26 of 1968 - Annexation, Correcting Bill No. 24 of 1968, annexing certain property, known as Bock Annex, in the v ROLL CALL ; March 12 8 V TING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196 Barker . . . . / Catmpll I move that the Ordinance be passed. Garn . . . Harrison . . . Mr. hairman . J' AN ORDINANCE Resul 1 . . . AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake C'ty, Petition No. 258 of 1967, by Bertha Bock, et al., requesting that t e tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by a majority of the owners o the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of a 1 the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the existing boundaries o Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said petitioners have caused an accurate plat or map t be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin- ing said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SFLT LAKE CITY, UTAH: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same h reby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described t act of land in Salt Lake County known as Bock Annex containing Beyles R'verside Plot, Jordan Green Sub. and parts of Lincoln Village, Lincoln Park Plat "A" and Chamberlains Choice, all in Sec. 14, T1S, R1W, SLB&M, t -wit: 1 '26 -2- Beginning at a point on the South line of 17th South Street, said point being 1944.32 feet West and 33.30 feet South of the Monument in the intersection of 8th West Street and 17th South Street, thence along the South side of 17th South Street, east 1078.79 feet to the East line of 1000 West Street; thence South along the east line of 1000 West Street 721.36 feet to the South line of Lucky Street; thence West along the South line of Lucky Street 271.50 feet to the East line of 1045 West Street; thence South along the East line of 1045 West Street 119.62 feet; thence East 442.50 feet; thence South 152.32 feet to the South line of Margaret Avenue; thence West along the South line of Margaret Avenue 300.0 feet; thence South 105.25 feet; thence West 27.0 feet; thence South 155.95 feet to the North line of Colmar Avenue; thence East along the North line of Colmar Avenue 278.71 feet; thence South 221.95 feet; thence East 137.50 feet; thence South 373.90 feet; thence East 14.50 feet; thence South 678.79 feet; thence East 357.40 feet; thence South 206.27 feet; to the North line of 21st South Street; thence S 84° 43' East 168.61 feet to the Northwest corner of the intersection of 8th West Street and 21st South Street; thence South 100.44 feet to the South line of 21st South Street; thence Westerly along the South line of 21st South Street to a point 65.0 feet more or less North of the existing City Boundary and the West Bank of the Jordan River; thence South 65.0 feet to the West Bank of the Jordan River, said point being 783.00 feet East and 103.00 feet south and 10,747.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of Sec. 16, T1S, R1W, SLB&M.; thence Northerly along the West Bank of the Jordan River to the point of beginning. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above described property be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial M+1A. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance t kes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth b within the corporate limits of Salt LakeCity and which tract of 1 nd shall be zoned as Industrial M-lA District, as in the ordinance pxovided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable a.r.d pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments o the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards o locations and distances. SECTION 2. EJpon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with 26 I -3- the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above entioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, ogether with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance becomes effective i, ediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first •ublication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of March, 1968. //,(- 7'- MAYOR , it' 1 �� 4. JM1 ..1: 9 ,'i a- T' ,a' fC+•34 u R (S E A L) BILL NO. 26 of 1968 Published March 19, 1968 X 4/7•J.