27 of 1932 - Amending Sections 1020, 1022, 1023, 1024 and 1026, relating to the Office of City Treasury, and rece ROLL CALL4
NAY (21
Salt Lake City,Uiah, i.ug• 2, 1932
Finch V
1 move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser V
Knight ./
Lake ✓
Mr.Chairman - - -
AN ORDINANCL AT'iENDING SECTIONS 1020, 1022, 1023, 1024
end. 1026, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relat-
ing to the City Treasurer.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION' I. That Sections 1020, 1022, 1023, 1024 and 1026,
devised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to the
City Treasurer, be and the same arc hereby amended to read as fol-
SECTION 1020. PAYMENTS. Ho shall pay no money out
save upon lawful warrant drawn by the City auditor.
SECTION 1022. RLCi>IPTS. The Treasurer shall give
every person paying money to the City Treasury a receipt
therefor, specifying the date of payment and upon what ac-
count paid; and he shall file the duplicate of such receipt
with the Auditor at the close of each business day unless the
Board of Commissioners shall. otherwise direct.
The Treasurer shall have custody of all money belon;ring to
the city and shall deposit all cash received in any bank,
banks or trust companies as prescribed in Section 4500, Com-
piled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended March 23, 1929. All
bank accounts shall be carried in the name of "SALT LAKE
CITY," a municipal corporation.
Whenever it shall appear to the Board of Commission •
ers that the-treasurer is making P. profit from public money, or
is using the same for any purpose not authorized by law, they
shall suspend him from office and upon his conviction for such
offense, the office of treasurer shall become vacant.
; CTION 1024. reGI ThY OF WAFFANTb. The ireecurer
shall keep a register of all warrants redeemed and paid during
the year describing such warrants, their date, amount, number
and the fund from which paid, specifying also the time of
hi,C'TlUN.10a6. CITY TRFA.sU ihR. bUTILS G',NkJd LLY.
The cash book of receiut3 kept in the treasurer's office shall
show the names of the persons from whom moneys are received
or the source of each sum received; the dote- received; the
fund, department or account to which each entry applies. He
shall issue triplicate receipts in all cases for moneys re-
ceived on forms provided by the City Auditor. The original
receipt shall be given to the person making the payment; the
duplicate shall, at the close of each day's pusiness, be file
with the City Auditor; and the triplicate shall be, retained
by the Treasurer for future reference. He shall, at the clos
of business each day, make and file with the City Auditor a
statement showing a summary of all call received during the
day and a statement showing the total amount of money on hand
of all funds and where: the same is located or deposited. He
shall also prepare in triplicate at the close of business of
the last day in each and every month a statement showing a
• summary for the month of the receipts in each fund end war-
rants redeemed by each fund. He shall submit the original of
said monthly statements to the Board of Commissioners and fil'v
the duplicate thereof with the City Auditor. He shall make
settlement with the City Auditor at the end of _:very month en
turn over all warrants or other evidence of indebtedness of
the city which may have been redeemed by him during the mont ,
taking receipt of the City Auditor therefor and all such war-1
reInts or other evidence of indebtedness shall be cancelled byl
him and have written or stamped thereon the date of their pa.y{
ment or redemption. His boons and records shall at all times
be open to inspection of the City Auditor end the Board of 1
He shall perform such other duties as the board of
Commissioners from time to time may by ordinance tirect.
SECTION u. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake .City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
publication. `-
Passed by the Board f Commissioners of Bait Lake City,
Utah, on the /tor day of -s �D• 1932. f
City Becordeer.
w Ott - .
. I
3run1 of Ilithltration
'tuited £atafrs of Anterira
If -410,9RDIW'ANC22 AMENDING 880-;
1026,-1022 1023,1024 and,loge,
emcee Of Solt Lake city,
i 12 f1920,teiating td ihe.city Treas-
So it ordained bb'the Board of Cow..!
teid0ara of PartInto City titan:
lOx 24 03,ba$tio1 fo2o,l beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says, Principal t-f. an4 102e,Revised or• P y , that he is the Princi al Clerk
'Amato.of Salt lake City,Utah,1920,
_relstlgg to the City,Treaeurer,be and
-the eaMa are hereby amended t0 read of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
am follows: •
ehstNey no money out save upon law.
tut w tit dra n by tag Olty,tudttor,
aeatu o s 1093. Rverr Pe s'. Tao Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
to ae atoll give tyeTr person pay
ing 0money to the City yi g he d a re.
