27 of 1930 - Paving Extension No.217-3d and finale estimate ZZA#
Salt Lake City,Utah, , 193
1f I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr Y
Lake Cr:"
Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro—
perty in Paving District No. 32 (Paving ±tension No. 217) for the
purpose of grading, constructing curb aid gutter, private driveways
and drainage and irrigation systems to carry water across and along
streets and intersections, installing water services and sewer con—
nections to back of curb and paving with Portland cement concrete
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same
upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District No.. 32
(Paving Extension No. 217) for the purpose of grading, constructing
curb and gutter, private driveways and drainage and irrigation systems
to carry water across and along streets and intersections, installing
water services and sewer connections to back of curb and paving with
Portland cement concrete thereof, to—wit:
In Lots 9, 10 and 11 of Blk. 9, 5-Acre Plat C; Lots
1 to 23 incl. of Blk. 1, Lots 1 to 10 incl. and 37 to 58 incl.
of Blk. 2, and Lots 1 to 7 incl. of Blk. 3, Progress Heights 2nd
Add.; Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Blk. 1, Lots 1 to 8 incl. of Blk. 2
and Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Blk. 3, East Westminster Add.; Lots 20
to 32 incl., Elmer Heights; Lots 1 to 9 incl. and 55 to 58 in 1.
Sunnyside Add., all in Blk. 9, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field
Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Blk. 10, 5-Acre Plat C; Lots
1 and 30 to 36 incl. of Blk. 1, Progress Heights; Lots 1 to
4 incl. of Biks. 1 and 5, Westminster Heights; Lots 1, 2, 3,
57 and 58 of Blk. 1, Lots 1,2, 57 and 58 of Blk. 2, Lots 1, 2,
56, 57 and 58 of Blk. 3 and Lots 1 and 2 of Elk. 4, Westminstef"
Heights Plat A, all in Blk. 10, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Sur-
vey, abutting on and adjacent to both sides of 15th East Street
from 17th to 21st South Streets, including land separated from
said street by narrow strips of land conveyed in anticipation
of said assessment; and abutting on and adjacent to Garfield
Avenue from 15th to 16th East Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utaht
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, con-
structing curb and gutter, private driveways, and drainage and irri-
gation systems to carry water across and along streets and intersect
tions, installing water services and sewer connections to back of
curb and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof (said pavement
o be six (6),to eight (8) inches thick and said roadway to be forty
(40) feet wide on 15th East Street from 17th to 21st South Streets;
urb and gutter built on east side of 15th East from Downington AveJ
0 185 ft. north; and thirty (30) feet wide (old curb removed) on
arfield Ave. from 15th to 16th East Streets), the portions of said
Iroperty hereinbefore and hereinafter described opposite said stree s
I:re to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, an
It is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property
iill be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax
�ereby levied, and said parcels of land (including land separated
rom said street by narrow strips of land conveyed in anticipation o
Laid assessment) are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in
accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth
if the2Ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax
.ereby levied and to be assessed thpon said parcels of land is Thirty{-
ine Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-two and 52/100 ($39,632.52) Dollars :v
Eight Thousand Forty-two and 64/100 ($8,042.64) Dollars or Five and
52/100 ($5.52) Dollars per front or linear foot off abutting propert
for thirty (30) foot roadway (old curb removed), there being 1457.0
feet abutting said portion Of said improvement; One Thousand Eighty-
five and 95/100 ($1,085.95) Dollars or Five and 87/100 ($5.87) Dol-
lars per front or linear foot of abutting property for forty (40)
foot roadway (curb and gutter built)`, there being 185.0 feet abut-
ing said portion of said improvement; Twenty-eight Thousand Five
undred eleven and 13/100 ($28,511.13) Dollars or Six and 54/100
($6.54) Dollars per front or linear foot of abuttin# and adjacent
property to include land separated from said street by narrow strip
•f land conveyed in anticipation of said assessment for forty (40)
1 oot roadway, there being 4359.5 feet abutting and adjacent as afore
aid to said portion of said improvement; One Hundred Sixty-eight
:nd 00/100 ($168.00) Dollars for private driveways, there being ten
:nd one-half (10a) private driveways at Sixteen and 00/100 ($16.00)
collars per driveway; Three Hundred Ninety and 00/100 ($390.00) Dol
cars for private driveways, there being nineteen and one-half (191)
•rivate driveways at Twenty and 00/100 ($20.00) Dollars per drivewa ;
IPne Hundred Seventeen and 00/100 ($117.00) Dollars for private driv -
Days, there being one (1) private driveway at One Hundred Seventeen
nd 00/100 ($117.00) Dollars per driveway; One Hundred Nineteen and
i140/100 ($119.00) Dollars for sewer laterals, there being seven (7)
ewer laterals at Seventeen and 00/100 ($17.00) Dollarw per sewer
ateral; Eight Hundred Sixty and 00/100 ($860.00) Dollars for sewer
Laterals, there being forty-three (43) sewer laterals at Twenty and.
