27 of 1918 - Paving Extension No. 133, Second and Final ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, lts,reh...26
Crabbe I
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Green •
Mr. Chairman
An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of
property on Book Street from the end of the present pavement
at the Warm Springs to the^city limits, in Paving Districts
Nos. 28 and 33 (Paving Extension No.133), for the purpose of
providing for the grading and paving thereof.
Be it Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment
of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving
Districts Nos. 28 and 33 (Paving Extension No. 133), for the
purpose of providing for the grading and paving thereof, to-wit:
In Sections 14, 23, 24 and 26, Township 1 north, Range 1
west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; in Lots 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8,
Block 169; and 8, Block 156, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey;
6 to 15, inolusive, Block 12; 17 to 32, inclusive, Block 11; 15
to 25, inclusive, Block 10, Lakeview Subdivision; 1 to 6, inclu-
sive, Block 1; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 11, inclusive,
Block 3; 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 4; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block
6; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 7; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 8; 1
to 11, inclusive, Block 9; 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 10, Warm
Springs Subdivision, all in Seotion 25, Township 1 north, Range
1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridiem; 10 to 19, inclusive, Block
8; 15 to 26, inclusive, Block 9; all of Block 10, umpire Addi-
Block 1, and
tion; in„Lots 17 to 26, inclusive, Block 1, Maack Addition Plat
"A"; 3,,and 14 to 24, inclusive, Block 6; 1, and 8 to 18, inclu-
sive, Block, 7; 1, and 3 to 13, inclusive, Block 8; 2 to 13►p in-
clusive, Block 9; 2 to 13, inclusive, Block 10; 8 to 17, inclu-
sive, Block 16; 28 to 38, inclusive, Block 17, Polsom's Addition,
all in Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake
Base au. Meridian, abutting on both sides of Beck Street from
the end of the present asphalt pavement at the Warm Springs to
the city limits, Salt Lake City, Utah.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, and
paving with concrete (said concrete pavement to consist of a
roadway twelve and one-]aalf (12i) feet wide and seven (7) inches
thick, on each side of the nineteen and eight-tenths (19.8) foot
right of way of the Utah Light 8o Traction Company, from the end
of the present asphalt pavement at the Warm Springs to Agate
Avenue; and a roadway eighteen (18) feet wide and from six (6)
inches in thickness at the edges to eight (8) inches in thick-
ness at the center, from said Agate Avenue to the„oity limits),
the portions of said street opposite the property hereinbefore
and hereinafter described tope especially affected and benefited
by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and
established that said property will be especially benefited
thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said
parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform
rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said
portions of said street fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-
live (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to
be assessed upon said parcels of land is fourteen thousand two
hundred ninety-eight and 31/100 ($14,298.31) dollars; two
thousand nine hundred forty-three and 96/100 ($2,943.96) dollar',,
or 70/100 (30.70) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting
property for said two twelve and one-half foot roadways, there
being 4205.65 feet abutting said portion of said improvement;
and eleven thousamd three hundred fifty-four and 35/100
(311,354.35) dollars, or 50/100 (30.50) dollars per front or
linear foot of abutting property for said eighteen foot roadway,
there being
,.22,708.70 feet abutting said portion of said improvement, all
within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and street above .
mentioned in said districts, which is the total cost and cost
per front foot of said improvement, according to the contraot
entered into for the performance of said work and making said
improvement, with J. W. Mellen, dated the 14th day of September,
1916, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to
assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for
the purpose herein mentioned:
Two Twelve and ono-half Foot Roadways.
Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 4, Block 157,
Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, thence north 24° 23' west 526
feet, teeing a part of Seotion 25, Township 1 north, Range 1
west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 155.8 feet east
of the southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 156, Plat "A", Salt Lake
City Survey, being a point on the west side of Book Street,
thence north 24° 23' west along west aids of said Beck Street
362.25 feet, thence west 6.18 feet, thence.south 330 feet, thence
east 155.8 feet to point of beginning, being a portion of Sec-
tion 25, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and
Meridian; all those portions of Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, Block 169,
Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, situated east of Beck Street;
all those portions of Lots, 1, 3 and 8, Block 169, Plat "A",
Salt Lake City Survey, situated west of Beck Street; oommencing
at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Warm Springs Subdi-
vision, thence south 24° 23' east 280 feet, being a part of I: ^
i i
Section 25, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and
Fronting on Beck Street:
All of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Block 1; all of Lots 1 to 11,
inclusive, Block 2; all of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 3,
Warm Springs Subdivision; all of Lots 15 to 22, inclusive, Block
10; all of Lots 17 to 32, inclusive, Block 11; all of Lots 6 to
15, inclusive, Block 12, Lake View Subdivision, all in Section
26, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian;
Eighteen Foot Roadway.
