27 of 1943 - Amending Section 530 relating to Fire Department, providing for 5 battalion chiefs and Secretary at ROLL CALL
VO•PINC "NAYAr4 Salt Lake City, Utah, 194-AX _
Ci iv - - - - I move that the ordinance he passed.
Ke�sa= -
Matheson - - -
:AM¢cacCab:o bxx - - -
icc/e _ _ j.
r.cfa:"'a" PLN RDINANCE
R�ao11 - - - -
AN ORDINANCEI I� NDIIU SLC.TION 53o of the Revised ordin-
ances of Salt Lake City, titan, 1934, i:0 emended by ord_un..r.c,.;a
passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 12, 1938, M::../ 6,
1940; flay 28, 1.94U; December 18, 1941; February 19, 1942; Novem-
ber '9, 1942 Ei,ril 29, 1943; oii0. iiay 25, 19412, end suction 531
of the eviscd Orlin;races o1 LLL ze Cit.i. Ut; 11, 2,A,
au.enu0d by un o;ni1_i.'r'xce 1 __05ed by file 1foILrd el Co r1 ,d1eifrC on
12, , ..
Jrlt�«:r-Y 193 ro1 - 1 to t .e dre lia_:;artment.
he it ordained died by t1:e Board of Ceduisbionens of Ealt
Luke City. ut ,h:
S7 C1I00 1. Tip, „ Section 53U of the revise:, Or ia�_.neos
;f ,:alt La=ie City, U'L:.JL, l °i;, ,s inendea b_ orc.irr-nc :, .sscd
ey t1.e Board of Coloirdssiokers on Jalrn_.ry 12, 1`13:; t, 1)4.0;
Coy 22, 1:r.), Doeo i of 13, .L94 , 1'.oraL0'`, 19, 1942 i,jov[-.,tber
2' , 1 942; i Jri'- 2V, 1 42 i and Kay 25, eau S Cien. 331 of
the 1evised Ordinances of ;o Lt Lobe Citi. Ut;,'il, 19 ", :.s emended
by 00 ordinance passed uT the board of COmmls.ilonOrs on Ja..1-e'ly
1730, 1'e1...cl,.ti, to the t''1rF lie,r_rtl,!c11t, J ;did sf7U ::ime ;...re
hereb.v :..mended to road „s follows:
SEC. 530. OkG 0I2,_1'1' 02 1200 LoLnEfEC. The lire De-
LrtniekL of Colt L .l:e Cis: bnaii eensist of' i,olai foLLov:'11r
o lcors, v, ose st l"1°ies si:oli be as liked by the Loard of
C o ,mibb ioncrs, •,eft rl n too si,ecified ds follows:
Not to
Cnief" el Dcp: rt.ncnt 0420U.')0
Psis taxit Chiefs 3300.U0
(vhlici1 amount i 2cludes tho .lJ.2J as
rovided in Bill10. 0, ,iab..ishad
1`1r,12 23, 1/43)
5u .nt,ondent of 10 re dnd Police Alor-'a. . . '�Ci0.UO
1'1 IL.. o 0 1 L 11' 11' bj11(.o .
u j JC)
C, 460
.13.LC 3().00
L OCC LL_1-[y Y30 troll[ 1.—..,f00,11.1,[1.
T[1::e Ce ity,:.dt o u.H.,?
I ii iLLAJO.
'„ .., ,1.1 C GILL: I,_L-.1
0,..er: Ot I 112:-„,t LOU.()O
0,1 ( 1'3180.0i)
C]c.:c.to i6o.uu
COOL, ;',10().00
L'CL)O.0 1`)L'A.).00
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L. J_ rO.LliL:LO ‘.1• [L,
[ 1.1 Od_II 101)
[-L2 0,[(L. ▪ :L.00Uli.d. OLL,
L_L(.1-1 i., 111C110,OL.; I:1)d
l'uv.-c0000.. L;LLL
▪ ;'j. 0o
ILL(.1. I L Jo. „
L: iv..;u.C)u
"- L, .6 .
uno 00 Ls LL.30, -L-LL i CC Ciro.
0.L.1.:Lc,- J.,1.1.(_. , do o
(..[L Ei[LC. 1_L [eti ' 1.. 1'. 1 LW ,
d_Le k r.,u, 1 00111 - ii'' 1 .1.11 I,' 00.
(;11;.(2j: tHo.
,C,10.311:,-,-3.-,0 L.) 000 3.11 003 —3-1.,ILc 3(11, duty
:Hid. t-,110 Li,.7
I z _ 'IC 00 [L.-Lli; L[(...[ILL[L[v :FLU' J[_(:[li t
C)1 O[L[L" O .
', O...:;1. ,..._ . L.:_•-,.: .1:,.:r..., o:ro JO LC,Hlted i':,-i- ,u_,-1.,0d, ul Hirty
Or ];10r0, ,..,.L..f,-, CiliCii Of tilu 1, r,, .[A.:,. .1't;:!1'LI.:7, . ,....I.L J' p011'i.,
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by hir, i-,o bOo follo',.In., ::;c21vice, to--t,l.L: fire:o.co L. (:, ..rri_u:.2. cos
uf ic-1 ;;,L;;.3itT,J,,;:nt ;.ill;„1.1 ,i(., i'LLed tiL,r, too r,; i,, ',or'.;to.-;: ;o-_)c.oc
(..-r-Thi co: ,,--0 Ci V-i I- SU lVICe CU j_::., :•.L,Jill.
e, -Ctil.11,5 :n. 1., ii loo,..iom, oiloo..1-,..i.e.t H_R ;r
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firt ,:tiblication.
ssed nz tile Eodfd of. GuLL)//ouoon.,...:ro of -,!olt Lok(.., CltY,
Tlb_o, i-Yoi g (.,.,00' of 4//— D. 1921:2'.