00/100 ($20.00) Dollars per sewer lateral; Three Hundred Thirty-eight
nd 80/100 ($338.80) Dollars for water services, there being twenty-
wo (22) water services at Fifteen and 40/100 ($15.40) Dollars for
lath water service; the cost of construction of which driveways and
he cost of installing which sewer laterals and water services and
the propertyabenefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all with-
n the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in
aid district, which is the total of said abutters' cost and cost pert;`;
front foot of said improvement, according to the contract entered
into for the performance of said work and making said improvement
with gibbons & Reed Co., Contractors, dated the 24th day of Decembe ,
1929, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to
assess, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the
purpose herein mentioned.
THIRTY FOOT ROADW'AY.0._Cu3rfield Avenugs.,1Gld aurh_Temoved.
Lots 3 to 23 incl. of Blk. 1, Lots 1 to 4 incl. and 37 to
58 incl. of Bik. 2, Progress Heights 2nd Add. of Blk. 9, 5-Acre Pla
"C", Big Field Survey.
FORTY FOOT ROADWAY,_15t_East_Street..(Curb andut er_bu it.)
Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Blk. 3, Progress Heights 2nd Add. of
"lk. 9, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
15th East Street. 1
Lots 9, 10 and 11 of Blk. 9, 5-Acre Plat ICI; Lots 1 to
incl. of 51k. 1, Lots 1 to 10 incl. of Blk. 2 and Lots 6 and 7 of
Ilk. 3, Progress Heights 2nd Add.; Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Blk. 1, Lot•
i to 8 incl. of Blk. 2 and Lots 1 to 4 incl. of Blk. 3, East West-
inster Add.;,Lots 20 to 32 incl., Elmer Heights; Lets 1 to 9 incl.
Ind. 55 to 58 incl., Sunnyside Add., all in Bik. 9, 5-Acre Plat ICI,
lig Field Survey. Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Blk. 10, 5-Acre Plat
CI; Lots 1 and BO to 36 incl. of Bik. 1, Progress Heights; Lots 1
o 4 incl. of Biks. 1 and 5, Westminster Heights; Lots 1, 2, 3, 57
nd 58 of Blk. 1, Lots 1, 2, 57 and 58 of Blk. 2, Lots 1, 2, 56, 57
Ind 58 of Blk. 3, and Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 4, WestMiMster Heights
slat 'A', all in Bik. 10, 5-Acre Plat ICI, Big Field Survey.
$16.00 per driveway.
Lot 2 of Blk. 1, Lots 3, and 6 to 9 incl. of Blk. 2, Pro-
gress Heights 2nd Add; Lot 4 of Blk. 2, East Westminster Add.; the
south 55.55 ft. of Lots 20 to 29 incl., Elmer Heights Sub.; Lot 57
unnyside Add., all in Blk. 9, 5-Acre Plat ICI, Big Field Survey.
Lot 16 of Bik. 10, 5-Acre Plat ICI; Lot 1 of Blk. 1,
Westminster Heights; Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 4,
Westminster Heights Plat 'A', all in Blk,‘ 10, 5-Acre Plat 'C',
Big Field Sultvey.
THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. .(Garf gld Ave.1_12010_ber_drivewav,.
Lots 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 16 and 2g,, the east 5 ft. of Lot
17, and the east 15 ft. of Lots 19 and 21, all in Blk. If; Lots
44, 47, 50, 51, 53, 55 and 57, and the west 18 ft. of Lot 41, all
in Blk. 2, Progress Heights 2nd Add. of Blk. 9, 5-Acre Plat 'C',
Big Field Survey.
THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT.(15t ast Street) $.112.44_p_erd_rLv_eway
Lots 1 and 2, Sunnyside Add. of Bik. 9, 5-Acre Plat 'C',
Big Field Survey.
LAR ASSESSMENT. iGarfield Ave1Z i17140_per_lateral.
Lot 12 of Blk. 1, Lots 1 to 4 incl., 40, 46, 37 to 39
incl. and the west 18 ft. of Lot 41, Blk. 2, Progress Heights 2nd
Add. of Bik. 9, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey.
LAR ASSESSMENT. i15thEast Street1_120.00_Der lateral_
The north 255.35 ft. of Lot 10, the north 146 ft. of LOt
11 and the south 141.1 ft. of Lot 11 of Blk. 9, 5-Acre Plat 'C';
Lot 1 of Blk. 1, Lots 4 and 8 of Blk. 2, Progress Heights 2nd Add.;
Lots 1 and 3 of Blk. 1, Lots 1, 4, 5 and 7 of Blk. 2, Lots 1 and 3
of Blk. 3, East Westminster Add.; Lots 30 to 32 incl. and the south
55.55 ft. of Lots 20 to 29 incl., Elmer Heights; Lots 3, 6, 8 and
55 and the north 12.5 ft. of Lot 4, Sunnyside Add. of B1k. 9, 5-
Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey.