cellSt�erelor,epeclfying the date of
'P,erment and upon what a000init paid; That the Notice AN enDI;:Aixy
and ha"shth'file the duprcate of such
receipt with the Auditortq��t the Mow
of vrhhmbueineoee day ahhelllokheehwee Board- SALT LAKI CIT CORYDRATION
SE tfEPT SEP ATE. Tab tr9aeu6al'
shall have custody of all money be BOARD OF COIiCGISSIONi)RS
longing to the City and shall a@pabit
all o49a received in shy bank,honks
Or trust companies as prescribed in
Section 4200, compiled Lawe of Utah,
1p17 as amended Marrhpa23,.1920.An
,. aairppaq M S LT 1.5 AMB CITY."enmu-
WOal corporation.
hoaardofC mmubianerstthatthet eshe of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
urer is makin om g a profit fr pueno
eneney,"or N'using the same for May lO th
e hall S spend himi t%um,oftoA land,
upon Ms conviction for such offe4nse;. paper in its issue dated the
the office of treasurer shall be0ome. 2
g6 TtON Me. REfilSTIy oP Sept ember , 193
WARRANTS.The Treasurer shall keep' day of >
a register of all warrants redeemed,
and paid during the year describing
such, warrants„ their data amount,
numbor and the fund.from whiNi paid;• and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
epeolefyln alep the time of payment.
S N 102e. cITY' TREAt-
rt er asptekepthisth The Se teniber 10to for urei'a Off of recefpsort the the tress! II
:herp rsons;hall oni shot,the mimes re,
the p rWna from whom Earth hum
rebeld or the received;
each sun,re- One insertion
ceived; tOraccountitoWhthe feaaen. thereafter, the full period of
try applies.
s account to Uwe riot sa
R8 um irsm triplicate
receipts in all csee9 tor monist-W.
tented on forme provided bq the Ity the last publication thereof
Auditor.. The original receipt.af1j�all
be given.to';the person making the
payment,,the.toy e duplicate shall,at the rime of each days liminess he Iiled
wfi lit the city Auditor,and the-tripit• beingin the issue dated the 1.O.t.D. day of
oete shalt be retained by the Twee-
unit for future reference. He shill,
at tee Close of names.each ear;make
and fne with the City Auditor,a Otte- S er t ember 2
Montrecei showing a hummer,of alliseli
Nate- A.D. 93
received.during the day and a state.
Mont Mine
is located.
;the total ositedt ole,
chill on hand of lee finials and where
those me located of dalpeoaendd. He
Brian f prepare in triplicateye,the
Moses* tiefsnt Of the meat biyn wept_and " 71'°42'.- 1
a114>"Fm^ry for the m6hth Of the re-
ueipta ia,'each fund and Werranta're-:
detmed by each mad. He than sub-nd sworn to before me this 1 .1;k1. day of
kriVia nai of inildd Mitithtsyedsptgagtee-
nod�a the d Pltba"tg' soli with
the CltviAuditor. He shall make set-'
sionista with the city Auditor at the S_e_p_,erxnw.eI;A.D. 193 2
end:of.etery month and..turn Over ell
warraattee or other evidence of'ihdeht-'
ednesa of thq city wlllobliner have ,
been Ce erred by him during the
riti ta, Barg reaetpt of tee Olt,
rants o-otheror and;all f such War '-
ran ashen berante lee or.mdattted- Notary PLLby1C.
Mat be Cancelled py tam and
•have,wr en or.etarppod Cee thereon thei
Mite Af sit payment or redemption.
Hit. and records soil at,`all times
be then inspection of the'clty;Au-
dittoor an theroard of Commissioners,
He`eb perform men other duties
de the:Hosed staytinge by ordinance direct.
lNoarON 2. -In the opinion of
th ar u �eaomviteetohaearenit is aedea-
,i�tt ari�tants atf hCai`Lake M �•'
'dlae ordinance ahau a effect e- Advertising fee,$
' iftellIOAt 3, Vos ordinance e11011
take.effest upon s ppnblication
g{paec�ege�d hy-Alle-iMkrt1,of Commie.'
9ta dal' .1�4ke C t tah,h¢'Che;
}vR +dii3r P ra � '.:
._,z rk0.11'h 10?,tOi _.
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(Tly, fntlt Cake reributir
Entry No