27 of 1907 - Ordinance 27 of 1907 – Providing for sewer connections within the exterior boundaries of certain t r , ( -f - ./ Q . . - . ,AN OBBICANCB . An ordinance providing for sewer tionneotizegmewhin the exterior boundaries Of certain b*evien-med—l-e•te- in Salt Mke: Cdty, and embraced: ?') , within Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2 therein. I ; Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: I. AO:IOW I. That from and after the passage of tl/nOrdnance it 041 bnuhlawful forjthe oWner, agent or occUpantany prsparty or &Oiling abutting on the sewer Olitem beginning at);t: 40.4. ..:„ 0,,,e,:„.te;and South Temple Streets-, thenon,nast to •,s1 , litre,nt; tlienlee south along .riird East Strnet W;Fifth'rth. trgeir, : I t4anoe ' es i along Fifth South:Street to First Wee* Streit; thenod, along First West Street to North Temple Street, thence east along; NOrth ,Temple Street tOorth State Street, thence south d1ong NOrth I I ,... State Street to the pinoe of beginning, and unlawful for the owner, I ' agent or occupant of any property or dwelling,embraced within or • : inside the exterior boundary lines of the above described territory to fail to make connections with the sewer system within said Die- triots Nos. 1 and 2, or to fail to immediately remove all privy vaults and. oessepools on such property and appurtenant to such . .dwellings. SBCTIONi. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. ;2-;:-----1 _ . . )-----, _ ) ; i - 2:1CTTON 2. That no bul.16.5.ng perrTi.t shall ho 1A4SnAft :Por Icjinizr builathg to be ereateft 71.n the 1ns:i.(le nf nn:r 1)1nek v,hi.oh has a . 41.1i4o,-/er along 0; least two siaes, nnt71.1 n Troger se‘vcy. has 'hoen lajA to Ithl.ri F, font of tl-lo founcInt:T.on of propose(' bull0J.ng. - -- - - I . / rj�' ! � • , �' '�r,, � - .1 `rt m ro � ', "it>stt 0 i-7:-0 .4k A, w '‘iitiwis 1,rovii _24.1Li_ . -:-.... all ::: bias ,y�3 a tad 'rs .. i etstei nt crud ] .atexedt 1,1mis 4 .ss+% Olhatte14 teseS mtif i, Iearinci..4 : w se e3ea aci , TOM Ms t I t;�i •o7t/ Q,R off=••,. ye . ep'3 !1 _ � A3t `ale :: °a eve '�t# . . s I,- 0 4 if' irovs:,% 4,Estir. ilri .ii-,,,,: #111P: . ttili: v. ilto':,, p e.,44,1" et' .. i\..) ois dt323e§tetietf eatill da4, o* gaatil t807 at ao rflt•I 8. ro® saa 'tt ,t •r .0001-dtso teat/a a u i. C , ortwo 15t�w ttt'jwalaa Ma .11at1/ttlled to UN et t a to e x0 aidfi boostdms aattteva toTi 'tlgutq -1e taiseitio to ?aa• s ctoti•atof bedttoeel evoda exit 'To aegtt V3J►beaed tolyte3xe er'; etr.au.t ! :tC bloc atl,cw de wee edt tittle aaottaes agaa a? flat u1 - vtxc Ira evoset xliaPatheatat ad ttal at to .4 Ma ! .auit Stott*. .,.:!,crag of InanoStuvia tam vtieq.ot,g lima ao is.firellasese has atlitav is .i.evoacica now 10ee7• slat tiara e fj lbzo sty .%.,10t k ' 1 Fihaliiikk . t -11F; =7_ ,