The south 218.2 ft. of Lot 13, the north 43.8 ft. of Lot
14, and the south 181.5 ft. of Lot 14, of Blk. 10-5-Acre Plat 'C';
Lots' 1 and 30 to 36 incl. of Blk. 1, Progress Heights, Lot 3 of Blk
5, Westminster Heights, Lots 1, 2, 3, 57 and 58 of Blk. 1, Lots 1,
2, 57 and 58 of Blk. 2, Lots 1 and 2 of Bik. 3, and Lots 1 and 2 of
Bik. 4, Westminster Heights Plat '1' of Bik. 10, 5-Acre Plat 'C', ;'- 7(
Big Field Survey.
Lot 12 of B2k. 1, Progress Heights 2nd Add. of Blk. 9,
5-Acre Plat ICI, Big Field Survey.
The north 255.35 ft. of Lot 10, the north 146 ft. of Lot
11 and the south 141.1 ft. of Lot 11 of $,lk. 9, 5-Acre Plat ICI;
Lot 1 of Blk. 1, Progress Heights 2nd Add. and Lot 4 of Blk. 3,
East Westminster Add. of Blk. 9, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey:
The south 218.2 ft. of Lot 13, the north 43.8 ft. and the
south 181.5 ft. of Lot 14 of Blk. 10, 5-Acre Plat 'C'; Lots 1 and
30 to 36 incl. of Blk. 1, Progress Heights, and Lots 1 and 2 of Blk
3, Westminster Heights Plat A of Blk. 10, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Fiel
Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city
to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets,
and including land separated from said street by narrow strips of
land conveyed in anticipation of said assessment, and to collect
said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
reasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
qualization and Review of the property described in Section I of
his ordinance in Paving Extension No. 217, of Salt Lake City, for
he purpose of grading, constructing curb and gutter, private drive-
ays and drainage and irrigation systems to carry water across and
along streets and intersections, installing water services and sewe
connections to back of curb and paving with Portland cement concret
hereof is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and returned it
aid completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equalization ard
eview to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby
Iatified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly
installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the
whole sum unpaid, the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at
the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or
..ore of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax,
.ay be paid without insterest within fifteen (15) days from the
date this ordinance becomes effective. In the event any installment
or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes
due, the ft&] amof{3. of the special tax unpaid at the time said
installment"aid in$t ;6st are due, shall become due and payable, and
shall draw..nterestat the rate of twelve per cent per annum until
he sale o the pro} 4 y assessed
ACTION IV ibis ordin nG shall tape effect one day
after its tblicati;e' '
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this ,,,�th day of August , A.D. 1930.
141-• ' (
City ecorde
Paving Extension No. 217,
3rd & Final Estimate.
1 .
\ ,61,1,
r „IL
, l 1 t, I
.II` Fs A,
, i/.... ,.,...41.i . , p., 1,1 ri rc....., pis
ffi _ 8 i 1, a it -:1 1
,,.. off' 1
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANC i.... ]Add I t4 of Blk 2 18 st WestNlli
AI", DtNVANCE^ " :tat+Add the south.55 55 ft f Sir
Y9 t 29 o 1 Eln Helshty Elk
and..or ills eaa9asm@16�'" • a.ty t 57 gunny Ids Add all n Blk �
In Patio rsptridt nstl x 5 Acts Plat C Big rid S ez
p' s Lot 10 f Elk 10 5 A re Plat C'
tension NO?21'f) fop`�a t of Lot 1 at Silt 1 W atmtnater Helghta t7,,��+I y�.eleic7� t
grading cdbstrtattifn OZ, gut+':Lots 1 and 2 of Elk 4 Westminster I 100,9 P VI. being first duly
ter Private drt ,fig nags-Heights Plat A all in 1315 10 6
". Plat C Big Feld Su v y
and 1 rigl et ongteeti etif, lqr PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRI sworn depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
motacross and along atrAete R51 etVATS DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION
sew r c battening os o bash 4 end TO THD"REGULAR ASSESSMENT
re r connections to d e s. ,,,oft
Paving with Portland Ce'.: Wen- atrf1 1d Ave)$20 00 p d Iveway j
bre thereof ,+ +•"^ of 3 6 7 a 10 ]a a a z3 th TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day
g l Grd inedby tile Bo -ofIC m east 5 ft of L t 17 and th t 1
mfasl rtt0N'r !tierLake „°cf ab 1t of Lot i9 ana 21 an n six 1
SE 1, o't Lis 44 47 0 N 63 5 and 57 and at Salt Lake CityState of Utah
yypp1t77pp agg dn0rgoo
•fdr tit
Pro st M ea H Heights and Adel ;BO
the assessment of, 'the 9,5 Am Plat C B gg Ft Id of
property h retnafter A,pm PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRI
Mg Diet lot No 32(Paeing t t93�1S�t{1 ,VATS DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION That the notice A11 Ordinance Bill # 27 Pay. 141t. t.
