27 of 1928 - Vacating Alta Street in Block 8, Popperton Place ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 2fay } 192.8. Burton - - _ I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - Finch - - Moran - - Mr.Chairman - ' AN ORDINANCE Result - - - AN OPLIN.a_NCE VAEATING Alta Cfreet south of And Avenue in flock 8, Popperton Place, a subdivision o, part of Section 33, T. 1 N., R. h E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I, That Alta Street south of and Avenue in Block 8, Popperton Place, a subdivision of part of Section 33, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., SaltLake Base and Meridian, Salt Lake City, Utah, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the N.f. cor. of Lot 7, Block 8, Popperton Place, a subdivision of part of Section 33, T. 1 N., R. 1 F., of Salt Lake Base A beridian, on the west side of Alta Street and south side of Second Avenue, thence east 66.0 ft. to Fast side of Alta Street, thence south along east side of Alta Street 150.0 ft., thence west 66.0 ft. to west side of 'Ito. Street, thence North 150.0 ft. to place of beginning; Salt Lake City, Utah; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, alley or pedestrian way. This vacation is on the express condition that the abutting property owners who claim the fee title to the property vacated shall construct curb, ;>utter and sireaalk in front of property vacated and make same comparable to balance of street. Said vacation is made on the further express condition that the easement of the Utah Power A Light Company for its pole line and easement of Utah Gas & Coke Company for its gas main shall continue in said companies. 27 i i SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Eo;.rd. of Comm:issionersj it is necessary to th hea.lth, ,ceace and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become ed'ective immediate-1 ly. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take ef 'ect upon its publication. 4 , -74 Passed by the Board of Comni !ionerd p': ?alt Lake City, Utah, this day of V� , 1'928 _D Veditralk.. - c- � Recorder. I I : I • • .06 s Q E;py s - 0 6`a- � ( a I. • „ m " a L! o • �.� h ( • ~ •• .. - • E r t)k Proof of Publication STATE OF IITAH, County of Salt Lake)? (9<cliA":2L- AN 08RDIIrANCE _1 ..0/44/71 9tpet Oath ZotA2 dE VAGATIVG ALTA r D t" a311" i NbdiYt;ll Eee�dre being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal I4ka saes' od.Malalsna' 1' E., eau m b4Mgere of"galtb Lake Board' 6ETI0�I,That Alta 9lry'tTlo°,' clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in i d&l�cll Ave Iq'H(ock ,:eepppPertoq ai N ebdl-.IMoq 1 Dart a Secklan 8.1_H__Balt Luke'1 so ad,+Vnarldla" Salt Lak Clfy unt h �q—Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. o,7a D Ml glatly d lbed a Y llo a: 8 gl !8'ne th N E. r- 1 Lot 9,' A- /�.�,-� :11, f BaDot1,t g381 T 1 Na hdl f lon 1 1 Lake That the notice .9- .GVl aeft._ez Y 4-c --. fan ad M lLla�-a tae�� east we a f,A]ta>�t at nd.south dlde ,/t xd dhlae, t b, ease ee,,',4 �{}(/ tie° arts a 1:'' , �r la°teeol. -/_ (6E14ce, ' line s,k t of Alt ri at 1 �� q, Ytx fe0 8 It t Plgoe 1 d h. ---. a.®alt LBke 0.1gy,Utaak;Ae agd'the Zapme la hereby c ted hd deolared ao 'ger.to'be epubllo'pt5Dert%a sae a:: ' street,alley.t pedBetNaq,pay.� tlogh{tat.the xbtt'"t-he":enaaeee''oondi- who ated claim shall oadtrltfp c VD"'p he D Pe 6y ldewalk-! f t r a Derry"tar see't of which a ropy is hereto attached,was first published in scud ad®m ae m aomParable to balance l"'[`' %aid c tioghle thada + / Arenacondt5fon that.Yheq""e lxrrner 1 newspaper,in its issue dated the f day of the Vtah'pcwer&'Llsht Coypppmeet of its gole Ilna-and mant f Vtali for Ib.Coke Company for Itp,gee meln eh�ll ! / //�,(n sscTlor iatigathva 1 a. 4. D. 192. .. itand 1 +"yeace aldOlt °"ecesear of v 1 li.n,t t health.d It Lake Olt},y it this I and was published.... A di ,,e b an l," immedl t Ir. ' .// SECTION 3 1`hle-o diq q e shall t ke [f t BDp Ire D4D/1 aYIOh i? d by the 3b.1,4 1 Comm, l aaY f MI 1 w:D.C1gie lah' this 13i11 the last publication thereof bei7ng in the Issued 4 the_ 6___ I JOHN F:BOWM_AN, '�{-2, I.ETBEL MACDONALD, "Mecar day of +' ` A.D.192� • May Recorder, Hs] No-CIA'P=bllahad MaY Meth,1898, - 6/r/24)/i 27/(C) day o Subscribed and sworn to before ate this I ct A. D. I92( ..I - F -- otary Public- 1 1 l *fra • frt t Od• ef. 1.•