27 of 1929 - Amending Section 8-A of Bill No. 22 of 1929 relating to zoning ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY • Salt Lake City,Utah, 1 1,1c.. 5 , 192 9 •
•,rn Burton
Fehr Fehr I move thatthe ordinance be passed.
Finch vi ,
1 , ie,4:1,;:•:%ki4Z__
Moran . .
Mr.Chairman - - - 7
AN ORDINZ.NCT AEIEMING STCTION 8-A of an ordinance sassed
by the Board of Commissionero of Colt Lake City, Utah, on the llth
day of July, 1929, amendinz en orainancem.pe6 by the Cooed of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, f)t. h, on the let day of September,
1.)27, entitled "MI Ordinance to re,;u1ste and restrict the location
of trades and industries, and the location of buildins designed
for s)ecified uses, to regulate and limit the heif,ht, nurabcr of
stories sne aloe of builPin7s and other structures, percentse of
lot that may be occupied, size of ysTSs and open soacep, the location
and use of buildings and structures .end land for trade, inamsties,
residences md other purposes," rob tind to the zoning of -.alt
Lake City.
7,e it ordsined by the 'roar,..7. of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 8-P. of an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the llth day of
July, 1929, erneneind an ordnance passed by the 'k)mrc: of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 1st day of Setember, 197, re-
latin to the roninc of dolt Lake City, Utah, be siad the same is
hereby amended to read [J7 follow;:
SECTION 8-A. There is hereby created a new "use"
district to beknon en Industrial "B' district.
In an industrial uB" district all buildi-ivs and pre-
mises may be used for any purpose permitted in residentisl "L",
-2, "B", "13-2" and "C" Districts, Commercial and Industrial
. __
cistricts cad also for the stor_ c of petroleum arod.uct:s or
by-oroc:ucas not to csccece a total ca_)acity of 100,000 gallons
on piny oroaerty held under one ownership.
The said Industrial ' cic.^rifi.cation created and es
t-olished hereunder, to be 'no.n res the Industrial B 'Distract,;
shall to that portion of `alt Lc._�e City, Utah, from "rd
:est treet to 7th lest Street between 7th South and 9th South;
:fDom 4:th Vlest to 7th Best 'het::een 9th South and 1'3th south
`!..t'se+Easy and from ;end. :South t9. ru osth b tweopelth and 7th
4st Streets, except 4,he sroplqy aout+4ing- on 7th i,'est `.trio t
I.o do t1 of 120 feet;\:-lse la4v,een St ati n iU st `streets
.betwe n t iris avenue :amd iC th outh "irq4.2iSaiedistrict is •
trmare a;:rt>idlalorly aestr4be �%fo' loves: ftll of 31Oc'lss 3, 9, �
i 4 i .yp
AO and l I,`Pl,�t "1_", aril o 0 ocks 1 and l ry°'klact "Cu,
also the cast 5U:0 fee% of lac i :, 11and. r>8, Pl; t "C", Salt
Take City Survey; ciso the east OS fast of Block 5, Five . cre
Plot "B' and all of '`3lock „5, 5- -cre Plat "A", all of Blocks
and ��, ichl-a2d !cic_ition, c subdivision of Lots ;..; anci of
Block 10, 5- cre. Plat li.'", Zi.e_ld Survey; and the same is :
hereby ch.nseci from o..n indu:tricl district to an industrial
S1,CTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
:let is nece-nary for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately.
I !
SF'C'TION .s. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Pas,ed by the BoL,r;a of Coae.issioners of 'a.1t Lake City, '
hI Utah, this F ay of , L. 1929.
il! �
L kiLeZr.444w20640a
cie.y tecordter.
l i"
.04 r.„.7
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J 1 .
front of lnliluttttnrt
3hattrh libtatre of Alumni
An ordinance amending section 8 a
0f an ordinance passed by the Boa d of
0911e0e10nera of salt Lake City Utah
olk the llth day of July 1929 amend f IjY WOLFF
trig an oldthence passed by the B era
0i Ccdlmleslone1s of salt Lab C ty
x on the 1 S day of Septembe 1927
,5 Ap 9rdlnhnoe tor regulate aad
loth elo 01 trades and 1n
dvetriel gBn4 the 7o0at15n of buildings being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
deelgned'idr Specified usge to regulate
the height number of
lea alak-of buildings and other
set 00ros a 00dtage vfrlot that inao of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
paces the location and u e of bulld
N1191s.8nd etrnetue 5 and 1 d for trade
y0.yi 500scctrlre tang oot and zon othzoning
pal Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
Like C15ylating to the aomng of salt
Be it ordained by the Board of Coin
Inleslohere Of salt Lake City Utah
eetion 1 That seetton 0 a of an That the Notice AN ORDINANCE BTT.T, NO. $x
ordinance passed by the Board Of Corn
day Salt
ltly S 1929 m of City
the1th f Ju
an ordinance passed by th B a0d of
4bmmlesione a of Balt Lak City Utah
on the let day of eptemper 1927 r at
Mg to the Zoning of belt Lake City
HUM be and the same is hereby
ended to read a follows
Section 8 a Thl�a Is her by treat d
1al 01e districtcto be known as
fixdUIn an Industrial B District all
1nindings and premises may be ti ed
-f0 any pu pose p rmltted in old
t1a1 A A 2 B 13 2 and C
Oetriete C a erelal e I tduatrlof of which a copyis hereto attached was first published in said news
and 1 o for the ato age 1
to weed a totalr politts or y 01 100 000 galroducts n l
Mona on any property held under one 28th
ownership paper in its issue dated the
The said Industrial B el esificatlon
Created and established he minder to
[be known a the Industri 1 B Mat lot
ay II apply to th t go lion I salt L k dayof t
dies Utah from S wear trees to 7th '4uSu$ 192 9
uth and
9 h soutt{st at1 out between We t too 7th W t
betwe n 901 s uth and 13th South and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
&Muth betwe n 8th and 7th We t treetd
except the property abutting on 7th
West street too depth of 120 feet also Augus t 28th. for
between 1st and 2nd We t streets be
1+700n Hartle avenue and 17t1 south
sir et Sold dist let Is mu pa lieu
larl described as follows All of block
8 9y 10 and 11 plat A ne all of thereafter the full period of One (1) insertion
Blocks 1 nil 12 Plat C fs the
east 54 e
0/eat of Bloc e 2 11 and 38
I the Plot east 008 fe t C Salt rof Blocke k BU Fly Acre
PI t B and all of Block 25 5 Au the last publication thereof
Plat A all of Blocks 3 nd 4 RI h
land Addition a subdl 11on r L t 2
and 3 Of Block 10 5 Ar a Plat A Big
Field Sum ey and the same I hereby 28th
changed from an lnduatrl I di t let to being in the issue dated the day of
an Inqutliol 8 district
Section 2 In the opinion of tl e
Board Of Comml loner it 1 n coma y
for the pea he leh and ¢Plop of th 4 August Q////� 9
inhabitants of Solt Lal e City that ill
ordinance Lake effect dlately
Patton 3 i
h ordln nee hail take
effect upon t public tl n
Passed byn thee 8 erd 1 ramie mSs 10gg
ere of Salt ak City Utah this 27bh
day of Augu t A D
Tempos ry Chairman 28th
Ethel3111Macdonald City Recorder
Put No 27 and sworn to before me this day of
Published August 28 1029
August A D 192 9
Notary Public
Advertising fee $
0 7'
r.• 5
. _ . . • _ •
. .