calendar provided do. „, Person shall bu<h...parstled n any vela hen a Ie, ,tivgc7soll< lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in • me aienear r me°emaioev�. pt`E Salt Leke[Ity.. elcalendar-yedrof°`omiovrmen1 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in die Stale of Utah. full shall earn 'tIcavot Iwo week,r 96, xcluslve f holieays-,ex ant Saiur-I e d elu I td r lfka' That the legal notice ofwhich a copyis attached hereto I ,mr I ddr yea ee 9 1 r / f'1 Y Both I' I V h n t m , ,.I Salt Lake r'ty bi1.1 No 26 of 1963 Reid tt r11I fn' b tJl t II d r yh II b ° d t bF1I An "rdi.nance relating to Vacations and sick !ti n at env time donne me mo - ot Jthe cal tl rinues through :.si out the calendar year. $ c^ 'r er nine c nsacuti,e f II 0 pelnn,ehoramfemeloaconsecutivene y leave of officers and employees. person whn CO p et¢s IUII calendar veer of eavtyrfl 1 there we hall r e v<1'o Of- three a ks,vt endIva f told" e%(al rAll rvaoet onsna a to be taken 2, ddlarrltroernt aabsuch tlrm¢aes II woidT I. ' f be most advantageous to the effl- le f 000lallon at those deoetlment., antl In tshe a officers f vetlnn pe -- ----- -- ,• ,, ripe, the rice se and a lovees fraa with the masr seniority melt be. April. 30 1963. 91ven iirsf consideraflon Yor a est- ryii eddyamupnbepaioaaseevaleNtwnpe was published in scud newspaper on and- rare neri0ds e the.demean ad`o as bueol'etl by ihte' n'melovee nessasp ronen shy the d0- °rlment head.by o ea vacall°ns l doeshell ebe taken by etrlcele and em- plcvo s during athe calendar V ear / thllr t oho ral 00thee,rrvme n t , fi.d i :t ,may vac's an . I y Y r p i one a vacation b; f •/ / 2 . d 1h tl c Iendar irr 1/ (� I wn'h 1 n le be learn vac [ �_�Lr:, calendarAny earned vacation Lejal Advertising Clerk n 1 taken n rtln[a 1'4'4'th Shan upon apemen mon as and teat up n termination as w;eeea n the succeetling paranra,! Os titer Or urn ee shall earned en but ;�!�+BSd( to be paid for vacation a nod but n taken. ry ornt y. 'foir" rret for on osen'y`;°n ptler year shallvb entitled ie 11 crla tan all d I d a rork i tl b l t t k j.8 t and inaei; rr rti hn p clay of earned io a termination bmerl fie ore me this ssling f Onafial, dvys k. lore lull 0 ih of o der- completed rent al calendar der- Irr-- Ina Ise shall been'a erer _Such A.D. 19 63 p Y shal� considered ye, abe parr 11 IJ 'r oe me e pmere, 10( s r Ice.rendered ompenranon eor o antl shall is paid deuppon fhe thiCh ehtlnn at his \ he them,which shall be d/trl fo Cr he the cOservico last d°, 1 s ,said service. Such shad ,/' 1//, v a,lr,eze lam° r n a Igt -1 at 1h I tl n of the Board f C mr oor,oro e• / •(`.-'/7 "1 l��i.l�J r'r It p rrlm4e ,a 5e %1 byd is h. Notary Public a ploCees shall of he ntirlsee io any end rot benefits. SEISIonSNreettnnhat the vacations and termination benefits,be, end the �, same hereby made effective as Or larmary 1,1961. F'; SECTION 1.That Secflans o5.tl.ltel, !l,,,, It-1r-c(dl, s_lt_lfel sne',°al. he v to.rMhl,and r5.16.10(ee).he,and the_ _'' c l hereby are, aleed. 'the )a aSEECTION e, In rthe Ion of es- nary to theomane,Commissioner,.It H Id safely en the Inhabllanis of Self Cahn CIty sham rna rdinance became effective SECTION 5.This / shell opIliratouSIi l,nteeled h the ooN (rvrel- 'MedalteAnrllhksoarity,Utah,this J.BRACKEN I"F. HERMAN J.HnrFNSEer, rSEAIf City Recorder. n,l_f.N0.yell 1?ba p ihl'�hM Aorll"_lOAt lFfil