-afr.0 3!'•X8-/67/5'z2 feet;thence South 221,95 feet;thenceAN , -f �.'J��/�yy AN ORDINANCE ANEXTENDING Southt CE East 1thence 61e6 937.50 f feet;thence thence East 357.40 thence hence South 373.90 ���-//�4 �.7J THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. feet;thence South 206,27 feet;to the J2 jag.J /3.5 '33 WHEREAS, there has been filed North line f 21st South Street; 0000 u degrees BeCirthha t at.,requestin.97 th t intersectio Recorder of Salt Lake thence S n4of Northwest West corner f 168.62 the and 6..2.1.2i0•,29 3y the tract of land hereinafter de. 21st South Street; thence ee South scribed be taken within the limits of 100,44 feet fo the South line of 21st J Salt Lake City;and South Street; thence VJe.sl arty along /^pry y4Y-ir2-it,. WHEREAS, the sold petition is the South Ilse of list South Street to 06 I'3-I s d by m ioritya f the point 65.0 feet more or less North of the n one-third d in ors of the x ting more Bundary end (�J y c34)-�13t>of re than n nerty, aloe off fir West Bank f the Jordan River; /6! / '] II Me real property,y,s, hown by thence South feet r, the West the last assessmentmoteIfs,ribeatetl t Bank of the Jordan River,said point �/ the tract hereinafter descri described:and South ee 00 feet East and 15 f,0 feet 7 -Iy // WHEREAS, old tract i land is South and corner feet East of the 7 `/ /'6 contiguous the existing boundaries Southwest I f Sec. 16, erg, of Salt Lake City;andRing SLB West of Northerly / / mWHEREAS, the saidt petilat rs long the West Bank beginning.the Jordan ^[`'( 1'1h5.,. "/IC ap sad n n c certe dl r RiAN to the poIT of RHER — 4 J competent to to made and certified to abypproved AND BE IT FURTHER OR. surveyor and a periled DAINED AND DECLARED that the by the City Engineer r;a d be filed hole of the above described proper- ` !J ,J' with ER AS Recorder;r; d as Industrialn,and the same hereby Is,coned ,fO',7/-��--N tWers of the Lake of Cy, afte- sf Salt petition City, aftedr AD BE MC5 D FURTHER OR- examining 7 w of Id tract f land,and DAINED AND DECLARED that5i �/��i 9„I.7 owners the circumstances there- when this ordinance inance takes escr the of,voted by unanimous ote of all said tract f land above described �J members of od oard In favor f shall Thenceforth hi ithln the o e r 7 —1/ /-7 said tract i land to Salt poste Ilmlis f Sall Lake Cite and /!!Yy / / Lake x City and directed that a o dl- which tract -1 land shall be zoned e should beIndustrial neyi District, s oln a- said eterritory and thesed extension anio In f ceo idni p olden, es an or bl,ue- the city limits of Salt Lake City ac- es, to is or dons, rules and Lake cordingly. dons of pertaining to Salt Lake NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- City a extended pertinent and made SAWED BY THE BOARD OF COM- tact obla d her t et,he said MISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE tract of land,ande the streets,Mocks, CITY,UTAH: ea co and vs f ooer tractd shall SECTION I.That the city limits of ordinances,r controlled and gov erned by the Salt Lake Cit be, and the same said vi ides bd a,regulations e hereby are, enlarged and extended said city In that behalf, and the so to ncude the ollowiing de- nit of the City Engineer scribed tract of land n Salt Lake hallstanda thenceforth be taken therein ounty known Bock Annex site standards of locations and pis• laming Bevies