No 211) for the prom of If lv'n' IIL THF;REGULAR ASSESSMENT
deist-oy. g u b ato Butt® 1 9,t• w.,, Ea@t Strai t)$117 00 p drive
drlvewloi and dralnege at�a Vat Lot
tlon _long
toe caso Ater .roes Elk 1 and $Plat
de Add d 217.
long at eta and 1 s Ser 9 6 Acre Plat C B g Fldd
t t +I water enOJlloa is'+et SB.O1y
t,. lg k Of�.,�i , .i ppERTY ASSESSED FOR SEWER
3:V ! pd iie T, t>, " AtTERALS IN AD4SMf N T9 THE ! i
t ar f,-,,s , ';,x'", EGr7LAR ASSESSMENT (Gar ,
f,ote + 1}" + 9t sv. fl N Ave) $1700 Pe Intaral
A},e7drP4Lt r i 1 L t I3 of Blk 1 L to 1 to 4 ft 5
58 SS Lots 1 t 1a iyr 't'' 40 of o toet 38 Inc!2and the He t to
6n ino i Bllt t a d 4' ��� dd f Nilb 2 6 Ad o,e at C
in I of Elk 3 P qit e . IY•.$rid Add pf Blk 9 6 AC a Plat C
Lots 1 to4`ih� - Big R0t1i'ItTCyry y
t I, ''' „� '8 tot W i'fir R GI}LAR ASSESSMENT (15th , of which a cop) is hereto attached was first published in said news
Pi'e`'.s- '•t-'t go 9 incli tl Eaet dir et) 320 do pe let al
a8 irA T Add ,)rOy The north 255 35 ti of Lot 10 the '
A 6 Aore,':t'C Blg+�l �y v(h 146 it of L t 11 d the&uth
,,�ppig 13 14 16 nd 160 431 ft of Lot 11 1 Blk 9 5 Ac a er in its issue dated the 7tht, dayof Au t• 19 3
dOra Plat C Lots s e i9 pier C Lot 1 of Bik1 ltis4p })Inc! of BIk 1 FElk, s .o_th and 8 of Blk 2 Progress H Ighta Bad
1 to 4 1 eI.I of Elks is q '6 We4 Add 1 Lot 1sod S f Elk 1 Lots
m1 Ste Heights Lots 1 2j 8 57 MP1 1 4 5 and 7 of Blk 2 L( 1 and 3
59 of Blk 1 to 1 2 57',and.53 of pf Blk, 3 raat westmin tee Add and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
BIk 2 Lots 1. 6,1 56 of a!Bid p`f.BStO Lots so to 32 of and the south
3 and Lots 1' pd 2 of)t( I6 Wept" Its eft of Lot 20 to 9 n I Elm r
1Ipptet HMghte, Plat 11 Elk eights Lote 3 5 8 and 6 and th
9 6YAOre list C $)gt21 @v?Y of N 126 ft of Lot 4 Sunnysi Ada lk lk rktk#tK IK for *****
aDgtfing nand LalaHeat 2 o '@lees f B l 9 5.Ace Plat C Big Field
.0 15th neat Street£repin, `got
S Uth se seta it oludtng 1 e &rat The*nth 218 2 ft of Lot 13 the
ed from said street D 8€tl a north 438 ft of Lot 14 d the south
of land were d 1 ,, t 1815 ft f L t 14 of Bik is 6 Acre thereafter the full period of One Insert 10a
ea d 46aesajt0ofi p) C Lot,1 nd 30 t0 36 idol
ad -`ftk-t0 Cb It h 55r 0 1 Yrogt saHeight Lot 3 t
Ira�4i of Streets in 9$ 6 1 6 We tin n t He gl t Lots 1
){" E$d 57 and 68 f Blk 1 L t 1 2
t'tax 14 levied'to sat ,e�,o� 1 and 58 1 Blk z L t 1 a,a 2 of the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the qthr
Ponse of grading c0 atrtl i tdurh III 3 and Lots 1 d 2 of Blk 4
end gutter p t to drill ,'o '*6'Westminator H mitts Plot A of Blk
drainage and Itrlgafle�f ',.ar to 10 5 Acre Plat C Big Field,Su
Coy ovate a rose and •"i rt. Ye) day of ,�u g'� A D 19 WI
d lntmaectlyns Instal 1 WA a PROPERTY ASSESSED'EOR WAT�fiR�L
setvjoes and eatyer 24131mtiop t0 SERVICES IN ADDITION TO'T ill
back.of Ourb a d gavng °bid REGULAR ASSESSMENT (Gar ////` / a�.v`Tv L's/7V %
concrete the TeaN ;(Old Av nue) ':Q�o
pale .n ;f J t((8 I.ot 12 of Blk 1 Pr Acre
s H ghts Ci4/
"t 2nd Add of Blk 9 6 Acre Plat C
.4• • Big Field Sur r i
. and utter a gy h et ,.� O RT16-ASSESSED fF 'IME'