Fronting on Book Street:
All of Lots 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 4; all of Lots 1 to
11, inclusive, Block 6; all of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 7;
all of Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 8; all of Lots 1 to 11.
inclusive, Block 9; all of Lots 1 to 14, inclusive, Block 10,
Warm Springs Subdivision; all of Lots 23, 24 and 25, Block 10,
Lakeview Subdivision, all in Section 25. Township 1 north, Range
1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing at the northeast
oorner of Lot 25, Block 10, Lakeview Subdivision, being a point
on the west side of Beck Street, thence north 24° 23' west 167.5
feet, thence north 44° 03' west 783.8 feet along the west side
of said. Beck Street, thence south 36 feet, thence south 44° 03'
east 757.8 feet, thence south 24° 23' east 159.2 feet, thence
north 65° 37' east 25 feet to point of beginning, being a portion
of Section 25, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base
and Meridian; commencing 440 feet east of the northwest oorner
of Section 25, Township 1 north, Range 1 wait, Salt Lake Base
and Meridian, being a point on the west side of Book Street,
thence south 44° 03' east along west side of Beck Street 1368.4
feet, thence south 45° 57' west 25 feet, thence north 44° 03'
west 1368.4 feet, thence north 45° 67' east 25 feet to point of
beginning, being a portion of Section 25, Township 1 north,
Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base•and Meridian; commencing 440 feet
east of the northwest corner of Section 26, Township 1 north,
Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, thenoe north 44° 03'
west 550 feet, being a part of Section 24, Township 1 north,
Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing at the
northwesterly oorner of Lot 14, /.00k 10, Warm Springs Subdivi-
sion, thence north 44° 03' west along the east side of Beck
Street 759.6 feet, thence north 45° 57' east 25 feet, thence
south 44° 03' east 759.5 feet, thence south 45° 57' west 25 feet
to point of beginning, being a portion of Section 24, Township
1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian;
Fronting on Beek Street:
All of Lots 10 to 19, inclusive, Block 8; all of Lots 15 to
26, inclusive, Block 9; all of Block 10, Empire Addition; all of
'Lots 17 to 26, inclusive, Block 1, Maack Addition Plat "A", all
in Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base
and. Meridian; commencing at the southeasterly corner of Lot 26,
Block 1, Maack Addition Plat "A", thence south 44° 03' east
along the west side of Back Street 20.16 feet, thence south 36
feet, thence north 44° 03' west 46.1 feet, thence north 45° 57'
east 26 feet to point of beginning, being a portion of Block 1,
Maack Addition Plat "A", Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1
west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; oommencing 20.15 feet south
44° 03' east from the southeasterly corner of Lot 26, Block 1,
Maack Addition Plat "A", being a point on the west side of Beck ,
Street, thence south 44° 03' east along the west side of said.
