27 of 1944 - Amending Sections 5401 and 5402 of the Revised Ordinance Chapter LII-relating to smoke Inspection VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck ✓ I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . . L ) I.Romney � tr '/ ,. r �-r_f`1 ..a —:.-- Tedesco ! Mr. Chairman . 1 AN ..ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5401 and 5402 of Chapter LII, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to smoke inspection and abatement. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 5401 and 5402 of Chapter LII, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to smoke inspection and agatement, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 5401. Salt LAKE CITY POWER AND HEATING DIVISION CREATED. There is hereby created in the Department of Streets and Public Improvements a division to be known as the Salt Lake City Power and Heating Division and a subdivi- sion thereof to be known as the Smoke Control Division, both of which shall be under the general direction of the Chief Engineer as hereinafter provided for. It shall be the duty and function of the Salt Lake City Power and Heating Division and Smoke Control Division to en- 27 force the provisions of the power and heating appliance code, the engineers. and firemen's licensing code, the heating ap-2'7 pliance contractors. code, and the smoke control code and all !! amendments pertaining thereto. SEC. 5402. CHIEF ENGINEER. The Board of Commissioners may appoint a chief engineer who will act in the capacity of chief engineer and head of the Salt Lake City Power and Heating Division and the Smoke Control Division at a salary not to exceed $3300.00 per annum. The chief engineer shall be an engineer qualified by train and experience in the theory -- and practiceofte .msrclmanaoemtmofseam boilers mat furnaces and al so in the theory and pract ye of smoke control and prevention. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediatel . SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once 7� 1,':ct..4 ) : Z }?r its first publication. > w/ S \\ . � \ y T:w, � . / 7 § > © 11t m#kt�4 £oaLoc_ i. erso tz City, § r ® ., �D. �4 . \} \} Utah, this 7 �k \ , . \ ® o* ) / . ® 77 y \ < \ 1 o § ¢ 6 § » :! . A _ c 7 « /. \ /7 z j,j ' \ % \ ( \/ / ;7 J > u . � � 'A f.) noi,J., i)U oci,fau'iJzno3 ant '10 ooi,P)L17,1 bile 3 (4 osL,, ',?,: o.oc.t !11,J- ilj: oala b(Ie ..E3!)BIVIlit bra', _:',y9lio(i .Eol:tntavlq bills ioajnoo o.-Aom,,; 10 taulllam:.,J 'ik: ',-)IL,Ci 911J to no111,17(40 fii:t ni ..", HOIna3 3,111J,,,11,J13o0l ,:).ti,1 io Oo".u;_; Dilis ii,i11.,oll ODZ9,4 f)iij at %,,;'T,J,- eoyE al Ji ..,(i.JlIbewl J:)., 9 =,)-xl5J 1_,.sila ':-/.:+aLnibao allU /kla:/ xIi0 9'A3d tIjt 'Jo ao,,,i.1 E5oa::. :Lo J . 'iO3 &szt ilisAa eoaaaiblo alET .0 AOTTOR2 1 .aul:rtsollouel Jaln Jr), : f1117;:l J10 77,o : ' ,7tizil:: _i:ZI.:%ifi.j. r ,I ..A!,1;:::c ( • ' - ,t.,-,.(4, „--.•.-- • 4•,---. ,,,• •,•__••,., •,-N'C'" •4---' Proof of luhltratinn t Num.otatco of Amertra 1 STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDIN: •: AMENDING SEC- M.CONNOR TICNS.3401 •02'of Chapter LII, of th ..'.', nose: of Salt Lake City in6 to*noise in- Be i' ,t1)' 'ef Com- being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk mi EC a gp M of YY t �Y4 Ordlnan':: y b7 a Wing to p' _.:e: of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, ment, be .•-reby amended'•• SEC. CITY Pow.e- reby vrSION. Salt Lake County, State of Utah. C - reby created in the •f streets and Public Im.. .en e a division to be ad hitan it Citeboitn HeatingDtvvso Lake That the Notice AA..OL,DIN.°NCE .ion thereof to be known as the Smoke Control Division, both of whioh shall be under the general, direction of the Chief Engineer as hereinafter provided for: • It shall be the duty and function. of the.Salt Lake City Power' and Heating Division and Smoke Control Division to enforce the provision.of the power and heating appliance code, the engineers'and firemen's licensing 'code,the heating appliance contrac-, tore' code, and the smoke control code and all amendments pertaining thereto. H and ofcCommlaisoner2. CHIEF s may appoint of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper a chief engineer who will act in the capacity of chief engineer and head of the Salt Lake City Power and Heating Division and the Smoke Con- in its issue dated the 8th trot D1vlelon at a salary not to exceed 113300.00 per annum The chief engi- neer shall be an engineer qualified, 44 by training and experience 1n the I NNE 19 theory and practice of the construe- day of , ' tion and n operation of steam boilers and furnaces and also in the theory and practice of smoke control and prevention. and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,it is necessary to the peace,health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this NNE 8 for ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publi- 1 TIME Passed by the Board of Commission- thereafter, the full period of era of Salt Lake City. Utah: this 7th day of June,A.D.1944, EARL,J. GLADE, Mayor. the last publication thereof 1RMA F.BITNER, (Seal) City Recorder. Published June 8th,1944. eth being in the issue dated the day of JUNE , A. D. 1944 F., 9th dayof Subscribed and sworn to before me this NNE ,A. D. 19 44 Notary Public Nov.25,1945 My commission expires Advertising fee $ /J : . , .z 0 '4 A . U I.* , C.) v.... N4s., I •114. 13\ -,..... A WI N ..,.. 0 it• 0 la CX, 1 g r z