sth Left fro Os t }- VICES-1N'ADDITI To xAta"-� Subscribed and sworn to before me this nth. dayof
... 185 ft north t * GULAR ASSESSMENT (lstlt 1
•e(old op t+r bn 4at Street)
Th.north 265 35 ft of Lot Is the 9 _
G tfi ld so from 1`of t , t O (h 146 ft of Lot 11 and the myth
herein§ the portion lla `of 01 11 yr. of Lot H of En{ 9'6 Acre , August. �'�'_ ��
heratpnetore an a In'af t t} 6t1 3 ehn'
dppessi re sale atrSptP ar gj _,'"r - h' C Lot 1 of Elk 1+Prodgj!'•
Itally affeote asd„DeD.@ A if= Olo �hdAdd a d Lot 4 0{1% r
,m uhvemant ana�rf Is l 4 r:. ' e10t Wa$tmLtut er Add t Elk 9,8 ^l
)u ggd tjetekmined spa t 00 S 9 Plot C Bfg F eta anrvey .��/�t,�\
that said roperty,will,1} can ,,��,,,, e yth 218 2 ft f Lot I the
d'r j .A4 ft nd th Acre
in s t - i_ N9t
qen 'ell tlq i t) ha a+I 1 y i f to 1 14 of 30 10 6 Acre P�iFt ;
otax he�'eby I f ti 6aryPubhc__
1 et old sad (fa+Jf ,e i>,� ate 1 agaeso t gs mcl or 1, - -a�rsea x ght a I ore 1 and#t
ggt 9f and'Pnoya1�.4 lI 4F 41 o, �la $$i,W stm n ter Insight Yla 1t�,
tie of Id &ea�Ifip ) ", 4 A. Pf z1'lk 10 5 Acre Plat C r Big 3'
a ea at an e t 1 s xjeitt hry y, a the Mime are lttoWi My commission expires NQ4. BE, ].93$,
fat "Y• O I+ '7( 17,-&11e.off cial PI. Of sad ctty S
W` Aar
BA, ,.).4�ki 3 `� +f' ahh�y�ua8 /ttn °aria streets a fr Advertisingfee $
a i k. + ;�,i'P uttifi 4 pa ataa fl 'r8t@
)i. 4 / �11'0't tf 1 1p IO IP b piC O es
' 1 ta, ailed FaWon o1 e.��`F,14$(s„s sa
a ^+ t a v to call et said$a
F$ �, 4 il,t'e �4� tLI 'I
( � t'g
, s( Tom
5'�6N ill +.. * t ' a+
3 ) .t' ," Ili-" f u,l rIa �� t 4 tea
u 1 -t e , Eii f. .f, Aid_t
' ;1 "I''.'',
sk ,s drum°1n v 4 r•�
v , rt ftlh `fa ;' I y I v t aP Li w to .,
a a "i+ 3 t 4' `f 14. j-t 3 s Rd aAD d and pdflr
by rro a V; '•4tt t 50 t "f e ` Y
d ty t'6 1, }}TT f11`1 �,� ;x IA tax snail he
ter,'iP(40) foot roeffifay` biting Bab] j v,s l yearly to tall
4q1•5 feet ass, leg,an ant as b e.„by lea,&Td di
aforesaid to eel*tgprrllc h1,333,t¢ fl,,re w tg innEer°t on the-d'llole sum
ted'00 108`f(511080a)Ddollar t'., .jte 7nnaido t tat P1, t ,i,, pays ,B
dufdeway6 there Muirt rr., +d one yy sA itieat:19'dlt0
tel (lbtity'Ire(titir{'y@ t at the t tt a each 1 3
e�e and o 'ti 09Y 1 rp }j04 8 ov(dad h w ver that o ordo'.tat
Q i way°T}tsCgpp 8 ntdyr'� '.ty sell of Mudh In ooalim nos in tl a ordte,Pa
00 ($307'5$) 11j,4r$, i .private ablt ih who! tact 'Veen'
¢9(Vriyewaya there being 1 3'::n and ithout 1'terest w thin fifteen <b 1
ens half li$ pMyat f ,4 t d ro Ft oil the dad thisoho 00 00e 1tn
pryand 100 ($ o ffe rive In Ili event n t
etf,,,,'ddCIVe v v lO @ 1 j 5�nil jx stallment th into t of eaa d
an4.1 30(.hen aS.ti' 1 'riwotl Moines!clued tnetwh 0 0150ynt of th
$ppro a�t aye}t,Ho,�yb u4 i';', o en i
eYrn ova at "7,0 r to a�lS IS❑ iP Yallmt is and andp a able dud shall
5 it tl a Aj ref a''IRi5 joo ba on atT'nand' he rat and Fe I
;� g , draW t to eat at the rat of tW 14a
4h144tbel g a '°`+ i zy3a ale Er reontOvr eseeaeduntil the sale of
iAdd.; Lots 20 to ss t flTiiier "RNcams,assls32, i. i15in of which a copyis hereto attached, was first published in said news-
Hel o t,, Lot 1 to 9 In 'suit--66 qo Nast gt set)' 220.09 p late at.