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
TION 520 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as
• end- H Y
ed by ordinancespassed by the Board
H. Young
of Commissionerson January 12. 193A,
Maya.1940,r .12: December 29,• Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
1942; February 19, 194 an Noay25, 43,
and April 31 f the
and x 20,ces
and Salt
L 521 f the Revised Ordl nances
f Salt Lake say.Utah, 9by end• vertisi�ag clerk of THE DESF,RF.T NEWS,a newspaper
by an Commissioners
passed by the P 938.
re tint Loath erg on January 1a, 1sae.
relating t to the Fire by Department. published in Salt Lake City, Lake Counts in the State
it ordained al by i City.
P k:cpm p J Jr
m of Salt Latin City,Utah:
SECTION 1.That Section 530 01 the of Utah.
Utah, 39.Ordinances of SaltorLakedinances
Utah, 192 t, a amended by ordinances
passed by the Board of Commissioners on
1940,January ce 1938:May 8, 1Feb May 25,
1992; December 9, 1041; February 43.
sod MyNovember5.19as, Se April 1 t That the advertisement
d May r na42,sand Section a21 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt L City.
Utah.1924, ordinance
ended by an ordinancence
on Ianuaryt 2: Board relating ton the Fire Ordinance Bill No. 27 relating to the Fire
onDepartment,be and the se re hereby
a hied to read as follows: a
SEC.530.ORGANIZATION AND SAL Dept. S.L.C. Corp City Recorder
ARIES. The Eire Department of Ball.
lake City shall consist of the following
officers,whose salaries
laries shall be as fixed
by the Board of Commissioners, within
the limits specified as follows:
Not to earned I
Chief of Department. 34200.00
a Assistant
oust fndudes the$10.00'00 was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
provided in Bill No.9,published April
Superintendent of Fire. and Po
lies Alarm 2880.00 27th day of August A.D. .19 3
Superintendent of Equipment,and
Maintenance 2880.00
on Chiefs aaeo00 and was published once
1 Seecretary to be assigned from
the p,ssonnel of stile Fire De-
p roost by the Tyne Chaef. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
mho office d11 hold and ail in.aid
ple aofduring the will C and
pleasure of the.Firs Chief....2100.00
Firemen of Fast Grade. ,980.00 27t.h day of August A. D.1.943
Firemen of Second Grade 1860.00
of Thitors, Grads 2100.00
Alarm Operators, fast grade. 2300.00 \ ///
Alarm Operators, second grade 1860.00 -- J� iu..>,r_�,_�
Alarm Operators, seco grade.... 1980.00 J�
Female Alarm Operator,_ fi
Advert ng Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of
9I/ August A. D. 1943
6 p
Notary Public.
Itfhtrh a lecbide,..the 2Mo.00
as providedgrhv'iOt a1000
April 23. 19431,
Brll No. 9. nublialacd
Female Alarm Operators. second
• gradeU.20
(Which amount includes the 31000
provided i Bil No. 9, published April
23, 1943)-
Female Alarm Operators. third
tWhh amount includes the 91080 0e0
Provided in Bill No.8. published April
23. 19431,
Class Electrician 2100.00
ThirddC aces Electrician an 1860.00
One f the assistant chiefs hall he
Inspector, denulhe office rof Fre a shale and
firemen mechanics shall be graded as
captains, lieutenants or firemen f the
i_at.as d and Hurd grade.
SEC. 531. ASSIGNMENTS. The Chtof
of the Floe Department may 000ty
subordinate beer in the department711 s to
v duty which in his Judgment the
good of the se a and
change e to
whenever'i reudgment the good
of r the service
Whenever assignments areIntended
for ° i .ays
r more.
toe Chief o the thirty ire D000rtrvvcnt;hell
report to the Board of Commis;roneea
byabrn such firemen ollowiirn service,
to.wll:firemen to the
mechanics.anics.Copies esu
ent.shape be filed with the City
Auditor ands secretary- f the Civil Serv-
e Commission.
while aetiny n the Iollow_Ing
capacities under i for -ty
days assignment
entitled t
nensatm_n in by,
to regular clod
Ays tion s firemen. to be determined
ine Board of Commissioners, an
not to exceed the followtn0:
Firemen SECTION 2. lii mechanics,the lO.00 oi
p month.the
Board of Comm!esioner_.i i rrc a
to the peace. the
inhabitants of
Salt LakeCity and that t this
ordinance become eftcelire em ediatnly.
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take
effect upon its first publication.
sped by the Board of Commission-
of S_t Lake City, Ptah this 25th
day of August, A.D. 1943.
SILL NO. 27. Cety Recorder.Published Ayyust 271h. 1943.
Proof of Publication