27 of 1937 - Amending Section 667X, known as Bill Number 40 of 1936, relating to Pawnbroker's fees, service charg RO CALL Salt Lake City.Utah, ___S.EP 28 1`--� VOTING AYE ___- 193 Coggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 667X of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on October 15, 1936, and known as bill No. 40 of 1936, relating to licenses for pawnbrokers. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 667X of an ordinance passed *he Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on October 15, 1936, and known as bill No. 40 of 1936, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the first paragraph thereof to read as follows: "For the purpose of this ordinance a pawnbroker is hereby defined to be any person who loans or advances money on the security of pledges of bills, notes or other evidences of debt or choses in action exclusively, and on which loans or advances the pledgor shall have the right to redeem any pledge within a period not to exceed six months from the date of any forfeiture at no greater advance than five per cent per month on sums up to and including $50.00 and three per cent per month on sums in excess of $50.00: provided, however, that a licensee hereunder shall be allowed to charge a reasonable service charge and investigation fee not to exceed $2.00 on each trans- action." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. 2i -2- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 28th day of Sepcei,_ber, A P,, Mayor. City Recorder. • " . • x ..r ,...„.„. a ts-c=•'-'r IMP rry Ng 4 c: Z g C) 1 c.) • t.:. E > Z''' ca I. ,.., ,:-.2 tri : 0 i . .. , _,, . . , , . e Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake 57 Leo ii.Youno AN ORDINANCE AN f an ordinance passedNG by Dm SECTION ssIx of an or of salt Lake City on Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- Y Commissioners and known a bill No. October 15, 1820, 40 of 1936,leveling to licensee for pawn. brokers. Be it ordained by the Board f Com. ssipnere PP sale Lake coy,Ctah: ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper of general m SECTION 1. That"Section 607XOctober of.an ordinance passed Salt LakeCity of asim,era f as bill circulation,published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in and known o. 40 of 15, 18el �n is h luting to 1d'ebyeee.be and the same amending follows: oa hereby amended se Mid the State of Utah. 'Poe the Purpose of this ordinance a Pawnbroker hereby efined to money any un the se who loans r advances of bille,m° security Y of deb hp9Q0°in° Ordinance Bill No.27 Do ex P debt or a, That the advertisement advothances the Pi 0, hive the loans ' o redeemtheX 1ple ge shall haveas perodighe to see months irony the date.of relation. to Basses of pawnbrokers exceed at no greater advance thin flee Per cent Per month on sumo lip and thelndnsmso.i and li f 350.00°tpro (Salt Lake City Corporation) vied, however,thaexcess a as license°neronn service'charge and invesrsegatioreasonable lot to d$2.00 o each transactlea li SECTION 2.In on PPini°n o1 the to°the of Commlealoners, s f tho'inbabitante peace,hsalth,and safety takn�ttfectsimfl atetY.ie ordinance shell , SECTION 2. Tme a mnanee stall take was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the effect ssed,by the noon of Comnbismoners of SCPtember,liA ctll, 1B27� this 28th day of 29th day of September A D. 19 37 E.B.ERIMe, o. (SEAL) ETHEL MaeDONALD, 1 time city Reeorder. and was published BILL NO. 27. Published September 2Bth, 1077__ the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of A.D. 19 ....,( 4dvertisin leak. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lst day of October A.D.19.._32. YYK ✓r5 tl� otary Public. • 2? 1 — C'N _ 1.\-__ ''' c ,c, , C .c.• '4, ( it N.J ()9 Z •-••-...,1,c,,, \-' 4.. „....„...., ,..• , , '3 ',3.• .... , w• - '----::„.1 c.,1 o v• ...,, 1