58 Ynci, S'ict"de'Add dtl:lh'B1k• The north 265.35 ft. 1 Lot-10 the
9,5-AcrePlat CS,'BigiE'leld Suwvey. Perth 146,ft,of Lot 11 and,the south
Lots 13 14 15.,and,1G, Ef Elk 10, 1411 ft of Lot 11 of Elk. 9,-6-Acre j
loci .Plat c Lots 1 she O0 to,Os plat 'G Lot 1-of Bik. I,-Lots 4 paper in its issue dated the .Yt41 day of August• 19,30
ofloci.. Bik 1,`Bike Heitillia Lo 9 and-8 of Elk.2,Progress Heighte Did
1 to 4Incl he Elks- 1 r2r 6; eat• Add' Lots1 and 3 of Elk, 1, Lots
roster•Heights;Lots 1, d E.'4 a�td 1 4'8 and 7 ofi Elk 2 Lots 1 and 3
&PM Ear 1 Lhts, 2 84 ah Eik, M B)k 3 East Westminster Add.; and was published in each dailyissue of said newspaper, on
BBC.2,Lots 1,2,-66,67 BxU1t 63 of ooC. Lot-30 to ,32'Incl and the uer
mineto Lots 1 and.2 of IB--45.Welk. 56.55 ft.of•Lots 20 to 29 incl„Elmer
luster Height% Plat A. all 1n Elk. Height Lilts-8,6,8 and 56'aud the
10, 5-Ac >cod C, BigP4aldboth
urvey, north 126 ft.of Lot4,3unnyside Add. **saga*** for *****
butting nd,adJa rot to both ides of Bnr•9,'5 Acre Plat"C',Big Field
Of 16th Last.Street irom'17th to 21st Survey,
South Streets,Inoluding'land Send*. The south 313.2 ft. of Lot 73, the
ed from Said street by narrow.stripsrth 43.3 ft,of Lot 14,and the south
of land conveyed In antielpatlo f 181:5 ft f Lot 14,of Blk,10,6 Ade thereafter, the full period of One..I.ue ort,1 on,
said assessment, d butting on and Plat-'C 1 ors 1, d 30 to 36 not.
adjacent to Garfield Avenuedfrom.15th of Bilc 1 ,Progress Heights,Lot 3 f
to 16th East•Streets ylaye sdalt Lgko Big:6 Westminster Heights.,Lots 1,
City,Utah. )t 2, 3, 67'Ad Si of Btk 1 Lots 1 2,
This to le levied to d 1rai'ghe x- 57-and 58. of Blk x ate 1 a x of the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ...Vthi•-...
Pence of gradingj,it drtrnottyo, Curb Elk. 2, and Lots h1 and 2 [,Bik A,
anti gutter, �liorithe a vewaY0," and Westminster'Heights Plat 'A" f Blr'
drainage did'irrigation yetend to' 10, 5•Acre Plat 'C Mt`Field Sur'•"
OgriPly 0pa4er atrba0 and, o g streets Ye)•, -' ' day of A st• A. D. 19.3m,
PavementG to to Ir (8) to a hwatto PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR WATER �p�
concrete and
}rid i'4o acerb s, itgE lls,•
nd said
ba k cement G b d' vine roof REGULAR ASSE38M... (Gar• ////` .�iv`tea'
'X8a1d field Avenue.)
g t (8) Lot 12 of Elk'x P ogress H lghte `,
9V 1W.be 2nd Add 1 El 8 5 AOrR Pict C .•. .. .....