Riverside Plot, Jor- to ices. clan Green Sub,and s of Lincoln SE CTInaN 2. theUp the Recorder of Village, Lincoln Prk Plat 'A"and S ordinance,the l City Rend he of Chamberlains Choice,all In Sec. 74, Salt Lake City shall file,and he is 11S,R1W SLB&M,to- it: Beginning-' Chereby directed to file, with the 1 point n the South line f 17th tuba c Recorder of pS if plat Cno e• South Street,said point being 1944.32 rye copy or the m e plat Bove feel West and 33.30 feet South of the nticdns duly provided in andSc.Monument in the intersection of 8th aow,e Loge, provided cep t such West Streetand 7ih South treet, cases,together with a fitted copy thence along e South side of 17th o isordinance.In South Street,east 1078,79 feet to the SECTIONof3. In the nrsioa of tell ll East line of 1000 West Street;thence Laken f Commissionersecr t Sae South long theeast line of 1000 Lake City ity to the West Street 721,36 feet to the South Peace,health isdwelfareit f the - line of Lucky Streelt, thence West habitants f Shalt Le effective that this long the South line f Luckyo Street an-finance becomes eHeclive immedl- 271.50 feet to the East line f 1045 ately. West Street;thence South along the SECTION 4, This ordinance .hall East line of 10d5 West Street 119.62 lake Passed upon is erdtoubommin- feet;thence East 442.50 feet;thence stoners by the Board /Commis- South 152.32 feet to the South line of ' of Salt Lake City,Utah,this Margaret Avenue;thence West along 12ih day f March, RA the South line of Margaret Avenue J.BRACKEN LEE 300,0 feet;thence South 105.25 feet; HERMAN J.HOGENSEN Mayor thence West 27.0 feet;thence South City Recorder 155.95 feet to the North line of Col- BILL N0.26 of 1968 mar North lineoaf Colmar East venulen27871 Published March 19,1968 (C-12) .26 MK21 43 PA01 3 13 Recorded ppl� I(�C /iat /4zirn•71 ,�7to r:quest o4.., C;k....- 1:,-=r L2C '�.y�. �,y .. - p+} y F✓d8��`RJ Fee Paid HAZCL. TAGG 1RT CHA necord It t akc County, tah ,,/ TATE OF UTAH, ,?dl�J../-E 1B� clxrr../.e. 2:�S=r SS, Ref. 22r,l(,O L I ,f, �._ 2.r_ ._ City and County of Salt Lake, 4, aLLet,:L-t, \4, I Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby .\`' 9ertify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, March 12 196__..8 appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 26th lotliatIf Match 1968 (SEAL) ..... .�, � 47 1'r/\AV I i � I 5am, lI t l::: 1 ff H I„ s.. �a.__ �, .lt �l�tt 4 1, /1(lr�J+i{r IJ I 1 `Y / i City Recorder cam= 49 1ub 44.. Match 19 196 $- - RAtE% BILL NO, 26 of 1968 a26 legs Noticee AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING. •THE IMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WH-REAS, there Has been filed Iwith he city Recorder of Soil Lake l ,CD', Petition No. 250 of 1967, by Ml e9e th Book,el L, Oesestln0"hat e e a f rt w nerthea l def. crtbe.a ply,n within the limits. Of fSalt eke CII�end W" RgqS, 'a"o cal° pe°tawAffidavit of Publication s gne, byla lot th.re 1 prop,vr,,,and the of a cal on ihbd In own f II in r e,rope I00 ax shown Ott the lal js ,l a Its,situated i the t IEAh, said tract of la and Wlo RE to thel existing boulndaries of Sal Lak Cit,and }r WH;REAs, the said petitioners .J have ca eee n a Curate plot r I s9� moo 1,benmade adevevd certified to by uY tn.GR Endrorr end toaEn Ojlbd�Ike with; C Iv Recorder;a I WH;RE S, he Board nid Commis. ar a salt petition 's'ZI I D M Ockey z owner n Said actllon r sad l id lreteim f land, and' -- c tl Ind the c stances ihpre. rn `d t.unanimous vole or slf rnnexi pof said at of In favor t % it Said tract f land^0 5!! Lake should be oae that a p salt Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- +io i should and to=:leas',°,2ar` clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) Foe u�i limns and son LaFe eiry ao ('Stag `°Non l°,f,EREFORE, BE Ir oR-' newspaper printed in the English language with general cir. DAIN D BY THE BOARD OF COM-' MISS/ NERS OF SALT LAKE culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake C SECe ION,H.That the oily limits nl�Y salt akr,cnv at end the x Inel County,in the State of Utah. hcraby a lar9Ed nd a tended so s to oIncluda he foilawlne de• r ibe rdcf oa land In Sal, Laket coum knoowe , seek Anne% e. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto (main Bevies Riverside Plot, Jor- don G e GSM. d Is of Lincoln Chain unemn FprkoPlar Se are Salt Lake City Bill ;do 26 of 1968 Thom la ins Choice,all gin ngI y I a 'ni ion the South line of 191h South beer,said polo(being 19de.321 feet W st and 33.30 feet South of the An Ordinance extending the limits of Mono In,'n the intersection f eth West freer and 1th South Street, --—" thence long he South side of 171h SoUrh tree' st 1019.]9 feet to he east b tercel l000 west sheer;tnenee Silt L'oke City. South lee the east o t of South — -- 'Nest along the !e(to the Soest a o LUckv Scree l; thence West, along1. he South line of li Weise Sh1040- West eel to the East c h a e1 l the-I West I,eel:thence45South along the -- East Inn df Wast feet hence j '.Sout;1 !Eastet e0 lee(;thence ,South e2.32 feet to the eoWe line cs Margo 1 Avenue;thence West along _ hn S9 rh line of Margaret Ave"a ]hen e h/.2/.0 sewn thence feet: thence weir 11.0 feel;tnenee sown 155.95 ear Ip the Nonn Imo of Co,- March 19 1969 a enuo;'mace Ease along 1np was published in said newspaper on t North i e I Colmar Avenue 1)A.'fl WI: r n e sown 92L95 reek thanee East i 1.5s Ee thence South 3]J.90 feet;1 ¢¢Easf horn f00 thence a ISouth )8.)9 feel;thence East l6J.aD '--'- feel;t ace SaAh 2063) et-,to the Nonc lined df Rlst South Street; thence S AA degrees 1e East l the f le 1 In North • 1 t of III Northwest Street and' the illg In Scree,; rd �L I Ion h i o the Sowh cline a1 ong / M1 1 tnenee Wo,pr lV --'.. .' i-c _.._ the So th line of 21st South Street to -- `{�=— e ex,o mar m er lee,North Legal Advertising Clerk h Polo Vfe catty _ei less d the W t Bank of 1hC Je,dan River; /hence Satlh d5.0 mat to lin West l Bank Inn Jordan River. nid mt being)3.00 '47 0 Easr and i0..0o his i SwlnOrd rbconen0 tent Ea't of rye DOW. x er f cec. 16, eriv Rong sLB'a West thence No Jordan P long the We.,l Sank of the Jordan 20th River to the point'14-rcitining. AND A IT ARE that OR,Corn tO before 7n.P. this day of DAtNEp AND DECLARED Thal the tyhbre,end thesam dherebvtlis,'r Ho ed I I I ' AND BE IT A FURTHER OR. o - A.D. 19 63 a st M • Dh IMF Aen t is dND DECinance LARED 1 Mat• fife . said 1 r l lend b hove d' 'b d • ,w I r i d t 1 k C11 rl'.3 i �Itq art lrhI lA District, nth o dl r via"d nd e1.arm - ///</ ---C � .. 7'I_.'-, atl<'on Ics aS otg'' :City a o d n to �I I=t•= City a eap,dcd i o and made`` Notary Public ool of lie ndne pe hnemr to enfx,,ecid alleys M kl"ll 51 be c WHO d'enVirned'I xhhis nnidnael v5,1.ul0na and Ve nulnl^ens this I n1-lo` the• d rife ena,nerrr L -hll tn.eordl to bt,aken!henna ie theAlaCards f locations d die. a SECT ON l2, boon the cars e f Lr---- this ordinance,the Cily Recorder of t Salt _a Cdv Shell flee,end he s E. hereby Oi reeled tO file. dlt IM1eI • fount` of the r Salt mat hove lVenfion tl.oa the malifledplm�ld above L!1(_n krowled ed.' o,',2g , ,; 067 o • (ses 1 gnr^1er swife a certified coon Lv SECT/ N'i nln.,ne oninton of the Boartl 1 m Doers Sal} L nke C Iv fro Is In sea v oho Inc LI OP 11, a•h a e,vet%arerof Inc 'hahihant1 of SaltLakr Clty that this „i3Oan b� es effncllve immedl-d SF,1t N'4o This "r1'0 are shall faP Hem!s Fern rb Cornmin. Pas=_ D the B"r, nm is-L f 5 tar.+ke y,Ulan,this It 12tnoee of h.InA ' J.B4Ar'KFN teE HS �L, FRMa .I.'HOGENSEN Mayor BSI r a V FA n r L t M1 L 26 oc 1960 • Pohlishe March 19,1968 (C-12) _'