Beak Street 674.77 feet, thence west 35.5 feet, thence north
44° 03' west 622.1 feet, thence north 36 feet to point of begin-
ning, being a portion of Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1
west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing at the northeasterly
corner of Lot 17, Block 1, Maack Addition Plat "A", thence north
44° 03' west along the west side of Beck Street 110 feet, thence
south 45° 57' west 25 feet, thence south 44° 03' east 110 feet,
thence north 45° 57' east 25 feet to point of beginning, being
a portion of Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt
Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 90 feet north 44° 03' west
from the northwesterly corner of Block 10, Empire Addition, being
a point on the east side of Beck Street, thence north 44° 03'
, west along the east side of said Beek Street 1062 feet, thence
north 67° 45' east 27 feet, thenoe south 44° 03' east 1051.5 feet,
thence south 46° 57' west 25 feet to point of beginning, being
a portion of Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt
Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 1197 feet north 44° 03' west
from the northwesterly corner of Bleck 10, Empire Addition, being
a point on the east side of Beck Street, thence north 44° 03' west
350 feet along the east side of said Beak Street, thence north
45° 57' east 25 feet, thence south 44° 03' east 350 feet, thenoe
south 45° 57' west 25 feet to point of beginning, being a portion
of Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and
Meridian; oommnencing 22 feet east and 66 feet south 4° 38' east
from the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 10, Folsom's Addition,
being a point on the east side of Beck Stteet, thence south 4°
38' east 157 feet, thence south 44° 03' east 490 feet along the
east side of said Beek Street, thence north 36 feet, thence
north 44° 03' west 454.5 feet, thence north 4° 38' west 146.5
. feet, thence west 25 feet to point of beginning, being a portion
of Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and
Fronting on Beck Street:
A11 of Lots 1, and 14 to 24, inclusive, Block 6; all of
Lots 1, and 8 to 18, inclusive, Block 7; all of Lots 1, and 3 to
13, inclusive, Blogk 8; all of Lots 2 to 13, inclusive, Block 9;
all of Lots 2 to 13, inclusive, Block 10; all of Lots 8 to yo' 17,
inclusive, Block 16; all of Lots 28 to 38, inclusive, Block 17,
Folsom's Addition, Section 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west,
Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 26 feet east of the
northwest oorner of Lot 13, Block 9, Folsom's Addition, being
a point on the east side of Beck Street, thence north 4°
38' west 1501.5 feet along the east'side of said Beck Street,
thence east 25 feet, thence south 4° 38' east 1501.5 feet, thence
west 25 feet to place of beginning, being a portion of Section
23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian;
commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 8, Folsom's
Addition, being a point on the west side of Beck Street, thence
north 4° 38' west 1501.E feet along the west side of said Beck
Street, thence west 25 feet, thence south 4° 38' east 1501.5 feet,
thenoe east 25 feet to place of beginning, being a part of Sec-
tion 23, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and
! Meridian; commencing 26 feet east and 1501.5 feet north 4° 38'
west of the northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 9, Folsom's Addi-
tion, being a point on the east side of Beck Street, thence
north 4° 38' west 612.feet, thence north 10° 17' east 690 feet,
thence north 23° 19' east 379.5 feet, thence north 16° 48' east
730 feet, thence north 6° 41' east 975 feet along the east side
of said Beck Street, thence east 25 feet, thence south 6° 41' 31
west 975 feet, thence south 16° 48' west 730 feet, thence south
23° 19' west 379.5 feet, thence south 10° 17' west 690 feet,
thence south 4° 38' east 612 feet, thence west 25 feet So place
of beginning, being a portion of Section 14, Township 1 north,
Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; commencing 1501.5
feet north 4° 38' west of the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block
8, Folsom's Addition, being a point on the west side of Beck
Street, thence north 4° 38' west 595 feet, thence north 10° 17'
east 740 feet, thence north 23° 19' east 415 feet, thence north
16° 48' east 680 feet, thence north 6° 41' east 956.5 feet
along the west side of said Beck Street, thence west 25 feet,
thence south 6° 41' west 956.5 feet, thence south 16° 48' west
680 feet, thence south 23° 19' west 415 feet, thence south 10°
17' west 740 feet, thence south 4° 38' east 596 feet, thence
�i i
east 25 feet to point of beginning, being a portion of Section
14, Township 1 north, Range 1 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian,
as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city, to
a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from, said„street, and to
oolleot said tax.
SECTION E. Said tax shall become and be delinquent in ten
equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole sum unpaid
at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at the time each
installment is due, to-wit: One-tenth thereof one year after
the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for
such improvement becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in two
years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof
in three years after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth
thereof in four years after maid ordinance becomes effective;
one-tenth thereof in five years after said ordinance becomes
effective; one-tenth thereof in six years after said ordinance
becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in seven years after said
ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in eight years
after said ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in
nine years after said ordinance becomes effective; and one-tenth
! thereof in ten years after said ordinance becomes effective.
One or more of said installments, in the order in which they are
payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid at any time with,
in thirty days after the ordinance confirming the levy of the
tax becomes effective, without interest. In the event of any
installment or the interest aforesaid not being paid on the
date the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax
unpaid. at the time said installment and interest are due, shall
become due and payable, and shall draw interest et the rate of
r eight per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed;
provided, one or more installments, in the order in which they
,are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid, may be paid on
the day any installment becomes due, by paying the amount there-
of and interest to said date.
SECTION S. This ordinance shall take effect one day after
'its first publication.
Paving Extension No. 133.
Seoond and Final Estimate.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt bake City,
'Utah, "'April 3rd , 1918.
Temporary Chairman.
y eoorder.