•d•X o i7{l wide on t with Big-Field Survey .,
a 6th F.nat om Downing- REGULAR ASSESSMENT.• (16th
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lath.... dayOf'
185 it. n rthl and thirty East.Street)
(old.curb rein d The north 255.36 ft Y Lpt•10 the
Garfield Ave from 16th to lYith�a Y north,146 ft. f Lot 11 and the With
Stets, the portions of said pry rt 141.1'ft of Lot 11 of BIB.'8 6-Acre An st he einhef and hcrelnafteft deecrib d gn • \
Opposite id treats a d fro so es Plat'C Lot 1 of Blk 1 Progree
P 7g,lly afte fed and.beaeflted by said Heights 2nd Add,and Lot 4 of$\k 3
improvement,, and it le rp h ...ad-
X.Beast,Weat 1 ter Add of BE. 9 6
Judged, determined and >Ea 'dished Ac''''P7 t C Big Feld bvrvey.
The'south 218.2 ft f•L tl thet_
that said propel ty.wlll 0, elallY orth"4381t-and the smith 1835 Et,
s e[Ited thereby to•th U11`a t If Lot 14 of Bilc 10 5 Acre'Pfat e ,
[ the tax hereby 'code aid said Loa 1 and ap to 36 ) ),of.Elk 1, ' / N atary Public.
Parcels of land.(lncludt..' la4(1 a Pa petters s He+gkts, d Dots'I and E.o ``_
rated from +d tstre t by 8111r ta of Elk 3 Westminst Height% Plat
strips f land eyed il$antl0 pa 'A.:of Elk 10 6-Acre'Plat"(7 Big( qG r�
ton f" Id ass asm nt) are the eby I ld`1u Y`as thesame a 4;h w 1 My commission expires .NAY..FM•.�.9$$
seed at a goal.and ti Iform rate '
in.accordance with thqq linear foot Dons thef[l tah plats o1 old slWty t
frontage Upon and:to th6'$t)tij e depth the tire depth f the]dune"owner
f'the me' wnerghip 1) it,.t eye- ship back f ose aid et sere nd fii Advertisingfee,
from not eedlrig 830 fa •17a the ollyafng lad separated from 'ow.
tax hereby leyled,and t sees sod street by r 'tripe of land obi
Upon Said'parcels,of I Rigor_ vexed in P ticlpatL 0f sal,;4e es ,§
nhre�Tbousand r9I-'c bran flirt meat, n�t collect safd tax.r
two ana 62,00 ($38-t 6 1qx S0CTIDXV II That tho4 psman0
Night;Thousand Forty-two a '^ 0 t.mad by the C1ty fitdsCUBnr i
(3i049•fi4)72ollara•or Blvd an71 • ), de t" approved And of Y,,•ad Y
f 6.6'}O.D pllgfas front o 9Hr t ;Nuiialtl g"
t t ot_'Yalodd f4 + -. f6pe�t tom. vek'r
(30)foot lload ova `'''' Y nD J1 Q
there bet 00 0 0 t g a ,fo. ; ' gb$ E•i ' l �l
lb,:�1:71445xO t
¢na 7 1 1{;x 1 I+l v g
oo f but iB property- As r
(40) foot roadway (curb s . }
built),there lot 18 t abaok•of`Ou b ant ,h-t with 3CgY
bg,id peftfol$ t�1. `k6 n land"'o%td lrt MAW. -1 „, f.is hob
Tw nty-6 ss t t' i la 'Him by bdtiflrmed and e te ant
tired Eleven 4 6.Fs 1 8;611 13) madb.gnfl oturned said ]etod
Dollars.or Sl a ¢4)Dot••figter.and 1h edyrt. ��-'a
•labs fifer lro at,
l-os I -,door dx not (lsatlon and'Ae"vig Aft.-Hoard
abutting and,gggaosata,c•elC,e to.of Stet i slonered of brat L'kIEb city
in lade'lapH opt ated tqqii•13etp err et sae hereby ratified,aPp ved'apd cps-
by Charmer stripe ai'land', peened 1n firmed
anticipation of said esbe pent forSECTION III 'geld tax.shall p
forty'(49) f of og,d ay era,being PaYab] i t „lint yearly,Instep.s
1369.E feet abutting,and dia t es fa p o Id d by law and elg ,
aforesaid to Bald Portion t,lulu Im• ne�rce with intere)it on the whol re
p oveme t;One Huppdr d BIxty-stet t Ptipain. at the 'rate of fly
00.100(there00bei Dollars
tomSot'-pprivate d one.
nor art per annum, paYabo;
halt (10 f)pprlyate driv;Nays nt Six t the time each installment is due;
ten and 00.100 (116.00) Dollard per
P vlded, however, that one more
ft iveway T11tree Hundred,Ninety and o[such installments--in'ol,olo f the order
00-100 ($39b 00) Dollars fpT private'Able, the hole tax; Y P
driveway there'bet gr nil7t1-etaen nd be-
without interest within fifteen (16)
one-bolt'(19%)private }1 fv.0way of days.ft thedate this ordinance.tie-
Twenty and 00-100 ($2�1 0) -Doll r mee iteCtl In the' t any ln-
falfine t or the interest aforesaid
Per driveway;One Hundred'Seventeen is not paid the day the Cainehe-
and 00$ye t0 here
beinglledueifd u a(1)private homes due, the whole amount of the
driveway at One Hundred.Seventeen '�Peclal tsx unpaid interest
at the time sale.
and 00-100 ($117.00)Dollars'Per drive- Installment a+merest are cad shall
Way;One Hundred Nineteen and 00-100 beCOnl Shalt
e due and payable,
($11A00) Dollars for sewer'laterals; -Tawnnteror t the rateo[ twelve
there:being sevens.(7) sewer'laterals t per ai um tit the ale f
at Seventeen:and oo-x00($17.09)Del- Per property assessed.
Iroe per sewer lateral;.Eighth Hundred SE effect
oIVV. This ordinance shalt
Sixty and 00-100 ($8G0.00) pWllara lot. fake ffect day after its publica-
ewer laterals,.there hero Yorty-tl a tf Irassed by the B d of Com ia•
(43) "er laterals at '{'yv)ity and $s, a of Salt Look Cfty,1Jtah t3p1
00 100 (E2000) boll P€r• ,9A e[. 6th day of-August,A.D.1850::-
lateral; Tl Hundred Thldty=.eight JOHN F. BOWMAN
and 80 100($S 6 80)Dollars for water Mayon,
services,there being t enty,two (22) • ETHEL MACDONALll
waterservices at Fifteen.alid 40 100 City Recorder..
($15 40) Dollars for each water gill N 27
1G tt a oat 1 o tstru tl o f which Paving E t Colt No. 211,
driveways d hoe;.cost installing
s 8rd d FI l Estimate.
which sewer laterals at waterse, Publish d A uat 7,1950.
toe and ohsproperty h5f, 104 thee.
5y Is hereinafterset oat,an all'witl-
1 the boundaries of the lots, blocks
and streets I mentioned-in said
district, which ie the.total of,sold
ac tters'costand cost per front foot '
of said Improvement, cording to the
contract entered into for the perform-
ance of said work and making said
Improvement with Gibbons & Reed
Co., Contractors,'dated the 24th day
I Of December, 1929, and the City
Treasurer Is hereby ahthorlsed and
directed to assess,in accordance with
the provisions of this ordinance, for
the purpose'herein inentillied.-
tEt[4 Avenue, (Old curb removed.)
Lots 3 to 23 incl. of-Blir. 1, Lots
1.to 4 incl.and'37 to IS Steel,of Blk.
2,-Progress Heights 2nd Add.of Elk.
9.6-Acre Plat"C",Big Field'Survey.
Street. (Curb and gutter built.)
Lets 1 to 5 incl. of Bik. 3, Prog-
ress Heights 2nd Add. of';Blit. 9, 6•
Acre Plat sC', Big Field'Survey.
FORTY FOOT 11.90.4'aFn,16(19`Tfitet'
ots V YBlh,
Platte 9,10 and 11 of Incl. -6-Acre
Plat se 10 Lots 1 to 3 1nbt.of2 Elk.
1 to 10 Intl of�Blk. 2 and
Leta a6 and 7 of Elk. 3;' Progress
Heights 2nd Add.; Lots 1 to 4 lnc2
e BL.1,Lots 1 to 8 I E of, E. 2
and Lots 1a t 4 1 L, of 0 to East
.Elmer ltei r Add.;Lots o to 32 Incl.,
65 for Heights;,Lots i1 e-A incl.., and
B .o'9, Owl., 6 Flat''"C''Add., Field
Bur, y, 6-Acre b,.1,"16,:'Big oil of
SM. Lots 13l t"C"; end 16 [
00 10, 5•id. . Lots P.1 and
Heights; Lots. of 4 1,' Elks. 1
an5 Lots Westminster to 4 loeight Elks. s
and 3, 7and68ofk.0, Lots1
1;2,3,57 and 68 of Lots Lots 1,2
and 63 of.5, 2,o ILtt 1,2,66,67
and 48 of stm. a and Lots'1andPlat
2 of
allk,4,Ws.,10, 6-Ater Hre Plat Plat 'Big
11 d Survey,
,30, 6-Acre Plat "C",Big'
Fie{[l Survey:
(16th East Street.) $16.00-per drive-
-Lot 2 of had. ,. 1, Lotsfires 3 and t2-0'
st. of Blk. 2 2, Prpgreas Heights 2nd'